View Full Version : L&C Discussions

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  1. The wb270 web site is closed
  2. Who coined the term "Lift & Carry" first?
  3. Genetic roots
  4. Do we have the same fetish?
  5. N3on
  6. ALMOST lift expierences
  7. Seeking a fat and pretty woman's help
  8. tiktok live
  9. Losing weight and making L&C more fun for my wife
  10. Looking for an old story
  11. Artists that do Lift and Carry
  12. Good 3D posers for Lift and Carry.
  13. Came To A Realization
  14. It's A Deal Breaker
  15. Let's exchange paid videos
  16. L&C: Attitude And Personality
  17. You Cast The Movie
  18. Session With Girlfriend, Wife?
  19. By, For L&C Fans
  20. LC dreams
  21. Where is This Video From
  22. AI generated stories
  23. Buona Domenica
  24. Female members
  25. AI Stories Too Strict?
  26. Question For The Wolfe
  27. Let’s dissect the “why” behind this lift
  28. Generators Programmed To Fail?
  29. Annual top 20 thanks leaderboard
  30. I didn't know in which section I could post this lift
  31. Random L&C thoughts in 2024
  32. Perfect match for LC, but not do LC
  33. Here are a few clips kindly give me standard member and I'll post the entire folder
  34. YouTube channel lost
  35. Twitch / kick
  36. Is it a good idea to use Circustalk for L&C fantasies?
  37. Does a woman's body type play a role in enjoying lifts?
  38. If L&C for you is more about psychological stimulation than physical stimulation...
  39. Ethnicity Of Lifter, Lifted
  40. Have you experienced liftee fatigue?
  41. We Need Good Producers
  42. What are the origins of your LNC fetish?
  43. Lifted by a mature women
  44. How do y’all feel about POV LNC?
  45. Scientific studies
  46. Lift and Carry ASMR
  47. What Sets You Apart?
  48. The Fact!
  49. Peter's Stories - How it all started to become a Fetish
  50. Is There A Limit?
  51. What Kind of Lift Carry Fan Are You?
  52. Almost perfect L&C scene
  53. Sessions that don't take place in a hotel room
  54. Is Bunny Glamazon Retired?
  55. Lift and carry dreams
  56. Something That Surprised You
  57. What kind of clips do you guys store offline/cloud. And how much have you stored
  58. Massage Finder for possible lift and carry?
  59. Lift carry game
  60. Which kind of lift you dont like?
  61. Do you have any other fetishes besides Lift Carry?
  62. Has anyone experienced a shoulder ride from a woman to reach something
  63. For those of you that have paid $300+ for a custom video, was it worth it?
  64. What do you find more value in, an expensive session or an expensive custom video?
  65. Your opinion - Controversial issue about LC.
  66. A lie that became true?
  67. How much money you spend in you life for L&C fetish?
  68. Do you believe LNC fetish is rooted in sexism?
  69. How does LNC scenario building take root in your brain?
  70. How would you spend your time if you didn't have this fetish?
  71. For Front Lift Carry Lovers
  72. When did you start at LC?
  73. Close opportunity
  74. Most popular fetish map of Europe per Clips4sale
  75. Female politicians lifting and carrying
  76. Unique session -- but how?
  77. AI generated Real-like L&C experience
  78. Deviation From Your Norm
  79. For you, what makes the cost of a session worth it or absolutely not worth it?
  80. What’s it feel like?
  81. Easiest/Hardest lift
  82. irl lifting buddies, what are the odds?
  83. lifting distress: great acting or cause for concern
  84. Lift and Carry Fetish
  85. My epiphany on why LNC sessions suck
  86. Pony rides
  87. Is LC the first thing you think of when you see an attractive woman?
  88. LNC customs - your dream studio & actresses, max budget, special requests, and...go!
  89. Directing And Producing Clips
  90. Females Enjoy F/F Lifting?
  91. Let's talk about Fun Size Frank
  92. Blue sky
  93. Chat GPT Got Worse?
  94. Lift and Carry Session in a POOL?
  95. Women's lap
  96. What are your L&C New Years Resolutions?
  97. How do I ask a girl if I can lift her?
  98. a woman bouncing you on her lap
  99. We are LC lovers are cooler than these guys
  100. Has L&C always existed throughout history?
  101. Sessiongirls