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May 5th, 2021, 16:27

Can you give me the standard access?

I'm over 18 (2 times now �� )

My password is strong and secure

I'm from France

I found this forum when I was lookin for L&C in France (but I can't go on the french language section yet!)


Approved. -dp

May 7th, 2021, 09:00

Would it be possible if you could give me standard access please.

I am over 18 and my password is strong and secure.

Love lift and carry.


May 11th, 2021, 10:18
Hello everyone!

My password is secure
I'm over 18 (24)
I'm from Italy
I found this forum years ago searching l&c stuff via Google

Thanks in advance

May 11th, 2021, 12:22
Hi there

Can you give me the standard access?
I'm over 18
My password is strong and secure
I'm from England
I found this forum via google, been after a fetish forum for lift and carry

Will be appreciated

Approved. -dp

May 11th, 2021, 12:22
[QUOTE=Jessica1234;253866]Hi there

Can you give me the standard access?
I'm over 18
My password is strong and secure
I'm from England
I found this forum via google, been after a fetish forum for lift and carry

Will be appreciated

May 11th, 2021, 23:47
My password is secure.
I am over 18.
I found about this forum on google.
I'm from the US.

Approved. -dp

May 13th, 2021, 14:16
Hi all!
My password is strong and secure.
I'm from India.
A rider here.
Found this forum through some random discussion page on the internet.

Approved. -dp

May 13th, 2021, 18:29
My password is secure
Im from Pakistan
Im over 18
I found this forum Via Google

May 22nd, 2021, 17:25
Hi moderators
I am a very big fan of lift and carry
I am from India and my password is secure
I will be highly obliged if you grant me standard access to this group

Approved. -dp

May 25th, 2021, 17:56
Posting for access:
Password secure
Over 18
Live in USA

May 25th, 2021, 17:57
Following up on previous reply for access, as I missed something.

Password secure
Over 18
Found this on Google. Always been a huge fan.

Approved. -dp

May 27th, 2021, 06:16
Hello All -
My password is secured
I am over 18 years old
I found the forum via google
I am from USA - California
Please provide me full access to the forum...thank you

May 27th, 2021, 21:03
Hello All -
My password is secured
I am over 18 years old
I found the forum via google
I am from USA - California
Please provide me full access to the forum...thank you .. please please I have been waiting for many days

Approved. -dp

May 30th, 2021, 14:39
My password is secure
I'm 24
I found this forum via Google
I'm from Italy
I think i've met the requirements but I've already tried to get the access and no one replied to me. Please tell me if I have to do anything else in particular or if I did something wrong.
Thanks a lot.

May 31st, 2021, 21:07
May I ask why I cannot get forum access. No moderators even answer me on this. May you terminate my account if you are not going to give me forum access as it is pointless me being part of a community that I’m obviously not welcome. Thanks

May 31st, 2021, 21:55
May I ask why I cannot get forum access. No moderators even answer me on this. May you terminate my account if you are not going to give me forum access as it is pointless me being part of a community that I’m obviously not welcome. Thanks

There is a response to your post in the help desk maybe you should try reading it before accusing the admins of not responding!!!

June 1st, 2021, 12:50
Hello. I’m not using a vpn at all whatever that is. I use my mobile phone for my internet as this is my only internet access I have. Just delete the account if I can’t get access. And I wasn’t being rude to you, I just don’t see the point in having this account otherwise. Thanks

June 2nd, 2021, 21:30
Hello. I’m not using a vpn at all whatever that is. I use my mobile phone for my internet as this is my only internet access I have. Just delete the account if I can’t get access. And I wasn’t being rude to you, I just don’t see the point in having this account otherwise. Thanks

Thank you for responding, what you are saying checks out maybe the system sees your cellular network as a VPN. Any way you now have standard access.

June 3rd, 2021, 02:59
hey everyone!
Password is secured
I'm over 18
Found this forum through google
Live in the US

Please grant me full access to this forum, thanks!

Approved. -dp

June 7th, 2021, 09:31
My password is secure
I'm over 18
I found about this forum on google
I'm from Iran

June 8th, 2021, 09:37

My password is secure.
I am over 18 years
I am from India
Request full forum access please.


June 9th, 2021, 15:49
I am new here and over 18 years old
I would love to gain full access of this form
I found the forum on google
I am from Egypt

June 11th, 2021, 21:23
Password is secure
Im over 18 a few years ago
search via google images
Ich komme aus Deutschland
I write with translator

June 14th, 2021, 07:49
Hi Admins,

Thank you for checking my application and messaging me privately. I was unable to reply to the private message, hence posting here. I would like to confirm that I do not use a vpn. I only login through my mobile google chrome browser and use mobile data. I would like to confirm that i do not use vpn.


June 15th, 2021, 15:02

- I’m over 18 years old
- From germany
- My password is secure
- I request full access

Thank you!

June 16th, 2021, 20:22
Hi everyone,

- I’m over 18 years old
- I'm from Germany
- My password is secure
- Found this forum through google

Please grant me full access to this forum.

Thank you!

June 18th, 2021, 06:45
I requested access since sep-20. Also posted at helpdesk without a reply. I am using my phone at google chrome. Please grant my full access. I would like to participate

June 20th, 2021, 14:41

My password is secure.
I am over 18 years
I am from Bangladesh
Request full forum access please.


June 21st, 2021, 03:09
Hello my friends, i want to be part of the fórum. I have a lot of good material to share with you!

Please accept me as part of your Group!

I'm over 18, from Brazil.


June 23rd, 2021, 07:48
Hello. I think I meet the requirements to become a standard member.
My password is secure.
I am over 18.
I found this forum using google search.
I'm from Russia.
And I'm not using VPN.

June 26th, 2021, 09:06
My password is secure.
I am way over 18. (50)
I found about this forum on google
I'm from Europe

It looks like an amazing place
Thanks for your work

June 26th, 2021, 22:08
Hello. I think I meet the requirements to become a standard member.

My password is secure.

I am 21 years old.
I found about this forum while researching on google.
I'm from Turkey.

i am a real a lift carry fan,since 10 years and i want to be a stanard member here.

June 27th, 2021, 04:32
My password is secure
I'm over 18
I found about this forum on google
I'm from Australia

Im also a producer of digital lift and carry art, which Im happy to post

June 27th, 2021, 22:27
Trying to complete all the requirements, to become a standard member.
My password is secure.
I am over 18. (Been there many years ago...)
I found this forum on google.
I'm from the middle east.

June 28th, 2021, 01:57

My password is secure.
I am over 28 years
I am from Pakistan
Grant full forum access please.


June 28th, 2021, 12:31

My password is secure.
I am over 18 years
I am from Bangladesh
Request full forum access please.


June 30th, 2021, 18:05
Hello there!

My password is secure
I'm over 18
I found about this forum on google
I'm from Canada

I would love to be granted full access

July 1st, 2021, 12:40
I think I have met the requirements for full forum access.

My password is secure
I am over 18 for sure
I found this forum using google
I am from Hong Kong

July 7th, 2021, 10:53
My password is secure.
I am way over 18. (50)
I found about this forum on google
I'm from Europe

It looks like an amazing place
Thanks for your work

July 9th, 2021, 23:05
Hello I am 18 years old from Greece amazing job by the way I want to be a member so.

July 9th, 2021, 23:20
I mean over 18

July 13th, 2021, 16:02

I have chosen a secured password
I am way over 18years old
I found this forum through google
I am from India

July 14th, 2021, 00:18
i have a strong password and im over 18 yo
i fuond this by googling and i'm currently living in germany

p.s: i also googled how to get standard access on this forum to be able to see L&C fun section, sorry i'm not sure if this is the corect place to ask

July 17th, 2021, 06:41
I think I meet the requirements to become a standard member.
My password is secure.
Im over 18.
I found this forum in google.
Im from argentina.
Thanks you!!

July 19th, 2021, 08:22
My password is secure
I found this on google
i think i meet the requirements for standard

July 19th, 2021, 08:24
I am from singapore
I found this on google
I have a Strong Password
I think i meet all the requirements for standard user
Please make me standard

July 19th, 2021, 08:38
I am over 18
I am from singapore
my password is secure
I will be an active member
i found this on google
I participated in discussion area
I would love to be a standard user

July 19th, 2021, 08:39
I am over 18
I am from singapore
my password is secure
I will be an active member
i found this on google
I participated in discussion area
I would love to be a standard user

July 19th, 2021, 17:28
I am over 18
I am from singapore
my password is secure
I will be an active member
i found this on google
I participated in discussion area
I would love to be a standard user

July 20th, 2021, 23:27
I think I meet the requirements to become a standard member.
My password is secure.
Im over 18.
I found this forum in google.
Im from argentina.
I don't use vpn
Thanks you

July 24th, 2021, 07:38
This is very interesting, never thought I’d find a community that has the same interests as me!

Rose Shaw
July 27th, 2021, 00:41
Hey there, just wondering how I make 5 posts in the lounge
Kind regards - Rose xx

Rose Shaw
July 27th, 2021, 02:21
Hey there, I've posted enough posts and would love to have access to the rest of the sight :)

I found it from google
I have a secure pasword
I'm 19
I've made like 5 posts

Rose Shaw
July 27th, 2021, 02:22
Oh, and I'm from england

July 27th, 2021, 12:01
Hi there,
I am interested in LandC since 2020. I would like to get to know the community and read a little about this form of sport 8)

My password is secure

July 27th, 2021, 12:01
I live in Germany

July 27th, 2021, 12:04
I found this forum on Google and I am 31.

Rose Shaw
July 28th, 2021, 05:39
My pasword's secure
I'm 19
Found this forum on google
I'm from the UK
Hope that's enough for me to get standard :)

Sumesh V
July 30th, 2021, 16:21
Im from India, i found this forum through my friend shwagat chaterje,
Im 24 ,
and im lift and carry lover since age 13.
My password is secure,and an active member.
Participated in discussion area.
I meet all requirements to become a standard user

August 2nd, 2021, 08:47
I'm 22
My password is secure
Found this in Google
I'm from Philippines

August 2nd, 2021, 17:53
My password is secure.
I am 34.
I found about this forum on google.
I'm from china.

August 2nd, 2021, 23:32
I'm 22
My password is secure
Found this in Google
I'm from Philippines

Hope I can access

August 4th, 2021, 11:03
Hello dear admin,

I have ben waiting for more than 8 months to get the standard access. I have already confirmed that I have met all the requirements. Please consider my request this time. I am a great lift and carry enthusiast from my teenage itself.

Thank you

August 6th, 2021, 20:48
I am confirming
-I have a secure password.
-I am over 18 years old.
-Tell us how you found this forum on google
-I am from the United States

I would to join the discussions in the other areas.

Thank you.

August 7th, 2021, 02:34
Hi there, so
My password's really secure
I'm 20
Found the forum by browsing google
I was born in the UK but I've lived in the US for just over a year, moved just before COVID.

August 8th, 2021, 14:07
Hi there
Have a secure password
Am over 18
Found website with google
Live in US

August 11th, 2021, 00:10
hi my name is kevin
i reside in georgia
i am near 30 years old
i found out about this forum through google
and my password is very secure

please grant me access to this forum

thank you

August 11th, 2021, 19:11
Hi everyone,

- I’m over 18 years old
- I'm from Germany
- My password is secure
- Found this forum through google

Please grant me full access to this forum.

Thank you!

August 21st, 2021, 18:26
I have a very secure p/w
I'm nearing 60
discovered the forum through Google
United States

It seems a couple of my previous posts may not have registered. Probably operator error!

I'd love to see what the site has to offer. I'm sure it's great.

The site looks interesting. Please grant access.

Merged a bunch of posts into a single one. -dp

August 25th, 2021, 00:37
Grant access
Thank u

August 26th, 2021, 08:42
Hello. I believe I meet the requirements to become a standard member.
My password is secure.
I am over 30 years old
I found about this forum via google search.
I'm from Germany

August 27th, 2021, 03:06
Hello. I want to access the rest of the forum (I can't see any of the pictures or clips). I love piggyback rides and think the threads I read were good.

I'm 27 years old and have a valid password. I found this site through a google search involving piggyback rides last week. I live in the US.

fm lift
September 4th, 2021, 13:36

Thank you for the great fourm
I have chosen a secure password
I've founded this fourm from Google at 2010 when i discovered my fetish
I am from bahrain

Therefore i request to be a standard member


fm lift
September 4th, 2021, 22:39

Thank you for the great fourm
I have chosen a secure password
I've founded this fourm from Google at 2010 when i discovered my fetish
I am from bahrain

Therefore i request to be a standard member


I'm 30 years old *

September 6th, 2021, 06:24
What the fuck is your selection criteria . You are so racist only people from europe usa is accepted . No place for africa asia . You fuckin nazist

fm lift
September 6th, 2021, 08:32

Thank you for the great fourm
I have chosen a secure password
I've founded this fourm from Google at 2010 when i discovered my fetish
I am from bahrain

Therefore i request to be a standard member


Deat admin

If I'm missing any criteria i, please inform me. So i can fix it.. I would like to join this great site.

Best regards.

fm lift
September 6th, 2021, 08:32
Deat admin

If I'm missing any criteria i, please inform me. So i can fix it.. I would like to join this great site.

Best regards.

September 6th, 2021, 23:04
Hi. I believe I meet the requirements to become a standard member.
My password is secure.
I am over 18.
I found about this forum thanks to googling lift and carry and am keen to find like-minded people to chat with.
I'm from United Kingdom

September 6th, 2021, 23:06
Forgot to add, I'm into FF and Japanese in particular. And also mixed wrestling.

September 11th, 2021, 00:10
Hi, i am a new member and i am very excited what happens here

September 11th, 2021, 01:39
I am interested in Lift and carry Sessions in Germany, if you have any ideas, please contact me, thank you

September 12th, 2021, 12:53
Hi everyone,

- I’m over 18 years old
- I'm from Germany
- My password is secure
- Found this forum through google

Please grant me full access to this forum.

Thank you!

September 13th, 2021, 21:12
I'm 49
My password is secure
Found this in Google
I'm from Germany
Please leg me be a Standard member
Thank you

September 15th, 2021, 17:43

I think I now meet the requirements to be granted standard access.

1. I have chosen a secure password
2. I’m over 18
3. I found the forum via Google
4. I’m from Poland

Please grant me full access to this forum.

Thank you!

September 20th, 2021, 22:28
Hello, I have met the requirements to be granted standard access to the site.

1. I have chosen a secure and well thought password.
2. I am above the age of 18 (21)
3. I found this forum through countless searches for a lift and carry site/through google.
4. I am from the United States.
Please grant me access to this forum it would help and make me appreciate it.
Thank you!

September 22nd, 2021, 17:46
Hello I am over 18
I found this forum through lots of google searches
I am from the US
My password is secure
I’d like full access please

September 25th, 2021, 07:00
Hey there.

I have a solid password.
I’m over 18.
DuckDuckGo search led me here.

Please grant me standard access. Thanks!

October 2nd, 2021, 23:50
Hello everyone.

- My password is secure
- I'm 28
- I found this forum while searching for L&C pics on Google
- I'm from Italy

Please let me join as standard member. Thank you very much.

October 4th, 2021, 18:32
Hi everyone,

- I’m over 18 years old (27)
- I'm from Italy
- My password is secure
- Found this forum through google

Please grant me full access to this forum.

Thank you!

October 6th, 2021, 17:37
Hi there,

I'm 29 years old
From the UK
Password is secure
Found forum on Google

October 9th, 2021, 13:29
Hello, I would like to have the full access to the site.

1. I have chosen a secure password.
2. I am 22 years old.
3. I found this forum through a lot of searches on google.
4. I am from Italy, so sorry for my English.

I like younger girls carry older girls/women, in general I like ff lift and carry.

Please grant me access to this forum, :):).

October 9th, 2021, 19:36
I'm 33
my password is secure
From Czech
Found about the forum for searching

would like to gain full access please

October 10th, 2021, 18:36
Hi, I am requesting full access on this site please.

1. I have chosen a secure password.
2. I am over 18
3. I thankfully came across this forum online.
4. I am from the UK

I love lift and carry. Especially when I am carried by multiple women simultaneously.

Many thanks.

October 12th, 2021, 15:08
I have chosen a secure password. I am over age of 18. I found this through a friend. I am from UK.

October 21st, 2021, 21:00
Hello, I have met the requirements stated above

1. I have chosen a secure and well thought password.
2. I am above the age of 18
3. I found this forum through google search.
4. I am from the United States.
Please grant me access to this forum

October 22nd, 2021, 16:49
Hi, I am requesting full access on this site please.

1. I have chosen a secure password.
2. I am over 18 (43 years)
3. I found this side from Google Search
4. I am from Belgium

Lift and carry is my fetish. It turns me on. Even reading these lyrics turns me on

October 23rd, 2021, 00:41
Hi there!
I would really appreciate getting full access to the forum.
- I have made 6 posts and they were all truthfull and quite extensive.
- I have chosen a secure password.
- I found this forum through Google.
- I am over 18 (since a couple of years now).
- I currently reside in Italy.
Thank you.

October 23rd, 2021, 10:50
Greetings, I am requesting full access on this site please.

1. I have chosen a secure password.
2. I am over 18.
3. I found this website on google.
4. I am from AUS

I like lift and carry.

Thank you. 8)

October 26th, 2021, 11:31
Hello, i would like full access to this site please
- I have a very secuse password.
- I found this site on the internet.
- I am over 18.
- and I am from France.

October 26th, 2021, 22:05
Hi, I am requesting full access on this site please.

1. I have chosen a secure password.
2. I am 22 years old
3. I found this sit on google.
4. I am from algeria

I love lift and carry and lapsitting.

Thank you

Hollister Wood
October 28th, 2021, 22:54
-I have chosen a secure password.
-I am over 18 years old.
-I found this forum via a web search engine.
-I am from the USA.

October 29th, 2021, 21:25
I have chosen a secure password
I am over 18
I found this forum via a google search
I now live in the United States

October 30th, 2021, 06:11
I have a secure password
I am over 18
I found this site on google
I am from Australia

October 30th, 2021, 16:52
I have chosen a secure password
I am over 18
I found this forum via a google search
I now live in the United States

To clarify, I have always lived in the US

November 4th, 2021, 00:41
Hello, I have met the requirements stated above

1. I have chosen a secure and well thought password.
2. I am above the age of 18
3. I found this forum through google search.
4. I am from the United States.
Please grant me access to this forum
Please grand standard access. I have made over 2 post . I am regular visitor of this forum. This forum has helped to reduce my l&c porn addiction. I just read experience of other people and imagine it as if i was there. This forum has helped me so much please grant standard access

November 4th, 2021, 02:22
Hi there!
I would really appreciate getting full access to the forum.
- I have made 6 posts and they were all truthfull and quite extensive.
- I have chosen a secure password.
- I found this forum through Google.
- I am over 18 (since a couple of years now).
- I currently reside in Italy.
Thank you.

A lot of people have been accepted as standard members who have made their requests after me. Could I maybe get some information as to why I was not accepted or what else I have to do to get accepted? I have fulfilled all the requirements.

November 4th, 2021, 19:15

I have a secure password.

I am over 18 yrs.

Heard about this forum on Youtube.

I live in Poland.

November 5th, 2021, 14:22
A lot of people have been accepted as standard members who have made their requests after me. Could I maybe get some information as to why I was not accepted or what else I have to do to get accepted? I have fulfilled all the requirements.

Thank you very much for contacting me. I see there was a slight misunderstanding there. Italy is the country where I am a permanent resident which is why I consider it to be "the country I am currently from", but I do spend a lot of time in Switzerland for work reasons. So here goes:
- I am over the age of 18
- I am accessing this forum from Switzerland
- I found this forum through Google
- I have chosen a secure password

November 5th, 2021, 19:21
A lot of people have been accepted as standard members who have made their requests after me. Could I maybe get some information as to why I was not accepted or what else I have to do to get accepted? I have fulfilled all the requirements.

I have the same query please reply

November 6th, 2021, 00:51
I'm over 18
I found this thread on google
I live in Europe
my password is secure
Is it possible for me to be promoted?

November 7th, 2021, 23:28
Thank you very much for contacting me. I see there was a slight misunderstanding there. Italy is the country where I am a permanent resident which is why I consider it to be "the country I am currently from", but I do spend a lot of time in Switzerland for work reasons. So here goes:
- I am over the age of 18
- I am accessing this forum from Switzerland
- I found this forum through Google
- I have chosen a secure password
Come on guys. What else do you need me to do?

November 8th, 2021, 04:38
My password is secured
I am over 18
I found this forum on Google when I was searching to lift and carry videos
I am from United States California

November 8th, 2021, 16:34
Hello, I joined this forum something like a week ago. I posted 2 of my L&C experienced in the thread in discussionReal L&C experiences (http://landcforum.com/showthread.php?t=98&page=115)

I am over 18,
My password is secured
I found this forum while surfing on the internet.
I'm from Poland.
Can I get the full access to the forum?

November 8th, 2021, 17:45
I have a secure password
I'm over 18 years old.
I foun this forum looking for lift and carry experiences in google
I'm from México

November 13th, 2021, 07:53
Hello, I have met the requirements stated above

1. I have chosen a secure and well thought password.
2. I am above the age of 18
3. I found this forum through google search.
4. I am from Thailand.
Please grant me access to this forum

November 14th, 2021, 08:37
I have a secure password, I am 24 years old, I found this site through Google and I am English.

November 14th, 2021, 09:58
Hi There,

I joined last week and I have made a couple of posts to threads already and I wondered when I would be likely to get approved full access?

I’ve been an admirer of strong women for some time and a lover of l&c for at least 25yrs.

I’m 48, live in the UK and have been fortunate enough to meet some women who have been able to help with some of my lifting experiences and hoping to meet more to try out a few lifts left I haven’t yet tried. (The overhead press is my ultimate goal!!)

Anyway, would be great to get full access soon as this forum looks a great place to talk and discuss lifting and to hopefully share experiences!!



November 14th, 2021, 20:56

can i have access to all the forum

i'm 52 yo and i live in Paris and my password is secure (i hope :-)

i find this forum by a link in the site amazonias.net

November 20th, 2021, 03:55
_I have a very secure password.
_i have 20 years old.
_I found this forum thanks to google, I was looking for things related to lift carry and I came across this interesting forum
_I am from Argentina

November 22nd, 2021, 18:34
I've a secure password.
I'm over 18 years old.
I've found this forum on a google search.
I'm currently in Greece.

November 27th, 2021, 22:53
Hi there,
my password is secure, I am 19 years old and I found this beautiful forum while searching on Google for videos of muscular girls.
I read one story on here and was amazed on how much I enjoyed it.
I am from Germany and hereby requesting access to those wonderful threads.
Thanks in advance!

November 28th, 2021, 21:22
My password is secure
I am over 18
I found this forum on a google search
I am from the US

November 29th, 2021, 20:38
my password is secure
am 18 plus
found the forum via google search
I am from uk

December 1st, 2021, 22:05
Yup, I'm over 18
why am I here? Because I love lift and carry, especially OTS carry
I come from HK.

December 3rd, 2021, 05:37
I believe I'm eligible to become a standard member
I have a secure password
I'm over 18 years old
I found out about this forum on Google
I'm from India

December 3rd, 2021, 20:39
Hello there
I have a secure password
I am over 18 years
I found this forum on google search
I am from India


December 4th, 2021, 19:36
I have a secure password
I am over 18 years
I used to be a regular member
I am from Japan


December 8th, 2021, 14:00
Love this site
I'm 23 and from the middle east

December 8th, 2021, 16:38

I like this forum a lot. Nice work. I am into ponyplay, but I also like other forms of L and C with a strong female sub.

I am from Germany, over 18 years old and with a strong password. I would like to have full forum access :innocent:

I found this forum via Google.


December 10th, 2021, 02:43

My password is secure.
I am way over 18.
I found this site on Google while searching for fitness ladies.
I am from the United States
I would like to become a standard user


December 12th, 2021, 22:02
Hello to everyone!

My password is secure.
Older than 18.
I'm from Germany.
Found this site on google.
Looking forward to becoming a forum member.

Best regards,

December 13th, 2021, 05:24
Hello.I have a secure password.I am over 18.I found this site through Google.I would like to become a standard member.I am from Brazil.

December 14th, 2021, 02:01
My password is secure.
Older than 18.
I'm from USA.
Found this site on google.
Looking forward to becoming a forum member.

Best regards,

December 14th, 2021, 23:43
My password is secure.
I am older than 18.
I'm from Canada.
Found the site through a google search.

Many thanks

December 15th, 2021, 08:55
Hello, I’ll be applying for standard access to the forum.
I’ve made 5 posts (comments) on the general discussion area
I have chosen a secure password
I’m 20
Found this forum by surfing Google for lift carry content then saw I need an account, so I made one
I’m currently living in the UK.

December 21st, 2021, 04:30
My password is secure.
I am older than 18.
I'm from Brazil.
Found the site through a google search.

Many thanks

December 23rd, 2021, 23:06
My password is secure.
I am 20
I'm from England
Found the site through a google search.

Many thanks

December 24th, 2021, 04:58
Hi - Requesting Standard access:

American, well over 18, secure password, saw the L & C Forum mentioned often in related sites over the years.

Thank you

December 25th, 2021, 19:37
My password is secure
Older than 18.
I'm from France
Found this site on google.
i would like to access the forum member.



December 27th, 2021, 00:09
Before getting full access to the forum please make a couple posts (2 or more) in the discussion areas. You wont be able to make new threads initially, so just participate in an existing one. They should not be one word replies but constructive posts on a topic or telling us about yourselves and what you like about lift and carry. You can use a translator if you need one. If you are a producer let us know your store and we'll instantly give you access and you can promote your store here directly to long time fans.

After a couple days then post here in this thread to request full access answering the questions below:

-Confirm you have chose a secure password.
-Confirm you are over 18 years old.
-Tell us how you found this forum (google, another forum, facebook, etc)
-Tell us the country you're currently from

So why an old clunky forum?
We are old fashioned here and believe forums are best for fetishes. Making a dedicated Facebook or Instagram page is putting this stuff next to other peoples birthday parties, weddings, births, etc for all to see - not the place for it. A forum is private, secure, and offers everything we need.

-Confirme que ha elegido una contraseña segura.
-Confirma que eres mayor de 18 años.
-Dinos cómo encontraste este foro (google, otro foro, facebook, etc.)
-Dinos de qué país eres actualmente.

_I have chosen a long and strong password
_I am 20 years
_I found this forum on google looking for lift carry stuff
_I am from Argentina

December 27th, 2021, 02:14
-Confirme que ha elegido una contraseña segura.
-Confirma que eres mayor de 18 años.
-Dinos cómo encontraste este foro (google, otro foro, facebook, etc.)
-Dinos de qué país eres actualmente.

_I have chosen a long and strong password
_I am 20 years
_I found this forum on google looking for lift carry stuff
_I am from Argentina

You were also banned for copyright violations.

December 29th, 2021, 18:53
-Confirm you have chose a secure password.
-Confirm you are over 18 years old.
-Tell us how you found this forum (google, another forum, facebook, etc)
-Tell us the country you're currently from


- My password is secure
- I am over 18 years old
- I found the forum via Google
- I'm from the US

December 30th, 2021, 21:21
You were also banned for copyright violations.

Sorry, I really did not know about copyright, I did not do it on purpose, I promise not to commit this type of offense again

December 31st, 2021, 08:37
Thanks a lot

- My password is secure
- I am over 18 years old
- I found the forum via Google
- I'm from ME


January 2nd, 2022, 00:12
Hello everybody, happy new year !
I m new on this Forum so these are my answers …
- I have chose a secure password
- I m over 18 years old
- I m fan of Lift and carry, so I discover this forum on google
- And I’m from France

January 8th, 2022, 04:36
My password is secure, thx for asking.
I am over 18.
I have made posts in the discussion area.
I heard about the forum from a google search query.
I am from Spain!

January 9th, 2022, 00:08

January 9th, 2022, 00:13
hi I'm plus
i have a long password heavily protected
i am 22 years old
i found this through google since I'm into this kind of fetish
i am from from Lebanon same as mia khalifa ;0

January 9th, 2022, 00:14

January 10th, 2022, 08:32
Confirm you have chose a secure password.
-Confirm you are over 18 years old.
-Tell us how you found this forum (google, another forum, facebook, etc)
-Tell us the country you're currently from

I have a secure password
I just turned 22
I found this forum from google
I’m from Taiwan

Nice to meet all of you

January 13th, 2022, 14:40
-Confirm you have chose a secure password.
-Confirm you are over 18 years old.
-Tell us how you found this forum (google, another forum, facebook, etc)
-Tell us the country you're currently from

1. I have a complex and secure password
2. Yup, I'm 28 YO
3. Via Googling.
4. Indian but currently based in Philippines

January 15th, 2022, 18:53
Hello everyone! my password is secure
I am 24 years old
I found this forum through google
I am from Canada
And I’m looking forward to becoming a standard member!

Thanks everyone and hope to have some good discussions soon!

January 18th, 2022, 21:57

I take security password
I have 26 year old
I find to "Google"
I'm living France

January 19th, 2022, 05:32
Hi everyone, this is Andres from Colombia, South america. I've been registered over here since quite some time now, however I've never daredto post anything.

I've chosen a secure password.
I'm over 18 years old.
I'm from Colombia, South America.
I found about this on google, given the fact that I'm a lot into L&C.

January 20th, 2022, 07:41
Hey everyone, I’m John.

My password is secure.
I am over 18 years old.
I found this website on google.
I am from the United States.

I hope i’ve done this correctly, and i look forward to engaging in this forum!



January 21st, 2022, 10:45
Im Jim
My password is secure.
I am over 18 years old.
I found this website on google.
I am from Greece.

January 21st, 2022, 16:10
Hey everyone, i'm Nal

My password is secure.
I am over 29 years old.
I found this website on google.
I am from Indonesia


January 21st, 2022, 16:18
Hey everyone, i'm Nal

My password is secure.
I am over 29 years old.
I found this website on google.
I am from Indonesia
I love lift and carry verry much especially piggyback ride from a girl/woman
I hope to be accepted as a standard member
Sorry for my bad english


January 21st, 2022, 16:51
Hi everyone.
My name is jim.
I'm from France.
I have 26 year old.
I get found in google, yandex.
My password is secure.
I am just guy but loving L&C.

Please accept me for standard member.
Thank you

January 22nd, 2022, 13:27
Hey guys
My name is Debora
My password is secure, I am over 18 years old, I discovered the site through google. I am from Portugal :D:D

January 25th, 2022, 17:32

I have a secure password
I am 21 years old
I found this forum on Google
I am from the United Kingdom

Please let me become a standard member
Thank you

January 27th, 2022, 23:25
hi jon here, over 18 found this on google, from UK. i created a password

January 28th, 2022, 00:52

I have a secure password.

29 years old.

I found this forum from another forum.

I'm from Turkey.

January 28th, 2022, 14:33

I have a secure password
I am 22 years old
I found this forum on Google
I am from India

January 29th, 2022, 22:23
Grant me standard access please 🤷🏻*♂️🙏🏻

January 31st, 2022, 08:43
Hey everyone, i'm Sim

My password is secure.
I am over 18 years old.
I found this website on google.
I am from Canada


February 2nd, 2022, 18:47

I have a secure password
I am 43 years old
My friend tell me about this forum
I am from algeria

Thank you

February 3rd, 2022, 03:30
Hi there,

I have a secure password

I am 43 years old

I found this forum online

I am from Sydney, Australia


February 5th, 2022, 16:35
I have 5 posts.
My password is secure
I am 22
Found this forum online
From united states
Please give access!

February 9th, 2022, 09:37

I have a secure password
I am 27 years old
I found this forum online
I am from Japan.


February 13th, 2022, 21:53

I have a secure password.

I am over 18.

I found this forum via google.

I am from the US.

I have made several posts in the discussion forums and would like full access.

Thank you!

February 15th, 2022, 17:54
How can i become a standard user ?

February 15th, 2022, 23:30

I have a secure password
I am 24 years old
I get link to here by the member lalou
I am from the USA

Please let me become a standard member

Thank you :thumbup1:

February 18th, 2022, 19:10
I really like strong woman especially if she can lift weak guys only using one hand! The guy can only ask for her mercy

February 19th, 2022, 09:01
1. I have chose a secure password
2. I am older than 18, 22 to be exact
3. I found this website from amazonias.net , he made a page where he linked some cool website about strong female
4. I am from Indonesia

March 4th, 2022, 19:10
I have chosen a secure password
I am 2y y/o
I joined this website in 2020 but forgot it. I am a regular member on other forums and i would like to contribute to this one aswell
I am from Pakistan

March 9th, 2022, 06:52
I am from India
Love big strong women
Interested in Lift and Carry by big strong females
Way over 18 years
Have a secure password

March 9th, 2022, 08:26
I met Champa when I was in the first year of my graduation. She was a friend of my elder sister and we lived in the same neighbourhood. I studied in a residential engineering college near Pune and used to stay in the college hostel. We were allowed to visit home during weekends, and it was during such a visit that I first came across her.
She was unusually tall for an Indian girl – I think about six feet four inches in height and build proportionately at that crazy height. Her strong and robust build made her resemble a giantess and she oozed strength and confidence. I later gathered that she was an athlete – a shot putter and discus thrower, and also a star basketball and volleyball player playing for the University.
I had a weakness for big, tall and healthy girls since my childhood, and I could not conceal my excitement when I first saw her, but she being my elder sisters friend, I had no option but to control my emotions. My sister introduced me to her. She looked into my eyes deeply and said – oh you are cute!
I was about five feet six inches tall at that time and weighed about 50 kgs, and felt insulted at being called cute, notwithstanding the fact that she was almost a foot taller than me and looked to be more than double my weight. She smiled at me and extended her big hand to me, presumably for a handshake. I hesitated but put forward my hand to meet hers. Her big hand just enveloped mine and she squeezed it hard, almost crushing my bones. I felt immense pain but had to conceal all that being a man. Champa seemed to be enjoying my predicament as she continued to hold and squeeze my much smaller hand, with a naughty smile in her eyes. She released my hand almost after a full minute when my face had turned red in shame and anger. She then patted me on my back and brushed her fingers through my hair, letting a big sigh out. See you again dear – she said and left the place.
I was simply dumbstruck by her display of strength and dominance and began to lust for her in the deep of my mind. There was however no way that I could meet her again or express my feelings for her. I went back to the hostel but could not ever stop thinking about her. The thought of her big strong hand squeezing mine, and her huge strong overwhelming body looming above me kept reappearing every night.
It was nearing evening on a day almost two months later when I reached our home. It had been raining incessantly since the morning and many of the streets were waterlogged. As I waded through the waters and entered the home, I saw Champa again and my heartbeat became faster. She was there on the bed enjoying a game of ludo with my sister. My sister told me to change the wet clothes and made me a hot cup of tea. As I was sipping the tea, Champa wanted to leave. It was dark by now, and my sister requested me to escort Champa to her house.
It was a silly custom, but women in those days were not allowed to move alone after dusk. Not even if she was a six and a half feet giantess capable of taking on four normal men bare handed. So I went with her, with an umbrella in my raised right arm as it was still raining. I tried to protect her head from the rain and raised the umbrella to the level I could reach, but that was simply not enough. She laughed at my predicament and deftly snatched the umbrella from my trembling hands. She then held it above her head using her left hand and pulled me closer to her body with her right hand. I tried to resist her pull, but she did not seem to even feel it. Her big hand embraced my shoulders and neck, and she clung me to her protectively, my shoulder reaching the level of her belly button and my sides brushing against her huge thighs and massive buttocks. I was in heaven – the sides of her huge right thigh, easily wider than my chest felt big and soft, and I felt protected from all evils under the sun.
The rain suddenly intensified, and the small umbrella was proving thoroughly inadequate to even guard the broad shoulders of my goddess. Water poured on both of us, drenching us like anything. My problem was that the thin material of my trousers got completely soaked in rainwater, almost exposing my unavoidable erection. But to my great relief, that had somehow escaped the attention of Champa, and she continued to enjoy the rain, oblivious of my danger. Water had in the meantime soaked her blouse making the huge basketball sized breasts prominent, and I continued to enjoy her gigantic beauty to the content of my heart.
She suddenly screamed
– Oh you are completely drenched like a crow! Do not go outside the umbrella and get yourself wet any further! You will catch cold. Come, come more closer to me. Saying this she pressed me closer to her warm body. I tried to resist instinctively and tried to move away from her steel grip. That amused her. She looked down on me and hissed - so you think you can escape from me? No way dear! Champa is too strong for you.
She then stooped a little and encircled my back and buttocks with her big strong arm and then seemingly with no effort, raised me above the ground using with her right hand only. My body was cradled in her right arm, and she did it so effortlessly that it seemed I had no weight at all! I was just dumbstruck and instinctively struggled to free myself. My fight was of very little use as her huge powerful arm encircled me like a python. Such was the strength of that single arm squeezing my body that I was on the verge of suffocating. Oh what a cutie pie! You are so light and cuddly! No match for a big and strong woman like me! Said Champa. We had by this time reached her place, which was apparently locked. She did not put me down, but opened the lock using her left hand, and carried me inside her house.

March 11th, 2022, 08:20

I have a secure password

I am over 18

I found this forum from google

l'm from middle east

I have posted in differnet threads and would like to be a standard member


March 20th, 2022, 06:52

John here, I'm new - just joined today. Greetings from Wellington, New Zealand!

March 20th, 2022, 21:37
I am 25 years old,
I have a secure password
I have interest in this fetish for awhile and through browsing google found this forum
I am from uk

March 21st, 2022, 09:57
Before getting full access to the forum please make a couple posts (2 or more) in the discussion areas. You wont be able to make new threads initially, so just participate in an existing one. They should not be one word replies but constructive posts on a topic or telling us about yourselves and what you like about lift and carry. You can use a translator if you need one. If you are a producer let us know your store and we'll instantly give you access and you can promote your store here directly to long time fans.

After a couple days then post here in this thread to request full access answering the questions below:

-Confirm you have chose a secure password.
-Confirm you are over 18 years old.
-Tell us how you found this forum (google, another forum, facebook, etc)
-Tell us the country you're currently from

So why an old clunky forum?
We are old fashioned here and believe forums are best for fetishes. Making a dedicated Facebook or Instagram page is putting this stuff next to other peoples birthday parties, weddings, births, etc for all to see - not the place for it. A forum is private, secure, and offers everything we need.

I have chosen a secure password. I am 48 years old. I found this forum from Google and I am from Greece. Please allow me the access to your forum

March 23rd, 2022, 00:20

im 31 years old and a big fan of Lift and Carry.
I want to become a fulltime member of this site.

I found this site thru google.

I am from Norway.

March 23rd, 2022, 00:23
I have also chosen a secure password.

March 24th, 2022, 21:12
30 years old
secure password
just browsing :)

March 25th, 2022, 15:04
Hi, looking to request account approval for the forum.

I am 27 years old
I have a secure password
I found the forum through googling
I’m from the UK

March 26th, 2022, 09:14
Hello,I think Im eligible for standard membership
My password is secured
I am over 18 years old
I found the forum via ultimatelifts forum
I am from india
Please provide me full access to the forum...thank you

March 29th, 2022, 16:46
Am above 18 years old
Found this on Google
From Malaysia

April 2nd, 2022, 09:43
Hello everyone,

I'd like to get full access to the forum.
My password is secure.
I am over 18 years old.
I found this forum with a google search.
I'm from Germany.


April 2nd, 2022, 16:38
I'm 20 years old
My Password is secure and safe
I found this forum from google
I'm from Indonesia

Thank You:D

April 3rd, 2022, 05:36
My former nick was Myrslok517, now i cant retrieve the password on my new laptop so i registered again, maybe i can get fast access:)?

April 4th, 2022, 00:59
Hey everyone,

- I have chosen a secure password
- I am over 18 years old
- I found this forum in a random forum covering the topic of lift and carry
- I am currently in the United States

Looking forward to sharing some content with you all! :)

April 4th, 2022, 08:05
Since watching my first lift and carry video, i fell in love with it and slowly learned more about it having seen a wide variety of videos. I'm here because i would like to see more aswell as share my experience with others, ty :)

April 5th, 2022, 19:37
Hello all,

I have chosen a secure password
I am 30 years old
I am from Germany
I found the forum with google
I would like to get full access to the forum

April 6th, 2022, 14:21
I have chosen a secure password
Im 55 years old
Im from Sweden
I dont remember where i first found this forum 20 years ago.
I would like to have full access

Greetings from Perro517

April 9th, 2022, 05:42
Hello everyone, i'm more than 18 years old, i have chosen a secure password, i found this forum through google and would like to get full access.

April 9th, 2022, 14:24
Hello. I think met the requirements to become a standard member.
My password is secure.
I am over 18.
I found about this forum from google.
Im from Italy:laugh::laugh::laugh:

April 9th, 2022, 14:34
Please allow full forum, access, thank you!

April 15th, 2022, 02:42
-I have chose a secure password.
-I am over 18 years old.
-I found this forum while I was googling lift & carry pictures
-I am from Morocco

April 16th, 2022, 18:24
Hello all

I have chosen a secure password
- I am over 18 years old
- I found this forum in a when googling Lift and carry stories
- I am in Germany
Pleased grant full access to forum

April 18th, 2022, 05:26
Hi everyone, i jist joined and im looking forward to looking through and posting to the forum.

April 18th, 2022, 05:28
Since my 25 i'm lift and carry fan,
thanks for giving me acces standard.
I m waiting.
Thank you.

Im 21 and im also a lift carry fan, hope to be given access soon.

April 20th, 2022, 11:39

I confirm I have chosen a secure password.
I confirm I am over 18 years old.
I found the forum on Google
I'm from Portugal

April 21st, 2022, 16:00
New here
Request access please thank you.

April 21st, 2022, 16:21
standard access requested please

April 23rd, 2022, 22:03
-Confirm you have chose a secure password.
I do

-Confirm you are over 18 years old.
I am

-Tell us how you found this forum (google, another forum, facebook, etc)
Google search

-Tell us the country you're currently from
Currently in US

April 24th, 2022, 08:22
I would like to have the Standard Membership please.

-Confirm you have chose a secure password.
I have chosen a secure password.

-Confirm you are over 18 years old.
I am 24 years old.

-Tell us how you found this forum (google, another forum, facebook, etc)
I found this forum on Google.

-Tell us the country you're currently from
Im from Germany.

I would be happy to be a new Member of this Community!

April 27th, 2022, 13:51
Hi, looking to request account approval for the forum.

I am 27 years old
I have a secure password
I found the forum through googling
I’m from the UK

Hi, just looking to request standard membership, but maybe my original request (quoted) was not correct? Please let me know if I did something incorrect, and I can fix it.

April 28th, 2022, 17:32
- i have set a secure pwd

- i am over 18 years of age

- found via google search

- living in UK

April 29th, 2022, 20:02
As I'm new here I need to see all discussions and posts. Please grant my access.

May 4th, 2022, 07:22
Hello. I believe I meet the requirements to become a standard member.
My password is secure.
I am way over 18.
I found about this forum on google.
I'm from Italy
Thank you

May 4th, 2022, 12:25
- i have set a secure pwd

- i am over 18 years of age

- found via google search

- living in UK

May 5th, 2022, 09:00
-Confirm you have chose a secure password.
I have chosen a secure password.

-Confirm you are over 18 years old.
I confirm I am over 18 years old.

-Tell us how you found this forum (google, another forum, facebook, etc)
I found this forum through Google.

-Tell us the country you're currently from
Im from England.

Would appreciate if you can upgrade me to standard membership

May 5th, 2022, 19:30
Hello, I think I am ready.

I'm over 18.
I found the forum on google.
Currently in Paraguay.

Could you please upgrade my membership?

May 5th, 2022, 19:33
Hello, I think I am ready.

I'm over 18.
I found the forum on google.
Currently in Paraguay.

Could you please upgrade my membership?

Also, yes I have a secure password

May 6th, 2022, 06:40
-Confirm you have chose a secure password.
I have chosen a secure password.

-Confirm you are over 18 years old.
I confirm I am over 18 years old.

-Tell us how you found this forum (google, another forum, facebook, etc)
I found this forum through Google.

-Tell us the country you're currently from
I'm from U.S.

Would appreciate if you can upgrade me to standard membership

May 7th, 2022, 18:26
My password is secured
I am over 18 years old
I found the forum via google
I am from egypt
Please provide me full access to the forum...thank you

May 7th, 2022, 18:38
Please provide me full access to the forum...thank you

May 8th, 2022, 13:25
-Confirm you have chose a secure password
I have a secure password

-Confirm you are over 18 years old
I am over 18 years old

-Tell us how you found this forum
I found it on google some time ago

-Tell us the country you're currently from
Right now I'm in Brazil but sometimes I may be in Paraguay because I have family there.

May 9th, 2022, 05:22
-Confirm you have chose a secure password.
I have chosen a secure password.

-Confirm you are over 18 years old.
I confirm I am over 18 years old.

-Tell us how you found this forum (google, another forum, facebook, etc)
I found this forum through Google.

-Tell us the country you're currently from
Im from England.

Would appreciate if you can upgrade me to standard membership

May 10th, 2022, 02:20
-Confirm you have chose a secure password.
I have chosen a secure password.

-Confirm you are over 18 years old.
I confirm I am over 18 years old.

-Tell us how you found this forum (google, another forum, facebook, etc)
I found this forum through another forum.

-Tell us the country you're currently from
Im from india.
Would appreciate if you can upgrade me to standard membership

May 11th, 2022, 11:36
I have a secure password.
I am over 18 years old.
I found the forum on Google
I'm from Latin America

May 17th, 2022, 08:46
my password is secure
I'm 18 years old
I found this website from google and the recommendation from Vk
I'm living in Thailand

May 17th, 2022, 15:37
I would like to ask for a standard access.

I respect copyrights and other people’s various backgrounds.

I have many lift and carry photos and videos that I got free from social medias, and willing to share here. I won’t share any purchased contents, to protect copyrights and respect producers’ efforts.

I am from Korea
and I especially have many lift and carry contents from Korea, as well as Japan and China, which I think can be relatively lacking in shared amounts compared to contents from other world regions.

My password is strong and secure.

I found this site through searching lift and carry real stories in google.

I am over 18 years old, born in 1985.

May 24th, 2022, 21:41
My password is secure
I am over 18 years old
I found this forum on google
I’m from spain

May 25th, 2022, 05:16
Hi Admins, i am a new member here . Please grand me full access so that i can start discussing and post some pics and videos. I am from India, I am more than 18 years old. I found the forum using facebook. I will never share my password with anyone and i will never post copyrighted materials. I will always respect other's

May 28th, 2022, 09:36
-I have a secure password.

-I am over 18 years old.

-I found this forum from an online community

-I'm from South Korea

Best regards

May 29th, 2022, 02:47
Dear Admin,

Hi thank you so much for managing this wonderful website!
I would like to request full access.
I have posted 6 posts so far.

I am from India, born in 1995, so over 18 yo.
I learned this website through searching lift and carry stories on internet.
My password is very secure, mixed with complex letters and symbols!

May 29th, 2022, 04:39
Dear Admin,

Hi thank you so much for managing this wonderful website!
I would like to request full access.
I have posted 6 posts so far.

I am from India, born in 1995, so over 18 yo.
I learned this website through searching lift and carry stories on internet.
My password is very secure, mixed with complex letters and symbols!

Please read all forum rules!

May 30th, 2022, 05:14
I have set a secure password.

I am over 18 years old.

I found this forum on Google search

I'm from Indiana, USA.

May 30th, 2022, 14:51
hey, I would like to ask for a standard access.
I have a secure password.

I won’t be sharing any purchased contents, to protect copyrights and respect producers’ efforts.

I found this forum from an online community

My password is strong and secure.

I found this site through searching lift and carry and via vk

I am from singapore

I am over 18 years old, born in 1985

May 31st, 2022, 00:19
Can i please request full access to the standard level

May 31st, 2022, 11:52
Hi there,
I have a secure password and I am 18 years old. I found the forum via Google, I am from Austria.
Kindly grant me access, thank you.

June 3rd, 2022, 18:33
Please read all forum rules!

Is there anything that I didn't answer or do correctly to get full access?


June 4th, 2022, 00:30
I would like to ask for srandard access

- I have chose a secure password.
- I am over 18 years old, I am 35 years old now
- I found this forum fro
google and facebook
- I am currently from Indonesia

Thank you for your kindness

Sincerely yours

June 6th, 2022, 13:57
My password is secured
I am over 18 years old
I found the forum thanks to google
I am from Italy
I would gain the full access to the forum, thanks ������

June 7th, 2022, 17:37
my password is secured
Im over 18
I found the forum via google
from China
full access please thx

June 9th, 2022, 16:52
Dear Admin,
My password is secured
I am 27 years old
I found the forum thanks to google
I am from Hamburg
I would gain the full access to the forum thx

June 10th, 2022, 15:40
Please read all forum rules!

I had followed the rules, please correct me if I've got somethong wrong
How should I do to get the standard access
I think I had complete the forum rules, thank you

June 11th, 2022, 20:35

June 14th, 2022, 20:13
Hello Folks.
I am 24 years old from UAE and have this dominating fetish of Lift and Carry (FF LnC, to be specific). I have been collecting different LnC clips from various sources over the past 10 years (more or less). Hope I get standard access soon so that I can share some of my pics/clips and also, in exchange, benefit from the forums delicious threads.

dreadPirate :laugh:

June 16th, 2022, 06:18
I would like to ask for srandard access

- I have chose a secure password.
- I am over 18 years old, I am 40 years old now
- I found this forum from google
- I am currently from Lithuania

June 19th, 2022, 04:55
My password is secure.
I am over 18.(I'm 27)
I found about this forum on google.
I'm from China.

June 19th, 2022, 05:53
My password is secure.
I am over 18.(I'm 27)
I found about this forum on google.
I'm from China.

Im sorry not to wait for several days.

June 20th, 2022, 11:56
Hi! I think I have done this, wondering when I can gain full access. Thank you! and I am over 18. Thanks!

Please use the first post in this thread as a template for your access request.


June 20th, 2022, 16:59
I'm member here since years,
Posted some of my experiences in the real life experiences thread
I'm above 18 years old
Can i please get a standard access?
Thank you!!

June 20th, 2022, 17:06
-Confirm you have chosen a secure password.

-Confirm you are over 18 years old.
I am older than 18.

-Tell us how you found this forum (Google, another forum, facebook, etc)
I found this site from google

-Tell us the country you're currently from

June 22nd, 2022, 17:41
I'm hoping that i'm eligible to be approved as a standard member!

Waiting patiently!

Hope you guys would make it soon if i'm eligible!!!

June 25th, 2022, 18:12
I have secure password
I am over 18
Found in Google
From Canada

Thanks in advance

June 26th, 2022, 23:39
I would like to ask for standard access

- I have chose a secure password.
- I am over 18 years old, I am 35 years old now
- I found this forum from
google and facebook
- I am currently from Indonesia

Thank you for your kindness