The Lift & Carry Forums

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-   -   Request Full Forum Access - New and Updated (

jmva93 March 11th, 2020 14:14

It appears that I needed to have 5 posts in the Lounge. So here is my 5th post. Thank you in advance.

liftcarry30 March 16th, 2020 12:55

I have a secure password and over 18 years old.
I found the forum while surfing and from India.
can you please grant access?

kunfu83 March 19th, 2020 00:07

I have a secure password
I am over 35
I like lift and carry topics
I am from french

Can I have full access? Thank you.

carryfu March 21st, 2020 10:08

Hi im 22

i have a secure password

i have postesd 5 times

Please can i have full access

kunfu83 March 21st, 2020 22:55

Hi friend,
Can you accept me ?

kunfu83 March 21st, 2020 22:57

Access again
Hello allbody,
I think this forum is the best.

kunfu83 March 21st, 2020 22:59

My english
Excuse me i have a very english but i think its understanding.

kunfu83 March 21st, 2020 23:03

Since my 25 i'm lift and carry fan,
thanks for giving me acces standard.
I m waiting.
Thank you.

carryfu March 24th, 2020 11:35

Forum access
Hi any update on my access ?

as i would really like to enjoy everything this site has to offer


carryfu March 25th, 2020 11:40


I wanted to know do the admin of this site read the access requests ?

Bethphoenix20 April 2nd, 2020 21:46

Hi......I reckon, I fulfill the requisites to become a standard member.
I have a secure password.
I am way over 18.
I am a great fan of lift and carry, browsing which I found this forum on google.
I am from India.

Bethphoenix20 April 2nd, 2020 21:51

Lift and carry fan
I am a great admirer of female strength. It's not only because of fetishes that I like lift and carry. It's because of the way they showcase their strength to prove their mettle.

yoo123 April 3rd, 2020 22:25

Access change
I believe I fulfill the requirements to become a standard member.
I have a secure password.
I am way over 18.
I am a great fan of lift and carry, browsing which I found this forum on google.
I am from Canada.

Hhh123 April 4th, 2020 15:51

full access
Im member over year :)
Im big fan of lift and carry
I posted here some post
Im 23 years old
Im from italy

Can i get full access please? if not can i know what should i need to do?

Thx a lot


bapmus April 6th, 2020 20:13

i dont want to be admin yet , but lets start with somthing
hi. i like strong girls and lift and carry sooo pleaseeee.
My password is secure. - lol i copy this cause i didnt know how to write "secure"...
I am 40++.
I found about this forum on google.
I'm from mid east.

jmva93 April 8th, 2020 13:19

I am requesting standard access to this site.
I have been a member since 2016 but let my access lapse.
I have posted in the areas allowed and would like to view pics as well as post pics to this site.
I am over 21 and have a password.


Bree April 9th, 2020 07:03

Writer would like access
Hello! I am very quiet and don’t comment much but I do write.
I am over 20.
Found this on google.
And live in California.


Sparry Lence April 11th, 2020 10:35

I have always liked strong women since a very young age. It is my secret. Please let me join.

Sparry Lence April 12th, 2020 11:08

Access to other parts of the site
Was always fascinated and turned on by strong women. The sight of a well built woman makes me go weak at the knees. Been that way for 60 years.

Googoojooba8 April 15th, 2020 10:33

Help me
Help me please, i can't view any thread even though I activated my account. I want to view the threads that's why i registered. What should i do?

Gorilla press lover April 16th, 2020 16:04

Gaining access
I've already submitted 5 posts; can I be a standard memeber now?

Gorilla press lover April 17th, 2020 13:37

Full access request
Hi can i get access to forum posts now? I've already submitted 5 postes in l and c longue.
I've changed my password and it's just ok.
I'm 19 years old.
I got into this forum from google.
I'm in Iran right now.
Would you please do this favor for me?
I'll be grateful!Thanks


NinaH April 20th, 2020 15:29


I am Nina, 30 (definitely over eighteen), originally from Spain, currently in London.

I am, apart of a Dom, a session wrestler and over the last year I have been dabbing my toes in the world of lift and carry.

I have a clip studio where I have all my strength related clips, called "Challenge Collection", and checking out its traffic I found out there is a decent chunk coming from here (thank you!). Which is great, cause I have been trying to find the community, and there is some in Reddit but it wasn't particulartly big or communicative.

Hopefully I have covered all the questions, I forgot the points :whistle:


NinaH April 20th, 2020 16:58

Oops! I forgot to say my password is secure!


Originally Posted by NinaH (Post 239668)

I am Nina, 30 (definitely over eighteen), originally from Spain, currently in London.

I am, apart of a Dom, a session wrestler and over the last year I have been dabbing my toes in the world of lift and carry.

I have a clip studio where I have all my strength related clips, called "Challenge Collection", and checking out its traffic I found out there is a decent chunk coming from here (thank you!). Which is great, cause I have been trying to find the community, and there is some in Reddit but it wasn't particulartly big or communicative.

Hopefully I have covered all the questions, I forgot the points :whistle:

Nixeror April 22nd, 2020 19:52

Hello. I think I meet the requirements to become a standard member.
My password is secure.
I am over 18.
I found about this forum thanks to google.
I'm from Slovakia.


Googoojooba8 April 27th, 2020 17:31

Hello there! I think I meet the requirements to be a standard member of the forum
-my password is secure
-I am over 18 years of age
-I found this forum through google
-I am currently living on the Philippines


makeshift112000 May 1st, 2020 22:46

Hello! :)

I would like to receive access to the forums, if possible.

- My password is secure
- I'm over 18 (in my thirties).
- I found this forum randomly through google
- I'm from England


Liftandcarryfan20 May 4th, 2020 20:28

Can i get access please i believe i met the requirements

liftcarry2020 May 6th, 2020 12:28


quando posso ottenere pieno accesso, per favore fatemi sapere le regole di questo forum.


liftcarry2020 May 6th, 2020 12:45

When can I get full access.Please let me know the rules of this forum
[728x636, 00:11]

liftcarry2020 May 6th, 2020 12:47

When can I get full access.Please let me know the rules of this forum
[828x492, 01:02]

superpollo666 May 9th, 2020 16:00


Can you please give me access.

My password is secure.
I am over 18.
I found about this forum from google.
Im from the UK.

loveslim May 11th, 2020 19:51

My password is secure.
I am over 18.
I found about this forum from google.
Im from the US
Please grant me access


mazo242k May 15th, 2020 16:23

I would like standard access please

I have a secure password
I found the forum through a search on google
I am over 18
I live in the Us


.113 May 17th, 2020 06:20

If I make 2 posts I get access? Part 1

.113 May 17th, 2020 06:24

I would like standard access please

I have a secure password
I found the forum through a search on bing
I am over 18
I live in the Us


.113 May 17th, 2020 06:26

This system seems tedious malevsfemale forum doesn't require this or any other forum ik of

.113 May 17th, 2020 06:27

This is post number four since post three I have pondered my existence excited for post 5

.113 May 17th, 2020 06:28

This is post number 5 my password is secure I hope this is automatic and not gonna make me wait for a admin to verify me I'm excited tk see what the site holds as I am now invested 5 posts in. (If I misunderstood something than that's my bad)

-its not automatic, so I suggest reading the rules if you want access May 20th, 2020 16:37

Hi. I think I have the requirements to be a standard member. I've submitted a few posts in discussion areas.
- My password is secure
- I'm over 18 years old
- I found this forum while surfing in google
- I'm from middle east.


watcher May 25th, 2020 07:52

Hello! I was a long time member of the forum (russianrider), but lost my account long ago. Do I need full 5 posts here?


Waterball135 May 29th, 2020 19:18

Hello. Please allow me to become a standard member.
My password is secure.
I am over 18.
I found about this forum on google.
I'm from Italy.


Waterball135 May 30th, 2020 21:05

Request for access
I think I meet the requirements. Thank You.

redbuttlover2 June 1st, 2020 13:07

Requesting full access

I believe I have met the requirements to be a standard member. I've submitted a few posts in discussion areas.
- My password is secure
- I'm over 18 years old
- I found this forum while searching lift and carry images on Google
- I'm from the United States of America

Let me know if you need anything else - thank you!

anti June 3rd, 2020 04:23

Request for Access

I believe I meet the requirements to be a standard member. I have a secure password, am over 18 years old, stumbled across this forum through a Google search for lift and carry videos, and am from the US.

Let me know if I need to include any other information.

Sureshpoka June 7th, 2020 07:05

Full Access
My password is secured
I am over 18 years old
I found the forum via Youtube External Channel usage
I am from India
Most of my videos put on youtube has landcforum sources as viewer. YouTube Account is Super FF FC lover.
Please provide me full access to the forum...Thank you

Liftcarrytall June 9th, 2020 19:26

Hello. Please allow me to become a member.
My password is secure.
I am over 18.
I found about this forum on google.
I'm from The USA

chum20 June 10th, 2020 03:30

It seems I meet the requirements. Can I get the access to the forum, please?

Liftcarrytall June 11th, 2020 15:14


Originally Posted by Liftcarrytall (Post 241956)
Hello. Please allow me to become a member.
My password is secure.
I am over 18.
I found about this forum on google.
I'm from The USA

I would like to become a member.

I am over 18.

My password is secure.

I found the forum via Google search.

I’m from the USA.


Timmer345 June 17th, 2020 06:31

ponyplay in this forum
Ponyplay is a similar fetish. is there overlapping content?

Timmer345 June 17th, 2020 06:32

I would like to become a member.

I am over 18.

My password is secure.

I found the forum via a friend

I?m from the UK

Broer June 23rd, 2020 13:39

My password is secure.
I am way over 18.
I found about this forum on google.
I'm from Asia.

gringoliooo June 26th, 2020 07:37

I would like to become a member.

I am over 18.

My password is secure.

I found the forum via a clip

I?m from the BiH

gig June 30th, 2020 11:48

I would like to become a member.

I am over 18.

My password is secure.

I found the forum via google search

I?m from Canada:thumbup2:

xyz80143 June 30th, 2020 14:48

I would like to become a member.
I would like to become a member.

I am over 18.

My password is secure.

I found the forum ... googling

I’m from the Italy


LCPro July 3rd, 2020 14:59

New here
I posted on the helpdesk without reading this thread!

I have created a secure password and I am over 18 years old.
I found this forum on google and am from the US.
My wife and I do lift and carry and want to see if this is somewhere we'd want to promote our content.


LCPro July 5th, 2020 15:06

Follow Up

Originally Posted by LCPro (Post 242712)
I posted on the helpdesk without reading this thread!

I have created a secure password and I am over 18 years old.
I found this forum on google and am from the US.
My wife and I do lift and carry and want to see if this is somewhere we'd want to promote our content.

Is this forum still active?

dp July 5th, 2020 17:28


Originally Posted by LCPro (Post 242760)
Is this forum still active?

It is, but the admin in charge of activating new accounts does not log in every day. If everything checks out, your account will be activated.

bapmus July 7th, 2020 23:20

Ii want to become a standard member.
have a nice password
I am over 40.
I found about this forum on google.
I'm from middle east .


vaishali July 8th, 2020 11:59

Please grant access
I would like to become a member.

I am over 18.

My password is secure.

I found the forum ... google searchingf

I?m from the India

Akamais July 8th, 2020 18:22

Hello Admins, I would like to become a member.

I am over 18.

My password is secure.

I found the forum through search engines

I?m from France

vaishali July 10th, 2020 10:02

Please grant me access
Hello Admin,

I have posted 5 videos as per forum rule. Please grant me access. Thank you.

LCPro July 12th, 2020 00:48


Originally Posted by dp (Post 242770)
It is, but the admin in charge of activating new accounts does not log in every day. If everything checks out, your account will be activated.

Thanks for the reply. Any update? Can you tag admin?

dp July 12th, 2020 21:24


Originally Posted by LCPro (Post 242973)
Thanks for the reply. Any update? Can you tag admin?

You should have standard access already, let us know if you have any problems.

Moosri July 18th, 2020 17:56

Dear admin sir please provide me standard acceaa atleast thankyou..

Serg July 18th, 2020 21:10

My password is secured
I am over 18 years old
I found the forum via google
I am from egypt
Please provide me full access to the forum...thank you

Serg July 18th, 2020 21:47

My password is secured
I am over 18 years old
I found the forum via google
I am from Russia
Please provide me full access to the forum...thank a lot

yoo123 July 21st, 2020 04:56

Access Level
My password is secure

I am 24 years old

I found the forum via google

I am from Canada

I meet all the required criteria. Please increase my access level.

Thanks :)


tellmaths July 26th, 2020 02:53

Hello. I think I meet the requirements to become a standard member.
My password is secure.
I am over 18.
I found this forum using google.
I'm from India

Bundymania July 29th, 2020 23:32

My password is secure
I am 37 years-old
I found this forum on Google
I am from the United States of America

Please grant me full access

HotNurr July 31st, 2020 23:18

Hello Admins, I would like to become a member.

I am over 18.

My password is secure.

I found the forum through google

I?m from Spain, I have posted in some threads, and I plan on being active in this community.

Communisttaseen August 3rd, 2020 04:44

Hi, I am over 18. I found this page from being mentioned in various articles and I am from New Zealand.

Please accept me as a member 😝

Laserlocc August 5th, 2020 02:25

My Password is secure.
I am over 18 yrs old!
I found this forum through Google
I’m from Canada!

I should meet all the criteria and hols to be given access to the forum soon! Thank you!


artinz August 10th, 2020 03:58

Hello. I believe I meet the requirements to become a standard member.
My password is secure.
I am way over 18.
I found about this forum from Google.
I'm from Canada

KAKAKA August 11th, 2020 04:33

please grant my access
I posted a complete story here exclusively and woul like yo continue

Rockyhandsome317 August 11th, 2020 18:59

My password is secure.
I am over 18.
I found this forum using google.
I am from India.

I was not able to post because I cant find a way to upload pictures here please help as I was not able to understand the instructions for uploading clearly....

Rockyhandsome317 August 11th, 2020 19:18

My password is secure.
I am over 18.
I found this forum using google.
I am from India.

I am providing with few of the links of the photograph that I have because I was not able upload them in album and then post them.

marksmith August 21st, 2020 21:04

Hello admins

I am over 18

I found from google

I am from USA

I actually lost my old account on another computer and forgot it

HotNurr August 30th, 2020 22:57

Any updates?

Originally Posted by HotNurr (Post 243656)
Hello Admins, I would like to become a member.

I am over 18.

My password is secure.

I found the forum through google

I?m from Spain, I have posted in some threads, and I plan on being active in this community.

Is there something wrong? :/

Annwilliam3147lc September 3rd, 2020 03:39

Access request
Hello admin

I am over 18 year old
My password is secure

I am from Nepal
Kindly grant me access.

kokolift September 5th, 2020 00:32

Hello. I believe I meet the requirements to become a standard member.
My password is secure.
I am way over 18.
I found about this forum on google.
I'm from Egypt.

Phone September 7th, 2020 22:15

Hello. I have pictures I would like to share with the forum so I would like to request to become a standard member.

My password is secure
I am overr 18 (21)
I found the forum through good old Google :)
I am from Denmark

Have a good day everybody

QBikk September 8th, 2020 18:25

I gave a secured password, I'm not a bot :-)
I'm 36 Years old
I found the forum through DTM, who shared a story by one of the members I wanted to read and he sent me links. So I registered
I'm not a particular L&C guy, but when coupled with FBB thematics, then I'm game and enjoy it :-)
I'm from France

I'd like to get access if possible
Thanks for your effort

Liftcarry86 September 9th, 2020 00:44

My password is secure
I am over 18
I am from middle east
I googled this group .

Finally is there a problem regarding african asian middle eastern citizens as i found at the thread the approved are only american canadian or europian ?

zxcvbn September 10th, 2020 06:16

Full access request
My password is secure
I'm over 18
I'm from UK
I found this forum through Google
I have always been interested in f/m lift and carry. Please consider my request.
Thank you

Annwilliam3147lc September 10th, 2020 18:41

Hello dear admin , I have been waiting to get promoted as standard member , I habe made three posts in discussing area.
I am over 18 years
I found this forum on Google
My password is secure
I am from Nepal
Hopefully u understand urges of your mate and don't keep me waiting so long.

marksmith September 14th, 2020 22:49


Originally Posted by marksmith (Post 244401)
Hello admins

I am over 18

I found from google

I am from USA

I actually lost my old account on another computer and forgot it

Hello i am still waiting to be given access?

mo September 18th, 2020 06:10

I would like to have full access as well

My password is secure
I confirm that I am over 18
I am from Canada
I found about this forum on google search

Thanks in advance

vaishali September 19th, 2020 07:14

Access grant
I am still waiting for access grant from your side? all videos are posted

mo September 20th, 2020 03:27

Clarification About How To Get Access
Sorry for reposting again but while I a waiting for access to be granted, I was trying to understand if there is any other eligibility requirements beside the ones posted by everybody. The reason I was questioning that is because I see many follow users posting the same thing without ever getting access while others do, so I am not sure I get what make the difference.

Dear administrator, can you please clarify if I am missing something to get full access?

Thanks in advance.

Liftcarry86 September 20th, 2020 22:50


Originally Posted by Liftcarry86 (Post 245107)
My password is secure
I am over 18
I am from middle east
I googled this group .

Finally is there a problem regarding african asian middle eastern citizens as i found at the thread the approved are only american canadian or europian ?

like the above comments.
Is their a selection criteria based on country or origin by example.
Or just when the admin be in the mood approves some random users.
I guess any community shoulfld be pleased if it expands otherwise you participates to be decreased.

Liftcarry86 September 23rd, 2020 00:22

Still waiting my access as posted at helpdesk without a single reply . Please grant my access

LgPkg September 24th, 2020 04:38

Full forum access request
Hi! At your convenience, please upgrade my access. My password is secure, I am well over 18, I am in the US, and I learned of this site on Reddit.


Micknick September 25th, 2020 19:40

Hello, Please provide me full access to the forum
My password is secured
I am over 18 years old
I found the forum via google
I am from Syria

LgPkg October 2nd, 2020 23:13

Access status?

Originally Posted by LgPkg (Post 245495)
Hi! At your convenience, please upgrade my access. My password is secure, I am well over 18, I am in the US, and I learned of this site on Reddit.


Any chance for an upgrade soon?


mo October 3rd, 2020 04:32


Originally Posted by mo (Post 245324)
I would like to have full access as well

My password is secure
I confirm that I am over 18
I am from Canada
I found about this forum on google search

Thanks in advance

I am still waiting for access to be granted. Thank you.


motorhead876 October 5th, 2020 10:29

Hello from an L&C fan!
I'm new here...and i love L&C. I particularly like taller women lifting smaller men and i'm hoping to see some great content here. Thanks in advance!

motorhead876 October 5th, 2020 10:48

And as everyone else seems to be posting a standard message....!

My password is secure
I'm over 18
I'm from the UK
I found this forum through Google
I have always been interested in f/m lift and carry. Please consider my request.
Thank you

Dandoi5 October 5th, 2020 12:30

Access member
Hi Admin
My password is secure
I'm over 18
I'm from the INA
I found this forum through Google
I have always been interested in f/m lift and carry. Please consider my request.
Thank you

Lora's Studio Lady2fight October 6th, 2020 06:03

Lora's Studio Lady2fight
Hello, guys!
This is Lora! I'm starting my own studio. Please, visit our website for brand new videos.

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