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FantasyLifting May 28th, 2022 09:26

I like the feeling, not because of humilliation, in my case, its because I can feel special and like the other person is taking care of me. It also feels incredibly satisfying at a physical level to feel her body that way:lol:

Bbwbearhug May 31st, 2022 05:43

Simply put, it feels really good.

onlin5 June 25th, 2022 18:04

To check if gravity still working

LilMatty June 28th, 2022 23:08

It just feels so good. I also suffer from anxiety so being lifted or sitting on a lap (especially) really calms me down. This may sound weird, but when I am sitting on a woman's lap it sort of gives them a maternal role and I like that. Same as being carried.

Liftboy2009 June 28th, 2022 23:59

Starke Cousine
B]Starke Cousine [/B]

Ich habe eine sehr starke Cousine,
Sie kann mich und meinen bruder zusammen auf ihren schultern tragen ohne Probleme das hat Sie früher immer wieder gemacht.

Sie erinnert mich an Amber deluca.

Blah627 April 20th, 2023 13:53

Because I can't lift so I prefer to be lifted lol.

Carrtes April 22nd, 2023 07:15

I have a fantasy to be lifted by a girl smaller than me, cuz it kinda gives me chills imagining my entire body weight being controlled by a girl who is petite and small :3

I don't even know what my fetish is called lol

liftaddict April 24th, 2023 10:07

To me its about the strength of the girl,the feeling of knowing that she's a woman and yet strong enough to carry me is just amazing.
Also another factor would be that it feels incredibly satisfying to be taken care of, by someone who's considered "pretty and delicate" in a society.. as if the roles are reversed.

2019xsf May 20th, 2023 17:33

I love to feel light , feel the power of women .

RosesAreBlue June 3rd, 2023 11:58

It just feels overwhelming and fun

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