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joesherlock101 April 22nd, 2012 19:54

I want to see a short fat girl lift and carry Caty!
Caty in her black outfit and black high heels gets scooped up by a short fat girl. (5' tall and 350 pounds) Caty kicks and screams but the fat girl carries her away!

WWE4Life April 22nd, 2012 20:04

Wow, it always amazes me how specific our tastes are with this fetish, but in this case, I'd like to suggest that this clip never be made, simply for the fact that it would sadden me to see a woman so unhealthy as to be 5 feet tall and weigh 350 pounds...that's a little too extreme for my taste.:(


joesherlock101 April 24th, 2012 13:25

Sorry to offend you Dave but if everyone on this board expressed their dislikes of each and ever version of this fetish it would be full of post just like yours.
Do we really want to see that?
Just because a girl is fat doesn't mean she is out of shape. Their low center of gravity and strength make them great lifters of taller fit women.

WWE4Life April 24th, 2012 13:52

Don't put words in my mouth, joe. Your interest does not offend me. As someone who has struggled with weight my whole life, I was simply suggesting I would not want to see a female that is 5 ft. And 350 pounds because that would no doubt have a huge impact on her long term health. Those proportions are beyond extreme morbid obesity. As for suggesting that one could support that girth and be "in shape", well that's your perspective. I feel it would be an unfortunate burden for any woman to carry (no pun intended). Anyway enough of this. Let's get back to the good times:D

greatlifting April 24th, 2012 15:57

Hi, that?s me Caty. Let?s be relaxed guys. At first, I think it is nearly unpossible to find a girl with this sizes and to search for it take too much time and costs. To see a girl which is shorter than me but 3 times heavier is also not my taste. Sorry joesherlock101, but this dream will be a dream. But I wish you good luck and perhaps your dream becomes true. Dave have thanks for your comments which are more in my mind.

Guys, there is no reason to get in trouble, we have all our fantasies and that?s why we are here. OK?

kisses to you, Caty

joesherlock101 April 24th, 2012 22:23

No problem Caty I did a great photo shop of you being carried OTS by a short fat girl. I'm glad the thought at least crossed your mind. And I will always imagine you kicking those sexy legs as the fat girl walks off with you.

greybeezer April 24th, 2012 22:51


Originally Posted by joesherlock101 (Post 83600)
Sorry to offend you Dave but if everyone on this board expressed their dislikes of each and ever version of this fetish it would be full of post just like yours.
Do we really want to see that?
Just because a girl is fat doesn't mean she is out of shape. Their low center of gravity and strength make them great lifters of taller fit women.

I do support the notion that everyones tastes are there own and must be respected and you are very welcome to try and get the video that you are looking for and I don't think Dave was being malicous with his comments. I don't find anything wrong with what you are looking for but I will disagree with you on the size you are looking for as healthy. I am a foot taller then the height you are requesting and have a much larger frame then most men do and at 300lbs I am terribly out of shape, and I am fairly active and live a very physical lifestyle. I don't want you to think that I am being negative in any way I am just offering you an experinced look at your request. No need to keep this discusion going as this is the wrong place for it I just wanted to add a little insight into the discussion from someone who happens to be on the oversized out of shape side;)

greatlifting April 27th, 2012 16:52

something for the f-f fans.

lift 98 hot shoping
Roberta and me were shoping and we arrived at home. The shoping with her was very funny and we had some great times in the changing rooms, which makes the shoping more spicey. Now we are here and at first we have a look at our new clothes. But not for long and we have a real hot kiss and love act. We both are strong to carry each other and we enjoy that in a wild way. Hot lift and carry !

Time for shoping.
Kisses Roberta and Caty

greatlifting May 11th, 2012 17:58

my sweety on arms in a new video

lift 99 chill on arms
While watching TV my sweety gets sleepy. I wake him up and tell him to go to sleep in the bedroom. After a while he agrees but at first he wants to lay and to sleep in my arms. I take him cradle style to carry him motherly around and he relax and chill in my arms. I love it to watch him being my sweetheart.

greatlifting May 11th, 2012 18:02

A new video and Caty is amazing. Have fun, we had fun during the lifts.

lift 100 Catys promise
Before leaving in the morning Caty tell me, she like to have a lift and carry session with me in the evening. She would like to try some new things. She promise to amaze me. I know her and I know that?s meaning, she feels strong and in a very deep mood of strength. After coming home in the evening she show me what she mean. Imagine, Caty hold me under armpits overhead, standing on 1 leg while blowing me or she balance me laying on top of her head while doing squats. This is incredible. She do several other fantastic lifts and holds with funny easyness, which is real amazing. In between she also dances with me on top. She is soo strong!!

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