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wood2600 March 29th, 2015 16:54

Hi, can I have full access please?

I have chosen a secure password.
I'm over 18.
Found site on Google.

StefanNajdovski March 30th, 2015 04:46


Requesting full access please.

1)I have chosen a secure password
2)I'm 24
3)I came across this website through google
4)I live in Canada



ali2000v March 30th, 2015 15:25

hi again . I believe I meet the requirements to become a standard member.
My password is secure.
I am way over 18.
I found about this forum on google.
I'm from iran

Qqqwww April 2nd, 2015 05:33

Pass is secure
Over 18
Found this forum on Google search
From US

Can i get full access?


guileguile April 2nd, 2015 07:59

full access request

I think I meet the requirements to become a standard member.

I've chosen a secured password.
I'm 30 years old
I found this website further to a google search
I live in France

Thank you!


CONRADRU April 6th, 2015 11:02

Hello. I believe I meet the requirements to become a standard member.
My password is secure.
I am way over 18.
I found about this forum on google.
I'm from Eastern Europe.

impavan April 7th, 2015 06:24


Requesting full access please.

1)I have chosen a secure password
2)I'm over 18
3)I came across this website through my friends on facebook
4)I live in India



Duke Mario April 8th, 2015 01:31

what?s going on with my permission to Standard? i posted enough..
My password is safe.
I am 35 years old
I found the forum from google.
I am from Portugal.
thank you.

Bee April 18th, 2015 04:15

I believe I've met the requirements, slightly unsure on what wait 5 days means.

My password is safe
I am 23
I found the forum on google
I am from the United States of America

jasonlumsden April 18th, 2015 14:26

site request
Pass is secure
Age is 24
Found this forum on Google search many years ago
From Canada
Had an account before but forgot my email address, old log in name was jayking12, had posted quite a bit

Can i get full access?


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