The Lift & Carry Forums

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Aadfg July 1st, 2022 17:57

VIP access please

glad-maniac July 2nd, 2022 18:13

Standard access please
- i have set a secure pwd

- i am over 18 years of age

- found via google search

- living in UK

joshuaw July 7th, 2022 06:24

Here is my request for standard access.

I confirm that I got a secure password

I am over 18 years of age

I have found the forum on google search

I am currently living in England/UK

yaqoub1994 July 14th, 2022 11:40

hello there i would like to have full access to this forum please

.yes i have i secured password.
. i am over 18 years old (27 years)
. i live in kuwait
. used to see this forum years ago but had trouble making an account.

liftandcarryff July 14th, 2022 13:37

hello there i would like to have full access to this forum please so I could create threads and share some of the videos I have

. I have a secure password.
. i am over 18 years old (24 years)
. i live in Slovenia (small country in Central Europe)
. I found this forum on google (was looking for lift and carry stories) and I thought at first I had to pay to join (so I only read), then figured out years later that being member is free.

BTW: How will I know that I got acsess (or if I didn't, get any guidance what I did wrong), since there is a lot of members that asked months ago and never got acsess (@onlin5, @sammysandhoro86m, @shootingstar, @ff.lnc.lover @Amazonian, @Liftandcarryfan20, @Thewadzee, @glad-maniac, @lglaros, @Liftme09) and when their posts will be swamped by new posts, their request will be forgotten and I am not sure you can request twice

Thanks for creating a place that we can discuss our fetish on without being ashamed of it

dp July 14th, 2022 17:59


Originally Posted by liftandcarryff (Post 269506)
BTW: How will I know that I got acsess (or if I didn't, get any guidance what I did wrong), since there is a lot of members that asked months ago and never got acsess (@onlin5, @sammysandhoro86m, @shootingstar, @ff.lnc.lover @Amazonian, @Liftandcarryfan20, @Thewadzee, @glad-maniac, @lglaros, @Liftme09) and when their posts will be swamped by new posts, their request will be forgotten and I am not sure you can request twice

Thanks for creating a place that we can discuss our fetish on without being ashamed of it

You have standard access now. There are three possible explanations for new members not getting promoted to standard access:
  1. Providing false information in the access request.
  2. The member was hiding his location using a VPN (we allow VPNs after you have gained full access, but the access request itself must be made without using a VPN).
  3. The access request was overlooked - it happens, we don't have paid admins here so it usually takes several days between each batch of new admissions. Sometimes there can be a large backlog of access requests to go though, and it is easy to miss someone.

joshuaw July 16th, 2022 07:50

Not sure if I did anything wrong last time, so here is my standard membership request:

I have a secure password

I am over 18 (i am 31 to be precise)

I found your forum on google search

I am from the UK (at the moment I am on holiday in Finland though)

Thank you for looking into it, it has been already nice reading the general discussions but full access would be just great :)

likemeeman July 16th, 2022 13:08

im new
hello, i found out about this forum a couple days ago and its like a dream come true, im a big lift and carry fan and i would really like to get standard access.
let me tell you about my first time, i was at school and i was friends with a girl and i just gave her a piggyback ride and i asked if she could give me one and i hoped on her back and surprisingly she were able to carry me pretty good for almost a minute, it was the best feeling ever.
thank you

likemeeman July 16th, 2022 13:09

my information
i am 18 years old
I have a secure password
i live in the middle east

Thewadzee July 16th, 2022 13:26

im sorry if im being annoying but i honestly dont know if i made a mistake or something. but i already made a request here. ill do it again now just in case.

-I have a good password

-I am older than 18

-I found this forum from another forum or maybe a poll website or something of the sort

-I am from India(not living there though)

please give me access and if there is a reason i cant(like i made a mistake or something or broke the rules), pls tell me so that i can try to fix it. thanks

samicena133 July 16th, 2022 22:32

22 years

ztestordner July 19th, 2022 15:58

Hello guys,
My password is always secured
I am 24 years old
I found the forum via google after searching for l&c
I am from germany

ztestordner July 19th, 2022 16:02

add on to my first post
I also started the Lesbian Stand & Carry forum at another website. Thanks :)

JeminiGemini July 21st, 2022 06:05

What should i do to get access?

JeminiGemini July 21st, 2022 12:20

My password is secured
I am over 18 years old
I found the forum when i was looking for a specific video of L&C
I am from Serbia
Please provide me full access to the forum...thank you

joshuaw July 21st, 2022 14:45

standard membership request
Not sure if I did anything wrong last time, so here is my standard membership request:

I have a secure password

I am over 18 (i am 31 to be precise)

I found your forum on google search

I am from the UK (at the moment I am on holiday in Finland though)

Thank you for looking into it, it has been already nice reading the general discussions but full access would be just great :)


Aadfg July 21st, 2022 23:16

Standard member request
-Secure Password
-Over 18 ( 25 years old)
-Found when google searching for lift carry stories
-I am from Germany (Bangladeshi born)
Please provide me full access and let me know what I'm missing for VIP access. Thanks

Thewadzee July 22nd, 2022 12:16

so i made a mistake about my location last time

-I have a good, secure password

-I am older than 18

-I found this forum from another forum

-I am from Saudi Arabia

Underroot1one July 22nd, 2022 20:56

Access Request
23 years old

Secure password

Found this from google

I'm from Bangladesh

Ots carryfan July 23rd, 2022 00:36

Permission request

I am over 18
My password is secured
I am from Australia
I came across this forum on Google

Mvhdi July 26th, 2022 03:05

Access Request

Originally Posted by Mvhdi (Post 266254)
-I have chose a secure password.
-I am over 18 years old.
-I found this forum while I was googling lift & carry pictures
-I am from Morocco

Can you please accept my request

Hashtag July 29th, 2022 02:12

Full Forum Access
Dear Moderators,

I'm actually a full member of the forum from early years and at VIP level.

Not able to get back access after a short one month break. Kindly approve access with this ID.

Password is ofcourse secure and I understand all the other rules. Regards

Daking55531 July 29th, 2022 17:52

Access Request
Hi I believe I meet the requirements to become a standard member.
My password is secure
I am over 18.
I found about this forum on google.
I'm from the UK.

Thanks you!

Hashtag July 29th, 2022 21:06


Originally Posted by Hashtag (Post 270223)
Dear Moderators,

I'm actually a full member of the forum from early years and at VIP level.

Not able to get back access after a short one month break. Kindly approve access with this ID.

Password is ofcourse secure and I understand all the other rules. Regards

Kindly help. My origin id was g.gupta1980

dp August 2nd, 2022 14:04


Originally Posted by Hashtag (Post 270264)
Kindly help. My origin id was g.gupta1980

Can you still read email sent to the address registered to g.gupta1980? If so, I will generate a random password, change g.gupta1980's password to this new password, and send the password to g.gupta1980's email.

Sanliftlover August 3rd, 2022 13:14


Originally Posted by gray (Post 135829)
Before getting full access to the forum please make a couple posts (2 or more) in the discussion areas. You wont be able to make new threads initially, so just participate in an existing one. They should not be one word replies but constructive posts on a topic or telling us about yourselves and what you like about lift and carry. You can use a translator if you need one. If you are a producer let us know your store and we'll instantly give you access and you can promote your store here directly to long time fans.

After a couple days then post here in this thread to request full access answering the questions below:

-Confirm you have chose a secure password.
-Confirm you are over 18 years old.
-Tell us how you found this forum (google, another forum, facebook, etc)
-Tell us the country you're currently from

So why an old clunky forum?
We are old fashioned here and believe forums are best for fetishes. Making a dedicated Facebook or Instagram page is putting this stuff next to other peoples birthday parties, weddings, births, etc for all to see - not the place for it. A forum is private, secure, and offers everything we need.

_I am 21 years old
_My password its to secure (I keep my fetishs in secret )
_I found this forum searching lift carry content in google
_I´m from argentina ,buenos aires

Stickgames45 August 6th, 2022 13:46

Very old account with 0 access level
So i'm not new here but I always hear about this forum. The forum thing is a bit complicated ngl, which is why i have no access to anything.

I'm 29 and have secure password
Living in Germany.

Please grant me some basic access so that i can experience this forum for once

Stickgames45 August 6th, 2022 13:50

It also says I have 7 posts for some reason (probably 8 now)

Stickgames45 August 7th, 2022 10:06


Originally Posted by Stickgames45 (Post 270514)
So i'm not new here but I always hear about this forum. The forum thing is a bit complicated ngl, which is why i have no access to anything.

I'm 29 and have secure password
Living in Germany.

Please grant me some basic access so that i can experience this forum for once

I believe I've posted enough as of today. May I please get some basic access?

Sanliftlover August 7th, 2022 19:57

[QUOTE=Sanliftlover;270412]_I am 21 years old
_My password its to secure (I keep my fetishs in secret )
_I found this forum searching lift carry content in google
_I´m from argentina ,buenos aires[/QUOT
Hi, today its my birthday,i would be happy if accept me in standard section,thanks

Stickgames45 August 8th, 2022 13:47

Access request
-I have a secure password.
-I'm 29 years old
-I found this forum from google
-I live in Germany

Stickgames45 August 10th, 2022 18:40


Originally Posted by Stickgames45 (Post 270580)
-I have a secure password.
-I'm 29 years old
-I found this forum from google
-I live in Germany

Can i please, for the love of god, get access?

tinkuthewimp1981 August 11th, 2022 11:41

Access Request Standard
I am from India
I have a secure password.
I'm 42 years old
I found this forum from google while searching for lift and carry

Please grand me access to the standard forum

Communisttaseen August 11th, 2022 13:21

Please lemme in
Hello. Your site is great and I want to please be a part of it. I have known about this site for a long time but have never really being able to access it. You will make my day if I could gain access.

Communisttaseen August 11th, 2022 13:23

Waiting 3 years to gain standard access

Originally Posted by Communisttaseen (Post 270722)
Hello. Your site is great and I want to please be a part of it. I have known about this site for a long time but have never really being able to access it. You will make my day if I could gain access.

Oops, I forgot to mention I am over 18 and learned about this site from browsing the internet. And yes, my password is secure.

Communisttaseen August 11th, 2022 13:37


Originally Posted by Communisttaseen (Post 270722)
Hello. Your site is great and I want to please be a part of it. I have known about this site for a long time but have never really being able to access it. You will make my day if I could gain access.


Originally Posted by Communisttaseen (Post 270723)
Oops, I forgot to mention I am over 18 and learned about this site from browsing the internet. And yes, my password is secure.

Country: New Zealand

dp August 11th, 2022 16:02


Originally Posted by tinkuthewimp1981 (Post 270720)
I am from India
I have a secure password.
I'm 42 years old
I found this forum from google while searching for lift and carry

Please grand me access to the standard forum

I see that you have registered multiple accounts here, and you used to have an active account called just tinkuthewimp. Why do you want to start with a new account rather than asking for the old one to be reactivated?

standtall August 12th, 2022 05:37

Request for standard access
Hi, I would like to humbly request standard access.

Yes, I have chosen a secure password.
Yes, I am (definitely) over 18.
I like many others found this forum through Google.
I am from Brazil.

Many thanks.

JeminiGemini August 14th, 2022 04:24


Originally Posted by dp (Post 270737)
I see that you have registered multiple accounts here, and you used to have an active account called just tinkuthewimp. Why do you want to start with a new account rather than asking for the old one to be reactivated?

Can you tell us how do we get access to multi language section? There’s no answers in this forum

dp August 14th, 2022 08:26


Originally Posted by JeminiGemini (Post 270858)
Can you tell us how do we get access to multi language section? There’s no answers in this forum

You need to get standard access. When requesting standard access, do not use a VPN. You can use a VPN after you get standard access, but the post where you request full access needs to be made while you are logged in directly.

JeminiGemini August 15th, 2022 05:54


Originally Posted by dp (Post 270865)
You need to get standard access. When requesting standard access, do not use a VPN. You can use a VPN after you get standard access, but the post where you request full access needs to be made while you are logged in directly.

The forum doesn’t appear to me without the VPN

dp August 15th, 2022 20:55


Originally Posted by JeminiGemini (Post 270906)
The forum doesn’t appear to me without the VPN

I'm pretty sure this forum is not banned in Serbia. Try logging in from your phone (using the mobile network, not WiFi), or if that's what you're already doing, try it from your PC.

JeminiGemini August 21st, 2022 00:09


Originally Posted by dp (Post 270925)
I'm pretty sure this forum is not banned in Serbia. Try logging in from your phone (using the mobile network, not WiFi), or if that's what you're already doing, try it from your PC.

Do have any social media accounts that i can talk to you in freely and privately?

dp August 21st, 2022 13:36


Originally Posted by JeminiGemini (Post 271096)
Do have any social media accounts that i can talk to you in freely and privately?

You can create a thread in the Help Desk ( The Help Desk posts are only visible to admins.

yumimat1985 August 23rd, 2022 03:18

Hello, can I get full access please?

-I definitely have a secure password.
-I am 36 years old.
-I found this site from Google
-I'm in the United States

tinkuthewimp1981 August 29th, 2022 09:47

I am from India
I have a secure password.
I'm 42 years old
I found this forum from google while searching for lift and carry

Please grand me access to the standard forum

I see that you have registered multiple accounts here, and you used to have an active account called just tinkuthewimp. Why do you want to start with a new account rather than asking for the old one to be reactivated? -dp

dp September 1st, 2022 00:01

We have had some technical problems with our activation emails recently. This should be fixed now. Anyone still waiting for their activation emails can request a new one from here:

briao September 1st, 2022 23:28

Hey there! I'm Jerome from USA.
35 yo and passionate about L&C
My password is secure too

Can I request the standard access for the forum? I found it online a couple of months ago :)

Antediluvian777 September 3rd, 2022 02:06

Can I have full access? This forum is right up my alley.

Piggybacker83 September 3rd, 2022 04:30

From Florida
39 years old
Enjoyed L&C since I was young

lilboysgonewild September 4th, 2022 18:11

4"11 Producer Boy here
Hi My name is Lilboysgonewild

I am a producer of Lift and carry videos and letting tall amazon women bully me.

I am a 4'11 Boy and the women that Lift and carry me are 6-7 Foot Tall amazon women.

My onlyfans is: -----Top 15%:thumbup1:

Im in the top 15% of All Creators and I cant even believe it.

Wanted to join this website and learn more about lift and carry and promote my store my onlyfans ranges from many things you will not want to miss it,

lilboysgonewild September 4th, 2022 18:25


Originally Posted by lilboysgonewild (Post 271615)
Hi My name is Lilboysgonewild

I am a producer of Lift and carry videos and letting tall amazon women bully me.

I am a 4'11 Boy and the women that Lift and carry me are 6-7 Foot Tall amazon women.

My onlyfans is: -----Top 15%:thumbup1:

Im in the top 15% of All Creators and I cant even believe it.

Wanted to join this website and learn more about lift and carry and promote my store my onlyfans ranges from many things you will not want to miss it,


Originally Posted by gray (Post 135829)
Before getting full access to the forum please make a couple posts (2 or more) in the discussion areas. You wont be able to make new threads initially, so just participate in an existing one. They should not be one word replies but constructive posts on a topic or telling us about yourselves and what you like about lift and carry. You can use a translator if you need one. If you are a producer let us know your store and we'll instantly give you access and you can promote your store here directly to long time fans.

After a couple days then post here in this thread to request full access answering the questions below:

-Confirm you have chose a secure password.
-Confirm you are over 18 years old.
-Tell us how you found this forum (google, another forum, facebook, etc)
-Tell us the country you're currently from

So why an old clunky forum?
We are old fashioned here and believe forums are best for fetishes. Making a dedicated Facebook or Instagram page is putting this stuff next to other peoples birthday parties, weddings, births, etc for all to see - not the place for it. A forum is private, secure, and offers everything we need.

I am 28 Years old

I found this website on Google While Searching

I am in Canada

My Password is Secure

I am a Producer of Content

Joseelnegro September 7th, 2022 16:43

My password is secured
I am over 18 years old
I found the forum via google
I am from Chile
Please provide me full access to the forum...thank you

Moadel September 7th, 2022 22:08

My password is secured.
Wayover 18 years old.
Found this on google search.
I live in Egypt.
I am not using any vpn . I am using my phone with cellular network

unknown989 September 8th, 2022 13:35

Trying to get full access
So from what I understand to get access I have to post in here, OK

I'm a casual lift & carry enthusiast, I love it in general because it shows the power of women and the weakness of men. it creates balance in life, men don't have to be strong all the time, nor women should be weak all the time :thumbup1:

any how,
- I have a secure password
- just turned 21
- found this on another site (
- from tennessee, US

KMS September 10th, 2022 07:57

Get access
My password is secured
I am over 18 years old
I found the forum via google
I am from Saudi
Please provide me full access to the forum...thank you*

notnowplease September 10th, 2022 16:37

My password is secured
I am way over 18 years old
I found the forum via google
I am from Indiana
Please provide me full access to the forum...thank you*

bigc September 11th, 2022 17:58


-I have indeed chosen a secure password
-I am over 18 years old!
-I found this forum from Google searches
-I am from the USA!

sammysandhoro86 September 14th, 2022 09:21


My password is secured
I am way over 18 years old
I found the forum via google and facebook
I am from Indonesia
Please provide me full access to the forum...thank you very much

JoghurtLight September 15th, 2022 01:07

Hello. I believe I meet the requirements to become a standard member.
My password is secure.
I am way over 18.
I found about this forum on google.
I'm from Koblenz/ Germany.

Robicagi September 15th, 2022 07:00

My password is secured
I am 24 years old
I found the forum via google
I am from Italy
I’m huge fun of L&C I love all about it.
Please provide me full access to the forum...thank you

tinkuthewimp1981 September 16th, 2022 11:44


Originally Posted by dp (Post 270737)
I see that you have registered multiple accounts here, and you used to have an active account called just tinkuthewimp. Why do you want to start with a new account rather than asking for the old one to be reactivated?

Dear Sir,

You are right i already have an account with the username tinkuthewimp but while trying to log in i am getting the message that either my username or password is wrong thats why is created this new account , i would be really nice on your part if you could reactivate my old account

Do you still have access to the email address used for tinkuthewimp? -dp

LeonardoMA September 18th, 2022 07:00

My password is secured
I am over 18 years old
I found the forum via google
I am from Brazil
Please provide me full access to the forum...thank you

JUserName September 18th, 2022 22:23

Ive chosen a secure password
I am over 18 years old
Found this forum on google
I am from Mexico

bettiebrickhouse September 19th, 2022 01:44

Bettie Brickhouse L&C Producer
Hey there, I just saw that I'm getting traffic from this site to my C4S -- I'm guessing there's some of my L&C clips/vids floating around here here somewhere. Most of my L&C clips are here: but some are here as well:

I have some images of my L&Cs on my Session Girls as well.

tinkuthewimp1981 September 20th, 2022 12:30


Originally Posted by tinkuthewimp1981 (Post 272050)
Dear Sir,

You are right i already have an account with the username tinkuthewimp but while trying to log in i am getting the message that either my username or password is wrong thats why is created this new account , i would be really nice on your part if you could reactivate my old account

Do you still have access to the email address used for tinkuthewimp? -dp

Yes sir i do have access to the mail id , kindly help me

dp September 20th, 2022 19:45


Originally Posted by tinkuthewimp1981 (Post 272192)
Yes sir i do have access to the mail id , kindly help me

I have reactivated the tinkuthewimp account - see if you can still log in with your old password. If not, just request a new password.

tinkuthewimp1981 September 21st, 2022 07:18


Originally Posted by dp (Post 272205)
I have reactivated the tinkuthewimp account - see if you can still log in with your old password. If not, just request a new password.

Dear Sir thanks a lot for reactivating my account but i am not able to log in with the old password , kindly provide me a new password

Thanks and regards

dp September 22nd, 2022 09:34


Originally Posted by tinkuthewimp1981 (Post 272218)
Dear Sir thanks a lot for reactivating my account but i am not able to log in with the old password , kindly provide me a new password

Thanks and regards

You can request a new password here:

Just write in the email address that you used in the tinkuthewimp account and answer the random human verification question.

JUserName September 23rd, 2022 04:37

Ive chosen a secure password
I am over 18 years old
Found this forum on google
I am from Mexico
Please provide me full access to the forum...thank you

lilboysgonewild September 28th, 2022 00:09

Request Full Forum Acess

I am a 4'11 Boy that gets Bullied and Carried by tall 6Foot and 7Foot.

I am 28 years old
I have a secure password
I found this Forum on Google Because I am a Producer and looking to Promote my store.
I am Living in Canada.

My Store is:

Arjun10 September 29th, 2022 18:15

My password is secured
I am over 18 years old
I found the forum via google
I am from India.
Please provide access to the forum...thank you

jeffbeans October 1st, 2022 15:44

I have a secure password
I'm 43 from the UK
Big fan of L&C
Please provide me full access to the forum...thank you

glodobox October 2nd, 2022 10:32

Request full forum access
My password is safe n secured.
I'm over 18, age being 30.
Found the forum via Google and from the south east asia.
Please provide me full access.

AAAZZZ October 2nd, 2022 23:58

I need full access
I am 30 years old
IAM from Middle East
Found the forum via google
I want to express how I feel about lifting and carry

aw1252 October 3rd, 2022 01:47

I need full acccess
My password is secure
I am 27 years old from the USA
I found this forum via a Google search

I have had a few lift & carry sessions & would like to share my experiences in the session info section.

Please provide full access, thank you in advance! :thumbup1:

Jetfire October 5th, 2022 07:09

Requesting access
Hello. I think I meet the requirements to become a standard member.i have been do 2 or more post in fm lift carry threads,,and
My password is secure.
I am 28
I found about this forum from my friend raul2626
I'm from india
regard.i am a real a lift carry fan,,and i want to be a stanard member here,,,thx.
I also like contributes pics and chats lift carry topics:):)

fdo7 October 5th, 2022 17:40

Request for full forum access
Hi there! I would like to ask for full access, I am over 18 (40 actually), I have a secure password and I'm from Chile. I honestly don't remember how I got here, but must have been through google searching for Lift and carry.

Jetfire October 6th, 2022 14:57

Standard request
This is my 2nd reply for request
As I am most of time online
Requesting standard membership
I am 28 yr
From India
I also like to discuss lift carry topics and sessions
Admin if you reading kindly grant my request for forum access
I already has 6 posts posted
very much appreciated

ptobrien51 October 6th, 2022 15:26

request for standard membership
I'm 71, (yeah, I'm not passed it yet)
From USA
Found this forum through google search
Have what seems to be a secure password.

I go way back with lift and carry. In fact my puny self
can be seen in some classic L&C videos from the 80s & 90s including one with the magnificent Toni Liddell.

ny003 October 6th, 2022 22:54

full forum access
My password is secured
I am over 18 years old
I found the forum when i was looking for a specific video of L&C
I am from Italy
Please provide me full access to the forum, thank you

Lao October 7th, 2022 08:24

Access for Full Forum
Age 28
I got interested from several post
Plz let me have the access of Lift and carry India pic and clips

Lao October 9th, 2022 02:32

Request for Standard access
I am passionate about lift and carry and extremely interested in picture and video
But quite unfortunate I don't have the access to any of them I request the admin to provide standard Access of Indian page so I can have discussion with my people

qpgmrit October 10th, 2022 18:24

My password is secured
I am over 34 years old
I found the forum when i was looking for a specific video of L&C
I am from Italy
Please provide me full access to the forum, thank you

Lao October 11th, 2022 01:47

Standard Access
My password is secured
I am 20 years old
I find this forum when I searching about lift and carry videos and pictures
I am from Italy
Plz grant me standard access
Thank you!

Lao October 12th, 2022 08:51

Request for standard access
My password is secured
I am from Italy
I am 20 years old
I found this forum when I was looking for specific lift and carry video
Please prove me full access to the forum
Thank you!

Lao October 12th, 2022 10:09

Request for standard access
Dear Admin
I have been requesting you for so long
At least give me a proper reason for not approving my condition and request
Plz reply?!!
Thank you!

Access is only granted to members that answer the questions in the access request truthfully.

runkkar1 October 12th, 2022 20:06

My password is secured.
Im 32 years old.
I found this forum via google.
I'd love to have full access to the forum.
Warm regards from Finland!

Lao October 12th, 2022 23:05

Access Request
Dear Admin!
I am sorry 😞
I'll say the truth
I am 18 years old from Nepal
I got to know about this forum from last year while Searching for clips and pictures
This year I made an account for the standard pictures and clips
I request you to grant me Standard access
And my password is secured too
Thank you!

Harish October 12th, 2022 23:18

My password is secured
I am over 18 years old
I found about this forum through Google search
I am from Nepal
Please provide me full access to the forum
Thank you

Lao October 13th, 2022 00:35

Standard Access
Dear Admin I have done as you said
My password is secured
I am 18 years old
I live in India But Shifted to Nepal
I find this forum through Google search
Plz I kindly request to you approve me
Thank you!

Sam98 October 13th, 2022 02:10

My password is secured
I am 30 years old
I found about this forum while searching different pictures and video related to l/c
I'd love to have full access to the forum
Lots of love from Sweden,
Thank you

djf October 16th, 2022 06:23

I am a returning user.
I have chosen a secure password.
I am over 18.
I'm from the USA.

liftandcarryisamazing October 17th, 2022 05:10

Access to forum
I’ve chosen a very secure password
I’m 23 years old
I have a huge passion for lift and carry and found this through the Internet
I am from the United States. Would love full access if possible

sekspir October 17th, 2022 19:55

Hi all
My password is secured
I m 29 years old
I found this forum while searching on the internet and i would love a full access if its possible
Love from Serbia

very jhappy October 17th, 2022 22:30

I’ve chosen a secure password
I’m 28 years old
I enjoy lift and carry and found this website by using Google, looking for lift and carry interest groups.
I live in the United States, and hope to be given access soon.

Curt_connor October 19th, 2022 13:39

Standard full access
I’ve selected a secure password
I’m 32 years old
I am very passionate about lift and carry and found this website by using Google, looking for lift and carry interest groups.
I am from India and hope to be given access soon.

nauczyciel October 19th, 2022 16:29

My password is secured
I am over 18 years old (29)
I found the forum via google
I am from Germany
Please provide me full access to the forum. Thanks

Jaredpersi October 24th, 2022 07:14

Standard full access
Dear Admin,
My password is secured
Im jared from Guatemala and I'm 22 years old
I'm a big fan of lift and carry and I found this forum using google, also I have a lot of clips to share with the community, please give me the opportunity to the standard access

johshadow October 25th, 2022 16:59

Hello there, my password is secure.
I'm John from Colombia, 25 years old.
I found the forum through google, and would be thankful if I could get full access.

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