The Lift & Carry Forums

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..113 October 25th, 2022 20:36

Hello there, my password is secure.
I'm John from Colombia, 24 years old.
I found the forum through google, and would be thankful if I could get full access.

rami77sarah October 26th, 2022 10:27

Request Full Forum Access
I’ve chosen a secure password
I’m 41 years old
I enjoy lift and carry and found this website by using Google, looking for lift and carry interest groups.
I live in Egypt, and hope to be given access soon.

PNW Shyguy October 26th, 2022 18:36

Request Full Forum Access
My password is secure.
I am 42 years old.
I found this website by googling lift and carry discussion.
I live in the United States and would love full access to the discussion.
Thank you.

..113 October 31st, 2022 08:49

Confirm you have chose a secure password.
-Confirm you are over 18 years old.
Yes born in 2000
-Tell us how you found this forum (google, another forum, facebook, etc)
-Tell us the country you're currently from

Fitstronggals2 November 1st, 2022 00:05

Any hope to get access to standard member ??

You seem to have two accounts here - this one and fitstronggals (without the number 2). Do you still have access to the first account? -dp

martysese November 2nd, 2022 08:16

Standard Access Request
Hey there,

- My password is secured
- I am over 18
- I found the forum via google
- I live in the Middle East

It will be appreciated to let me full access to the forum

Best regards

benchwarmer25 November 4th, 2022 23:29

Request Standard Forum Access

- I have chosen a secure password
- I am over 18 years old
- I found the forum via Google
- I live in the United States

I hope to gain standard access to the forum :)

Throwaways222222 November 5th, 2022 05:15

Full access
Can confirm that I’m over 18

Can confirm password is secure

From the US and found this through Reddit.

Please give me full access to the forum.

mutahr November 5th, 2022 16:29

I have created a secure password.
I am over 18, born in the 80s
Found this forum via Google.
I'm in the USA.

Can I please be granted access? Thx

djf November 6th, 2022 01:34

I am a returning user (found via google years ago).
I have chosen a secure password.
I am over 18 (32).
I'm from the USA.

Kindly allow access please. Let me know if there is anything I must address.

benchwarmer25 November 7th, 2022 15:50

Requesting Standard Access

I have now made the required 2 or more posts in the discussion forums and wish to gain standard access to the forum. I have chosen a secure password, confirmed I am over 18, live in the USA, found this forum through Google. Thank you

kjyfd November 8th, 2022 15:59


Originally Posted by gray (Post 135829)
Before getting full access to the forum please make a couple posts (2 or more) in the discussion areas. You wont be able to make new threads initially, so just participate in an existing one. They should not be one word replies but constructive posts on a topic or telling us about yourselves and what you like about lift and carry. You can use a translator if you need one. If you are a producer let us know your store and we'll instantly give you access and you can promote your store here directly to long time fans.

After a couple days then post here in this thread to request full access answering the questions below:

-Confirm you have chose a secure password.
-Confirm you are over 18 years old.
-Tell us how you found this forum (google, another forum, facebook, etc)
-Tell us the country you're currently from

So why an old clunky forum?
We are old fashioned here and believe forums are best for fetishes. Making a dedicated Facebook or Instagram page is putting this stuff next to other peoples birthday parties, weddings, births, etc for all to see - not the place for it. A forum is private, secure, and offers everything we need.

It is very good that such rules have been created on the site, it is immediately felt that the forum is active and there is no place for spam and other garbage.:thumbup2:

Nils08 November 9th, 2022 13:36

My password is secured
I am over 18 born in 1990
I am from USA
I find this forum through Google
Plz grant me the access let me know if anything else is required
Thank you

Fitstronggals2 November 10th, 2022 18:05


Originally Posted by Fitstronggals2 (Post 273884)
Any hope to get access to standard member ??

You seem to have two accounts here - this one and fitstronggals (without the number 2). Do you still have access to the first account? -dp

No i don't have access at all to the first account without number 2 i cannot even remeber it

Fitstronggals2 November 10th, 2022 18:07


Originally Posted by Fitstronggals2 (Post 273884)
Any hope to get access to standard member ??

You seem to have two accounts here - this one and fitstronggals (without the number 2). Do you still have access to the first account? -dp


Originally Posted by Fitstronggals2 (Post 274271)
No i don't have access at all to the first account without number 2 i cannot even remeber it

So hope to grant me standard access to this one please 🙏🏻

dp November 10th, 2022 23:19


Originally Posted by Fitstronggals2 (Post 274272)
So hope to grant me standard access to this one please 🙏🏻

Fill out the access request properly, using the first post in this thread as a template.

Fitstronggals2 November 11th, 2022 08:11


Originally Posted by dp (Post 274280)
Fill out the access request properly, using the first post in this thread as a template.

I believe i met the requirements to become standard member as :
- my password is secured
- i found the forum through google
- i am over 18 years old
- i live in egypt

Thank you ❤️😍💪🏻🙏🏻

Nils08 November 11th, 2022 14:53

Standard access
I too believe to have met the requirements as you mentioned above
My password is secured
I am over 18 born in 1990
I am from the US
And I found this forum through Google
Thank you!!

Lora Cross November 12th, 2022 16:03

Request Full Access
Good Morning!

My password is secured
I am over 18 born in 1985
I am from Charleston, Sc in the USA
I find this forum through a friend who i do lift and carry sessions with
I have posted 5 times in the general discussion forums. Please grant me the access or let me know if anything else is required!


Lora Cross

greybeezer November 12th, 2022 17:24


Originally Posted by Lora Cross (Post 274383)
Good Morning!

My password is secured
I am over 18 born in 1985
I am from Charleston, Sc in the USA
I find this forum through a friend who i do lift and carry sessions with
I have posted 5 times in the general discussion forums. Please grant me the access or let me know if anything else is required!


Lora Cross

Access granted an welcome to the forum.

djf November 13th, 2022 04:27

I am a returning user (found via google years ago).
I have chosen a secure password.
I am over 18 (32).
I live in the UK.

Lcpp November 13th, 2022 14:11

Hello am returning user
Have a secure password
From Malaysia and above 18

shanks001 November 14th, 2022 03:28

New to Forum!

- New to the forum, just found out about it from Google

- Looking forward to post and chat about all things L&C

- Please allow me standard access because I would very much like to post pictures in some of the discussions

- Password is secure ✅
- Over 18 ✅
- From France ✅
- Found this from Google ✅


IMHN November 15th, 2022 00:23

I’m new in the forum, i found it on twitter

I live in middle east
Password is secure 👍
Above 18 👍

Shetab November 18th, 2022 07:21

Im a returning user
Found this forum years ago via google
Im over 18
My password is secured
Live in Bangladesh

IMHN November 20th, 2022 03:32

I believe i met the requirements to become standard member as :

Over 18
From Saudi Arabia
Password is secure
I found it from twitter

Nils08 November 21st, 2022 10:06

Access Request
This is my second time asking for standard access
My password is secured
I'm over 18 years old
I'm from US
And I found this forum through Google

Sluwenond November 24th, 2022 20:34

Hey!. I think I meet the requirements to become a standard member.
My password is very secure.
I am over 18.
I found about this forum on google.
I'm from Belgium.


Aadfg November 26th, 2022 01:20

Request for access
Asking for a long time for full access. Let me know kindly if I don't fill any criteria. I've participated in several posts already.
My password is secured
I'm over 18 years old (Date of Birth is 8 Oct, 1996)
I'm from Bangladesh currently living in Germany
Found this forum through Google searching for lift carry stories

Feres December 2nd, 2022 20:30

I have come across this forum when i did know how to create accounts and stuff. Feels good to have refound the forum. Props to the ppl who kept it running

twrstk December 4th, 2022 21:03


I have a secure password
I am over 18
I am from the US
I am a member of ultimateshoulderrides

Cutomo December 5th, 2022 03:58

Request forum access

My password is secured.
I'm over 18.
I'm from india.
Found the website through Google.


Nils08 December 5th, 2022 16:50

Access request
I am a returning member
I am over 18 years old
My password is secured
Im form the US
I found this forum through Google
Please allow me standard access I've been requesting for a long time

Danyoyo December 5th, 2022 20:32


Originally Posted by gray (Post 135829)
Before getting full access to the forum please make a couple posts (2 or more) in the discussion areas. You wont be able to make new threads initially, so just participate in an existing one. They should not be one word replies but constructive posts on a topic or telling us about yourselves and what you like about lift and carry. You can use a translator if you need one. If you are a producer let us know your store and we'll instantly give you access and you can promote your store here directly to long time fans.

After a couple days then post here in this thread to request full access answering the questions below:

-Confirm you have chose a secure password.
-Confirm you are over 18 years old.
-Tell us how you found this forum (google, another forum, facebook, etc)
-Tell us the country you're currently from

So why an old clunky forum?
We are old fashioned here and believe forums are best for fetishes. Making a dedicated Facebook or Instagram page is putting this stuff next to other peoples birthday parties, weddings, births, etc for all to see - not the place for it. A forum is private, secure, and offers everything we need.


Password all secure.
Over 18 years old.
From the UK
Forum was recommended to me by a session girl actually, she had some reviews on here.


Feres December 8th, 2022 20:33

request access
Hi, I have been here for a while now
yes I have a secure password
Iam 22
I got to know about the forum from google search
Iam from India

Linc99 December 9th, 2022 18:10

Full Access

I have a secure password
I am over 18
Found this forum through Google search
I am from the UK

Bloomz balor December 10th, 2022 00:39

Lift and carry
I am 18 years over
I am from India
I found this from my Facebook friend
Can I get full access to this forum
I am a big fan of lift and carry
Thank you

Bloomz balor December 10th, 2022 00:52

Request access
I am 30 years old
I love lift and carry especially in movies
I want to contribute clips
My password is secure
I am from India
Can I get access
Thank you

Thewadzee December 11th, 2022 11:05

access please
I am older than 18
I love lift and carry and have been here for a while now(i honestly dont know why i dont have access yet)
My password is secure
I am from India living in saudi arabia
found this from another forum i think it was mak's female muscle forum
Can I get access
Thank you

Nils08 December 12th, 2022 11:57

Access request
I am over 18 years old
I am form the US
I found this forum from Google
My password is secured
I have been asking for long time
Plz give me the standard access
I request you again
Thank you

IMHN December 14th, 2022 12:20

Full access

I have a secure password
I am over 18
Found this forum through Google search , twitter
I am from Saudi arabia

Btw i have been asking for a month so please can i have full access ? I'm going to share a lot of scenes 👍

Sleeps December 14th, 2022 18:49

Hello, I have a secure password.
I'm over 18 years old.
I found this forum thru Google search.
I'm from the US.

buckethead December 14th, 2022 23:00


i have a secure password,

i am from sweden

lapsitting2020 December 15th, 2022 23:21

Requesting Standard Access
1) I have a secure password
2) I'm 32 years old
3) I found this forum through google, while searching for lapsitting/lift and carry stories!
4) I'm currently living in the US.

Thank you! I look forward to having standard access!

Boo December 16th, 2022 07:48

Full access
Hello, I am requesting full access
1. My password
2. I'm 22 years old
3. I found this forum when searching on Google
4. I live in the U.S

DrFeelGood December 17th, 2022 02:57

Hello, I am requesting full access to this website
I'm older than 18
I have a secure password
I found this website via a friend
I am from France and I really love lift and carry,

Johnwick December 17th, 2022 14:38

Requesting access
Hello, I am requesting full access
1. My password
2. I'm 22 years old
3. I searched in Google to find this
4. I live in the U.S

Qwerd7m December 17th, 2022 18:39

Requesting for STANDARD access
I have a secure password
I'm 22 years old
I found this forum through google , twitter while searching about lift carry stuff
I will be grateful for the STANDARD access

Johnwick December 18th, 2022 14:24

Requesting standard access after posting in the discussion threads
Hi, I am requesting standard access to this forum
I'm 22 years old
My passord is secure
I found this website when searching on google
I live in the US

Vivimedi December 20th, 2022 19:41

Hello, requesting access
I'm 32 years old
I found this forum through Reddit, while searching for lift and carry stories
I'm currently living in the UK.
Let me know if there's anything else I need to do.

jeffmano514 December 21st, 2022 01:32

Requesting access
Over 18
Password is secure
Found on google
US based

pjbrb December 21st, 2022 17:12

Over 18,
liking the topic, found on google
Waiting to be a member :)


mangofuji December 23rd, 2022 16:03

Request standard activation

I initally thoight my password needed to be reset for standard access so I’ve just changed it to another secure password.

I believe I meet the requirements, so I would like to request a Standard Access please.
My password is secure.
I am over 18 years old.
I found this forum using Google searching being a L & C fan
I'm from U.S.
happy holidays and thank you for reviewing

mangofuji December 23rd, 2022 19:58


Originally Posted by mangofuji (Post 276016)

I initially thought my password needed to be reset for standard access so I’ve just changed it to another secure password.

I believe I meet the requirements, so I would like to request a Standard Access please.
My password is secure.
I am over 18 years old.
I found this forum using Google searching being a L & C fan
I'm from U.S.
happy holidays and thank you for reviewing

Dear Admin any chance I could have access to a the standard membership? I believe I've followed procedure

lordmax December 28th, 2022 12:02

Requesting Standard Access
1) I have a secure password
2) I'm 31 years old
3) I found this forum via google
4) I'm from Iran

mrlmg217 December 29th, 2022 13:27

1) I have a secure password
2) I’m 29 years old
3) I found the form on google
4) I’m from Australia

Karmmkoo1410 December 29th, 2022 16:07

1) My password is secure
2) I’m 30 years old
3) I found the form when searching on google
4) I’m from Norway

choo_1983 December 30th, 2022 06:57

My password is secure.
I am over 18.
I found about this forum thanks to google.
I'm from Australia.

bigman December 30th, 2022 18:49

Password of mine is very secure
I am over 18 years old
I found about this in Google
I am from finland

Aadfg December 30th, 2022 21:36

Reason for not getting regular access

Originally Posted by Aadfg (Post 275039)
Asking for a long time for full access. Let me know kindly if I don't fill any criteria. I've participated in several posts already.
My password is secured
I'm over 18 years old (Date of Birth is 8 Oct, 1996)
I'm from Bangladesh currently living in Germany
Found this forum through Google searching for lift carry stories

May I know which criteria I'm not fulfilling for Standard Access?

Qwerd7m December 30th, 2022 22:05


Originally Posted by Qwerd7m (Post 275796)
I have a secure password
I'm 22 years old
I found this forum through google , twitter while searching about lift carry stuff
I will be grateful for the STANDARD access

May i know why i didn't get the standard access yet ?

Your access request needs to include the country you currently live in. -dp

liftca January 2nd, 2023 15:13

Requesting standard access
1) I have a secure password.
2) I'm 27 years old.
3) I found this forum via Google.
4) I'm from India.

Thank You.

Mrtallwomenlover January 3rd, 2023 03:28

1) I have a secure password.
2) I'm 29 years old.
3) I found this forum via Google.
4) I'm from the netherlands

Qwerd7m January 5th, 2023 02:03

1)I have a secure password
2)I'm 22 years old
3)I found this forum through google , twitter while searching about lift carry stuff
4) I'm From saudi arabia
I will be grateful for the STANDARD access

Please log in without your VPN to confirm your location. -dp

Qwerd7m January 6th, 2023 01:32


Originally Posted by Qwerd7m (Post 276443)
1)I have a secure password
2)I'm 22 years old
3)I found this forum through google , twitter while searching about lift carry stuff
4) I'm From saudi arabia
I will be grateful for the STANDARD access

Please log in without your VPN to confirm your location. -dp

Sorry if i bothered you, done :thumb:

Thank you, location confirmed, full access granted. Feel free to start using your VPN again, we only need a direct login during new user promotion. -dp

Nils08 January 6th, 2023 10:42

Access request
My password is secured
I am over 18
I am from the US
I found this forum through Google
Plz grant me standard access

Iamspartacus1. January 8th, 2023 13:38

Requesting Full Access
I would like to request full access, I have posed in the L&C discussions area, and I would like to contribute further.

I have a secure password
I am over 18 years old (57)
I inputted Lifted & Carrying into Google and your site came up.
I live in England (UK)

I hope I have done enough to get further access, and I look forward to adding to the content of this site.

Hashtag January 10th, 2023 18:05

Very old member lost account
Dear Admins,
I was among the first few members of the forum at the time goldendoggy was one of the forum leaders.
I created many first groups on orkut etc, and contributed heavily to the forum. Last year I lost my access to the forum. My ID Then was ggupxxxx
I wish to get back in the forum and interact with all of the community.

If you'd be willing to provide me access now, I'd be grateful.
Otherwise I'll.make the required contribution and wait for your approval.

greybeezer January 14th, 2023 12:59


Originally Posted by Hashtag (Post 276708)
Dear Admins,
I was among the first few members of the forum at the time goldendoggy was one of the forum leaders.
I created many first groups on orkut etc, and contributed heavily to the forum. Last year I lost my access to the forum. My ID Then was ggupxxxx
I wish to get back in the forum and interact with all of the community.

If you'd be willing to provide me access now, I'd be grateful.
Otherwise I'll.make the required contribution and wait for your approval.

Your old account is still active with all its privileges.

Foot0slave January 16th, 2023 22:32

Ok I'll try to post something

trigger67 January 17th, 2023 03:34

1) I have chosen a secure password
2) I am over 18 years old
3) I discovered the forum through google
4) I'm from the US

Thanks for your help in providing me with access!

Bombowritoo January 21st, 2023 16:10

Hello there,

I believe I qualify for standard access.

I have chosen a safe password
I am over 18 yo
I found this forum from searching on google
I have also commented on some posts in the discussion area.

Thanks in advance :)

Bombowritoo January 21st, 2023 16:11


Originally Posted by Bombowritoo (Post 277144)
Hello there,

I believe I qualify for standard access.

I have chosen a safe password
I am over 18 yo
I found this forum from searching on google
I have also commented on some posts in the discussion area.

Thanks in advance :)

Oh and I'm from Israel

kroktrok January 25th, 2023 17:43

1- I have chosen a secure password
2- I am over 18 years old
3- I discovered the forum through google
4- I'm from the Turkey

LCAlt41 January 26th, 2023 16:57

1.) I have chosen a secure password
2.) I am over 18 years old
3.) I found this forum through Google search recommendations
4.) I’m from the US


misspandora January 27th, 2023 21:10


I'm a producer. I'm a longtime model (in fact, I joined this forum back in 2014. I honestly can't recall why I have no posts! lol)

My clips store is


Denns January 27th, 2023 22:52


i confirm that I chose a secure password.
I also confirm that i am over 18 years old (26).
I found this page via Google.
I am from germany.

Thanks! :)

shanks001 January 28th, 2023 02:55


I think I now qualify for standard access.

I have chosen a safe password
I am over 18 yo
I am from France
I found this forum from searching on google
I also commented on some posts in the discussion area.


1461291879 January 29th, 2023 03:07

My password is secured
I am over 18 years old
I found the forum via google
I am from egypt

i am 18 years


My password is secured
I am over 18 years old
I found the forum via google
I am from japan

My password is secured
I am over 18 years old
I found the forum via google
I am from German

shanks001 January 29th, 2023 12:21


I think I now qualify for standard access.

I have chosen a safe password
I am over 18 yo
I am in the US
I found this forum from searching on google
I also commented on some posts in the discussion area.


melad2500 January 31st, 2023 20:57

1) I have chosen a secure password
2) I am over 18 years old
3) I found the forum from a google search
4) I am from the US

Thanks for granting access!

tonkyp February 3rd, 2023 09:34

i am right posting this message to get access?

;-) petra

ok, i think i have to post 5 messages?

... then this is messages number 3

... and one more (ok, i have to wait for 30 seconds) :D

... and the fifth message. (i hope it works!)

is there anyone who likes to ride piggyback horsystyle ?

ok, didn't work. :(
may be i am awaiting activation ???

please,please. i beg for it ! 8)

Merged spamming of access requests. -dp

Nils08 February 3rd, 2023 09:58

Access required
I am over 18
My password is secured
I found it through Google
I am from the US
I think I complete every requirements
Thank you in advance

jackyarora February 3rd, 2023 11:26

Hello guys
i am jacky from india
i am into lift and carry since childhood

jackyarora February 3rd, 2023 11:26

i have lot of lc vidoes. even more than 100

Jetto February 4th, 2023 14:18

Hi, nice to be here!
1) I have chosen a secure password
2) I am over 18 years old
3) I found the forum from a google search
4) I am from Poland

Thanks for granting access!

tequilamx01 February 4th, 2023 17:32

Requesting acces
Hi there,

I believe I comply with the requirements: I confirmed that I’ve chosen a secure password, I am well over 18 years old, I found this forum through google. I live in Argentina.

Would you grant me access to the forum, please?

Patski04 February 5th, 2023 13:48

My password is secured
I am over 18 years old
I found this forum from google
I am from the Philippines

Patski04 February 5th, 2023 13:51

My password is secured
I am over 18 years old
I found this forum from google
I am from the US

Deplip February 5th, 2023 18:51

I am over 18
My password is secured
I found it through Google
I am from France
I think I complete every requirements to have access
Thank you in advance

Raj2381 February 7th, 2023 00:18

I am over 18
My password is secured
I found it through Google
I am from the UK
I think I complete every requirements
Thank you in advance

Number 2


4th post

Numero 5

Merged spam. -dp

Ahs098765 February 7th, 2023 03:02

1) I have chosen a secure password
2) I am over 18 years old
3) I found the forum from a google search
4) I am from the US


paclsss February 12th, 2023 15:38

Access request
My password is secured.
I am over 18 years old.
I found this forum from google.
I am from Turkey.

jbelski008 February 16th, 2023 00:10


I am from canada and found this website just surfing on the internet and searching for L&C.

I can confirm I am over 18 and have a strong password.

Would love full access and look forward to contributing to the discussion here!

Villalodiego February 17th, 2023 07:23

Hello. I am Diego
I am 19
I found this forum on google searching for lift and carry
i Have a secure password
i live in the United States

edmanno February 18th, 2023 20:27

Requesting access
Over 18
Found forum on google search
Have a secure password
Live in US

Your email address is not verified. This is a requirement for standard access. Please go to to request a new activation email. -dp

piesgot February 25th, 2023 12:40

Over 18
google search
secure password
Live in United States

Graffik February 26th, 2023 06:57

Hey im Konrad
I am over 18
I found this forum on Google
i Have a secure password
i live in Poland

12ampersands March 3rd, 2023 21:01

Over 18
Google search
I’ve chosen a secure password
From the US

appleandspace March 3rd, 2023 23:06

Over 18
Found on google search
Live in the USA
Have a secure password

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