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mattu2 August 4th, 2015 12:53

access request

I'd like to participate fully on this great forum.
I'm over 18 years, live in the Netherlands, have a secure password and have found this forum long time ago, and have now somehow found it back.

Keep up the good work!

yhot000 August 4th, 2015 18:16

get access

I'd like to participate fully on this great forum.
I'm over 18 years, live in Brazil, have a secure password and have found this forum long time ago, and no I decided to join

Can you grant me access?

jwalaguttalifts August 10th, 2015 08:30

Request full forum access I have made 3 posts
I am over 18 yrs old and my password is secure

granted but your other account has been disabled

bronetank August 11th, 2015 09:06

Request Full Forum Access I have chosen a secure password. I am over 18 years old. I found this forum on google. I live in Russia. Thank you in advance


caoxuyuan August 14th, 2015 16:32

My password is secure.
I am 25.
I found about this forum on google.
I'm from china.
faint fan of l&c. looking foward to permission


nuezja25 August 17th, 2015 14:13

Request Full Forum Access

I have chosen a secure password.

I am over 18 years old.

I found this forum on google.

I live in Spain.


Adil August 21st, 2015 17:11

Hi Moderators,

I am still waiting. Hope you can approve me.



Originally Posted by Adil (Post 159053)
Hi Moderators,

Request you to please give me access to the forum. If anything is required from my end do let me know.

I have a secure password.
I am over 18 years old.
I found this on Google.
I am from India.

Waiting in anticipation. :)

cx August 24th, 2015 03:15

I have met the requirements (3 posts in the lounge and waited 5 days), please give me full forum access.

-Confirm you have chose a secure password.
Password is secure

-Confirm you are over 18 years old.
I'm over 18

-Tell us how you found this forum (google, another forum, facebook, etc)

-Tell us the country you're currently living in


YPhi August 25th, 2015 11:40

Full access
Please provide me with full access.
I have chosen a seure password.
I am over 18 years old.
I found this forum cwith Google.
I live in Ireland



barba41 August 26th, 2015 15:30

I'd like full access, please.

-Confirm you have chose a secure password.

-Confirm you are over 18 years old.
I am 30

-Tell us how you found this forum (google, another forum, facebook, etc)

-Tell us the country you're currently living in

Thank you!

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