![]() |
Full access
I have a safe password
I知 over 18 I did a google search and came upon the site. I知 u.s citizen |
Request without being on vpn
Over 18
Live in the US Have a secure password Found on google |
Standard Access Request
Hello, I am 27 years old
My password is safe, I found this on google I知 from US Please grant me access , thank you |
Well, I guess I choose a safe password
I'm 28, found the forum on google and I live in Brazil! |
I would like to explore the site as well
This is a place I want to learn more
Yes please
I love strong women <3
Access request
Hello. I believe I meet the requirements to become a standard member.
My password is secure. I am 24 I found about this forum on google. I'm from the Unites Kingdom |
Access Request!
My password is secure I am 28 I just found this on google I'm from Australia! |
This is a very intriguing forum to be a part of
Access request
I have a secure password I am 24 I found this while browsing the internet I'm Indian I think I meet the requirements:) |
I am thirty. I wanted to see content of this forum. I like lift and carry and muscular strong woman content. |
Access Request
My password is secure I am 25 I found this on google I'm from Singapore Log in without using a VPN and make a new access request. You are welcome to use your VPN after you have been given full access. -dp |
Access Request
I have chosen a secure password.
I am over 18 years old. I find this forum in google I live in Turkey Log in without using a VPN and make a new access request. You are welcome to use your VPN after you have been given full access. -dp |
Access Request
I have chosen a secure password. I am 23. I found this website while searching on Google. I am from the United States. Log in without using a VPN or iCloud Private Relay and make a new access request. You are welcome to use your VPN after you have been given full access. -dp |
I have chosen a secure password Iam 26 I found this forum on Google Iam from canada |
Access Request
I have chosen a secure password.
I am over 18 years old. I find this forum in google I live in Turkey I logged in without using a VPN and making a new access request. |
Access Request
I would like access. I am 53, I do sessions with lifters and can post some pictures. I will contribute.
new member eager to post
I'm always on the lookout for new l and c material and I'm eager to post them! please let me in
Access Request
I have chosen a secure password I am 26 years old I found this forum on Google I am from Indonesia here lift carry indonesian tiktok links : https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSY84whxv/ https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSY8VdqX4/ https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSY847uVr/ Log in without using a VPN and make a new access request. You are welcome to use your VPN after you have been given full access. -dp |
Access Request
I have chosen a secure password
I am 53 I found this forum from Reddit I am from USA |
Access Request
I have a secure password. I am over 18 years old. I came upon this website from Google. I am currently living in the US. Could I have Standard Access to the site please? |
Access Request
Hi, can you please give me access to standard forum?
Thank you. |
Hi there,
-I have chosen a strong and secure password -I am indeed over 18 -I found the forum through a google search -I'm currently living in the Netherlands Thanks :) |
I have a secure password. I am 32 years old. I found this forum on Google. I currently live in Germany. Could I have standard access to the forum please? |
Hello, I think I meet the requirements.
My password is secured. I am over 18 years old. I found the forum on google. I am from China. Thank you. |
I have a secure password. I am over 18. I found the forum on Google. I live in the US. Can I have Standard access to the forum please? Please log in without using a VPN or iCloud Private Relay and make a new access request. You are welcome to use your VPN after you have been given full access. -dp |
I confirm I have chosen a secure password. I confirm I am over 18. I find this site on google. Can I have standard access |
access pls?
Hi, can I please get standard access?
I have a secure password. I am over 18 years old. I found this formum while searching about landc. I am from middle/eastern europe. |
Lift & Carry
Hey I'm new I am really into lift and carry fetishes, would love to have full access to see some good lift & carry content.
I have a secured password found this website on Google I am over 18 I am from Poland thank you |
Access please
Hey guys I would like to have access to the forum please :)
I confirm that I have a secure password, that I'm over 18 and I found this forum while browsing on Google. I currently live in Italy. Thanks |
Hello, I make this request because I believe I meet the requirements to become a standard member
My password is secured I found the forum by searching on Google I'm 29 years old I am from Brazil Please, accept me to be a standard member. I'm a huge fan of the topic and I think it's a topic that's very little explored here in my country, Brazil. :thumbup2: |
Can I please get access?
I have a secure password. I am over 18. I found this forum on Google. I currently live in romania. Thanks. |
Hello, I believe I have met the requirements.
-I can confirm that I have a strong and secure password. -I found this forum on Google. -I am over 25 years old. -I live in North America. Thank you! |
For those who have had lift and carry sessions, wondering who are your favorites?
What led you to realize you had a lift and carry interest?
Request access
I confirm i have chosen a secure password. I am over 18 years old. I found this forum via Google search. I currently live in the US. |
Access Request
I was hoping to get access for the forums. I have a secured password. I am over 18 I live in the US And I found this website via Google Thanks! |
I have a secure password
I am 18 I have found this forum on a discord from a couple years ago (server is gone) I am from the UK but I am living in the US |
Hello. I believe I meet the requirements to become a standard member.
My password is secure. I am over 18. (22 y/o) I found about this forum on google. I'm from India |
I have a secure password
I am 18 I have found this forum on a discord from a couple years ago (server is gone) I am from the UK but I am living in the US k4yd3n is online now |
Account activation Request
I am very interested in joining this forum, and there are still a lot of posts i cant read or post to. thank you |
Hi, I'm a lift and carry fan and would like to become a standard member.
I confirm that: I have a secure password I am over 18 years old I live in Israel I found this forum on Google Thank you very much :) |
Requesting full Forum Access - New and Updated
-I can confirm that i have set a new and secured password.
-I am over 18 (30) years old. -Found the Forum via Google, researching about this topic and content. -Living in Germany |
Requesting for access
-I can confirm that I have set a new and secured a password.
-I am over 18 (33) years old. -Found the Forum via Google, researching about this topic and content. -Living in Kenya |
Secured pass
More than 18 Canada |
Dont know what to do next
I can confirm that i have set a new and secured password
I am over 18 years old Found the Forum on Google Living in ireland |
I have a secure password
I am over 18 I have found this forum on google I am from Lebanon but I live in Saudi Arabia |
I have chosen a secure password I am over 18 years old. I found this forum on google
I have chosen a secure password
I am over 18 years old. I found this forum on google I live in the USA thank you |
Piggybacks and Rides
Hello, I'm new to this forum and just registered. I live in Germany and love lift and carry. Above all, I love riding on the back of a strong woman or being carried piggyback by her. I would like to exchange experiences, fantasies and dreams here. Best regards! Jockey Martin
I dont have the access
I did another post as you requested with all the data yet no access here what should i do
Full access
My password is secure. I am over 18 years. I found the forum from google. I am from Spain thank you |
Hi everyone.
Here to find info about something I知 into that I知 ashamed of. Looking forward to exploring. |
Register again
I had to register again because my password and email were hacked. my old username was Romlift could I get my access to the forum back? |
Eager to be approved so I can access session reviews and book a session, thank you.
Full Access ?
Hello my name is AgentGucci
My password is secure I知 20 years old Found this forum through google Live in IL Thank you very much finally I found a legit L&C community and would love to get a full access I知 very active since I致e joined and will continue to do so |
Request Full Forum Access
Request Full Forum Access,Please!
- I've chosen a secure password. - I'm over 18. - I found this forum through google - I currently live in Hong Kong The access request needs to be posted without using a VPN. You are free to use a VPN after you have been given full access. -dp |
awaiting approval
I have chosen a secure password
I am over 18 years old. I found this forum on google I live in the USA |
- I've chosen a secure password. - I'm over 18. - I found this forum through google - I currently live in Hong Kong |
Awaiting approval
I have chosen a secure password.
I am over 18 years old. I found this forum on google. I live in the Asia. The question in the template says: "Tell us the country you're currently living in", not which continent. -dp |
Awaiting approval
Awaiting approval
I have chosen a secure password
I am over 18 years old. I found this forum on google I live in the Uk |
seeking approval so i can further explore forum
hi i have chosen a secure password
am 26 years old live in usa and want to further seek this forum with approval found on google ! thank you ☺️ |
Hello, My name is Jonah, I'm a lifelong L&C fan and I'm very excited to finally become a part of this community! :D
My password is secure. I am 23 years old. I found this forum on google. I live in the USA |
no update
I am not sure, but my access is pending in the last 2 weeks. Not sure if I am doing something different or any information pending from me?
I have a secure password
I am 19 years old I found this forum on Google I live in the Netherlands |
Im over 18
I have a secured password I found this site through ultimate shoulder ride Im from Germany The access request needs to be posted without using your VPN. After you have been given full access, you are welcome to use your VPN. -dp |
have u reviewed my reuqest
if so how long should it take? as i really want to further view this forum. thank you very much. Merged all your posts into one to prevent clutter. To get access, log in without using your VPN, and make one new post with your access request. -dp |
My password is secure
I am over 18 years old Found this forum via google I live in the Netherlands |
Got a secured password
I am over 18 years old Found this forum via google I live in France was looking for such a forum for a while ! |
I would like to get full acess to the forum
-Confirm you have chose a secure password.
Yes, i have -Confirm you are over 18 years old. I am 60 years old, no doubt :-) -Tell us how you found this forum (google, another forum, facebook, etc) Google search "Forum Lift and Carry" -Tell us the country you're currently living in Brazil |
I have a secure password.
I知 over 18. I found this forum via Google I知 living in the US |
Forum access
Hi, could you pls give me forum access. I have wide lc collection, not mind to post whenever asked
Confirm you have chose a secure password.
Password secured! -Confirm you are over 18 years old. I am over 18 -Tell us how you found this forum (google, another forum, facebook, etc) Google searching -Tell us the country you're currently living in UK I request full access thank you <3 |
- My password is secure - I am over 18 years old. - I found the forum while searching on Google. - I live in Turkey. - I want access
The access request needs to be posted without using your VPN. After you have been given full access, you are welcome to use your VPN. -dp |
Confirm you have chose a secure password.
I have secured my password -Confirm you are over 18 years old. I am in my 30s -Tell us how you found this forum (google, another forum, facebook, etc) I found it on girlswithmuscles -Tell us the country you're currently living in Canada |
https://www.apple.com/legal/privacy/data/en/icloud-relay/#:~:text=You%20can%20disable%20Private%20Relay,to% 20turn%20off%20Private%20Relay. After you have been given full access, you are free to use any VPN, including iCloud Private Relay. |
You need to make a post while not connected via iCloud. This post was still made via iCloud. You are free to use any VPN after you have full access. -dp |
Confirm you have chose a secure password. Password secured! -Confirm you are over 18 years old. I am over 18 -Tell us how you found this forum (google, another forum, facebook, etc) Google searching -Tell us the country you're currently living in China |
Standard access
Requesting standard-level access. Below are the answers to the verification questions: -Confirm you have chose a secure password. - Yes -Confirm you are over 18 years old. - Yes -Tell us how you found this forum (google, another forum, facebook, etc) - Google -Tell us the country you're currently living in - Canada Thanks. |
I’ll try again, this is without using private relay, as you instructed.
I’m over 18 I have a secured password I found this site from ultimate shoulder ride I’m from Germany Hope it works this time. No, it does not work. If you can't disable it from Safari, try another browser, for example Firefox. -dp |
Confirm you have chose a secure password.
Password secured! -Confirm you are over 18 years old. I am in my 40's -Tell us how you found this forum (google, another forum, facebook, etc) A friend I am making a website with told me -Tell us the country you're currently living in USA I request full access thank you <3 |
Requesting standard access
Hello. I think I should now meet the requirements to become a standard member.
My password is secure. I am over 18. I found about this forum thru google. I'm from India. have been a fan of L&C from a long long time. My best pastime. Pls grant access |
Requesting standard access
Hello. I think I can become a standard member.
My password is secure. I am over 18. I found about this forum thru google. I'm from Japan. I have been a fan of L&C from a long long time,I love so much。 The access request needs to be posted without using your VPN. After you have been given full access, you are welcome to use your VPN. -dp |
Request Full Forum Access
Hello. I think I can become a standard member.
My password is secure. I am over 18. I found about this forum thru google. I'm from Northeast United States. |
Request Full Forum Access - New and Updated
Hello. I think I can become a standard member.
My password is secure. I am over 18. I found about this forum thru google. I'm from Northeast United States. I致e been a L&C fan for a long time. |
Request Standard Access
I've never really used an old forum like this before, this is kinda new to me. I just bumped into this forum when looking for lift & carry, a dormant fetish of mine. I didn't really think about it for a while since I was busy with Uni and had no relationship. With the end of my Uni life it lit up again. I believe my password should be secure. I am over 18 years old. Living in Canada. |
Standard Forum Access
My password is secure. I am over 18 years old. I found this forum through Google searches! I am living in the US. I would like to apply for Standard Forum Access! |
Standard Forum Request
Confirm you have chose a secure password.
Password is secure -Confirm you are over 18 years old. Yes, i am older than 18 -Tell us how you found this forum (google, another forum, facebook, etc) -Tell us the country you're currently living in Germany |
Full Access Request
I致e had a lift/carry fetish as long as I remember; although I don稚 really understand it; I like what I like I guess.
Password is secure I am older than 18 Found forums through Google Living in US |
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