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greatlifting December 29th, 2012 10:19

Hi pikey,
thanks for the Christmas regards. We have not dressed him like an elf and also no Christmas theme, but we have a lot of fun with him in this video.

lift 134 too much wine - full HD
I have invited Caty and Roberta into a restaurent for lunch. We eat and drink a lot but the girls take?s more wine than me. When we arrive at home they decide to have a party with more wine. Caty switch on some music and Roberta starts to lift and dance with me. Caty bring?s some wine and the party goes on. The girls lift me rough and wild during they dance, they have a lot of fun while twirling me around. They go on to play rough with me and we all drink and smoke. Caty goes on with the harder lifts until she decide to carry me overhead. I am not sure about, to be lifted by my girl but she do it really well. At the end Roberta try to lift me also overhead, but it fails in due of the wine. These girls are really crazy, but strong.

CageDemon January 2nd, 2013 21:26

Happy New Year Caty!!!
Wow great clip Caty!

Please keep trying with Roberta trying overhead lift. Is there any smaller girls/guys she could try with? :thumbup2:

greatlifting January 5th, 2013 06:10


Originally Posted by CageDemon (Post 100998)
Wow great clip Caty!

Please keep trying with Roberta trying overhead lift. Is there any smaller girls/guys she could try with? :thumbup2:

For you also CageDemon,
a happy new year. Thanks for your comment also. We will try the overhead lifts, but Roberta wants to try it with Andre further.

Here is something what happened some nights before in which I gave Andre a display what I like. The description he wrote of his point of view.

lift 135 night game - HD
It was after midnight and Caty has called me to come to her. She was dressed in a sexy red lingerie and high-heels. She kissed me deeply and powerfully until she raised me up with her strong right biceps to gave me a comfortable single shoulder ride. Suddenly she took the dildo, which was hidden under the lingerie between her tits. Now I knew what she wanted. Then she lowered me and took off her heels, but then she raised me up again onto her single shoulder to went on with her power game. The easyness how she carried me was awesome, but that was not all. She supported me in other great positions with a smile and I felt what she was able to do. She invited me to stand on her tigh and she enjoyed this really to show me what a wife I have.

mackover35 January 5th, 2013 21:56

I just want to say thanks for your amazing videos. I downloaded a couple today and you guys look really great :)
Keep up the good work. Btw. do you have livechat somewere?
Takk fra Norge :)

greatlifting January 6th, 2013 09:09

Mange tak mackover35 :)
We can speak about live chat. Just send us an e-mail to and we can speak more!
Vi ses
Mvh Caty

sensuallifter January 8th, 2013 12:36

Great clips Caty! I love the way Andre is being handled. I especially love how Roberta is treating him. :)
Like someone else said maybe it'll be even greater if the guy was smaller or weaker, well maybe Andre to lose some weight :D

Keep up the good job, and be as natural as you can :)

saschas January 8th, 2013 14:47

Hi Caty your videos are awesome and I already bougth some of yours. You should make sessions this would be great.

Best regards


greatlifting January 10th, 2013 21:39

Thanks guys for your nice comments and we are happy about you like what we do.

Saschas, to have a session depends on the person and the place. I am living in Denmark.

Here is a new great video with Roberta for you.

lift 136 naked dance - HD
Caty is not at home and so Roberta and me having time to have some fun together. I want to have a dance with Roberta but to my surprise she like it to do pure naked. I switch on the music and then Roberta give me a hot dance during a long shoulder ride. She moves sexy style her hips and I can?t resist to play on her tits. It looks really great to watch her extremely long legs while she is dancing with me. After the shoulder ride she go on to dance with me in other lifts. After a while Roberta can?t resist to play with my dick during she lifts me. I am really impressed about her strength.

greatlifting January 17th, 2013 20:30

Hi guys and girls, I hope you had a good slip into 2013 and a nice Christmas with useful gifts. Andre got a new toy, a tablet pc and he always use it. For my sense too much and I feel a bit unattended. Last night I show him what is his real toy. I dressed myself with lingerie, boots and a leather jacket to look and feel dominant. Then I start my game and at the end I feel attended as well and he know?s what is the right toy for him.

This you can watch in the video: lift 137 lost attention - HD

Sometimes it needs strong girls. Kisses Caty

greatlifting January 26th, 2013 23:45

A new clip is online for you.

lift 139 night joke - full HD
Last night I have joked Andre. I have turned off all lights in our apartment. He came home very late and thought I was not at home. He phoned me with the mobil and during the call I entered the room to surprise him. I took him in a baby cradle to kiss and talk to him. I offered him a glass of wine and I enjoyed to see him astonished. Then I pushed my tigh under his crotch to force him to feel my strength which continued in single arm carry. Then I raised him up to a single shoulder lift and he tried to kiss me. I like the idea to be kissed during he sit on my shoulder, but he could not managed it really, unfortunately. So I got the idea for a new position.

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