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phoneman October 16th, 2011 23:01

Strut, you and I bought our first Special Interest VHS tapes at about the same time. You may have beaten me by a little bit, but I do not recall.

Marika and Debbie are certainly two of my all time favorites from SI.

For those who do not know, both of them are truly pretty (or beautiful) women, but very different. Marika weighed about 115 pounds and frequentlly lifted two men with a total weight of close to 300 pounds.

Debbie was much bigger. She was about 5'9" tall and, I would guess weighed 150 or so. Debbie lifted two people in just about every video. Extremely strong and very good looking.

Ingrid, whom you also mention, was another strong blonde with a nice body, but, IMHO, not nearly as pretty as Marika or Debbie.

chapeaudude October 17th, 2011 16:38

[QUOTE=ownsville;54064]Regarding my pic, unfortunately no, I'm not even sure where I found this, I've been loafing around the net for a while. It's why I don't upload anything, I have no way of backtracing my archives and most of what I've got would probably be reposts anyhow.

there is no video, that was from crazycarries and was taken some years ago. One of the greatest FF sites ever, but whatever man, they rarely posted videos, and didn't listen to their fans (Gripe!)

Golla October 18th, 2011 18:44


Originally Posted by dasiotemo (Post 68530)
I agree to that thought. The history of L & C includes the strong women in
the Greek and Scandinavian mythology who carried men: Amazons and
Valkyries for example. Once I saw a picture on an ancient Greek amphora
that showed a drunken man (or Greek god?) who was carried by a woman.
The great TV programm "Wonder Woman" referes to that time even if the
lifts might be fake.
IMO it was no kind of "fetish" at all, in ancient centuries.Back in history there were many occasions when a man was lifted by a woman. When he was injured in a war or fight.

Generally I think, a woman lifting a man mostly is pure fun for him and her, nowadays.

Hope you can find more about lift and carry in old history:), sorry about my bad english..

dasiotemo October 21st, 2011 22:33


Originally Posted by Golla (Post 68712)
Hope you can find more about lift and carry in old history:), sorry about my bad english..

I guess you know, that not too long ago it was a kind of fashion to watch
strong women lifting men:

Gosh ! I hope that link works. :ohmy:

Golla October 22nd, 2011 00:26

The link works:), but can you find som more lift and carry stories in anciant history or the valkyrie? :)

Golla March 22nd, 2012 08:59

Is it someone who have more facts about the lift and carry history? :)

TheWolfe March 25th, 2012 23:42

I was a fan (F/F or M/F) long before the internet. I didn't know it was called "Lift and Carry" until I got online in 1998. The first thing I did when I had a little private time online was to search for L&C pics but I fumbled a lot until I got the terminology down. Until then, I assumed there were other guys who liked what I like but I didn't know for sure.

I'm guessing there was a somewhat organized scene for mostly F/M muscle & fitness-type girls doing L&C before the internet became dominant but in 1998 it was hard to find anywhere that catered to the more sensual type of F/F that I and others I've met in this community like. I don't think the F/F part of the community had any organized scene until around that time. Perun is a major player in the organization of that part of things. But there is no doubt in my mind that the interest existed long before people came together through the anonymity of the internet.

The trickiest thing about L&C is that it can be so completely innocent to the people actually performing the lift but if one of us views it, we interpret it as something erotic. Until the internet came along and digital cameras made it easy for people to share their personal photos online, L&C was a truly rare sight. Technology has played a HUGE part in making L&C accessible to anyone who wants to see it.

Golla March 26th, 2012 14:50

Very nice story Thewolf :)
but is there someone who knows some lift and carry stories in the ancient greek or something else in the world history?:)

TheWolfe March 26th, 2012 22:50

Don't know about that but there were a couple of instances of L&C in Charles Dickens' A Tale of Two Cities. Early in the book, an older female carries a younger one in a caring sort of way. Later in the book, the same lifter lifts a guy in a fight. The first lift was sort of foreshadowing for the later lift which was pivotal to the plot.

ownsville May 1st, 2012 04:24

I'm not so sure there were any famous historical examples of women lifting men for any reason - but there are a few myths, mostly rising from Indian and Oriental lore. I believe in India it has a particular symbollic significance of a woman's ability/willingness to support her husband.

Or something.

In western culture and history it raises an eyebrow to find examples of women doing stuff that wasn't women's work. In addition much of western history - particularly medieval Europe - came to regard women as almost sacred beings that could not be defiled by such strenuous activity. It would have been considered shameful for a vast stretch of european history. To a certain extent, I think it would still be regarded as such. I still don't feel comfortable admitting that I'm into L&C.

In more modern times everything changed with universal suffrage, the right for women to work, etc etc etc -as there was a dramatic rise and shift in attitude toward women performing mens work. Consequently ideas about gender roles have all but vanished, leading to all kinds of interesting situations. A particular focal point leading to the rise of L&C would be during the enormous fitness scene in the 80's - when characters like Schwarzenegger, Lundgren, Stallone, Rachel McLish, Kiana Tom, Cory Everson...etc etc...became almost household names. This also gave rise to the now massive bodybuilding and figure scenes, which would never have moved out of conventional beauty pageants if the fascination with female physique hadn't taken off.

Suddenly, it was sexy to workout (not for everyone, obviously, but prior to this fitness has never been a way of life, it was always a hobby with no aesthetic). I think this boosted muscle worship, femdom, female combat (wrestling, mixed wrestling) no end. In fact, there are a bunch of films from that era basically made to showcase these stars - particularly Rachel McLish and Cory. For me I think L&C goes hand in hand with these others - its a feat of strength, even if its a relatively easy lift.

It's an odd one alright.

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