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morelier May 12th, 2018 08:41

i like it from school
i like strong girls from school, i think 5 grade when a girl lifted me for the first time

mutiara69 May 20th, 2018 01:39

i like lift and carry
i think it's pretty cool to see strong girls lifting other girls and guys. especially girls that are normal build.. not overly muscular... am amazed at some of the female sports acrobatics girls and how they can lift 2 people overhead.

goon June 4th, 2018 10:43

Started when I was in my teens.

wed June 23rd, 2018 12:42

Started for me in my teens

ranker38 June 25th, 2018 23:35

From as early as I can remember getting hard, which was around 7-8. :w00t:

sabre June 28th, 2018 06:08

I've been interested since I was young, but it's mostly materialized since I was around 17 years old. I've yet to have my first encounter, I'm still not sure of how to get into a situation where I can ask for one

louisweaver June 28th, 2018 09:42

Greetings! Thanks a lot for leaving your responses in regard to this issue. Your experiences are really fascinating.

thomas112233 July 4th, 2018 11:44

I think i started to notice around the age of 9 that im atracted to strong women and lift and carry.
I remember seeing a girl in a stunt Show cradle carry a guy and feeling wierd.
Also around that Time a Girlfriend of the same age lifted me up.

Inlogo July 4th, 2018 15:48

May I be in 9th grade? But exposure to these things is not yet

martin July 18th, 2018 11:16

I am not sure I think it started when I saw my mom to give my dad a piggyback.
I was like 4 or 5. I am not sure that is the main reason that I have this fetish or not.
But after that it continued until now 25 years long and still I like it

ls6157486 July 18th, 2018 17:50

I think when I was 13-14 years old

enola02 July 18th, 2018 22:59

I was probably 6. I remember seeing pat Sakai lifted by a fitness girl on wheel of fortune that got me excited

kramer65486 July 20th, 2018 17:13

Around 13 or 14 when I was watching wwe

pgbk0000 August 23rd, 2018 20:20

At a young age
As a child I was very fascinated seeing women lifting and carrying people around and I would not be able to keep my eyes off of that! Probably around the age of 12 or 13 was when I began to develop an interest for L&C! I would occasionally browse pictures and videos of women lifting and carrying people in different positions, mostly piggyback! The moment I really got into L&C was when I watched an Indian film and there was a brief scene where the Mother is carrying her grown-up adult son on her back and is walking effortlessly as if he was very light as a feather! The son had his arms around her neck and his scrawny legs were wrapped around her waist! It was about 3-4 seconds, but it is the best piggyback ride I have ever seen and my most favourite! :D:thumbup2:

jfiochetti2001 August 24th, 2018 07:17

Quand j'avais 6 ans , j'avais une voisine qui avait un an de plus que moi, elle ?tait plus grande d'environ deux centim?tres, elle ?tait tr?s jolie et elle portait des shorts qui montrait ses jambes muscl?es et j'essayait de trouver une fa?on de me faire porter par elle, entre autre je me souviens d'une fois, nous ?tions dans le hangar en dessous de notre galerie et j'avais grimp? sur un baril et faisant semblant que j'avais peur de descendre, elle m'avait port?e dans ses bras,pour me poser par terre.

Vers l'?ge de 10 ans dans des ?mission am?ricaine, entre autres The Carole Burnett show, lors d'une danse, son partenaire lui avait saut? dans les bras dans un berceau et ?a m'avait tr?s excit? . Par la suite une t?l? s?rie comique Laverne and Sherlay une des deux com?diennes Laverne avait un plaisir ? porter les hommes . Et ? l'adolescence ma cousine qui ?tait plus jeune que moi de deux ans. mais elle ?tait assez grande environ deux centim?tre de moins que moi elle portait des jupes et des shorts tr?s courtes et j'ai r?ussi ? quelques reprises de trouver une fa?on ? obtenir des port?s par elle et la je me sentais explos? dans mon pantalon.

elbenjo90 August 24th, 2018 10:25

I can remember having dreams of being lifted and carried by a girl crush when I was about 8 years old.

wachinango September 4th, 2018 22:10

i think like 15 high school , lots of fun :thumbup1:

pgbk0000 September 5th, 2018 00:02

Piggyback ride link + stills

Originally Posted by pgbk0000 (Post 215676)
As a child I was very fascinated seeing women lifting and carrying people around and I would not be able to keep my eyes off of that! Probably around the age of 12 or 13 was when I began to develop an interest for L&C! I would occasionally browse pictures and videos of women lifting and carrying people in different positions, mostly piggyback! The moment I really got into L&C was when I watched an Indian film and there was a brief scene where the Mother is carrying her grown-up adult son on her back and is walking effortlessly as if he was very light as a feather! The son had his arms around her neck and his scrawny legs were wrapped around her waist! It was about 3-4 seconds, but it is the best piggyback ride I have ever seen and my most favourite! :D:thumbup2:

I have posted a video link of this awesome piggyback ride along with a couple of pictures from their film photoshoot in the Indian F/M L&C section, definitely worth checking out! :thumbup2::tt1:

kan January 6th, 2019 07:12

When I was around 10 years old I think. Got into F/M lifts when I was 12 I suppose, when one of the many M/M horesplays surprisingly led to a girl wanting to lift me up:D Since then its been F/M all the way ;)

Plzhdk February 3rd, 2019 08:37

It was probably around 16 or 17. Before I never really cared about it.

Dikesid10 March 31st, 2019 14:35

I think i born with it. Pls someone say to admin to approved me. I cant access

aj256767335 April 27th, 2019 17:49

I got into l&c when one of my athletic gf lifted me and i had one of my best experiences.:)

foier87 April 28th, 2019 19:56

My first L&C fantasy date back to my childood (9-10 years), when i was lifted by an older cousin :)

zebra April 29th, 2019 01:05


Originally Posted by foier87 (Post 225971)
My first L&C fantasy date back to my childood (9-10 years), when i was lifted by an older cousin :)

Most of my childhood lifts came from older female cousins. I won't ask them to lift me now, though. ;)

Mijael123 April 29th, 2019 03:52

since I can remember
Since I can remember, I was always attracted to this, I remember that I always imagined if a girl could carry me.. :tt1::tt1::tt1:

vk May 30th, 2019 08:12

As for me ...

I was born in a small village in the north of France.
My father was an engineer, he worked in the factory nearby.
My "adventure" happened when I was 6 years old.
I am sure of the timing because when I was 7 years old my family moved to the south of France.

So my family lived in the housing attached to the factory.
The place was quite large, there was a vegetable garden and also a pen for the cock and some hens.
There was a gardener who took care of the garden and for the yard.

One day by some hazard I observed the cock riding on one hen.
I asked the gardener what happens.
The gardener said that the cock is to lazy so he rides on the hens.
But I understood immediately that it was a lie.

After that it was the same as all of us.

Marco Antonio June 10th, 2019 15:03

The first I remember
The first time I remember this so far was at 5 years old at school, pre-primary education .
I remember I put under a table in a rebel way and the teacher (a really young and sexy woman) lifted be like a baby and put my on the table .

Since that I used to act weird on her classes to call her attention and let me experience that again xDD

Sometimes I dont know if that was real or a real, because I was so young , but since that I was thrilled about fighting with the other girl on my classes, specially the thin?s ones.
Some times I remember sharing strategies with my school partners about climbing into a tree to jump into the ladies?back hahahah , my people agreed about the idea but sadly the girls didnt moved under the tree :,(

upandaway June 28th, 2019 07:23


Originally Posted by Marco Antonio (Post 227800)
The first time I remember this so far was at 5 years old at school, pre-primary education .
I remember I put under a table in a rebel way and the teacher (a really young and sexy woman) lifted be like a baby and put my on the table .

Since that I used to act weird on her classes to call her attention and let me experience that again xDD

Sometimes I dont know if that was real or a real, because I was so young , but since that I was thrilled about fighting with the other girl on my classes, specially the thin?s ones.
Some times I remember sharing strategies with my school partners about climbing into a tree to jump into the ladies?back hahahah , my people agreed about the idea but sadly the girls didnt moved under the tree :,(

what did you feel at that moment, excitement, embarrassment, etc? were you surprised? how old are you now? what's your height and weight? hablas espa?ol?

Sasha Banks July 10th, 2019 18:42

Lifted by a lil guy.
When I was about 8 or 9. I was 95 lbs. let?s round that up to 100. I was a big kid. My friend, a skinny black kid, was about 70 lbs. he was a true athlete from a young age, the fastest kid on the Football team. He was running back, and I played offensive line, with the bigger kids. One day I tried to dead squat him from a low crouched position, as he sat on my neck. I tried as hard as I could, but I couldn?t do it, i was only a kid. Then my friend goes, ?let me try.? There wasn?t a single part of me that thought this kid had a chance of getting me up. As I sat on his neck, I wasn?t moving anywhere, after all I probably had 25 lbs in him and we were 7/8 years old. All of a sudden though, my feet start raising ever so slightly. I?m still thinking, ?holy crap, but there?s still no way...? He gives another effort with no delay, and this time he?s gettin me onto my tippy toes, but no full lift. I figured that was his absolute max, and on top of that now he?s gotta be tired, and his neck starting to hurt...... right? He says ?maximum strength?, in a strained voice, and I will never forget it, he got me up like a rocket on takeoff. I went FLYING up, to the point I actually grabbed the windowsill for balance. I also felt a little butterflies in my stomach, the fact that I?m supposed to be an athletic player on the team, and this kid, this 75 lb skinny running back, just voluntarily went though this and got up a 100 lb lineman. That kid is a great friend still to this day, but I will never ever forget that. He had a knack for shocking people with his strength.

Bond007 July 13th, 2019 17:41

strong girl

Originally Posted by saschas (Post 30214)
The first time I got into lift & carry was when I was 12. I went swimming with my older sister and her friend. We were playing in the pool and my sister and her friend gave each other shoulder rides. Than my sisters friend asked me to get on her shoulders too, but I refused. Then she gave my sister a piggyback ride. After that they did some acro stunts in the water like shoulderstand etc. Because my sisters friend did sports acrobatic it was her idea to do some acro stunts in pool. Then she asked me to join the acro fun and I refused again. But she did not stop asking so i finaly said yes.

And she told me that she want to try some acro lifts with me. First she grapped me and put me on my sisters shoulders and put my sister with me on her shoulders. I thought wow she is very strong to carry both of us. After that she told me she wanna try something else and to my surprise she came in front of me and lifted me over her head. She could me lift very easily and I was a little shocked but I also was fazinated about to get lifted by a girl. From this moment on I realy love to get lifted by girls.

Hello Saschas

Nice story are you and your sister still in connact with this girl. Did she lift you more times during school yrs or at your pool. How did it feel being lifted over her head did it happen again with her.


bindas12 August 4th, 2019 06:24


f92kghg8s August 4th, 2019 17:13

Age 5, I think. A girl lifted me in kindergarten and I'm 99% sure that's what started it.

Boek Toon August 6th, 2019 21:42

I think i was around 15. First I thought it was weird, but I am totally comfortable with it

<former member> August 7th, 2019 15:00

I believe when I was 9/10, I first had weird thoughts about being lifted by women. It was only when I was 15 that I realised that there was reason for how I felt.

josch06 August 10th, 2019 23:43

me at 12. a girl at my class lifted me easily in different way. she had nice muscles too

1393588 September 18th, 2019 16:40

At what age were you into L & C
I started getting into lift and carry at age 14.

nds147 October 5th, 2019 16:33

For it was 20. I thought it was weird at first. It wasn't the act itself that got me interested, but beautiful Amazonian women who just happened to do L&C.

lostsar2 October 5th, 2019 18:06

At what age were you into L & C
I guess i was a late bloomer, wasn't until recently at 40 that i have been lifted, what an experience.

Gamerlope October 6th, 2019 17:06

this is awesome
to my since the highschool, i dont know the reason but i never saw woman lifting men and i think, why the men lift woman and not woman lifting men if they hav the same capacity ??

TheGovernor8430 October 7th, 2019 02:11

Four or five. I watched one of my hot teachers lift up kids and I felt really turned on by it. But I would say 11 is when I started really getting into it when I discovered it on YouTube.

Lv November 25th, 2019 07:53

pretty early (elementary school), but not fully realizing it until later, which is quite common it seems

Nutdrag November 25th, 2019 17:46

18 when my girlfriend lift me piggyback

fatamorgana December 6th, 2019 04:33

Before the elemantary school i think. Me and the girl next door used to play role reversal game, that was fun.

CutterPeter January 29th, 2020 10:25

Around my teenage years. It was a random fetish that definitely grew on me throughout the years.

upandaway January 29th, 2020 20:48


Originally Posted by CutterPeter (Post 236764)
Around my teenage years. It was a random fetish that definitely grew on me throughout the years.

how old were u then? were u light or heavy as a teenager?

upandaway January 29th, 2020 21:19


Originally Posted by Lv (Post 234498)
pretty early (elementary school), but not fully realizing it until later, which is quite common it seems

did u find out about it online? how did u put two and two together? did the realization come to u on its own one day?

have u ever talked about it with friends? if so what did they think or say?

mebalshaw January 30th, 2020 08:17

I'd seen a bit if L&C at primary school, but when I was at a Grammar School and around 14, a girl that I really fancied slipped on some ice going home, and I ended up carrying her to the bus stop, about 200 yards away.

Even better she put her arms around my neck and rested her head on my shoulder. I ended up taking her to the Christmas Dance, and seeing her for about 12 months until we left school.

Error900 February 6th, 2020 15:50


Originally Posted by Nutdrag (Post 234507)
18 when my girlfriend lift me piggyback

So you found out you like it in that moment ?

Error900 February 6th, 2020 16:39

how it all started - my first and only experience
I had a slight interest in being lifted and carried since I was very little. But it became a real fetishism when I was 10-11 years old and my aunt gave me a piggyback ride. My parents weren't at home for some reason and so she was looking at my little brother and me. So at some point she started playing with my little brother at the horsey, carrying him for the house. Looking at them I wanted to ask her if she could give me a piggyback ride too. I was very embarassed at the idea, because i was 10 and i wasn't a little kid like my brother. But in the end I asked her and she unexpectedly said yes telling me to get on the sofa so that she could have taken me on her back. So she carried me around the house for very long time (because I didn't want to get off XD) and the best part was when she started hopping around with me on her back saying "horsey-horsey-horsey" as if I were a little baby. I was so embarassed and happy at the same time and I had one of my first erections in that moment.
Unfortunately now I'm 20 and I haven't had any other experiences of this type since that fateful day...

m43knu February 8th, 2020 01:05

At what age were you into L & C
About 16. A very early source for strong women was the track and field magazines in the school library. There must have been TV shows and movies with L & C at around the same time, but I don't have specific memories of them.

wunderwanst March 11th, 2020 07:35

at what age ... story
hi guys

i must have been 5 years old when i got into l&c.
a bunch of neighbor kids - we played not only hide and seek,
but (and that was my favorite game) called "transformation".
everybody (except one who had to check our abilities) could transform into
what ever we liked.

for instance i often choose the form of a horse or a seat,
when a nice girl was to test us.

once we played that game, a very nice and beautiful teen girl (around 15 years old) named sue, was the "referee".
i secretly had a crush on her and desperately wanted her with all her weight to sit on me.
i took that chance and transformed into a chair.

sue went from kid to kid and when she saw me, she grinned and said:
"oh, what a nice chair, a little bit small maybe, but i am tired and you look comfy. that said, she turned around with her back to me so i could see her sexy big jeans butt directly before my face and descended slowly until she was sitting full weight on my small shaking frame (she sat on my lap).

also i absolutely loved it and wanted this moment never to end, i couldn't take her weight very long (maybe30 seconds).
best thing is, not only i loved it, because after that tournament sue smiled at me the whole time!
this moment surely embossed my live.

We are not interested in your stories about a girl sitting on your lap. Phoneman

wunderwanst March 11th, 2020 08:26

at what age .... another one from the good old days
hi guys

here's another one.

when i was 15 years old (6 foot, 160 pound) me and 3 neighbor-kids went to a nice public open air bath.
it was during our summer holidays.
there was lou (11, rather skinny 100 pound) and his two older sister
kate (14, 110 pound) and the oldest sibling
may (16, 190 pound with a nice meaty big butt).

we decided to play chicken fight and choose a place, where the water went up to our chest (in that case adapted to little lou
who was the smallest of us).

fortune determined following couple:
me and kate and...
lou and big may

first we boys where to carry the girls.
i had no problem with kate's 100 pound, but lou had to fight hard.
may had to slowly and carefully climb on her little brothers shoulders, in order not to squash him to the ground of the pool.
it looked amazing - his little head hardly to see under that huge ass and thighs of his big sister.

then i suggested to swap places, so the girls had to carry the boys.

after all that pain lou had to endure, he was smiling now, sitting relaxed on big may. may was also relaxed and smiled now, she was strong and sensed her team to win this time.
pretty but slim kate was now to be tested to her limits.
i spread my legs and kate submerged the waterline in order to lift me up.
the second attempt was successful.

i was sitting on her slim shoulders and felt her shaking under my weight.
indeed i loved to feel her neck and her struggling so much, that i got a hardon
and i secretly grinded her neck with every step she took.

after the chicken fight game i had to stay in the water for a good 10 minutes,
to hide my arousal.

either kate never noticed my hardon, or she kept it a secret.
i tend to think it was the former case.

cheers, wunderwanst

jmva93 March 14th, 2020 21:45

When I was 15 and saw cheerleaders lifting each other!

Jenna88Hki March 18th, 2020 06:09

I realized having a thing for being lifted and carried while starting my pole dance training when I was 17 yo. At first, it was just kind of a strange feeling being lifted during the training sessions but within a few months I became more or less hooked to that feeling.

carryfu March 19th, 2020 11:57

From the age of ten

randombytes March 29th, 2020 00:28


Originally Posted by Jenna88Hki (Post 238294)
I realized having a thing for being lifted and carried while starting my pole dance training when I was 17 yo. At first, it was just kind of a strange feeling being lifted during the training sessions but within a few months I became more or less hooked to that feeling.

Sorry, don't know much about pole dancing, but isn't it an individual thing? Why were you being carried? Sounds hot though :thumbup2:

Benni90er March 31st, 2020 17:53

I remember at the end of 4th grade (around the age of 10) i loved the idea of insanely strong girls. I forgot about it for many years but some years ago this idea came back to my mind.

Bethphoenix20 April 2nd, 2020 22:46


Originally Posted by jlcircusrider (Post 6922)
I have tried this before and the result has been very disappointing.

Whilst I can not remember exactly at what age I do know that when I started school at the age of 5 I knew that I wanted to ride on girl's backs.

If everyone could be persuaded to contribute we could get an idea if this is an inherited trait as I have though for some years.

Please help with the study.

When I first saw wwe diva Chyna lift a guy overhead, I got very fascinated. At that time, I was in class 6th. Gradually when I reached class 8th, I was always turned on, on seeing girls taller than me. I just imagined them lifting me overhead. I had a classmate in class 8th. She towered over me and also looked broader and heavier than me. She onced lifted me from behind with just one hand. She put her hands in between my legs, my balls pressing against her arms and suddenly I was 3 feet up in the air.

Sparry Lence April 11th, 2020 11:46

Even as a very young boy I had this ?thing? about strong girls. Maybe from the age of 7 or 8. Never discussed with anyone.

Nixeror April 22nd, 2020 19:51

At 16 probably

Liftandcarryfan20 May 1st, 2020 21:22


Originally Posted by Nixeror (Post 239755)
At 16 probably

I think when i was very young like 8 years old or something 😊

makeshift112000 May 1st, 2020 22:41

Way later than everybody else here by the looks of things LOL. Roughly Mid twenties, which was close to a decade ago.

dodge77 May 2nd, 2020 03:37

For me it was when I was probably 10 years old and there were a couple of girls in the neighborhood who were a bit older but bigger. I remember playing a game in the yard that involved a piggyback. I remember getting a piggyback ride from one of these girls and immediately I liked that feeling. There was definitely a sense of arousal, tingly feeling.

loveslim May 11th, 2020 21:09

Id say at around 19 because I experienced it at that age.

francois314159 May 13th, 2020 04:24


Originally Posted by loveslim (Post 240590)
Id say at around 19 because I experienced it at that age.

Could you please elaborate on your experience ?

loveslim May 13th, 2020 11:30


Originally Posted by francois314159 (Post 240646)
Could you please elaborate on your experience ?

My girlfriend at that time weighed 145 lbs at 5'7. I was around 5'10 and 130. What happened was I was just standing on a chair to change a bulb and she came, she faced me and hugged me and just lifted me. I suddenly had fireworks in my mind, and a surprise erection.

mazo242k May 18th, 2020 17:21

I started liking it in high school from watching cheerleaders

Junkies19 May 22nd, 2020 11:58

Waaay back I came across a site called "Big Rags" that focused mainly on Amazon women that towered over other women which which was my primary interest at the time.

I ordered a few videos (which were sent in physical mail) that had a few clips of women carrying and dominating other women, needless to say my search for more and more started there lol.

They went under a few years ago, but here's a snapshot of the old store.

Waterball135 May 29th, 2020 18:51

At the age of 12. I liked to watched women wrestling in wwe and tna.

newrope July 11th, 2020 12:25

I was getting into it a lot watching WWE as a child. At around 7 or 8.

theSittingTroll July 11th, 2020 14:36

I remember in pre-school as a 6 year old playing with a girl who LOVED showing off how strong she was. Some of her feats included lifting me and other kids. I remember always competing with her about who was stronger, but secretly enjoyed that she wanted to lift me to prove her strength. Ofc I had no romantical feelings at the time, but still got a tingling sensation when she lifted me.

Fast forward to grade 6, there was a tall and athletic girl in my class who CLEARLY had the biggest biceps of my whole class. She was more muscular than all the boys included until around age 16, when testosterone seriously kicked in for the jocks, and they ofc surpassed her. But I remember one instance that I happened to grapple with her on a log just for fun, and she beat me EVERY TIME. I felt humiliated, but here as well secretly enjoyed losing to a girl.

tequila July 14th, 2020 07:54

Since I can remember

HotNurr July 25th, 2020 00:30

When I was younger, I liked it a lot, and now that I am older, it excites me aswell

toto101200 July 27th, 2020 00:49

At 11 i think

Bundymania July 29th, 2020 23:21

It came along with puberty. I discovered l/c websites when I was around 14 years old in 1997, though I can?t remember what those websites were named and they?re long gone now.

2010xsf July 31st, 2020 15:41

It was at the age of 10. an 11 year old girl asked us to climb on her shoulders in the school playground

Laserlocc August 5th, 2020 16:35

Since I was 10 or so.. Had a crush give me a piggyback ride

Transit September 1st, 2020 03:07

When I was 10 more or less. My parents use to work all day: one day, a new babysitter arrived, she was a few years older than us, but a bit smaller and thinner than my sister, one day, the babysitter offered her back for a piggyback:blink: and I was suprised to see that skinny girl carrying a taller and heavier girl smiling all the way :w00t: from that moment I think... because I started to pay attention at school when a girl carry an other girl:thumbup2:

upandaway September 3rd, 2020 10:33


Originally Posted by HotNurr (Post 243387)
When I was younger, I liked it a lot, and now that I am older, it excites me aswell

hi, were u lifted as a child or as teenager a lot?

how tall r u? how much do u weigh?

what do u feel when a girl lifts u? do u feel safe, excited, aroused, overpowered, helpless?

TheWolfe September 3rd, 2020 17:10

I think I may have answered this thread a while back but since it's been bumped...

I'm just a few weeks short of 55 and I've been into L&C for over 50 years. It started as a desire to lift women after seeing things like Dick Van Dyke carrying Sally Ann Howe in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang in the late '60s. That grew into an appreciation of F/F in high school in the early '80s. Been in the online community since 1998, which was when I got my first PC.

I don't know if this was THE thing but I know it made a big impression on me at about 3 or 4 years old. Carrying is a theme in the movie. Here's when they first meet and it's not particularly pleasant.

Then at the end of the movie...

She looks so light and he carries her effortlessly. I think that was the hook. I couldn't wait to try it. I remember trying to lift girls I knew. It was playful kid stuff but there was a bit more to it for me. Even though I had no clue about sexuality at that age, there was some instinctual level that it connected for me. I've been obsessed with it ever since. F/F is just an extension of my desire to lift girls. If someone is going to lift her, why not another girl instead of a guy who isn't me? Plus the fact that a girl can lift her shows that it doesn't take a big, strong guy to do it. The more feminine the lifter, the better. It's like the lifter's femininity multiplies that of the liftee, which is probably why F/M is such a turn off for me.

And I've always HATED being lifted by anyone. I remember being 3 or 4 - about the same time I saw that movie - and my mom and I met up with my dad at a work party. He was being a proud dad and he carried me around the room to introduce me to his coworkers and I got really pissed off. He was embarrassing me, making me feel like I seemed weak or inferior. I wanted to stand on my own two feet!

TheLurker1 September 3rd, 2020 19:15


Originally Posted by TheWolfe (Post 244921)

I remember trying to lift girls I knew. It was playful kid stuff but there was a bit more to it for me. Even though I had no clue about sexuality at that age, there was some instinctual level that it connected for me. I've been obsessed with it ever since. F/F is just an extension of my desire to lift girls. If someone is going to lift her, why not another girl instead of a guy who isn't me? Plus the fact that a girl can lift her shows that it doesn't take a big, strong guy to do it. The more feminine the lifter, the better. It's like the lifter's femininity multiplies that of the liftee, which is probably why F/M is such a turn off for me.

And I've always HATED being lifted by anyone. I remember being 3 or 4 - about the same time I saw that movie - and my mom and I met up with my dad at a work party. He was being a proud dad and he carried me around the room to introduce me to his coworkers and I got really pissed off. He was embarrassing me, making me feel like I seemed weak or inferior. I wanted to stand on my own two feet!

I mirror this - I'm under half your age and it hasn't faded for me. I make sure to fit LandC into all my female relationships (I have lifted most of my partners, but have lifted a few friends here and there, for pictures).

I'm open to being lifted by a woman, but that's more strength based (a girl who can carry 220lbs of muscle on her shoulders is impressive), as opposed to the feeling most people on this forum would derive from being lifted.

phoneman September 7th, 2020 18:13


Originally Posted by TheLurker1 (Post 244923)
I mirror this - I'm under half your age and it hasn't faded for me. I make sure to fit LandC into all my female relationships (I have lifted most of my partners, but have lifted a few friends here and there, for pictures).

I'm open to being lifted by a woman, but that's more strength based (a girl who can carry 220lbs of muscle on her shoulders is impressive), as opposed to the feeling most people on this forum would derive from being lifted.

Remember the emphasis of this board is women lifting, not men lifting women.

Liftcarry86 September 8th, 2020 17:31

remember once at age 8 or something being lifted by my cousin i liked it and did not know why.

Chyna of wwe was my first woman to recognize muscular women and imagined myself lifted by here when i was a teen.

Never tried lift carry till now except some lapsitting for fun and never told anyone about my fetish ever

sportsfan007 September 9th, 2020 15:13

big May

Originally Posted by wunderwanst (Post 238085)
hi guys

here's another one.

when i was 15 years old (6 foot, 160 pound) me and 3 neighbor-kids went to a nice public open air bath.
it was during our summer holidays.
there was lou (11, rather skinny 100 pound) and his two older sister
kate (14, 110 pound) and the oldest sibling
may (16, 190 pound with a nice meaty big butt).

we decided to play chicken fight and choose a place, where the water went up to our chest (in that case adapted to little lou
who was the smallest of us).

fortune determined following couple:
me and kate and...
lou and big may

first we boys where to carry the girls.
i had no problem with kate's 100 pound, but lou had to fight hard.
may had to slowly and carefully climb on her little brothers shoulders, in order not to squash him to the ground of the pool.
it looked amazing - his little head hardly to see under that huge ass and thighs of his big sister.

then i suggested to swap places, so the girls had to carry the boys.

after all that pain lou had to endure, he was smiling now, sitting relaxed on big may. may was also relaxed and smiled now, she was strong and sensed her team to win this time.
pretty but slim kate was now to be tested to her limits.
i spread my legs and kate submerged the waterline in order to lift me up.
the second attempt was successful.

i was sitting on her slim shoulders and felt her shaking under my weight.
indeed i loved to feel her neck and her struggling so much, that i got a hardon
and i secretly grinded her neck with every step she took.

after the chicken fight game i had to stay in the water for a good 10 minutes,
to hide my arousal.

either kate never noticed my hardon, or she kept it a secret.
i tend to think it was the former case.

cheers, wunderwanst

Hi Wunderwanst Did you ever get lifted and carried by May the older sister. How tall is she then and now. She must have awesome power.

mo September 18th, 2020 19:10

Good question, I think I was 11 or 12, I don't know what is it or why. I guess since I was in school I was usually younger than my other classmates, which also meant that I was skinnier and shorter, and for some reason I copped with that by being interested in L&C.

My oldest memories will be:
- I remember once a good girl friend of mine when I was 11/12, once said to me how easy should could lift me, and just the thought of that got me aroused.
- I also remember seeing for the first time in a TV show (which I can't remember which) where a woman cradled a man and that somehow made it a reality to me.
- And I am not only interested in F/M or F/F, although F/F is my biggest interested, I got also to lift a friend of mine multiple ways when we were kids while playing and that was also exciting.

mostazarock September 19th, 2020 21:59

never got lifted by classmates?

Originally Posted by mo (Post 245338)
Good question, I think I was 11 or 12, I don't know what is it or why. I guess since I was in school I was usually younger than my other classmates, which also meant that I was skinnier and shorter, and for some reason I copped with that by being interested in L&C.

My oldest memories will be:
- I remember once a good girl friend of mine when I was 11/12, once said to me how easy should could lift me, and just the thought of that got me aroused.
- I also remember seeing for the first time in a TV show (which I can't remember which) where a woman cradled a man and that somehow made it a reality to me.
- And I am not only interested in F/M or F/F, although F/F is my biggest interested, I got also to lift a friend of mine multiple ways when we were kids while playing and that was also exciting.

mo September 20th, 2020 03:34


Originally Posted by mostazarock (Post 245359)
never got lifted by classmates?

Nope, at that time, it was for me more embarrassing than anything else, that's why I did my best to avoid that. I am not sure whether I regret that or not, but well it was long time ago.

LgPkg September 24th, 2020 03:35

Since elementary school
I?ve been attracted to powerful women since I was 11 years old.

Sergcv7 January 2nd, 2021 21:01

When I was just a child like 12 years

Carolina21 January 9th, 2021 22:11

I think for me it was around 12 maybe 13

Hsn15 January 15th, 2021 19:52

Prolly when I was around 13-14... Used to watch mixed wrestling and shifted to lift and carry somehow...

Keyla January 16th, 2021 03:34

It was when I was 14 or 15 years old, a friend and I played fighting in the park carrying ourselves on the back and I liked it. 😊

Silent2python January 26th, 2021 20:08

At age of 6

notsure January 28th, 2021 03:32

A girl my age picked me up when I was around 4 or 5. I vaguely remember having fantasies of being lifted by this girl in my first grade class, so that must have been what kicked it all off.

Shrdsss January 28th, 2021 15:02

Around 15

Kennyfisher21 February 2nd, 2021 20:03

Good question because I do not remember the exact age. I do remember when I would climb poles in middle school gym class, I'd get sexual sensation so maybe that is what I equate to females liftin me up

billknight February 8th, 2021 17:02

Don't remember exactly. When I was very young, there was an episode of "Starblazers" where Trelaina was cradle carrying Mark in a scene where he was near dead. It was this insane "erotic" type rush/fascination. No idea where it came from. I keep coming back to it here and there but have not experienced it in real life unfortunately. I'm also fascinated to know why it's a turn on, a complete mystery to me.

buryZenek February 11th, 2021 12:18

For me it all started when I was 7. My cousin was 13. We were fooling around. I used to like jumping on the couch. One day we were jumping and dancing, I was standing on a couch, and then she turned around with her back towards me and said: ?Come on, piggyback, hop on?.
I was surprised, shocked and I didn?t know what was going on. I jumped on her back and she was carrying me. We repeated that multiple times and each ride was better than the previous one. She was only giving me PB rides, not shoulder rides.

I don?t remember when we quit doing that, but every time I recall that, I could feel something hard in my pants. I still didn?t know why that happened. I thought there must be something wrong with me. Everytime time I saw a girl carrying a boy I got a strange feeling inside my stomach and some sort of strike in my head.

When I was 13 I was searching suggestive terms about L&C stuff in my language (I didn?t know English back then) and at the age of 16 I discovered L&C videos by accident when I was trying find something (in my language), but I saw ?lift carry? term and I found much more.
Shortly after that I decided to combine watching L&C videos and pics with jerking off - It was worth it because only that kind of content affects me, regular porn - not at all.

From that moment forward I watch L&C videos all the time. I have few L&C experiences (not very much but still), that I gladly share with you. :)

About one week ago I discovered this forum and I realized that I?m not alone with that fetish.
I have so many things inside my mind and I hope I can tell about that here.

Now with my obesity I doubt I?ll ever experience L&C :(

mostazarock February 12th, 2021 12:01


Originally Posted by buryZenek (Post 250419)
For me it all started when I was 7. My cousin was 13. We were fooling around. I used to like jumping on the couch. One day we were jumping and dancing, I was standing on a couch, and then she turned around with her back towards me and said: ?Come on, piggyback, hop on?.
I was surprised, shocked and I didn?t know what was going on. I jumped on her back and she was carrying me. We repeated that multiple times and each ride was better than the previous one. She was only giving me PB rides, not shoulder rides.

I don?t remember when we quit doing that, but every time I recall that, I could feel something hard in my pants. I still didn?t know why that happened. I thought there must be something wrong with me. Everytime time I saw a girl carrying a boy I got a strange feeling inside my stomach and some sort of strike in my head.

When I was 13 I was searching suggestive terms about L&C stuff in my language (I didn?t know English back then) and at the age of 16 I discovered L&C videos by accident when I was trying find something (in my language), but I saw ?lift carry? term and I found much more.
Shortly after that I decided to combine watching L&C videos and pics with jerking off - It was worth it because only that kind of content affects me, regular porn - not at all.

From that moment forward I watch L&C videos all the time. I have few L&C experiences (not very much but still), that I gladly share with you. :)

About one week ago I discovered this forum and I realized that I?m not alone with that fetish.
I have so many things inside my mind and I hope I can tell about that here.

Now with my obesity I doubt I?ll ever experience L&C :(

Please tell us tome experiencia, I lote early experiences

Tomsxx February 13th, 2021 22:06

I think i was 18

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