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Joseelnegro June 23rd, 2017 19:09

Hello everyone

I have a secure password
I am over 18 years old
I had another account before (josenegro21) but I lost my associated mail
And I live in Chile

Potato June 28th, 2017 13:32


-Confirm you have chose a secure password.
Chosen a secured password

-Confirm you are over 18 years old.

-Tell us how you found this forum (google, another forum, facebook, etc)
google search

-Tell us the country you're currently living in

Ottofuse9 June 29th, 2017 22:02

Request full access
Password is secure

I am over 18 years old

I found this through google search

I live in the us

Thank you


Terrio08011997 July 4th, 2017 10:29

Requesting full access.
This post is to confirm I have completed the requirements to receive standard access.

I have chosen a secure password

I am over 18 years old (born 08/01/1997)

I found this site through google

I reside in the United States.

Thank you.

machiaveli81 July 9th, 2017 14:01

Access request
Dear admin team,

Would you please grant full access to me.

I confirm a secure password.
I confirm over 18 years old.
I have found the forum using a Google search
I live in the UK.

Many thanks

Terrio08011997 July 10th, 2017 03:14

It's been five days since I requested access and the original post on this thread states that there might be a problem after a couple days. I posted to the help desk yet haven't heard anything from the moderators.


mangofuji July 21st, 2017 22:55

Access request

Password is secure
I am over 18 years of age
I found this site through google
I live in the US

Thank you

namadosoohay July 22nd, 2017 00:04


I can confirm that my password is secure.
I confirm that I am over 18 years of age.
I found the forum via Google search.
I live in the United States.


lcadmirer July 24th, 2017 06:03

Request fro full access

I am 28 y old.

I have already 3 posts in different discussions.

I have waited for more than 5 days.

So , i think i m eligible for FULL Forum Access.

Kindly approve it.


lcadmirer July 24th, 2017 06:12


I am 28 y old.

I have already 3 posts in different discussions.

I have waited for more than 5 days.

So , i think i m eligible for FULL Forum Access.

Kindly approve it.

Additional required information.
My Password is secure , i Confirm
I came to know about this forum via Goggle search.
I reside in India.

Kindly approve full forum status.


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