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zebra April 18th, 2018 06:03


Originally Posted by Bbwbearhug (Post 210047)
This is a great question and I've always wondered about the origin of this fetish.

I don't know much about the history of it but I can give you guys my own personal history of how I found out.

From my personal experience, It is a fetish that starts out in childhood, aka a child that is held too much, grows up and then wants to see others lifted and be lifted.

Then there comes a "recognizing" period. The child previously would not know why they enjoyed getting lifted or seeing lifting, they just knew they liked it. This recognizing of the fetish happens when they hit puberty and they start to realize that it is a fetish.

It wasn't like that for me. I was jealous of the boys who often were lifted and carried by bigger girls or older girls. I rarely was. Maybe I also thought that it was a taboo back then.

dendrin April 20th, 2018 00:18

Here is my rough history of it, surely I forgot a few popular sites from the times.

1994-2000, the early days
Lift and Carry just getting its feet wet on the internet. Few had broadband back in the 90s unless you had access to a T1 server, so even pictures took awhile to load. Any clips you got were tiny and grainy MPEGS, under 2MB. Any commercial sites sold by way of VHS through mail. Instant downloads were impossible.

Notable Commercial and Fan Sites from this time:
LiftNet: VHS lift specialty site made purely for lift and carry crowd, lots of good quality pics every month taken from a DSLR camera, scanned, and posted. Jeff gets alot of credit for making the site, but Robin (aka suzy), was the star, primarily a wrestler but made a big connection with the l&c crowd with the fun and energy she brought.
Special Interests (VHS wrestling and lifts, great site featuring alot of California babes)
Builtmore: VHS strength tests, solo shoots specializing in tall or muscular women, wrestling, and lifts.
Davemeisters Fitness Babes: VHS modeling and lifts, specializing in "the girl next door" lifter types
Pete Bliss VHS strength tests, wrestling, and lifts
Diana the Valkyrie A smorgasbord of stuff here from photos, message boards, stories, newsgroups, a pioneer site. Interesting it really hasn't changed at all since 1995, so if you want to see how a plain HTML only site looked back then, fire it up :lol:
Hajo fansite, lapsitting and lift and carry, ahead of its time on videos, lots of good and rare ones
Yahoo Groups before forums and filehosts were readily available, these groups were an easy way to upload photos and videos
Sandy's Lift and Carry similar to Hajo's, more picture oriented

Broadband through affordable DSL and cable was starting to emerge allowing for more robust sized movies that was roughly par with VHS quality.
Affordable video capture cards allowed for more recording of lift scenes from VHS easily uploading them. Store wise, instant downloads were making their appearance. Digital Cameras started becoming popular around 2000 and was quite a lucrative business for camera makers at this time, allowing for quick uploads to the internet.

Notable Commercial and Fan Sites from this time (in addition to ^ past ones):

MFX Ponygirl monthly site: if you liked adult content with f/f lifts, you couldn't do better than this monthly subscriber site. The value was insane about six 30 minute movies every month for $20 and they took requests via a message board. The videos were a little grainy, and the Brazil girls didn't speak English, but in 2005 this was an awesome site. In 2006 or 2007 they closed shop due to legal problems in the US. They have reemerged, but not quite as good as it was in its heyday.
Crazy Carries: This was a spinoff site of a string of chloroform type sites ("Sleepyrealm") and was met with incredible popularity with the f/f crowd. Like MFX, they also took requests, and it was great seeing something you recommended in a photo shoot a few weeks down the road. Some unique costumes were used in the photo sets (nurses, cowgirls, cheerleaders), and lots of new, experimental lifts. The site is no longer around, but we have a thread in VIP with some samples of it. It was a monthly subscriber pay model, common for this time.
AsianLifterettes: A site featuring short clips. This site might have got started through DTV and then took of on its own. I never joined this one, as the lifts were pretty robotic with no talking. If tiny girls lifting was your thing you probably would have liked this site.
LiftLovers: A short lived, but good monthly subscriber site from Davemeister.
LiftnandCarrying: Definitely the most venerable lift and carry site of all time. Starting back around 2003 and still around, although not sure they regularly update. Subscriber based, it features about 5 clips per update and generally covers all the essentials like OTS, cradle, and piggybacks. While never great due to "robotic lifting", the girls are good looking, some even model quality, and its cheap, so can see why it lasted. Besides the robotic lifting, it offered no form of customer feedback or requests.
Lusa/Liftingfems: A great fan favorite. Liftingfems was born as Lusa diverged their main wrestling site into more niche categories like lifting, judo, feet, etc. Liftingfems had a lot of girl next door types and the girls were loyal and stuck around with Lusa for a long time, becoming experts at the trade. Costumes were used and most videos had a short script or back story to help with the awkwardness of lift and carry videos. Unfortunately they have called it quits around 2010 or so.
Webshots: Cashing in on the digital camera craze of the early 2000s was Webshots. While not a lift and carry site, a ton of good pictures were found here from parties, sports, nights out. Most found their way to Lifted and Perun's forums and the Yahoo Groups. A combination of trying to go to a pay model and social media sites evolving made webshots obsolete.
Lifted and Perun's Forums: Why we're all here. In the mid 2000s these forums brought lift and carry fans together from alot of sources (DTV, Yahoo, Ultimate Shoulder Rides, etc). A VIP system that we still implement today helped keep members on the site active. Both these forums were free hosted, which meant they got repeatedly shut down, and everything lost in an instant. As you know we now have a reliable host and have been going strong since 2009.

goneju April 20th, 2018 02:19

You summed it up perfectly. And it was quite nostalgic to read this post and remembering those good old days of lift and carry. Great work Dendrin. :thumbup2:


Originally Posted by dendrin (Post 210245)
Here is my rough history of it, surely I forgot a few popular sites from the times.

1994-2000, the early days
Lift and Carry just getting its feet wet on the internet. Few had broadband back in the 90s unless you had access to a T1 server, so even pictures took awhile to load. Any clips you got were tiny and grainy MPEGS, under 2MB. Any commercial sites sold by way of VHS through mail. Instant downloads were impossible.

Notable Commercial and Fan Sites from this time:
LiftNet: VHS lift specialty site made purely for lift and carry crowd, lots of good quality pics every month taken from a DSLR camera, scanned, and posted. Jeff gets alot of credit for making the site, but Robin (aka suzy), was the star, primarily a wrestler but made a big connection with the l&c crowd with the fun and energy she brought.
Special Interests (VHS wrestling and lifts, great site featuring alot of California babes)
Builtmore: VHS strength tests, solo shoots specializing in tall or muscular women, wrestling, and lifts.
Davemeisters Fitness Babes: VHS modeling and lifts, specializing in "the girl next door" lifter types
Pete Bliss VHS strength tests, wrestling, and lifts
Diana the Valkyrie A smorgasbord of stuff here from photos, message boards, stories, newsgroups, a pioneer site. Interesting it really hasn't changed at all since 1995, so if you want to see how a plain HTML only site looked back then, fire it up :lol:
Hajo fansite, lapsitting and lift and carry, ahead of its time on videos, lots of good and rare ones
Yahoo Groups before forums and filehosts were readily available, these groups were an easy way to upload photos and videos
Sandy's Lift and Carry similar to Hajo's, more picture oriented

Broadband through affordable DSL and cable was starting to emerge allowing for more robust sized movies that was roughly par with VHS quality.
Affordable video capture cards allowed for more recording of lift scenes from VHS easily uploading them. Store wise, instant downloads were making their appearance. Digital Cameras started becoming popular around 2000 and was quite a lucrative business for camera makers at this time, allowing for quick uploads to the internet.

Notable Commercial and Fan Sites from this time (in addition to ^ past ones):

MFX Ponygirl monthly site: if you liked adult content with f/f lifts, you couldn't do better than this monthly subscriber site. The value was insane about six 30 minute movies every month for $20 and they took requests via a message board. The videos were a little grainy, and the Brazil girls didn't speak English, but in 2005 this was an awesome site. In 2006 or 2007 they closed shop due to legal problems in the US. They have reemerged, but not quite as good as it was in its heyday.
Crazy Carries: This was a spinoff site of a string of chloroform type sites ("Sleepyrealm") and was met with incredible popularity with the f/f crowd. Like MFX, they also took requests, and it was great seeing something you recommended in a photo shoot a few weeks down the road. Some unique costumes were used in the photo sets (nurses, cowgirls, cheerleaders), and lots of new, experimental lifts. The site is no longer around, but we have a thread in VIP with some samples of it. It was a monthly subscriber pay model, common for this time.
AsianLifterettes: A site featuring short clips. This site might have got started through DTV and then took of on its own. I never joined this one, as the lifts were pretty robotic with no talking. If tiny girls lifting was your thing you probably would have liked this site.
LiftLovers: A short lived, but good monthly subscriber site from Davemeister.
LiftnandCarrying: Definitely the most venerable lift and carry site of all time. Starting back around 2003 and still around, although not sure they regularly update. Subscriber based, it features about 5 clips per update and generally covers all the essentials like OTS, cradle, and piggybacks. While never great due to "robotic lifting", the girls are good looking, some even model quality, and its cheap, so can see why it lasted. Besides the robotic lifting, it offered no form of customer feedback or requests.
Lusa/Liftingfems: A great fan favorite. Liftingfems was born as Lusa diverged their main wrestling site into more niche categories like lifting, judo, feet, etc. Liftingfems had a lot of girl next door types and the girls were loyal and stuck around with Lusa for a long time, becoming experts at the trade. Costumes were used and most videos had a short script or back story to help with the awkwardness of lift and carry videos. Unfortunately they have called it quits around 2010 or so.
Webshots: Cashing in on the digital camera craze of the early 2000s was Webshots. While not a lift and carry site, a ton of good pictures were found here from parties, sports, nights out. Most found their way to Lifted and Perun's forums and the Yahoo Groups. A combination of trying to go to a pay model and social media sites evolving made webshots obsolete.
Lifted and Perun's Forums: Why we're all here. In the mid 2000s these forums brought lift and carry fans together from alot of sources (DTV, Yahoo, Ultimate Shoulder Rides, etc). A VIP system that we still implement today helped keep members on the site active. Both these forums were free hosted, which meant they got repeatedly shut down, and everything lost in an instant. As you know we now have a reliable host and have been going strong since 2009.

zebra April 27th, 2018 06:16

I really miss Crazy Carries, which might have been the best lifting site due to its models, costumes, stories, and lifts. There were many cute models of all shapes and sizes. They wore a wide array of costumes, many of which were much more sexy than gym clothes. The sets had stories behind them, so they weren't just lifts done for the sake of them. The lifts and carries often were out of this world! There were regular overhead lifts in creative positions. There were multi-woman lifts where more than one woman was lifted at the same time. That's not to mention the great forum.

gelam May 8th, 2018 07:45


Originally Posted by zebra (Post 210538)
I really miss Crazy Carries, which might have been the best lifting site due to its models, costumes, stories, and lifts. There were many cute models of all shapes and sizes. They wore a wide array of costumes, many of which were much more sexy than gym clothes. The sets had stories behind them, so they weren't just lifts done for the sake of them. The lifts and carries often were out of this world! There were regular overhead lifts in creative positions. There were multi-woman lifts where more than one woman was lifted at the same time. That's not to mention the great forum.

Is there an archive with all the pictures? I was always impressed by Crazy Carries, but was "too late" to actually join the website

zebra May 9th, 2018 11:42


Originally Posted by gelam (Post 211053)
Is there an archive with all the pictures? I was always impressed by Crazy Carries, but was "too late" to actually join the website

I don't know of any. There might be a few clips on YouTube.

uuthari October 7th, 2018 13:56

lift and carry history - ever after
Hi all

speaking of history of lift and carry, i read an interesting article.

earlier last month when i was watching the movie "Ever after" i was surprised to see a unexpected lift and carry from drew barrymore. naturally i started to read about the origin of the scene, i heard about fascinating story.

it is quiet a large story. so i will just paste the content from which i read. i hope i am not violating any plagiarism policies in this forum

In the movie, Danielle rescues the prince from gypsies by carrying him on her back. According to legend, when King Conrad III defeated the Duke of Welf (in the year 1140) and placed Weinsberg under siege, the wives of the besieged castle negotiated a surrender which granted them the right to leave with whatever they could carry on their shoulders. The king allowed them that much. Leaving everything else aside, each woman took her own husband on her shoulders and carried him out. When the king's people saw what was happening, many of them said that that was not what had been meant and wanted to put a stop to it. But the king laughed and accepted the women's clever trick. "A king" he said, "should always stand by his word."

nickeleyegold November 7th, 2018 06:35

Thank you for posting this! I?m going to have to check this movie out


Originally Posted by uuthari (Post 217415)
Hi all

speaking of history of lift and carry, i read an interesting article.

earlier last month when i was watching the movie "Ever after" i was surprised to see a unexpected lift and carry from drew barrymore. naturally i started to read about the origin of the scene, i heard about fascinating story.

it is quiet a large story. so i will just paste the content from which i read. i hope i am not violating any plagiarism policies in this forum

In the movie, Danielle rescues the prince from gypsies by carrying him on her back. According to legend, when King Conrad III defeated the Duke of Welf (in the year 1140) and placed Weinsberg under siege, the wives of the besieged castle negotiated a surrender which granted them the right to leave with whatever they could carry on their shoulders. The king allowed them that much. Leaving everything else aside, each woman took her own husband on her shoulders and carried him out. When the king's people saw what was happening, many of them said that that was not what had been meant and wanted to put a stop to it. But the king laughed and accepted the women's clever trick. "A king" he said, "should always stand by his word."

namledn November 7th, 2018 09:16

Great summery Dendrin!
I would add a few more like:
MassMuscle fitness ladies / Ed
Premier Productions / Tom Jackson
Bill Wick
Queen Ardena
Steel Kittens
Isabelle Big and Strong
AWE films
Green Eyes
Oil Wrestlers
Golden Girls - female combat
GLOW - The Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling

And I am sure there are more,,,



Originally Posted by dendrin (Post 210245)
Here is my rough history of it, surely I forgot a few popular sites from the times.

1994-2000, the early days
Lift and Carry just getting its feet wet on the internet. Few had broadband back in the 90s unless you had access to a T1 server, so even pictures took awhile to load. Any clips you got were tiny and grainy MPEGS, under 2MB. Any commercial sites sold by way of VHS through mail. Instant downloads were impossible.

Notable Commercial and Fan Sites from this time:
LiftNet: VHS lift specialty site made purely for lift and carry crowd, lots of good quality pics every month taken from a DSLR camera, scanned, and posted. Jeff gets alot of credit for making the site, but Robin (aka suzy), was the star, primarily a wrestler but made a big connection with the l&c crowd with the fun and energy she brought.
Special Interests (VHS wrestling and lifts, great site featuring alot of California babes)
Builtmore: VHS strength tests, solo shoots specializing in tall or muscular women, wrestling, and lifts.
Davemeisters Fitness Babes: VHS modeling and lifts, specializing in "the girl next door" lifter types
Pete Bliss VHS strength tests, wrestling, and lifts
Diana the Valkyrie A smorgasbord of stuff here from photos, message boards, stories, newsgroups, a pioneer site. Interesting it really hasn't changed at all since 1995, so if you want to see how a plain HTML only site looked back then, fire it up :lol:
Hajo fansite, lapsitting and lift and carry, ahead of its time on videos, lots of good and rare ones
Yahoo Groups before forums and filehosts were readily available, these groups were an easy way to upload photos and videos
Sandy's Lift and Carry similar to Hajo's, more picture oriented

Broadband through affordable DSL and cable was starting to emerge allowing for more robust sized movies that was roughly par with VHS quality.
Affordable video capture cards allowed for more recording of lift scenes from VHS easily uploading them. Store wise, instant downloads were making their appearance. Digital Cameras started becoming popular around 2000 and was quite a lucrative business for camera makers at this time, allowing for quick uploads to the internet.

Notable Commercial and Fan Sites from this time (in addition to ^ past ones):

MFX Ponygirl monthly site: if you liked adult content with f/f lifts, you couldn't do better than this monthly subscriber site. The value was insane about six 30 minute movies every month for $20 and they took requests via a message board. The videos were a little grainy, and the Brazil girls didn't speak English, but in 2005 this was an awesome site. In 2006 or 2007 they closed shop due to legal problems in the US. They have reemerged, but not quite as good as it was in its heyday.
Crazy Carries: This was a spinoff site of a string of chloroform type sites ("Sleepyrealm") and was met with incredible popularity with the f/f crowd. Like MFX, they also took requests, and it was great seeing something you recommended in a photo shoot a few weeks down the road. Some unique costumes were used in the photo sets (nurses, cowgirls, cheerleaders), and lots of new, experimental lifts. The site is no longer around, but we have a thread in VIP with some samples of it. It was a monthly subscriber pay model, common for this time.
AsianLifterettes: A site featuring short clips. This site might have got started through DTV and then took of on its own. I never joined this one, as the lifts were pretty robotic with no talking. If tiny girls lifting was your thing you probably would have liked this site.
LiftLovers: A short lived, but good monthly subscriber site from Davemeister.
LiftnandCarrying: Definitely the most venerable lift and carry site of all time. Starting back around 2003 and still around, although not sure they regularly update. Subscriber based, it features about 5 clips per update and generally covers all the essentials like OTS, cradle, and piggybacks. While never great due to "robotic lifting", the girls are good looking, some even model quality, and its cheap, so can see why it lasted. Besides the robotic lifting, it offered no form of customer feedback or requests.
Lusa/Liftingfems: A great fan favorite. Liftingfems was born as Lusa diverged their main wrestling site into more niche categories like lifting, judo, feet, etc. Liftingfems had a lot of girl next door types and the girls were loyal and stuck around with Lusa for a long time, becoming experts at the trade. Costumes were used and most videos had a short script or back story to help with the awkwardness of lift and carry videos. Unfortunately they have called it quits around 2010 or so.
Webshots: Cashing in on the digital camera craze of the early 2000s was Webshots. While not a lift and carry site, a ton of good pictures were found here from parties, sports, nights out. Most found their way to Lifted and Perun's forums and the Yahoo Groups. A combination of trying to go to a pay model and social media sites evolving made webshots obsolete.
Lifted and Perun's Forums: Why we're all here. In the mid 2000s these forums brought lift and carry fans together from alot of sources (DTV, Yahoo, Ultimate Shoulder Rides, etc). A VIP system that we still implement today helped keep members on the site active. Both these forums were free hosted, which meant they got repeatedly shut down, and everything lost in an instant. As you know we now have a reliable host and have been going strong since 2009.

pyro December 15th, 2018 13:45


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