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aloknath July 9th, 2011 08:35


Originally Posted by girlfights (Post 60773)
Glad you liked it.. the next one is a horror/media convention,,,

It's probably not possible for a million reasons but even a single lift of a horror movie actress or two would really up that video's desirability! Though I doubt any of them would sign the release unless they're friends of your's. Oh well. One can dream!

strut170222 July 9th, 2011 22:20


Originally Posted by ashok (Post 60787)
It's probably not possible for a million reasons but even a single lift of a horror movie actress or two would really up that video's desirability! Though I doubt any of them would sign the release unless they're friends of your's. Oh well. One can dream!

These kind of posts are getting real old.

aloknath July 9th, 2011 22:33


Originally Posted by strut170222 (Post 60844)
These kind of posts are getting real old.

Sorry for having offended your delicate sensibilities, strut, and for having fallen short of the high standards you apparently require off of an internet fetish forum. God forbid someone daydream on a fantasy forum.

You don't see me jumping in and reprimanding you every time you break out another post about deep squats.

girlfights July 9th, 2011 22:38

Darn.. I could have done Linnea Quigley last October at Spooky Empire.. I do know her.. some of the more B-movie girls I could probably get if I see them.. the big maintream girls, probably not :)

aloknath July 9th, 2011 22:40


Originally Posted by girlfights (Post 60851)
Darn.. I could have done Linnea Quigley last October at Spooky Empire.. I do know here.. some of the more B-movie girls I could probably get if I see them.. the big maintream girls, probably not :)

Oh no worries. It wasn't a serious request. I know it's not a reasonable thing to expect.

strut170222 July 10th, 2011 03:47


Originally Posted by ashok (Post 60847)
Sorry for having offended your delicate sensibilities, strut, and for having fallen short of the high standards you apparently require off of an internet fetish forum. God forbid someone daydream on a fantasy forum.

You don't see me jumping in and reprimanding you every time you break out another post about deep squats.

Daydream all you want my man. Bringing up my own posts is a non-sequitor.

I'm referring to the repetitive posts regarding what the producer can, couldn't, shouldn't do, etc with females that she encounters. IMO, we heard the point(s) made a few times already.

girlfights July 10th, 2011 04:00


Originally Posted by allffcradles (Post 60630)
I second that, at the risk of not being open minded I have much disdain for FM lifts and am sick of how often it spills into the FF section. I question any man's masculinity that are into FM activity, seems a lot of members here are more interested in the lifter than the liftee for some reason

Anyway girlfights, am curious, do you like to carry girls more than be carried by them?:)

Sorry! I missed this question, until I was just re-reading this thread...

Hmmm... I think I like carrying better than being carried if the girl is smaller... but my butt looks so good when I am over the shoulder :) it just is a little hard on my abs since I work them at the gym soooo much...

aloknath July 10th, 2011 08:34


Originally Posted by strut170222 (Post 60874)
Daydream all you want my man. Bringing up my own posts is a non-sequitor.

I'm referring to the repetitive posts regarding what the producer can, couldn't, shouldn't do, etc with females that she encounters. IMO, we heard the point(s) made a few times already.

Well, in that case, you misread my post. I wasn't telling girlfights what she shouldn't do. I was simply acknowledging that it is probably unrealistic for me to think she would be able to involve too many horror actresses in lifts. A fact which she confirmed in her response.

And if you're protesting the fact that I was wishing she Could involve such people in her lift videos - I have no clue what you think a fetish forum is for. It's like complaining that a foot fetish forum has too much talk about whose feet the members would like to see.

You accused me of being repetitive. I pointed out that your various deep squat posts are also repetitive. Stones and glass houses sort of thing. Which makes it a more than relevant response and not a non-sequitur.

phoneman July 10th, 2011 13:13

strut and ashok, I think that you have both made your points. Now maybe we should drop it before it becomes serious. Let's just be friends and end this subject. Fair enough?

aloknath July 10th, 2011 14:20


Originally Posted by phoneman (Post 60891)
strut and ashok, I think that you have both made your points. Now maybe we should drop it before it becomes serious. Let's just be friends and end this subject. Fair enough?

Fine by me. I'm not one for fighting on the forum. Strut's initial post just rubbed me the wrong way and I couldn't resist responding. Should've let it lie. Apologies.

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