The Lift & Carry Forums

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-   -   Request Full Forum Access - New and Updated (

redbejelit November 17th, 2017 21:24

Hello. I think met the requirements to become a standard member.
My password is secure.
I am over 18.
I found about this forum from google.
Im from Italy

av November 25th, 2017 15:24

Hello. I think met the requirements to become a standard member.
My password is secure.
I am over 18.
Found this forum from google.
I'm from Ukraine.
About me. Lift & carry fan.

machiaveli81 November 26th, 2017 01:30

Access request

Can you please give me access.

My password is secure.
I am over 18.
I found about this forum from google.
Im from the UK.


459 November 26th, 2017 03:15

Problem getting acess
My account is rather old, but I have updated it. However, I cannot post in the welcome section.

How do I get general access?

-Am over 18
-Reside in the United State
-Password is very secure

rajaka November 27th, 2017 11:28

hi my name is rajaka
i reside in india
i am near 30 years old
i found out about this forum through google
and my password is very secure

please grant me access to this forum

thank you

Talldude900 November 28th, 2017 00:58

I would like to request access.

I am 49

I am from the USA

I found the forum via Google.

My password is secure.

jijubell November 28th, 2017 07:37

Requesting access

Password very secure

36 yrs old

From the USA but travels a lot

micmony November 29th, 2017 10:58

Request Standard access
I believe I met the requirements to become a standard member.

My password is secure.
I am way over 18.
I found about this forum on google.
I'm from Egypt.

randombytes December 2nd, 2017 11:15

Hi Mods

I've just posted in the discussion forums twice (i hope doing so on the same day counts).

I feel my password is secure.
I am over 18.
I have been a former member here (Gandalf, on this forum). Have also been part of the old lifed.makeforum.
I am from India.

Qazse December 5th, 2017 21:06

Hello.I think I meet the requirements to become a standard member.
I'm over 18.
I found this forum on Google.
I am living in Holland.
I want be a member of Landforum so much.
Qazse is online now Report Post

bbwhipslover December 6th, 2017 07:16

Full access please
My password is secured
I am over 18 years old
I found the forum via google
I am from Canada
Please provide me full access to the forum...thank you


Yoshihiro191 December 9th, 2017 17:10

My password is secured
I am over 18 years old
I found the forum from
I am from vietnam.
Please provide me full access to the forum...thank you :)[/QUOTE]

liftee14 December 19th, 2017 09:07

Access Request
I think my password is secure
I'm 23
I found the forum via google
I'm living in Iran

thunders December 26th, 2017 18:48

my password is secured
im 23 years old

thunders December 26th, 2017 18:48


Originally Posted by thunders (Post 204809)
my password is secured
im 23 years old

i live in kuwait
i found this web from google ;)

thunders December 26th, 2017 18:50

my password is secured
i'm 23 years old
i found this from google
i live in kuwait

Motison December 28th, 2017 18:42

Would be nice to be accepted :)
My password is secured
I am 22 years old
I found the forum via google
I am from Germany

Motison December 28th, 2017 18:52


Originally Posted by Motison (Post 204929)
My password is secured
I am 22 years old
I found the forum via google
I am from Germany

and also thanks for your time


turnipman9 December 29th, 2017 06:57

standard access
My password is secure, I am over 18 years old, found the forum via google, and am from the USA.


fitstronggals December 30th, 2017 18:05

full access
Hi my password is secured..i am over 18 years old..i live in dubai..found through google...wants to join and have full access please ☺

jimbojet December 31st, 2017 04:42

Full Access Request
I think my password is secure,
I'm 29,
I found the forum via google,
I'm living in US,


liftee14 January 3rd, 2018 07:09


Originally Posted by liftee14 (Post 204435)
I think my password is secure
I'm 23
I found the forum via google
I'm living in Iran

I Thought the problem might be my password so I changed it.
My password is secure
I am 23
found the forum via google
I'm from Iran.

adfimus January 4th, 2018 01:19

Standard Access

My password is secured.
I am over 18 years old.
I found this forum via Google.
Now I reside in Morocco.

Please provide me full access to the forum

Thank you


upandaway January 8th, 2018 17:16

Standard access

I am 30 year old
My password is secured
I found the forum via google
I am from Ukraine

philosmarkxyz January 9th, 2018 02:56

Requesting full access
My password is secured.
I am over 18.
I from the US.
I found a link here from a session provider, Madame Mysteria.
I have posted in the general discussion forum a few times.

Baliyokt January 10th, 2018 02:31

Request for full access
Confirm you have chose a secure password.

Confirm you are over 18 years old.

Tell us how you found this forum (google, another forum, facebook, etc)
In google while searching lift and carry things. I love lifts in porns movies,

Tell us the country you're currently from
Kathmandu, Nepal


philosmarkxyz January 11th, 2018 01:10


Originally Posted by Baliyokt (Post 205629)
Confirm you have chose a secure password.

Confirm you are over 18 years old.

Tell us how you found this forum (google, another forum, facebook, etc)
In google while searching lift and carry things. I love lifts in porns movies,

Tell us the country you're currently from
Kathmandu, Nepal

I say reject him, it didn't say to list your city anywhere.

azamatbagatov January 12th, 2018 02:10

full access

I am 23 years old
My password is secured
I found the forum via google
I am from Russia
Posted in discussions
I request full forum access


cmchris7 January 12th, 2018 09:11

My password is secure.
I am 29.
I found about this forum on google.
I'm from the usa.

fluffyman January 12th, 2018 15:04

My password is secure
I'm 36 years old
I'm from the UK
I found the forum on Google
I'd like full access please

adfimus January 12th, 2018 17:11

Request Standard Access

I thought the problem I Have about not getting the Standard Access until present came from my old password, so I changed it to another secure password.

I think I meet now the requirements, so I would like to request a Standard Access please.

- My password is secure.
- I am over 18 years old.
- I found this forum using Google.
- I'm from North Africa.


Chir2612 January 13th, 2018 10:53

I have secure password
I like overhead lc m/ f
Learnt about this forum thru yahoo grouos
Am from india
Please grant me full access

Chir2612 January 13th, 2018 10:55

I am above 18 yrs old

Grico January 13th, 2018 22:52

Standard access
Hi I like girls who lift and carry and the fit girls in general specially with abs.
I over 18 years old, my password is secure.
I fuomd this forum using google and i am from europe.
Could I have "standard access" please?!
Thanks and great forum!!

upandaway January 14th, 2018 16:17

Standard access request

Originally Posted by upandaway (Post 205556)

I am 30 year old
My password is secured
I found the forum via google
I am from Ukraine

I changed my password for a more secure one. I believe I meet all requirements now. Also, I posted in discussions.

Thank you.:thumbup2:

rajaka January 15th, 2018 06:47

lounge is closed
My password is secured
I am over 18 years old
I found the forum via google
I am from india
Please provide me full access to the forum...thank you very much

dwighth January 16th, 2018 00:06

-My password is secured
-I'm over 18 years old
-I found this forum via google
-I'm from Italy


francis2010 January 16th, 2018 05:21

Request access to the forum
I was a member of this forum for several years and decided to stop being on the forum and had my previous account disabled. Requesting access again:

My password is secured
I am over 18 years old
I found the forum via google
I am from the US

Anisburn January 16th, 2018 14:14

My password is secured
I am over 18 years old
I am from algeria and I found the forum via google
Please give me the full access to the forum...
and thank you :D

edward1992 January 17th, 2018 03:02

Request activation
Hello, I am an indepedent producer and have a ton of ponyplay(male on female) content to share. Please activate my account so I can proceed to do so.

-I found this forum on google
-I am from USA

Jjjjmmmm January 17th, 2018 19:49

Request for access
-My password is secured
-I'm over 18
-I'm from the United States
-I found this forum via searching ?lift and carry? on google. I?m excited to be part of a community that loves lift and carry as I do!

Byte January 18th, 2018 03:57

-i have chosen a secure password
-i am 31
-i found this site on google
-i am in US, born in algeria :)

francis2010 January 18th, 2018 05:38


Originally Posted by francis2010 (Post 205952)
I was a member of this forum for several years and decided to stop being on the forum and had my previous account disabled. Requesting access again:

My password is secured
I am over 18 years old
I found the forum via google
I am from the US

Ok I didnt realize I needed 5 posts in the lounge to get access. My previous id was francis2009

-check your private messages

Qazse January 18th, 2018 11:00

My password is secure
I'm 23 years old.
Im from Holland
I want to be the member of landcforum so much.I writed it 3 times and this will be the last one.Please give me full access:(

Maverions January 18th, 2018 13:52

Full access request
Hi. I believe I meet the requirements to become a standard member.
My password is quite secure.
I am 41.
I found about this forum on SKW fans forum.
I'm from France and i'm fond of L&C.

edward1992 January 19th, 2018 00:07

Video creator requesting access
I make lift and carry videos
I have posted 4 posts across the forum(where I had permission to do so)
Please give me access so I can post more content in the appropriate sections.

edward1992 January 19th, 2018 00:08

My password is secure
I am above 18
I discovered this website on google
I am from USA


francis2010 January 19th, 2018 05:22


Originally Posted by francis2010 (Post 206045)
Ok I didnt realize I needed 5 posts in the lounge to get access. My previous id was francis2009

-check your private messages

Was not able to send a message in response, please reactivate the account as you suggested. Thank you

philosmarkxyz January 20th, 2018 20:24

Where was 5 posted

Originally Posted by francis2010 (Post 206045)
Ok I didnt realize I needed 5 posts in the lounge to get access. My previous id was francis2009

-check your private messages

At the beginning of this thread, it says 2. I didn't see 5 posted anywhere.

d92kq9510a January 22nd, 2018 15:10

I've made some quality posts. Can I get full access. I'm over 18. My password is secure. I live in Canada. I found this site through a Google search.

kimychoiii January 22nd, 2018 20:28

Dear moderator

-My password is secured
-I'm over 48
-I'm from the Korea
-I had been for long in this forum and could not access for months.

Maverions January 23rd, 2018 18:06

Admin, an answer please. Thx
Admin, an answer please. Thx


Originally Posted by Maverions (Post 206058)
Hi. I believe I meet the requirements to become a standard member.
My password is quite secure.
I am 41.
I found about this forum on SKW fans forum.
I'm from France and i'm fond of L&C.

Promane January 25th, 2018 05:36

Requesting access
My password is very secure
I am above 18
I discovered this website from a friend
I am from Indonesia.


xiaoshui January 25th, 2018 06:22

-My password is secured
-I'm over 30
-I'm from the asian
-I had been for long in this forum and could not access .


Qazse January 25th, 2018 19:49

Hey.What should I do to be a standard member? My password is secure.I'm above 18.I already posted 7 posts.Why dont you give me permission?


Maverions January 31st, 2018 13:39

The same...

Hey.What should I do to be a standard member? My password is secure.I'm above 18.I already posted 7 posts.Why dont you give me permission?
The same for me ; interested in adult section, i can't access ; is there an admin or a CIA agent who can answer ?


1mu1 February 1st, 2018 23:47

Can you please active my account?
Thanks :santa::santa:

kimychoiii February 3rd, 2018 20:07

access problem

Originally Posted by kimychoiii (Post 206284)
Dear moderator

-My password is secured
-I'm over 48
-I'm from the Korea
-I had been for long in this forum and could not access for months.

would you?

frogy February 5th, 2018 17:09

Hello, I would love to become a standard user for this wonderful forum.
My password is secure..
Im 29 years old...
Im from Europe.

kimychoiii February 7th, 2018 19:13

full access
Dear Admin
I have been member since 2011

Would you allow full access?

Liftaholic February 12th, 2018 12:00

Accept me for new content
Can I please get standard membership, I'll keep posting new stuffs everyday, thanks :)

kimychoiii February 16th, 2018 20:25

full access
Dear Admin

As you can see I am a member since 2011 and I was active member before that date
Would you allow for full access


Squats21 February 16th, 2018 20:28

Following the other replies here...

My password is secure as far as I know!
I'm 20!
And I'm from Canada but in Texas for college
Do we get access to all parts of this forum through here?


Realmadrid20102011 February 17th, 2018 06:10

I Confirm that i have chosen a secure password.
I Confirm I'm over 18 years old.
i found the forum from google and im from uae

valerieadams February 27th, 2018 22:09

dear admin!
Can I please get standard membership? i post in the correct threads then i promise.

Mariuus March 2nd, 2018 13:35

standard Accses
hello Admin,

can you give me a Standard Accses please?:rolleyes:

steven81 March 5th, 2018 10:32

Expecting a long term membership in this forum

I m happy to become a part of this forum today.

I have chosen a secure password
I m over 18 years old
I found this forum through google search
I m from Ind at present

Please grant me access

Syo Kirishima March 5th, 2018 15:13

Hi, could i get full acess?
I'm over 18 (actually 18y/o, but it's still 18+), brazilian, found this forum while trying to see where i could discuss about my kink, and my password is pretty safe.
I'd be grateful if you could grant me acess, thanks either way for the forum itself, it's pretty nice and i like the people here.

frogy March 7th, 2018 10:37

Standard member pass.
I have met the requirements to ensure standard member access. I have over 7 pics that I have posted in the f/m lounge

1. My password is secure
2. I am over 18 years of age
3. I found this forum via yahoo search
4. I live in Sweden

rajaka March 11th, 2018 10:36

standard access
name is raja
password is highly secure
from india
waiting from 106 days to get approved

Sagritarius March 12th, 2018 17:28

My password is secured
I am over 18 years old
I found the forum via google
I am from Russia
Please provide me full access to the forum...........thank you

Sagritarius March 12th, 2018 17:33

lately I really like the subject of the sytmale thread.

Sagritarius March 12th, 2018 17:37


Charlie March 16th, 2018 16:13

How to get access
Hey guys the standard access can anyone tell me what do i am good lift carry enthusiast who likes write about it any one reply what to do?

rajaka March 25th, 2018 16:11

forum access for old member
my username is varun but suddenly i have lost all access privileges so kindly restore the same this is my new account but no access still.

robert March 25th, 2018 18:04

Hello y'all

Been registered here a while ago. Not being an active member but I wanna start posting and being involved with the community but apparently my access for reading/writing in topics was banned.

I hope the admin can restore that problem for me :)


Charlie March 29th, 2018 07:06

Fm lift

Charlie March 29th, 2018 07:12

steven81 March 31st, 2018 04:09

Standard access
Please grant me standard access. I hv been trying to post pics, clips but unable to post anything. Otherwise, suggest me how I can post pics, clips with my current access level to be eligible for getting standard access.

steven81 March 31st, 2018 04:38

1st image post

steven81 March 31st, 2018 04:39

2nd image post

steven81 March 31st, 2018 04:39

3rd image post

steven81 March 31st, 2018 04:40

4th image post

steven81 March 31st, 2018 04:40

5th image post

steven81 March 31st, 2018 04:43

Standard access
I have posted 5 image links. Please grant me standard access. Thank you.

1mu1 April 2nd, 2018 08:01

Hi iam still waiting for active my accunt long time ago how can help me?

1mu1 April 2nd, 2018 08:07

I have chosen a secure password
I m over 18 years old
Can you help thanks

Syo Kirishima April 3rd, 2018 03:37

Hi, i think i meet the requirements to become a standard member. I've posted sometimes on the discussion areas and i think that's good enough, unless I really have to post on the lounge as well, but I don't really know what to do there. So, anyway:

I'm over 18 years old;
I''m from Brazil;
My password is safe;
And I found this forum on Google while trying to find some L&C content.

If i still miss something to have access to standard membership, i'll see what I can do.

steven81 April 5th, 2018 12:55

Waiting for standard access
Hello Admin,
I have posted 5 items already. Please grant me Standard access.

1mu1 April 6th, 2018 14:29

Hello Admin,
I have posted 5 items already. Please grant me Standard access

Charlie April 8th, 2018 13:20

3 : 05 f/m lift f/m hip carry

Charlie April 8th, 2018 13:28

Thank you

1mu1 April 10th, 2018 22:45

Hello y'all

Been registered here a while ago. Not being an active member but I wanna start posting and being involved with the community but apparently my access for reading/writing in topics was banned.

I hope the admin can restore that problem for me

Bbwbearhug April 15th, 2018 18:46

Hey guys!

Happy to be amongst my people :P

I have made 5 well-thought out replies.

-I have chosen a secure password.
-I am over 18 years old (25)
-I found this forum on google.
-I am from Canada

I would appreciate standard access. Thanks!


AllStarGangsta April 16th, 2018 06:11

Glad to be here!

I have made More than 5 posts and will continue to do so. Really looking forward to being part of this community.

I did make a secure password
I am 38
Found this site on Google
And from United States



1mu1 April 22nd, 2018 23:33

More than 3 months without access
I am here more than 3 months and still stay without access how can i fix this problem?
Hi admin can you please find what i can do to get activation to my account thank you


steven81 April 23rd, 2018 03:32

Standard access
Hello Admin,
I have posted 5 links already and thereafter waiting for standard access approval for quite some time. Please approve me.


Mansurio April 24th, 2018 12:43

Всем привет!Я новый участник и рад со всеми общаться!У меня есть много информации на данную тематику в социальных сетях и Инстаграме! Я старше 18 лет и готов соблюдать все правила!Спасибо!

1mu1 April 25th, 2018 01:18

Still have problem to use this fourm

Originally Posted by 1mu1 (Post 210365)
I am here more than 3 months and still stay without access how can i fix this problem?
Hi admin can you please find what i can do to get activation to my account thank you


Thanks for approval
But still i can't use this fourm wating for activation

1mu1 April 25th, 2018 11:55

Still have problem
1mu1, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:

Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this page. Are you trying to edit someone else's post, access administrative features or some other privileged system?
If you are trying to post, the administrator may have disabled your account, or it may be awaiting activation.

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