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allffcradles July 11th, 2011 00:31


Originally Posted by EZ (Post 60778)
I'm white.

That comment was made in the context of what I tend to be attracted to. It was a general comment though, not universal.

I get that, just wondering why... Nothing wrong with that, it's what you prefer.
My cousin favours white girls but he's chinese though very pale! (Could be environmental as we've grown up in London)
I myself would say I favour asian and whites but I do fancy black girls and have carried a couple :)

kradler July 11th, 2011 22:25

When will u have news or pics of the next convention that you willl visit??

Ill love to see you lift some Hooters girls!! that are my fav pics , maybe at hooters u will get lucky getting some light girls for lift!!

girlfights July 11th, 2011 23:07

I don't eat at Hooter's its not on my diet,and they don;t like people filming in there... if you want to buy the outfit off of ebay I could find someone to wear it for a video... I am at the convention July 22nd :)

strut170222 July 12th, 2011 05:38


Originally Posted by phoneman (Post 60891)
strut and ashok, I think that you have both made your points. Now maybe we should drop it before it becomes serious. Let's just be friends and end this subject. Fair enough?

It wasn't meant to be serious.

I actually apprectiate Ashok's contributions to the message board as he is one of the more active members around here. I say this as one of the original L&C message board participants/contributors going back to the DTV days.

Done. Back to the subject.

aloknath July 12th, 2011 14:03


Originally Posted by strut170222 (Post 61025)

I actually apprectiate Ashok's contributions to the message board as he is one of the more active members around here. I say this as one of the original L&C message board participants/contributors going back to the DTV days.

Appreciate the sentiment. As one of those fellow veterans from the days of DTV, Liftnet, Sleepyrealm and dial-up streamed 'wait-for-20-mins-and-get-pixellated-30sec-clip-of-FF-backbreaker from then nascent WWE site', I return your respect as a fellow sojourner :thumb:

Back to the topic at hand.

phoneman July 12th, 2011 16:06

Ashok and strut, I am all for people having fun. Believe me I am as big a wise ass as anyone.

If I misunderstood friendly banter, then I apologize to both of you. Go right ahead and play with each other. It is obviously fine with me.

I may be too sensitive to potential fights, so if I blew this one, well, sorry.

Bye the way, all three of us go back to DtV (starting in 1997 for me). As to Liftnet, I will not get started about Jeff Urband. Suffice it to say that he is a miserable dispicable human being (and this comes from someone who helped him out big time and even helped his parents).

aloknath July 12th, 2011 17:00

Yeah we had some real characters around in those days. I don't know why Jeff Urband was a bastard - I never got to do any business with him since I was, well, a teenager. Not to mention that it was pretty much impossible to do online transactions back then from India.

I do remember Homoancient though. One of the biggest misanthropes/prejudiced individuals of all time from what I recall!

But we probably shouldn't hijack Girlfights' gonzo lifting thread with our reminiscing. Her (good) idea should continue to get attention.

Also, *girlfights - nicely done on getting the gonzo lifts video shot! Proved us wrong. I guess if anyone's going to get lifts with horror movie actresses and other familiar faces, it'll be you!

Liftluvver July 12th, 2011 18:24

I as well, was a DtV member. I can't repeat my old name, but I wrote several stories and had my own bookshelf! Good times...Oops! Sorry Gonzo. Maybe we need a DtV thread?

girlfights July 12th, 2011 18:54

That's ok, you can hijack my thread til I film another lift another gonzo LNC video :)

luff(arungen) July 22nd, 2011 18:31

now that comic con is is this venture going?

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