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RachelFights August 15th, 2011 23:48

Rachel's Lift and Carry Slave
Rachel recently went to vacation in Seattle but had a very specific mission she needed to accomplish while she was there; to abduct a cute petite girl to turn into her permanent lift and carry slave!

When Rachel saw Anna in the lobby of the hotel, she knew she would be the perfect lift and carry doll, that she had been been craving, to be used whenever she wanted to play. Rachel stole her sweater and called the front lobby to alert Anna that she found it, and to her come to her room nd pick it up. Anna knocked on the door looking for Rachel and entered the room as the door was unlocked. When she enters, Rachel snuck up behind her and used a sleepy cloth to render her . She lifts Anna's lifeless body in a cradle position and lays her on the bed. Rachel has a very specific outift that she wants her lift and carry slave to wear!

Once Rachel puts Anna in some sexy lingerie, she proceeds to continue lifting her , limp body in various ways. Anna starts to wake up and Rachel tells her that she now belongs to her as her new playtoy. She continues to lift Anna in cradles, piggybacks, over the shoulder, between the legs, sitting on one shoulder, shoulder sits and much more. Rachel then decided to use the sleepy cloth to knock her out again as she continued to lift her limp body in cradles, front and side straddes, and over the shoulder.

Once Rachel has had her fun, she lays the Anna back on the bed to change her outfit for their next lifting session.

If you like seeing a girl completely dominate and lift a much smaller girl, then you will LOVE this video.

RachelFights August 16th, 2011 00:32


Originally Posted by jbl165 (Post 63188)
What lombok15 said. Can't phrase it any better myself, other than to add, Will you marry me?!!! And carry me over the threshhold?! :blushing:

Lol! If we did get married, I would definitely be the one doing the carrying over the threshold!:D:thumbup2:

strut170222 August 16th, 2011 01:26

Hey Rachel, not to bust chops but I still hope to see you or one of your strong girls (Kaycee) perform some of the leg maneuvers that I posted about months ago. Esp the cradle lift leg kick out to the side.

Speaking of Kaycee, she could easily toss a medium guy in the air and over her shoulder with her arms during a cradle carry (or even all in one motion from the guy standing next to her). Haven't seen that done much on video. Waiting for somebody to make a video where the girl is a little "roughhouse" with her lifts rather than just the typical holding the guy in a lifts sequence. IE one of the greatest lift photos ever below IMO [URL=]

Rough Cradle lift by Deidre Pagenelli youtube link below (sorry don't know how to link) -
<Can a moderator make that link above viewable>

Saw the cheerleader vid, thanks for bringing the cradle squat lift with the calf raise back. Wish the camera didn't cut you out at the ankles though. I wonder if starting a video with a tough lift (such as cradle carry squat) would be easier rather than the middle to end of a video considering energy expenditure.

WWE4Life August 16th, 2011 05:28

I noticed Strut's requests and felt it was time for a friendly reminder that there are a few elusive young ladies out there that are prime for f/m lift and carry videos that I (and I would think, others) are dying to see. I'm hoping that our Lift Goddess, Rachel, will be the lucky producer to take the bait and hook these women, one of whom lives in Florida, and the others who have recently (and likely will again) visit:

JC dream lift girl right now. Get her doing a lot of cradles, over one shoulder, bearhug lifts, piggybacks, and doing it all with her awesome personality and killer lean body flexing thrown in and you will have a winning video! She lives in Florida and is anxious to work...get her please!

Cheyenne Jewel...right behind JC on my must have list, Cheyenne has teased with a few somewhat awkward lifts in other videos. She definitely has the strength, but might need some technique to facilitate easier lifts. She was just in Florida but will hopefully return in the near future.

Julie Squeeze...long time favourite that just doesn't seem to have done any lift and carry videos. Would love to see one!

Nikki Jackson and Misty Anderson (both lifting a guy): I put them together because I noticed that they recently released a joint video on clips4sale. Both of those girls are built super strong and would be perfect for lift and carry.

I must confess that my inability to do shoots right now is making me a little crazy because I have all these ideas in my head on how I would get those models above to do some killer lift videos, but can't produce them myself. Please Rachel, do the lift community proud and bring as many of these girls onto your roster as possible!

An admiring fan,

RachelFights August 17th, 2011 14:37


Originally Posted by strut170222 (Post 63325)
Hey Rachel, not to bust chops but I still hope to see you or one of your strong girls (Kaycee) perform some of the leg maneuvers that I posted about months ago. Esp the cradle lift leg kick out to the side.

Speaking of Kaycee, she could easily toss a medium guy in the air and over her shoulder with her arms during a cradle carry (or even all in one motion from the guy standing next to her). Haven't seen that done much on video. Waiting for somebody to make a video where the girl is a little "roughhouse" with her lifts rather than just the typical holding the guy in a lifts sequence. IE one of the greatest lift photos ever below IMO [URL=]

Rough Cradle lift by Deidre Pagenelli youtube link below (sorry don't know how to link) - <Can a moderator make that link above viewable>

Saw the cheerleader vid, thanks for bringing the cradle squat lift with the calf raise back. Wish the camera didn't cut you out at the ankles though. I wonder if starting a video with a tough lift (such as cradle carry squat) would be easier rather than the middle to end of a video considering energy expenditure.

Hi Strut:

Yes, I brought back the cradle squat lift and calf raise back just for you! We were using the tripod for this video so we didnt have as much flexibility as we usually do with getting full body shots.

As for the other lifts, I know we can do all of them if we can find a medium size guy to shoot with! :cursing: The smallest liftee I currently use is 185 lbs and most of the other guys are over 200 lbs. I am dying to do a shoot with a guy who is 120-140 lbs like most other stores but for some reason, they are hard to find here...

RachelFights August 17th, 2011 14:41


Originally Posted by WWE4Life (Post 63337)
I noticed Strut's requests and felt it was time for a friendly reminder that there are a few elusive young ladies out there that are prime for f/m lift and carry videos that I (and I would think, others) are dying to see. I'm hoping that our Lift Goddess, Rachel, will be the lucky producer to take the bait and hook these women, one of whom lives in Florida, and the others who have recently (and likely will again) visit:

JC dream lift girl right now. Get her doing a lot of cradles, over one shoulder, bearhug lifts, piggybacks, and doing it all with her awesome personality and killer lean body flexing thrown in and you will have a winning video! She lives in Florida and is anxious to work...get her please!

Cheyenne Jewel...right behind JC on my must have list, Cheyenne has teased with a few somewhat awkward lifts in other videos. She definitely has the strength, but might need some technique to facilitate easier lifts. She was just in Florida but will hopefully return in the near future.

Julie Squeeze...long time favourite that just doesn't seem to have done any lift and carry videos. Would love to see one!

Nikki Jackson and Misty Anderson (both lifting a guy): I put them together because I noticed that they recently released a joint video on clips4sale. Both of those girls are built super strong and would be perfect for lift and carry.

I must confess that my inability to do shoots right now is making me a little crazy because I have all these ideas in my head on how I would get those models above to do some killer lift videos, but can't produce them myself. Please Rachel, do the lift community proud and bring as many of these girls onto your roster as possible!

An admiring fan,

Hi Davemeister!

I have tried to shoot with one of the names you mentioned on a few occasions but they never responded. I have traded emails with Cheyenne and I am hopeful that our paths do cross in the future.

If Orlando was more of a hotbed for sesssion wrestlers to visit, I am sure I could get some of these girls to shoot. However, there is only so much my producer and I can do when we both have full time jobs..

strut170222 August 18th, 2011 00:11

Not to hijack the topics here but I know Julie played in the lingerie football league and is recovering from an injury. I filmed her lifting me a while ago (assured her I wouldn't share it) performing a cradle carry and shoulder lifting and squatting me---I'm about 6'1 217. Her legs are really strong, arm strength decent. Would be good for medium weight lift/carry imo.

strut170222 August 18th, 2011 00:14


Originally Posted by RachelFights (Post 63409)
Hi Strut:

Yes, I brought back the cradle squat lift and calf raise back just for you! We were using the tripod for this video so we didnt have as much flexibility as we usually do with getting full body shots.

As for the other lifts, I know we can do all of them if we can find a medium size guy to shoot with! :cursing: The smallest liftee I currently use is 185 lbs and most of the other guys are over 200 lbs. I am dying to do a shoot with a guy who is 120-140 lbs like most other stores but for some reason, they are hard to find here...

I would have thought a medium weight message board member here would have volunteered to do one by now.

Hope you got a look at the youtube link posted above (have to copy and paste)

themasterkavar August 18th, 2011 01:49


Originally Posted by RachelFights (Post 63409)
I am dying to do a shoot with a guy who is 120-140 lbs like most other stores but for some reason, they are hard to find here...

I do live in Orlando myself (go Knights!), and know plenty of guys in that weight range. Just none that would be willing to shoot a video for sale. I imagine that is the hardest part. I myself am just above that range (150-160), but I don't think I would be comfortable with being filmed.

RachelFights August 20th, 2011 23:51


Originally Posted by themasterkavar (Post 63451)
I do live in Orlando myself (go Knights!), and know plenty of guys in that weight range. Just none that would be willing to shoot a video for sale. I imagine that is the hardest part. I myself am just above that range (150-160), but I don't think I would be comfortable with being filmed.

LOL! That is the problem in a nutshell!:D

RachelFights August 20th, 2011 23:54

Kaycee Goes Big
This is Kaycee's second lift and carry video lifting a male, so we wanted to give her challenge. In her first video, she easily tossed around a 185 pound male so in this one, she gets the 225 pound Rick. She was more than up to the challenge!

Kaycee shows remarkable strength by easily lifting the much larger male. She performs fireman's carries, over the shoulder,. cradles, shoulder sits and behind the back lifts with squats and calf raises, airplane rides, front straddles, ponyrides and much more. She also shows off her incredible female strength by carrying him up and down stairs, side straddles where she throws him from hip to hip, and also a crucifix lift.

This video is a must have if you enjoy seeing an strong athletic girl easiy lift a much larger male!

RachelFights September 16th, 2011 23:29

Two Girls are Better than One
The only thing better than seeing one sexy, strong, athletic girl lift the petite and beautiful Choice is seeing two girls lift her!

Kaycee and Robin put on a lift and carry clinic as they effortlessly lift Choice in just about every way possible. They begin by grabbing her by the legs and arms and swinging her back and forth in a couple of different ways. Then the girls decide to play catch with her and they throw Choice to each other from a cradle position. Both Robin and Kaycee then begin to just come up with idea after idea on how to lift the petite Choice including several double lifts where Kaycee lifts both girls together, push ups with Choice on her back, and several overhead lifts including a gorilla overhead press by Kaycee.

Choice's feet barely ever hit the ground as the girls continue to pass her back and forth as they prepare for their next lift. The best part is watching how much fun all three girls are having as they are laughing and thoroughly enjoying themselves throughout this video.

intolnc September 17th, 2011 00:05

Hey Rachel, good to see a new video of yours. Great one! Lots of fun watching this. Especially liked the push-up and trying to stand up with 2 girls on her back! :thumbup2:

RachelFights September 17th, 2011 14:46


Originally Posted by intolnc (Post 65921)
Hey Rachel, good to see a new video of yours. Great one! Lots of fun watching this. Especially liked the push-up and trying to stand up with 2 girls on her back! :thumbup2:

Thanks so much Intolnc! :wub:

I thought the girls did a really good job being creative and doing to ton of lifting, all while really enjoying themselves:thumbup2:

Mark G September 17th, 2011 15:43


Originally Posted by RachelFights (Post 65971)
Thanks so much Intolnc! :wub:

I thought the girls did a really good job being creative and doing to ton of lifting, all while really enjoying themselves:thumbup2:

Lovely vid,Rachel.

RachelFights September 17th, 2011 23:32


Originally Posted by Mark G (Post 65976)
Lovely vid,Rachel.

Thank you Mark!! :tt1:

Mike September 20th, 2011 16:51

Rachel, mov and wmv are the same quality in your videos?

RachelFights September 24th, 2011 00:44

Cheerleader Lift & Carry Practice
Ever have a fantasy of being used by a sexy cheerleader for lifting practice? Well, Rick is in luck. Isabella just got back from cheerleading tryouts and has a problem. The coach said she is too big to be a flyer, but doesn't look strong enough to be a base and do all of the lifting.

Isabella wants to show the coach that she is plenty strong enough to lift the girls. She asks the 220 lb Rick if she can practice lifting him to prepare. Even though Isabella is half his size, she easily lifts Rick in piggybacks, over the shoulders, fireman's carry, cradles, performs squats and calf raises with him on her back, and side and front straddles!

Isabella is now full of confidence and decides to throw Rick over her shoulders and carry him onto the field to show the coach!

RachelFights September 24th, 2011 02:11


Originally Posted by Mike (Post 66341)
Rachel, mov and wmv are the same quality in your videos?

Hi Mike:

Yes, the mov is a Quicktime version for Mac Users

RachelFights October 5th, 2011 01:07

Lift and Carry Workout with Anna
Now that Rachel has and forced the cute and petite Anna to be her full time lift and carry slave, its time to put her to good use!

Rachel needs to get a workout in, so she summons Anna to appear before her dressed in a string thong bikini. Rachel begins by putting Ana on her back for some calf raises and one legged lunges. She then lifts her in a fireman's carry and performs deep squats. Rachel effortlessly performs both lower and upper body workout lifts including cradles with curls, over the shoulder, shoulder sits, sitting on on shoulder, leg curls, front and side straddles while doing side crunches, one arm lifts and push-ups with Anna on her back!

Rachel finishes off her workout by lifting Ana under her armpits and pressing her against the wall while doing a calf raise. She also admires her lift while seeing it in a full length mirror. She then throws her on the bed and puts her to sleep with a sleepy cloth so she can store her away until next time!

RachelFights October 16th, 2011 00:48

Babysitter Lifting Series (Part 1)
When Kaycee gets home and tells Choice that she just got back from an evening of babysitting, the cute and petite Choice can't help but begin to reminisce about how much she loved it when she was young and her babysitter used to lift her and carry her around the house. Kaycee lets her know that she does that all the time when she babysits and asks Choice if she would like her to lift her like her old babysitter did. Choice can hardly contain her happiness and gleefully accepts!

Kaycee starts by showing how she lifts and carries when she babysits and throws her over her shoulder and walks around while playing airplane. She also asks what lifts Choice liked most from her past. Kaycee performs each lift effortlessly as she lifts Choice between the legs, presses her up high against the wall, lifts her by her hips, performs front and side straddles, behind the back lifts and even balances her on one legs while holding her like a ball.

Choice is in heaven as she gets to relive her days as a young girl while her babysitter lifts and carries her around the house.

minimaxde October 16th, 2011 15:17

Hi Rachel,

very nice clip, very strong lifts with a petite girl, very powerful straight lifts. Great! I love you !!!!!


RachelFights October 16th, 2011 15:21


Originally Posted by minimaxde (Post 68520)
Hi Rachel,

very nice clip, very strong lifts with a petite girl, very powerful straight lifts. Great! I love you !!!!!


Thanks so much Minimaxde!:wub: I knew you would like this one!:thumbup2:

strut170222 October 16th, 2011 23:06

I see that grapplinggirls of clips4sale has recently used Kaycee for scissoring shoots mixed with lifting. I wonder if she showed her lifting moves that she learned from you?

Any luck with obtaining GG's talent? Diesel is available for sessions (according to their site) and LizVeyron is probably the hottest ticket on their site. She's a hot athletic beast, I watched one of her clips she's very lean, strong, agile and skilled.

luff(arungen) October 20th, 2011 19:11

that sideways basket lift on one thigh was impressive

RachelFights October 25th, 2011 23:39

I Just Want to Use the Phone!
Paul just moved to the US from England but locked himself out of this house. He knocks on this neighbor's door to introduce himself and ask to use the phone. Unfortunately, he knocked on Kaycee's door and had no idea what he just got himself into!

Kaycee lets him know that he can use the phone, but he has to wrestle her for it. Paul is completely confused and little afraid of the sexy amazon but agrees as he needs to call a locksmith. Kaycee wastes no time overpowering him with powerful scissorholds, choke holds and pins and quickly wins two falls. She makes a deal with Paul that if he wins the next fall, he can use the phone and if he loses, she gets to lift him. He agrees, and Kaycee completely overwhelms him with her strength and pins him.

Kaycee then throws Paul over her shoulder and proudly walks around with the defeated male as she flexes her calves and performs squats. Paul is close to 190 lbs, but looks so tiny in her arms. Kaycee then performs over one shoulder lifts, fireman's carries, front and side straddles, behind the back lifts, piggybacks and even a shoulder sit on one shoulder. Paul is completely helpless as Kaycee keeps lifting and walking around the room with him.

Paul is completely dominated throughout this video both on the mat, and in the air as he is no match for Kaycee's female strength.

RachelFights October 26th, 2011 21:47


Originally Posted by luff(arungen) (Post 68926)
that sideways basket lift on one thigh was impressive

Hi Luff!::D

I thought so too. The best lifts sometimes just happen when we improvise....just like that one:thumbup2:

goodstate October 27th, 2011 07:10

Hi RachelFights,

Would you like to lift like my avatar?
The girl makes bearhug and the boy grips girl's leg and twists his feet?
Would you have this kind of video?

Ninjabuddy October 27th, 2011 14:42

Hi Rachel, I am a not sure if you got my email, but awhile back, we discussed using me in some of your videos since I lived in the Orlando area, and I was wondering if you would be interested in using me again? I am in school now, but I will be back in Orlando around mid December, and I would love to be used for one of your videos, preferably with Kaycee as the lifter if that's possible! I'm 125 pounds, so I'm guessing that should not be too tough to lift haha. Thanks!

RachelFights October 29th, 2011 22:44


Originally Posted by Ninjabuddy (Post 69520)
Hi Rachel, I am a not sure if you got my email, but awhile back, we discussed using me in some of your videos since I lived in the Orlando area, and I was wondering if you would be interested in using me again? I am in school now, but I will be back in Orlando around mid December, and I would love to be used for one of your videos, preferably with Kaycee as the lifter if that's possible! I'm 125 pounds, so I'm guessing that should not be too tough to lift haha. Thanks!

Please check your email when you get a chance. I responded to you there. :)

The October 31st, 2011 10:08

can u do ovehead lifts on your videos

RachelFights October 31st, 2011 22:02


Originally Posted by The (Post 69851)
can u do ovehead lifts on your videos

I have quite a few videos featuring various overhead lifts, including numerous gorilla presses, and other advanced over head lifts.

RachelFights November 6th, 2011 01:02

Babysitter Lifting Series (Part 2)
In Part 2 of our Babysitter Lifting Series, Kaycee starts out by letting Choice sit on one of her shoulders and play "ballerina" as she walks around the room.

Kaycee then introduces some new lifts that she does when she babysits with Choice, including a basket lift with Choice's legs over her shoulders and the "time out chair" lift where she actually sits on her arms.

Kaycee performs backbreakers, front and side straddles, airplane rides, wall lifts and even once where she transitions from a behind the back lift to a cradle.

Lifter November 6th, 2011 01:35


Originally Posted by RachelFights (Post 70289)
In Part 2 of our Babysitter Lifting Series, Kaycee starts out by letting Choice sit on one of her shoulders and play "ballerina" as she walks around the room.

Kaycee then introduces some new lifts that she does when she babysits with Choice, including a basket lift with Choice's legs over her shoulders and the "time out chair" lift where she actually sits on her arms.

Kaycee performs backbreakers, front and side straddles, airplane rides, wall lifts and even once where she transitions from a behind the back lift to a cradle.

Hi! Any ots?

RachelFights November 6th, 2011 01:57


Originally Posted by Lifter (Post 70290)
Hi! Any ots?

Hi Lifter!

Not in this part, sorry!:(

GirlPower.TV November 11th, 2011 07:41

Rachel, what is the most weight you have piggybacked? Also, what is the most you'd be willing to lift for a session?

RachelFights November 11th, 2011 09:52


Originally Posted by GirlPower.TV (Post 70693)
Rachel, what is the most weight you have piggybacked? Also, what is the most you'd be willing to lift for a session?

The most weight that I have piggy backed is around 265 ish, but as far as a session goes, I would probably say that the maximum weight would be around 240. I know from experience that I can lift a 240 lb male for pretty much one full hour with very few breaks.

tragmich November 11th, 2011 17:23


Originally Posted by RachelFights (Post 70697)
I know from experience that I can lift a 240 lb male for pretty much one full hour with very few breaks.

Great! Now we can have a date (I?m 232 lbs) :w00t:

jfiochetti2001 November 12th, 2011 05:36

Hi Rachel,
I'm a 215 pounds man, I dream to be lift by you. Did you came to Qu?bec often or at Toronto

GirlPower.TV November 12th, 2011 07:48

265lbs?!? Do you have this on video?
Equally impressive, I think, is doing a L&C session with 240lbs for an hour! Were you able to do most of your lifts with this weight? Shoulder rides too?

Mark G November 12th, 2011 10:20


Originally Posted by RachelFights (Post 70697)
The most weight that I have piggy backed is around 265 ish, but as far as a session goes, I would probably say that the maximum weight would be around 240. I know from experience that I can lift a 240 lb male for pretty much one full hour with very few breaks.

This is the stuff dreams are made of !!! I'm 133 lbs Rachel. How long could you piggyback ME for ? Hope you have a good weekend.

RachelFights November 14th, 2011 01:41

Isabella's Ponyplay Punishment
Isabella, the sexy schoolgirl, is sent to the Principal's office for detention but she has no idea what was in store for her. Rachel is the Principal in this school and she decides she wants to have some fun with Isabella.

Rachel lets Isabella know that she must obey her every wish if she wants to go home today. She sits on Isabella's shoulders and tells her to stand up. Isabella struggles and gets her off the ground, but can't do it so Rachel makes her carry her around on her back like a horse. She then puts on her all fours and makes Isabella give her pony rides up and down the hallway while holding onto her pigtails and smacking her ass!

If you like dominant pony play and riding, you will love this video!

RachelFights November 14th, 2011 13:03


Originally Posted by tragmich (Post 70719)
Great! Now we can have a date (I?m 232 lbs) :w00t:


RachelFights November 14th, 2011 13:05


Originally Posted by jfiochetti2001 (Post 70757)
Hi Rachel,
I'm a 215 pounds man, I dream to be lift by you. Did you came to Qu?bec often or at Toronto

Hi jfiochetti2001

I have not made a trip to Canada yet but if I ever do, I could definitely lift you! :thumbup2:

RachelFights November 14th, 2011 13:07


Originally Posted by GirlPower.TV (Post 70765)
265lbs?!? Do you have this on video?
Equally impressive, I think, is doing a L&C session with 240lbs for an hour! Were you able to do most of your lifts with this weight? Shoulder rides too?

This was a session so it was not filmed. It was almost all shoulder rides....I was definitely sore the next day and perhaps a couple of inches shorter!:D

RachelFights November 14th, 2011 13:08


Originally Posted by Mark G (Post 70776)
This is the stuff dreams are made of !!! I'm 133 lbs Rachel. How long could you piggyback ME for ? Hope you have a good weekend.

We would need to measure in days, not hours!:thumbup2::lol:

jfiochetti2001 November 14th, 2011 13:32

Hi Rachel,

jfiochetti2001 November 14th, 2011 13:33

Hi Rachel,
How long could you lift me

preacher860 November 14th, 2011 15:20


Originally Posted by RachelFights (Post 70953)
Hi jfiochetti2001

I have not made a trip to Canada yet but if I ever do, I could definitely lift you! :thumbup2:

If you ever come to Montreal, I'd certainly be interested in spending some time on your back and shoulders too, that would be awesome!

Mark G November 14th, 2011 17:04


Originally Posted by RachelFights (Post 70955)
We would need to measure in days, not hours!:thumbup2::lol:

Sounds good to me,Rachel :)

Mark x

GirlPower.TV November 16th, 2011 04:59


Originally Posted by RachelFights (Post 70954)
This was a session so it was not filmed. It was almost all shoulder rides....I was definitely sore the next day and perhaps a couple of inches shorter!:D

You probably needed a back massage after that!

I'm about 245lbs right now so would I have to lose 5lbs to get an hour long shoulder ride session from you? :p

Mark G November 17th, 2011 12:06


Originally Posted by RachelFights (Post 70955)
We would need to measure in days, not hours!:thumbup2::lol:

Hi Rachel

You obviously work out,so you know lots about how the body works in different ways. There's this girl I used to know who was the same weight as myeself,133 lbs,but about four inches shorter than me. Anyway,she would lose to me at arm wrestling,and I could carry heavier boxes in the workplace than her,but she could lift and carry me far easier than I could carry her. Is ito do with different muscle groups ?

RachelFights November 18th, 2011 01:26

Exotic Lifting
Robyn is an exotically beautiful 19 year old girl who is brand new to lift and carry. The petite and sexy Choice has decided to take her under her wing and show her the ins and outs of lifting another woman!

Robyn and Choice are both wearing bikinis and looking very sexy. Choice begins by telling Robin the various different lifts she can do to her. Robyn is a little nervous at first but as soon as she realizes how strong she is, she begins having fun and getting very creative! Robyn performs, front and side straddles, cradles, back to back, airplane rides, over the shoulder, fireman's carries, shoulder sits on one and both shoulders and many amazing more lifts for an inexperienced first time lifter!

By the end of the video, Robyn is so confident that she begins performing one legged lifts and even making up her own. If you like seeing a young 19 year old girl experience lifting a sexy petite woman for the first time, you will love this video!

goodstate November 25th, 2011 13:51


Originally Posted by preacher860 (Post 70965)
If you ever come to Montreal, I'd certainly be interested in spending some time on your back and shoulders too, that would be awesome!

You are very lucky to find a girl to lift.
I'm in HK. I have not the chance.
I'm less than 190lbs. I want to find a girl to lift.
I want to find a girl hug me at the back.

RachelFights November 25th, 2011 15:46

Roni's Lift & Carry Tryout
At Rachel's Fantasy Lift and Carry, we get contacted by girls that "say" they can lift up to our standards, but once we see them in action, they don' live up to the hype, especially with our larger males. We have initiated a new tryout process for new girls to make sure they are strong enough to be one of Rachel's girls.

Roni is a 22 year old personal trainer and former college athlete with extremely powerful legs who came highly recommended. However, she too had to go through our tryout. Rick begins by sitting on her lap and asking her a series of questions including how many boys she has beaten up in her life. We were very impressed when she answered more than 25! She passed the interview with ease so we move her to the next stage of lifting a 170 pound male. She has absolutely no problem lifting George in a variety of lifts including deep squats and calf raises during shoulder sits, piggyback rides and fireman's carries and even performs a perfect lunge with both legs with George over her shoulders!

Rick has one final test which is to make sure she can lift a much larger male. At 220 pounds, Rick is a challenge for many of the girls who tryout, but Roni lets him know that she will have no problem as she throw him over her shoulder and performs a textbook deep squat. She then proceeds to lift him in front straddles, piggyback rides with squats, fireman's carry, over the shoulder, shoulder sits, back to back and a between the legs lift. Not only is Roni super strong, but she makes every lift look easy with a huge smile on her face.
Once Roni finally decides to put him down, Rick congratulates her and welcomes her to Rachel's Lift and Carry Team.

GirlPower.TV November 27th, 2011 10:52

Let's see Robyn lift that 220lb guy ;)

RachelFights December 3rd, 2011 20:45

Babysitter Lifting Series (Part 4)
In Part 4 of our Babysitter Lift and Carry Series, Kaycee goes all out. She starts by putting Choice on her back for a nice long ponyride as she crawls across the floor bucking Choice and thrusting her back up and down. She then goes from all fours to her feet with Choice still on her back to finish her ride piggyback style.

Kaycee then grabs Choice by her hips and overhead presses her and walks around with Choice's knees on her chest. Kaycee also cradles her and performs several bicep curls, performs over the shoulder and fireman's carries, squats, ballerina lifts, upside down lifts, backbreakers and many more lifts.

Kaycee decides to put an exclamation point on this fantasy for Choice by putting her on her shoulders and performing a perfect gorilla overhead press with her, and then holding her in this position for over 30 seconds while walking around the room!! With her fantasy fulfilled, Choice can finally go to sleep now as Kaycee puts her back down over one shoulder and carries her to bed!

luff(arungen) December 6th, 2011 19:31


Originally Posted by Mark G (Post 71190)
Hi Rachel

You obviously work out,so you know lots about how the body works in different ways. There's this girl I used to know who was the same weight as myeself,133 lbs,but about four inches shorter than me. Anyway,she would lose to me at arm wrestling,and I could carry heavier boxes in the workplace than her,but she could lift and carry me far easier than I could carry her. Is ito do with different muscle groups ?

i dont think you'll get an answer to your question from her so i'll give it a shot to help u out :
when you lift boxes, i guess you both used mostly arm strength? from her losing to u in armwrestling its obvious you have stronger arms (im assuming you both had equally good/bad techniques at arm-w). lifting someone usually requires strength in more parts than just the arms. Perhaps she has bigger leg strength than you and can thus carry you longer than you can carry her? depends on the type of lifts as well.

Mark G December 7th, 2011 12:15


Originally Posted by luff(arungen) (Post 72750)
i dont think you'll get an answer to your question from her so i'll give it a shot to help u out :
when you lift boxes, i guess you both used mostly arm strength? from her losing to u in armwrestling its obvious you have stronger arms (im assuming you both had equally good/bad techniques at arm-w). lifting someone usually requires strength in more parts than just the arms. Perhaps she has bigger leg strength than you and can thus carry you longer than you can carry her? depends on the type of lifts as well.

Thanks Luff !

RachelFights December 14th, 2011 01:01

Lift and Carry Captive (F/M)
Rachel does a lot of lift and carry sessions with men of all shapes and sizes. However, every once in awhile, she finds one that is so fun to play with, she doesn't let him leave and turns him into her very own lift and carry captive. Steve was Rachel's latest victim...

Rachel is dressed in her sexy schoolgirl outfit and 8 inch platform heels which always puts her in the perfect mood to lift and carry her captive. She walks to the closest where she keeps him handcuffed and throws him over her shoulder. She proudly walks around the room with the helpless male draped over her shoulder pondering all of the ways she will lift him while he begs her to let him go home.

Rachel laughs at the notion that he will ever be able to leave, as she wraps her arms around his waist and lifts him high above the ground. Rachel then proceeds to perform cradles, fireman carries, side and front straddles, upside down lifts, pony and piggyback rides, between the legs lifts both standing and lying down, shoulder rides and much more.

She then lifts him high above the ground and pins him against the wall while holding him by the neck. He is helpless in Rachel's arms as she admires her work. Once Rachel has had her fun, she puts the handcuffs back on Steve and throws him back over her shoulder to put back into the closest for safe keeping.

Wouldn't you love to be Rachel's lift and carry captive??

Mike December 15th, 2011 00:45

wow rachel you look pretty ripperd in this video. Your arms are muscolar :D
Nice hight heels, how tall is the guy and you with these shoes?

RachelFights December 15th, 2011 01:32


Originally Posted by Mark G (Post 71190)
Hi Rachel

You obviously work out,so you know lots about how the body works in different ways. There's this girl I used to know who was the same weight as myeself,133 lbs,but about four inches shorter than me. Anyway,she would lose to me at arm wrestling,and I could carry heavier boxes in the workplace than her,but she could lift and carry me far easier than I could carry her. Is ito do with different muscle groups ?

Hi Mark!

I think every girl is different as I work with a lot of girls of different shapes and sizes. However, I do think that in general, girl's legs are by far their strongest muscle group. Girls that have strong legs that also have a low center of gravity (5'5' to 5'8") seem to be able to lift the best. However, their are always exceptions to the rule!:D

RachelFights December 15th, 2011 01:33


Originally Posted by Mike (Post 73340)
wow rachel you look pretty ripperd in this video. Your arms are muscolar :D
Nice hight heels, how tall is the guy and you with these shoes?

Thanks so much Mike! :blushing:

I have been doing a lot of rowing and weight training for my upper body so I am glad it is starting to show!:thumbup2:

With the heels, I am about 6' 2". The guy in the video was 5'6". I towered over him!!:lol:

Mark G December 15th, 2011 12:06


Originally Posted by RachelFights (Post 73292)
Rachel does a lot of lift and carry sessions with men of all shapes and sizes. However, every once in awhile, she finds one that is so fun to play with, she doesn't let him leave and turns him into her very own lift and carry captive. Steve was Rachel's latest victim...

Rachel is dressed in her sexy schoolgirl outfit and 8 inch platform heels which always puts her in the perfect mood to lift and carry her captive. She walks to the closest where she keeps him handcuffed and throws him over her shoulder. She proudly walks around the room with the helpless male draped over her shoulder pondering all of the ways she will lift him while he begs her to let him go home.

Rachel laughs at the notion that he will ever be able to leave, as she wraps her arms around his waist and lifts him high above the ground. Rachel then proceeds to perform cradles, fireman carries, side and front straddles, upside down lifts, pony and piggyback rides, between the legs lifts both standing and lying down, shoulder rides and much more.

She then lifts him high above the ground and pins him against the wall while holding him by the neck. He is helpless in Rachel's arms as she admires her work. Once Rachel has had her fun, she puts the handcuffs back on Steve and throws him back over her shoulder to put back into the closest for safe keeping.

Wouldn't you love to be Rachel's lift and carry captive??

I'd just LOVE to be Rache's L & C captive ! :)

RachelFights December 15th, 2011 12:27


Originally Posted by Mark G (Post 73365)
I'd just LOVE to be Rache's L & C captive ! :)

;) Its not a bad gig!:thumbup2:

Mark G December 15th, 2011 16:54


Originally Posted by RachelFights (Post 73366)
;) Its not a bad gig!:thumbup2:

Sounds good ! For how long could you carry my 133 lbs around ? xx

RachelFights December 15th, 2011 22:46


Originally Posted by Mark G (Post 73374)
Sounds good ! For how long could you carry my 133 lbs around ? xx

At least an hour....

Angeleye December 15th, 2011 23:36

great videos :D
how much could you lift overhead?

RachelFights December 16th, 2011 01:14


Originally Posted by Angeleye (Post 73403)
great videos :D
how much could you lift overhead?

Hi Angeleye!

Thanks so much. So far, the heaviest person I have lifted in a true gorilla overhead press from my shoulders to a locked position is 110 lbs....

Mark G December 16th, 2011 12:11


Originally Posted by RachelFights (Post 73398)
At least an hour....

Sounds like paradise,Rachel. Thanks !! x

Angeleye December 16th, 2011 23:42

sounds amazing :D
i'd love to see more videos like that with guys

RachelFights December 20th, 2011 22:48

Schoolgirl Lift and Carry Sleepover
It's been a few months since Rachel Anna and turned her into her personal lift and carry slave and Anna has accepted her fate and settled into her new role. Rachel loves to have slumber parties with her slave and decides tonight she will have a sexy schoolgirl lift and carry sleepover!

Rachel towers over the petite Anna in her 8 inch platform heels. They do a few size comparisons and Anna barely comes up to Rachel's breasts. They also compare hands and Anna's look so tiny. Rachel then scoops Anna into her arms and performs front straddles, over the shoulder lifts and even presses her high up against the wall and bounces her up and down using pelvic thrusts.

Rachel then tosses Anna on the bed and decides to have a pillow fight with her. It doesn't take long for Rachel to throw her over her shoulder and walk around the room before tossing her back on the bed. Rachel performs pony rides, piggyback rides while jumping on the bed, cradles, fireman's carries, shoulder sits, one arm between the leg lifts and much more and throws Anna on the bed after each lift. Even though Anna has been reduced to a lift and carry slave, you can tell she is really beginning to enjoy it!

Once Rachel has had her fun, she puts her heels back on and lifts Anna in a side straddle so she can take her slave out to get some ice cream before storing her away until she is needed again.

jvzann December 21st, 2011 10:15

Loving the look of the new vid, Rachel, I love it when you lift the petite girls. Have you ever considered trying to lift a girl by her panties in a wedgie lift? That's something I'd love to see. Or maybe even an entire video where the smaller girl is trying to get away by you keep pulling her clothes off, lifting her as you do so. Just an idea :tt1::tt1:

RachelFights December 31st, 2011 23:52

Happy 2012 - New Year's Eve Special
Hello All!

First off I truly want to THANK everyone on this forum for making 2011 a phenomenal year! I have come so far because of all of you, and I truly cannot thank you enough! As a very special way to ring in 2012 I would love to offer anyone on this forum who purchases a clip between now and midnight EASTERN STANDARD TIME (my time) a free clip for each clip that they purchase.

All you have to do is purchase a clip from my Clips4Sale store and forward the order to me along with the clip that you would like for free. Then, tomorrow morning I will upload your clip to Rapidshare and send you the direct download link!

My email address is rachelfights @ live. com (it is on my clip store) and my clips4sale store can be found at:

RachelFights January 12th, 2012 11:30

How Much Do You Weigh?
Adam is new to the world of lift and carry sessions and couldn't wait to schedule one. His only fear is that he weighs close to 230 pounds and was afraid he couldn't find a girl willing to do a session with a guy his weight. When he called to schedule his first ever session with the beautiful and powerful Rachel, he told her over the phone he weighed 150 pounds!

When Adam arrives, Rachel immediately confronts him that he looks a little heavier than 150 lbs but Adam sticks to his story. When Rachel makes him get on a scale and he is every bit over 225 pounds, he finally comes clean. Unlike most session girls, Rachel doesn't list a weight limit she will lift so she decides not to mad at Adam, but rather educate him. She makes him sit on her lap as she tells him it's not nice to lie about your weight as some girls would refuse to do a session. Luckily for him, Rachel isn't one of those girls. Rachel proceeds to lift Adam in many different ways including fireman carries, piggyback rides with squats, between the leg lifts, cradles, back to back, ponyrides, front and side straddles, pile driver lift and even decides to throw him over her shoulder and spank him for lying.

Once Rachel has had her fun, she puts Adam back on her lap to ensure he has learned his lesson than carries him out of the house.

RachelFights January 24th, 2012 11:01

I'm Rachel's #1 Lifter
Rachel knows that both Kaycee and Isabella think they are her favorite lifter, and they have a friendly rivalry even though they have never met. Rachel decides it's time to spark a friendly competition between the girls by having them both arrive at the same time to lift Rachel, but she is nowhere to be found!

Kaycee and Isabella both believe they are Rachel's best female lifter, and the only way to prove it is by having a lifting competition. Kaycee starts by throwing Isabella over her shoulder and easily walking around with her. She then asks what Isabella can do to match it. What unfolds is the best female lifting competition ever seen on Fantasy Lift and Carry. Even though Isabella is lighter than Kaycee, she is not intimated as she throws her over her shoulder and performs squats. Kaycee then lifts Isabella behind her back and goes right to a cradle, then over the shoulder to piggyback position without letting her hit the ground. Isabella counters with lifting Kaycee in a cradle and then performs squats. The girls continue to go back and forth with shoulder sits, front and side straddles, airplane rides and much more.

The girls are both impressed with each other but Kaycee decides to take the lifting competition to the next level by performing a perfect gorilla overhead press from the shoulders to a complete overhead position. This is Kaycee's heaviest overhead press yet. So who is Rachel's Number 1 Lifter? You decide!

EZ January 24th, 2012 15:21


Been waiting to see another video with Kaycee being carried over the shoulders for too long now! Very happy to wake up to this update.

lombok15 January 24th, 2012 15:37


Originally Posted by RachelFights (Post 76737)
Rachel knows that both Kaycee and Isabella think they are her favorite lifter, and they have a friendly rivalry even though they have never met. Rachel decides it's time to spark a friendly competition between the girls by having them both arrive at the same time to lift Rachel, but she is nowhere to be found!

Kaycee and Isabella both believe they are Rachel's best female lifter, and the only way to prove it is by having a lifting competition. Kaycee starts by throwing Isabella over her shoulder and easily walking around with her. She then asks what Isabella can do to match it. What unfolds is the best female lifting competition ever seen on Fantasy Lift and Carry. Even though Isabella is lighter than Kaycee, she is not intimated as she throws her over her shoulder and performs squats. Kaycee then lifts Isabella behind her back and goes right to a cradle, then over the shoulder to piggyback position without letting her hit the ground. Isabella counters with lifting Kaycee in a cradle and then performs squats. The girls continue to go back and forth with shoulder sits, front and side straddles, airplane rides and much more.

The girls are both impressed with each other but Kaycee decides to take the lifting competition to the next level by performing a perfect gorilla overhead press from the shoulders to a complete overhead position. This is Kaycee's heaviest overhead press yet. So who is Rachel's Number 1 Lifter? You decide!

od it possible for you to do what the other producers do and post some thumbnails of the videos?

thegoat77 January 24th, 2012 19:03

Awesome to see another Kaycee video, she is amazing!

Lifter January 24th, 2012 20:58


Originally Posted by RachelFights (Post 76737)
Rachel knows that both Kaycee and Isabella think they are her favorite lifter, and they have a friendly rivalry even though they have never met. Rachel decides it's time to spark a friendly competition between the girls by having them both arrive at the same time to lift Rachel, but she is nowhere to be found!

Kaycee and Isabella both believe they are Rachel's best female lifter, and the only way to prove it is by having a lifting competition. Kaycee starts by throwing Isabella over her shoulder and easily walking around with her. She then asks what Isabella can do to match it. What unfolds is the best female lifting competition ever seen on Fantasy Lift and Carry. Even though Isabella is lighter than Kaycee, she is not intimated as she throws her over her shoulder and performs squats. Kaycee then lifts Isabella behind her back and goes right to a cradle, then over the shoulder to piggyback position without letting her hit the ground. Isabella counters with lifting Kaycee in a cradle and then performs squats. The girls continue to go back and forth with shoulder sits, front and side straddles, airplane rides and much more.

The girls are both impressed with each other but Kaycee decides to take the lifting competition to the next level by performing a perfect gorilla overhead press from the shoulders to a complete overhead position. This is Kaycee's heaviest overhead press yet. So who is Rachel's Number 1 Lifter? You decide!

Great! Going back to OTS and cradles... yes! Ordering it NOW!!

lombok15 January 25th, 2012 15:28


Originally Posted by RachelFights (Post 76737)
Rachel knows that both Kaycee and Isabella think they are her favorite lifter, and they have a friendly rivalry even though they have never met. Rachel decides it's time to spark a friendly competition between the girls by having them both arrive at the same time to lift Rachel, but she is nowhere to be found!

Kaycee and Isabella both believe they are Rachel's best female lifter, and the only way to prove it is by having a lifting competition. Kaycee starts by throwing Isabella over her shoulder and easily walking around with her. She then asks what Isabella can do to match it. What unfolds is the best female lifting competition ever seen on Fantasy Lift and Carry. Even though Isabella is lighter than Kaycee, she is not intimated as she throws her over her shoulder and performs squats. Kaycee then lifts Isabella behind her back and goes right to a cradle, then over the shoulder to piggyback position without letting her hit the ground. Isabella counters with lifting Kaycee in a cradle and then performs squats. The girls continue to go back and forth with shoulder sits, front and side straddles, airplane rides and much more.

The girls are both impressed with each other but Kaycee decides to take the lifting competition to the next level by performing a perfect gorilla overhead press from the shoulders to a complete overhead position. This is Kaycee's heaviest overhead press yet. So who is Rachel's Number 1 Lifter? You decide!

Kaycee is amazingly old is she? can you do a video of her doing over head lifts with guys?

davelifted January 25th, 2012 18:57

Kaycee is magnificent: I can imagine her easily hoisting me onto her shoulders - which is why my vote goes to Isabella, its always more impressive to see smaller lifting heavier imho, particularly so with an amazon like Kaycee :rolleyes:

Lifter January 26th, 2012 03:23

It was great! And both Isabella and Kaycee are lovely, beautiful ladies! More FF lift and carry with these awesome ladies! This vid has to rank as one of the top 3 vids from your great site.

RachelFights January 27th, 2012 14:19


Originally Posted by EZ (Post 76749)

Been waiting to see another video with Kaycee being carried over the shoulders for too long now! Very happy to wake up to this update.

Thanks EZ! I hope you enjoyed it. Isabella did a great over the shoulder with Kaycee in this vid. :thumbup1:

RachelFights January 27th, 2012 14:20


Originally Posted by lombok15 (Post 76751)
od it possible for you to do what the other producers do and post some thumbnails of the videos?

Hi Lombok15. I will look into this...

RachelFights January 27th, 2012 14:20


Originally Posted by thegoat77 (Post 76772)
Awesome to see another Kaycee video, she is amazing!

Agreed. She is a true amazon :thumbup2:

RachelFights January 27th, 2012 14:21


Originally Posted by Lifter (Post 76781)
Great! Going back to OTS and cradles... yes! Ordering it NOW!!

Thanks Lifter! We always try to include those lifts in every video. It is only in rare cases where that slips by. I hope you liked it!:thumbup2:

RachelFights January 27th, 2012 14:22


Originally Posted by lombok15 (Post 76833)
Kaycee is amazingly old is she? can you do a video of her doing over head lifts with guys?

She is in her early 20s. If we can find a smaller guy, we would definitely do a male overhead...they are just hard to come by for me for some reason:(

RachelFights January 27th, 2012 14:24


Originally Posted by davelifted (Post 76853)
Kaycee is magnificent: I can imagine her easily hoisting me onto her shoulders - which is why my vote goes to Isabella, its always more impressive to see smaller lifting heavier imho, particularly so with an amazon like Kaycee :rolleyes:

Hi Davelifted! I thought Isabella really held her own in this video even though she was much lighter. Her cradle carries are outstanding:thumbup2:

RachelFights January 27th, 2012 14:24


Originally Posted by Lifter (Post 76877)
It was great! And both Isabella and Kaycee are lovely, beautiful ladies! More FF lift and carry with these awesome ladies! This vid has to rank as one of the top 3 vids from your great site.

Wow! Thanks Lifter!:wub:

lombok15 January 27th, 2012 15:59


Originally Posted by RachelFights (Post 76981)
Hi Lombok15. I will look into this...

ok. thank you.

how old is kasey, how tall and weight.....can she try over head lifts with guys?

GirlPower.TV January 31st, 2012 05:06

I just bought this vid a couple days ago and it's awesome! That is one of my fantasy's to show up for a session and have the girl tell me I looked too heavy or that I gained weight. I love how you made him get on the scale! I wish the guy would have been a better liftee and would have stayed on your back better during the ponyrides! I also wish you would have teased him more about his weight during the rides! Anyways, awesome video!


Originally Posted by RachelFights (Post 75647)
Adam is new to the world of lift and carry sessions and couldn't wait to schedule one. His only fear is that he weighs close to 230 pounds and was afraid he couldn't find a girl willing to do a session with a guy his weight. When he called to schedule his first ever session with the beautiful and powerful Rachel, he told her over the phone he weighed 150 pounds!

When Adam arrives, Rachel immediately confronts him that he looks a little heavier than 150 lbs but Adam sticks to his story. When Rachel makes him get on a scale and he is every bit over 225 pounds, he finally comes clean. Unlike most session girls, Rachel doesn't list a weight limit she will lift so she decides not to mad at Adam, but rather educate him. She makes him sit on her lap as she tells him it's not nice to lie about your weight as some girls would refuse to do a session. Luckily for him, Rachel isn't one of those girls. Rachel proceeds to lift Adam in many different ways including fireman carries, piggyback rides with squats, between the leg lifts, cradles, back to back, ponyrides, front and side straddles, pile driver lift and even decides to throw him over her shoulder and spank him for lying.

Once Rachel has had her fun, she puts Adam back on her lap to ensure he has learned his lesson than carries him out of the house.

jvzann February 3rd, 2012 09:59


Originally Posted by RachelFights (Post 76737)

Thanks for a great clip Rachel :thumbup2::thumbup2:
Would you consider doing any overhead balance lifts where the other girl starts of standing on a table like the picture below? I'd love to see that :)

RachelFights February 3rd, 2012 13:21


Originally Posted by GirlPower.TV (Post 77284)
I just bought this vid a couple days ago and it's awesome! That is one of my fantasy's to show up for a session and have the girl tell me I looked too heavy or that I gained weight. I love how you made him get on the scale! I wish the guy would have been a better liftee and would have stayed on your back better during the ponyrides! I also wish you would have teased him more about his weight during the rides! Anyways, awesome video!

Thanks so much GirlPower! :thumbup2:

He wasn't the better liftee in the world but he was heavy! I will try to do another one like this with a different male in the future:thumbup1:

RachelFights February 3rd, 2012 13:25


Originally Posted by jvzann (Post 77542)
Thanks for a great clip Rachel :thumbup2::thumbup2:
Would you consider doing any overhead balance lifts where the other girl starts of standing on a table like the picture below? I'd love to see that :)

Thanks jvzann. I am so glad you liked it! I haven't considered doing any overheads off of sofas or tables because to me, that isn't a true overhead press. I would hate to promote doing a real overhead press in my vids when its really just a balancing act. True overhead gorilla press lifts are so hard to do so I think its special when we can get a real version on tape.

However, I will think about adding some overhead balance lifts as they are cool too but I would make sure I specified what type of lift this is in my description.

GirlPower.TV February 5th, 2012 05:45

Pick me, pick me! I'm nice and heavy:P
I can help give you some dialog suggestions for your next "heavy" vid if you want!


Originally Posted by RachelFights (Post 77547)
Thanks so much GirlPower! :thumbup2:

He wasn't the better liftee in the world but he was heavy! I will try to do another one like this with a different male in the future:thumbup1:

Slevin February 7th, 2012 06:10


Originally Posted by RachelFights (Post 76984)
She is in her early 20s. If we can find a smaller guy, we would definitely do a male overhead...they are just hard to come by for me for some reason:(

Have you tried ??

It's a site where you can search models (male and female) in your area and you can even do it based on weight, and I bet you would be able to find a willing guy from your area on the site.

RachelFights February 7th, 2012 11:23


Originally Posted by Slevin (Post 77876)
Have you tried ??

It's a site where you can search models (male and female) in your area and you can even do it based on weight, and I bet you would be able to find a willing guy from your area on the site.

Hello Slevin,

I am actually very familiar with Model Mayhem, and have been a member of the site since 2007. I have had the pleasure of working with some really fantastic girls from the site, but I have never had much luck finding guys. :( Unfortunately, it can be very difficult for me to find models (male or female) from there who are both reliable, and interested in shooting fetish related content.

But I am always on the lookout, and when I come across the perfect small male talent I ill make sure that I don't let him slip away. I promise.;)

tengal123 February 10th, 2012 10:33

Hi Rachel I'd like to ask you, whats the biggest weight of person, that you could lift under armpits ?

domino758 February 10th, 2012 18:38

Hi Rachel, could you do more vids with Robyn? Shes pretty hot!
How tall is she and how much does she weigh?

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