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greatlifting September 6th, 2011 17:02

Caty`s world
Hi there all, i'm quite new in lift and carry, about 2 months ago i've opened a studio tegether with my boyfriend, you can see it here
I would love to be more close to the lift and carry fans, so for those who have seen my videos, pictures, or just some samples please give me some ideas, suggestions on how to make the videos better, or anyway anything you have in mind.
Hope you like the studio

acr September 6th, 2011 17:33

I'd love another 69 lift. There's not many places to find a woman lifting man in that position on the internet :tt1:

Dercer September 6th, 2011 18:47

Caty, I love what you and your boyfriend are doing.

Personally, I'd love to see you having actually sex while you're lifting him, both naked.

phoneman September 6th, 2011 20:20

Welcome Caty. We hope that you are successful in your Clips4sale site. We certainly appreciate your appearance here.

Hopefully, if you are active here, it will help your business.

greatlifting September 6th, 2011 21:09

Hi, and thanks.
acr, i'm sure you'll find really soon a 69 in one of my clips (my boyfriend is crazy about that position) You can see also a 69 in one of my videos lift 8 - I am horny. Enjoy
Dercer Thanks a lot. You have been reading our minds, we were just thinking this days on doing this. We did do this on lift 28 quicky in hotel (but it was short). I promise you a full video just with sex during lift
phoneman thanks a lot and i'm very glad that i've joined this forum where i can speak with you all lift and carry fans

smallwm September 6th, 2011 23:42

Welcome Caty. All the best and keep up the great work. I have seen some of the previews and you look very strong and sexy. I like to see more shoulder riding videos which you make it look so easy.

county_life September 7th, 2011 11:55

Carry on with your lifts in heels and boots!!! ;o)

greatlifting September 7th, 2011 15:59

Thanks guys for the nice words. For sure we will make more videos, according to your ideas.
If any of you knows a skinny girl that would like to be lifted (or to lift) just put me in contact with her please.
If she will appear in one of our videos you will get one of our videos for free (you choose the video).

By they way, today we will have a new video with overhead. Its my first made overhead so i hope you will like it.

widley September 7th, 2011 20:48

Powerful caty
You are all things combined, pretty, strong, erotic, to name but a few, your boyfriend is a very lucky fella, I am sure you could lift twice the weight of your man. I look forward to more of your lifting in the near future, and of course so will your fella!. Thankyou.

arav1605 September 8th, 2011 18:17

Welcome to the forum Caty and carry on the great work.

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