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uplifting_trance August 29th, 2013 14:42

Have you ever wished that you didn't have this fetish?
Personally sometimes i feel that L&C fetish is one of the most difficult fetishes,especially F/M,and particularly if you like bigger lifting smaller F/M...because chances are very low to enjoy it. It depends more on luck instead on your own achievements.

- First of all if you are over 5'9" you'll face many difficulties. At 5'5"-5'9" you'll still have your the ideal is 5'5" and under.
- So if you are short,then you have to keep your weight down,so you will enjoy your "giantess vs ant" fetish.
- Still...even if you are ant-size,you must have plenty of money in order to pay for proffesionals to enjoy your fantasy constantly,because finding a gf at this rate is tough. Not only because the majority of girls prefer the guy to be taller,but even if some of them don't care about height,then they might not accept your fetish!!!

So as you can see...chances are so low for this "sub-category" of L&C. :(

The only thing you can do is to use your fantasy,by viewing pics of large women and fantasize yourself being ant-size and getting carried around by them.

Yet,i know that there are many women who can lift over 200 lbs,but still it's not the giantess lifting ant,i'm reffering to!;)

liftergio August 29th, 2013 14:59


i totally can relate to that.
Im into MF mostly, and some wrestling F/F , but most of all . Crotch lifts. on women.

Thats so emberrasing, sometimes when i see for example a movie with a girl being hoisted up by her crotch like in riddick where Vin Diesel literally lifts a girl up and grabs a bar, so shes kinda hanging up on his arm between her legs....
i was with girls when i watched that, and i totally had to hide my arousal.... thing.
That was embarassing because girls are kinda sneaky and they immediately know when something turns you on they can tell.

or when one of my close friends lifted the bargirl over a counter and benchpressed her.
thats another time when i KNEW i was blushing and suddenly had to sit down.

uplifting_trance August 30th, 2013 18:46

If you are into M/F then you are luckier i guess,because you have many many more chances to enjoy it,since most women are much smaller than men,and it's the most acceptable lift and carry.

mikerojo September 5th, 2013 06:48


allffcradles September 6th, 2013 00:14

When I was growing up (As I keep reminding you all I've been turned on by women carried since I was an infant, long before I knew what fetishes were!)
I did wish I didn't have this fetish as it can be frustrating, a big distraction etc. Watching a video over and over again to see a carry scene.... I made peace thanks to finding ffcarries website cos I realised I wasn't alone! So I did make peace! Back then I didn't favour ff as such, just liked seeing women carried and of course is more common to see mf than ff, ff is rather specialised... Easy option would be to choose a common fetish as it can be difficult for us at times, being part of a rarer interest....

Well there is that comic story of mine where I was looking at a Tekken 3 chinese comic, yet I don't like the game series and by chance one issue had an ff cradle, I was hooked on those pages for a long time to the point I was told to leave and yep I did soil my pants in public whilst standing! (I was 14 then, don't think anyone knew that happened at least)

A few years after finding carrying communities online I finally told people I knew about it and nowadays I am quite open about it with strangers (not in person usually of course, only one family member knows and they're a cousin I hardly see)

So I thank the lift and carry communities past present and future for giving me some sort of peace with my fetish! Even so time does fly by when I intend for a quick browse.... Anyhow I haven't regretted developing this fetish for a long time now, it really is beautiful!

Snowstormbanana September 6th, 2013 23:59

Yes and no, i've found it difficult to live with a few times but i've never wished i didn't have it. Well never in a way i meant it anyways

pikey September 7th, 2013 09:23

Yes I've always thought it to be wrong to be turned on by this. But in reality I had no choice in the matter. I've only fairly recently started to embrace the fetish since it's an easy way to get turned on.

I do keep it firmly in the closet in life still. But I'm happy to embrace it online.

allffcradles September 7th, 2013 09:59

It's as innocent as fetishes go and clean so it's not bad! I know someone that has a thing for blood, doesn't sound healthy at all!

wm1122 September 7th, 2013 15:31

The reality is everyone has that secret fetish. "Psychologists and medical practitioners regard fetishism as normal variations of human sexuality"

I don't have any regret to having this fetish/hobby. While it is a fetish that requires significant time to enjoy, searching for photos videos, (which yeah might be good to not spend as much time), but look at everyone else. How much time do they spend on video games and Facebook stalking of high school and college friends? I don't think its any more unhealthy and a waste of time then those other hobbies a lot of people do and admit too.

The reality is all fetishes are creepy to those you approach if they don't know you or aren't familiar with you or your taste. Is asking a random girl to pick you up, or a girl to pick up her friends because you like to see it creepy? Yes very much so lol. But is asking a random girl to let you look at her feet, or try on a particular item of clothing creepy too? Yes it is lol. Anytime you ask someone to do something for your sexual enjoyment IE your fetish that would not be into you sexually is creepy.

However, if it is someone you trust and love and they are into you sexually there should be no ashame. Its a fetish. Its normal. Granted I like f/f so its pretty much impossible unless I convince my wife to turn bi for me to ever really experience that first hand, as again how would we approach another female to let my wife pic her up without it being super creepy? Not really possible lol. So other then the very fortunate random observations of f/f I have, The last one was about 10 years ago lol, I can't enjoy this one in person.

I did screw up though. I had an ex gf who knew of my like in this, but we never went there. Two years ago after I got married to someone else, we randomly started texting one night. And it came out that she had been with a women sexually after we broke up. And I asked if she carried her to bed, she said no, that would be something that she would only do if I was there, since that was my thing. DAMN IT!!!!!! FUCK!!!! LOL. I never cheated on my wife, but oh the urge was there.
We even went into a great deal in out texting on should my ex carry the girl, or the girl carry my ex. My ex even said she would carry me.

Anyway, live and learn. The wife, is very much not into girls. Trust me I have tried to see if I could go there lol.

Slevin September 7th, 2013 15:53

Instead of wishing not to have it, I'd rather have the ability to wish it on other people.

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