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Liftboy996 October 2nd, 2019 22:32

Muscular Girlfriends
Have you ever had or do you actually have girlfriends with a solid amount of muscle, maybe more muscles than you have?

tjw1971 October 4th, 2019 16:30

re: muscular girlfriends
Not currently, but my ex-wife did. When we first started dating, one of the first things she did was showing off her strength by carrying me various ways around my house, when I invited her over. (She used to lift weights back in high school and after that, helped her dad in construction, carrying a lot of heavy stuff like rolls of carpeting or tools for him. They always encouraged her to be proud of her strength, and she'd occasionally give her mom or dad a piggyback ride up the flight of stairs at their place for fun. Their weights varied but they would have been between 200-250lbs., all of which was "easy" for her to handle.)

I've told various stories about her on here over the years, but among the "highlights" I can think of, off-hand?

- At the local Gold's gym, she could do the standing calf-raises on their machine with the entire weight stack for reps, and said the only thing hard about it was the way the metal "yoke" on the machine kind of cut into her shoulders.

- We had a California king-sized waterbed at my place, and it was the kind with the pull-out drawers on each side, full of clothes, making it even heavier. She used to have this thing about dusting/cleaning the floor, including the area under the bed. So she'd sit down in the gap between the side of the bed and one wall of the bedroom, put her back against the wall with her legs tucked up against her body, and push against the bed with her feet until she had her legs fully extended and slid the whole bed to the other side of the room. When she was done cleaning that part of the floor, she'd go to the opposite wall and do the same thing again to move it back. It was really impressive to watch, especially since she always did the housecleaning in a pair of cut-off jean shorts. She used to invite me to sit on the edge of the bed while she pushed it, so I could "get a better view" of her leg muscles. Every time she did it, you could hear the wall creaking and popping as she pushed, from all the pressure she was putting on it. Knowing how strong her calves were, I even gave her the idea to point her toes after extending her legs, to scoot the bed a few more inches - so that became part of her routine too.

- Her arms were strong too, but not anything like her legs or back. She was trying to work on that at one point. So she did pushups with me lying on her back a few times. And once, she tried standing on a chair and holding her forearms out in front of her with her hands clasped together, and told me to try hanging from them. I weigh about 195 at the time and I was able to get my feet off the ground and do a partial pull-up off her arms before she gave up, saying, "Ok... that kinda hurts!"

- A guy she knew had come back from the military and dropped by to visit. They got on the subject of weight and strength and all that, at some point, and he guessed she weighed "about 150lbs." She laughed and said she was way heavier than that. He argued she couldn't be more than like 160-165. She said, "Pfft.... I'm sure I weigh more than you do!" They got out the bathroom scale and he got on, showing her he was about 189lbs. She grinned and hopped on next, saying "Check it out, little man!", as the dial sat right at the 200 mark. After that, she ducked her head between his legs and boosted him up onto her shoulders, and bet him she could carry him like that down the block. He was surprised and impressed, but embarrassed too... but hesitatingly let her try it. He wound up getting a shoulder ride to the corner store down the street. She offered him another on the way back, but he refused that one.


Originally Posted by Liftboy996 (Post 232533)
Have you ever had or do you actually have girlfriends with a solid amount of muscle, maybe more muscles than you have?

Liftboy996 October 5th, 2019 12:28


Originally Posted by tjw1971 (Post 232594)
Not currently, but my ex-wife did. When we first started dating, one of the first things she did was showing off her strength by carrying me various ways around my house, when I invited her over. (She used to lift weights back in high school and after that, helped her dad in construction, carrying a lot of heavy stuff like rolls of carpeting or tools for him. They always encouraged her to be proud of her strength, and she'd occasionally give her mom or dad a piggyback ride up the flight of stairs at their place for fun. Their weights varied but they would have been between 200-250lbs., all of which was "easy" for her to handle.)

I've told various stories about her on here over the years, but among the "highlights" I can think of, off-hand?

- At the local Gold's gym, she could do the standing calf-raises on their machine with the entire weight stack for reps, and said the only thing hard about it was the way the metal "yoke" on the machine kind of cut into her shoulders.

- We had a California king-sized waterbed at my place, and it was the kind with the pull-out drawers on each side, full of clothes, making it even heavier. She used to have this thing about dusting/cleaning the floor, including the area under the bed. So she'd sit down in the gap between the side of the bed and one wall of the bedroom, put her back against the wall with her legs tucked up against her body, and push against the bed with her feet until she had her legs fully extended and slid the whole bed to the other side of the room. When she was done cleaning that part of the floor, she'd go to the opposite wall and do the same thing again to move it back. It was really impressive to watch, especially since she always did the housecleaning in a pair of cut-off jean shorts. She used to invite me to sit on the edge of the bed while she pushed it, so I could "get a better view" of her leg muscles. Every time she did it, you could hear the wall creaking and popping as she pushed, from all the pressure she was putting on it. Knowing how strong her calves were, I even gave her the idea to point her toes after extending her legs, to scoot the bed a few more inches - so that became part of her routine too.

- Her arms were strong too, but not anything like her legs or back. She was trying to work on that at one point. So she did pushups with me lying on her back a few times. And once, she tried standing on a chair and holding her forearms out in front of her with her hands clasped together, and told me to try hanging from them. I weigh about 195 at the time and I was able to get my feet off the ground and do a partial pull-up off her arms before she gave up, saying, "Ok... that kinda hurts!"

- A guy she knew had come back from the military and dropped by to visit. They got on the subject of weight and strength and all that, at some point, and he guessed she weighed "about 150lbs." She laughed and said she was way heavier than that. He argued she couldn't be more than like 160-165. She said, "Pfft.... I'm sure I weigh more than you do!" They got out the bathroom scale and he got on, showing her he was about 189lbs. She grinned and hopped on next, saying "Check it out, little man!", as the dial sat right at the 200 mark. After that, she ducked her head between his legs and boosted him up onto her shoulders, and bet him she could carry him like that down the block. He was surprised and impressed, but embarrassed too... but hesitatingly let her try it. He wound up getting a shoulder ride to the corner store down the street. She offered him another on the way back, but he refused that one.

Wow this is amazing! You must have been a really lucky guy. Did you ever get competitive with her? Like armwrestling or someting like that?

JaseB October 5th, 2019 21:13

A good friend of mine is an occasional personal trainer and is probably one of the strongest people I've met - she also has some pretty good muscle and isn't averse to a little bit of L & C either :-)

tjw1971 October 7th, 2019 13:47

re: competitive
You know, we never did arm-wrestle. I know that's popular as a "test of strength" but I've always felt like it doesn't tend to prove a whole lot, because so much is about arm position and leverage. (You often see two people arm wrestling and one has their arm out a lot further from their body than the other one, causing them to lose. Or one or both people keep re-positioning their elbows during the match, which keeps shifting around who has better leverage at that point in time.) Also, I remember her telling a story one time about someone who got really badly injured while arm wrestling, when she was in school. So I got the idea she wasn't a fan of it .....

We used to play wrestle occasionally, though. And I'd say we were pretty evenly matched. I was a few inches taller than her but she outweighed me by maybe 10lbs. or so. She was pretty tough to pin, because she was strong enough to do several push-ups with me lying on her back. If i was able to sit or kneel completely on her upper back near her shoulders, then she'd struggle to get 1 push-up -- but hard to do that while wrestling.


Originally Posted by Liftboy996 (Post 232644)
Wow this is amazing! You must have been a really lucky guy. Did you ever get competitive with her? Like armwrestling or someting like that?

JaseB November 9th, 2019 22:36

Not the best quality pic but my partners pretty hard-bodied/toned and enjoys working out

Liftboy996 December 1st, 2019 16:00


Originally Posted by JaseB (Post 233900)
Not the best quality pic but my partners pretty hard-bodied/toned and enjoys working out

Her upper body looks really toned. Did you have any lc/strenght competition experiences with her?

JaseB December 2nd, 2019 10:11

Hi, yeah she is really toned - she's always looked after herself however in the last 6 months has got a lot more into exercise and weights and it's made a huge difference in a short space of time to her legs, abs and upper body in terms of definition and strength.
Not that much strength competition or lifting yet but we've play wrestled and she's flipped me over her shoulder and also jokey arm wrestled in bed and she's let me feel her abs and biceps after which was awesome :)

JaseB December 21st, 2019 23:13


Originally Posted by JaseB (Post 234761)
Hi, yeah she is really toned - she's always looked after herself however in the last 6 months has got a lot more into exercise and weights and it's made a huge difference in a short space of time to her legs, abs and upper body in terms of definition and strength.
Not that much strength competition or lifting yet but we've play wrestled and she's flipped me over her shoulder and also jokey arm wrestled in bed and she's let me feel her abs and biceps after which was awesome :)

A couple more pics :)

2010xsf December 22nd, 2019 17:33

Yes my actual girlfriend !

JaseB December 22nd, 2019 17:47


Originally Posted by 2010xsf (Post 235446)
Yes my actual girlfriend !

Where? Did you mean to attach a photo?

CageDemon December 23rd, 2019 23:40


Originally Posted by JaseB (Post 234761)
Hi, yeah she is really toned - she's always looked after herself however in the last 6 months has got a lot more into exercise and weights and it's made a huge difference in a short space of time to her legs, abs and upper body in terms of definition and strength.
Not that much strength competition or lifting yet but we've play wrestled and she's flipped me over her shoulder and also jokey arm wrestled in bed and she's let me feel her abs and biceps after which was awesome :)

You're a lucky guy. She looks gorgeous my friend. Please feel free to share more.;):D

I wasn't sure I wanted to discuss my experiences but hell, why not. If it helps anyone out there or just provides a bit of insite into how to ask a girlfriend/wife to try loft and carry then that's great.

I'm lucky enough to be with a young lady who really enjoys lift and carry. I introduced her to it nearly a year ago after we first met as she was really interested in what I enjoyed and she wanted to share her fetishes too.

I've had mixed experiences with introducing lift and carry to my ex-partners (some good, some not so good) but she really got into it. I guess it helps that these days most people are much more open-minded when it comes to fetishes etc.than they used to be.

As my particular fave lifts are overhead lifts they are even harder to find someone willing to try, let alone actually do it.

When I was 18 I dated a pole dancer for over 4 years. Yes I did-this is not a BS story. Absolutely crazy girl but hot. Back then I weighed around 140 lbs and she was a similar weight and very fit from the work she did and the practice we got.;)

It took me a full 3 years to get up the courage to talk to her about it. I introduced it first as me being interested in athletic girls and girls flexing etc which was true. When she reacted well to that we moved on to l and c. She wasn't as much into that but did try it.

One night when we both were drunk she did even try to do an overhead lift. Not an overhead press type lift but just supporting my weight (after I was stood on a set of drawers). She actually held me above her head for a few seconds and I won't lie it was an amazing experience (even after dropping me on said drawers quickly after.😂)

That relationship came and went and I dated a few girls after that that I either didn't tell or weren't bothered.

My last girlfriend did manage to do a few lifts including holding my weight bench press style (again after a few drinks 😂) but nothing much else. She was quite a bit heavier than me though.

Coming back to my current and amazing lady she has done almost every kind of lift with me to date except an over head lift, which she is keen to work up to.

She has done cradles, body slams, shoulder carries, 69 lifts and many more. She actually loves doing it as part of foreplay and I do it to her. We basically make a game of it. I weigh around 155-160lbs these days so it won't be as easy to lift me overhead but it's a real turn on her trying.

She is a good 20lbs+ lighter than me but toned and pretty fit. It's so good to find a partner that wants to try l and c. Its not her fetish but she does enjoy it Finding a lady who loves l and c as a fetish must be amazing but I guess very rare.

I'm more than happy though and can't wait to try new lifts with my girl.

Good luck to you all in finding the same.;)

Hopefully you can share some of your experiences too.

JaseB December 26th, 2019 16:40


Originally Posted by CageDemon (Post 235484)
You're a lucky guy. She looks gorgeous my friend. Please feel free to share more.;):D

I wasn't sure I wanted to discuss my experiences but hell, why not. If it helps anyone out there or just provides a bit of insite into how to ask a girlfriend/wife to try loft and carry then that's great.

I'm lucky enough to be with a young lady who really enjoys lift and carry. I introduced her to it nearly a year ago after we first met as she was really interested in what I enjoyed and she wanted to share her fetishes too.

I've had mixed experiences with introducing lift and carry to my ex-partners (some good, some not so good) but she really got into it. I guess it helps that these days most people are much more open-minded when it comes to fetishes etc.than they used to be.

As my particular fave lifts are overhead lifts they are even harder to find someone willing to try, let alone actually do it.

When I was 18 I dated a pole dancer for over 4 years. Yes I did-this is not a BS story. Absolutely crazy girl but hot. Back then I weighed around 140 lbs and she was a similar weight and very fit from the work she did and the practice we got.;)

It took me a full 3 years to get up the courage to talk to her about it. I introduced it first as me being interested in athletic girls and girls flexing etc which was true. When she reacted well to that we moved on to l and c. She wasn't as much into that but did try it.

One night when we both were drunk she did even try to do an overhead lift. Not an overhead press type lift but just supporting my weight (after I was stood on a set of drawers). She actually held me above her head for a few seconds and I won't lie it was an amazing experience (even after dropping me on said drawers quickly after.😂)

That relationship came and went and I dated a few girls after that that I either didn't tell or weren't bothered.

My last girlfriend did manage to do a few lifts including holding my weight bench press style (again after a few drinks 😂) but nothing much else. She was quite a bit heavier than me though.

Coming back to my current and amazing lady she has done almost every kind of lift with me to date except an over head lift, which she is keen to work up to.

She has done cradles, body slams, shoulder carries, 69 lifts and many more. She actually loves doing it as part of foreplay and I do it to her. We basically make a game of it. I weigh around 155-160lbs these days so it won't be as easy to lift me overhead but it's a real turn on her trying.

She is a good 20lbs+ lighter than me but toned and pretty fit. It's so good to find a partner that wants to try l and c. Its not her fetish but she does enjoy it Finding a lady who loves l and c as a fetish must be amazing but I guess very rare.

I'm more than happy though and can't wait to try new lifts with my girl.

Good luck to you all in finding the same.;)

Hopefully you can share some of your experiences too.

Thank you for that, I think I'm lucky too :)

Great experiences you have had, am especially jealous of the cradles! An ex of mine was very strong and able to carry me in a variety of ways, including cradle which I loved.

My current partner who is pictured below is very toned and enjoys working out but has not carried me nor have we had any strength challenges other than what I mentioned previously - hopefully one day :)

badboy4375 December 26th, 2019 22:04

By the looks of her she is quite capable so long as you aren't too large a fellow

CageDemon December 27th, 2019 03:06


Originally Posted by JaseB (Post 235564)
Thank you for that, I think I'm lucky too :)

Great experiences you have had, am especially jealous of the cradles! An ex of mine was very strong and able to carry me in a variety of ways, including cradle which I loved.

My current partner who is pictured below is very toned and enjoys working out but has not carried me nor have we had any strength challenges other than what I mentioned previously - hopefully one day :)

On that 1st pic you shared of your lady this time she has some seriously toned arms. I think she would be able to do lift and carry no problem.

Just my experience but I've found as long as you can make it fun for them then women can really enjoy it. Like I said before I'm lucky as I finally found a woman who not only can lift me but is really adventurous as well. She can cradle me no problem, as well as most other lifts.

I introduced lift and carry initially as I loved to lift women and be dominant but sometimes I like to give up the dominance and have my lady show how strong she is-if she can lift me then she could easily lift other women was in my head (my personal preference) but she really liked my honesty and the idea she could be in control at times.

Now she even suggests us going to bed and using l and c to get me going.

I don't want to ever say this is the way to do it for everyone but it worked for me more than once and in your case your lady looks stunning and very capable of l and c.

If it was me I'd just pick her up in a cradle (if that's your thing) one day when you are having a play around (or a drink in my case :D ) and playfully say something like "even though you're fit as hell I doubt you could do that this to me". Pretending you're dominant and you have no interest or belief she could do it. Sure as hell she'll want to prove you wrong. That's women. :D .Trust me.

Enjoy the result, tell her you're impressed and gradually build it into your foreplay. As long she is having fun it will work make it all the more normal to her. ;) In a perfect world maybe they'd even realise l and c was their fetish too.

Like winning the lottery I suspect.haha

JaseB December 27th, 2019 21:13


Originally Posted by badboy4375 (Post 235575)
By the looks of her she is quite capable so long as you aren't too large a fellow

Yes I definitely believe she's capable - her legs and upper body in particular have come on considerably in a short space of time since she stepped up her exercise programme.

As mentioned previously she enjoys showing it off when we play wrestle and the time she flipped me over her shoulder was amazing. She let me feel her abs and biceps once again yesterday in bed which certainly put a smile on my face :)

CageDemon December 30th, 2019 01:18


Originally Posted by JaseB (Post 235616)
Yes I definitely believe she's capable - her legs and upper body in particular have come on considerably in a short space of time since she stepped up her exercise programme.

As mentioned previously she enjoys showing it off when we play wrestle and the time she flipped me over her shoulder was amazing. She let me feel her abs and biceps once again yesterday in bed which certainly put a smile on my face :)

Well good luck to you my friend. Your lady looks gorgeous and very capable. If ever you feel like sharing pics/vids of her flexing/lifting I don't think too many here would complain. ;). Lol

phantom23 December 30th, 2019 19:02


Originally Posted by CageDemon (Post 235484)
You're a lucky guy. She looks gorgeous my friend. Please feel free to share more.;):D

I wasn't sure I wanted to discuss my experiences but hell, why not. If it helps anyone out there or just provides a bit of insite into how to ask a girlfriend/wife to try loft and carry then that's great.

I'm lucky enough to be with a young lady who really enjoys lift and carry. I introduced her to it nearly a year ago after we first met as she was really interested in what I enjoyed and she wanted to share her fetishes too.

I've had mixed experiences with introducing lift and carry to my ex-partners (some good, some not so good) but she really got into it. I guess it helps that these days most people are much more open-minded when it comes to fetishes etc.than they used to be.

As my particular fave lifts are overhead lifts they are even harder to find someone willing to try, let alone actually do it.

When I was 18 I dated a pole dancer for over 4 years. Yes I did-this is not a BS story. Absolutely crazy girl but hot. Back then I weighed around 140 lbs and she was a similar weight and very fit from the work she did and the practice we got.;)

It took me a full 3 years to get up the courage to talk to her about it. I introduced it first as me being interested in athletic girls and girls flexing etc which was true. When she reacted well to that we moved on to l and c. She wasn't as much into that but did try it.

One night when we both were drunk she did even try to do an overhead lift. Not an overhead press type lift but just supporting my weight (after I was stood on a set of drawers). She actually held me above her head for a few seconds and I won't lie it was an amazing experience (even after dropping me on said drawers quickly after.😂)

That relationship came and went and I dated a few girls after that that I either didn't tell or weren't bothered.

My last girlfriend did manage to do a few lifts including holding my weight bench press style (again after a few drinks 😂) but nothing much else. She was quite a bit heavier than me though.

Coming back to my current and amazing lady she has done almost every kind of lift with me to date except an over head lift, which she is keen to work up to.

She has done cradles, body slams, shoulder carries, 69 lifts and many more. She actually loves doing it as part of foreplay and I do it to her. We basically make a game of it. I weigh around 155-160lbs these days so it won't be as easy to lift me overhead but it's a real turn on her trying.

She is a good 20lbs+ lighter than me but toned and pretty fit. It's so good to find a partner that wants to try l and c. Its not her fetish but she does enjoy it Finding a lady who loves l and c as a fetish must be amazing but I guess very rare.

I'm more than happy though and can't wait to try new lifts with my girl.

Good luck to you all in finding the same.;)

Hopefully you can share some of your experiences too.

Any pics of the pole dancer??

How bout current gf??

Would love to see their bodies!

CageDemon January 2nd, 2020 00:16


Originally Posted by phantom23 (Post 235728)
Any pics of the pole dancer??

How bout current gf??

Would love to see their bodies!

Hey phantom. If it wasn't for the fact that any lunatic could and probably would share images or videos I would share them for sure. Not a chance I would share photos of them at the moment.

My lady/soon to be fiance is awesome and loves l and c but as you can probably guess isn't keen to have it videod(yet :D but she REALLY enjoys it). She is getting better and better though and we are away on a 3 day holiday from today so I'll let you know how it goes. ;)

I have said before that I don't care a bit whether anyone believes me in what I've said. The facts are that my pole dancer ex did do the overhead lift/hold but only for a few seconds-which was awesome.

My lady now is demonstrably stronger but is still getting used to l and c and loves it.

If anyone on here would like to tell me the easiest
/cheapest ways to blur faces/anything else :D and post them then I would love to share.

---But I'd expect the same from you all in return. Only fair guys and gals. ;)

Angeleye January 2nd, 2020 00:19


Originally Posted by CageDemon (Post 235806)
Hey phantom. If it wasn't for the fact that any lunatic could and probably would share images or videos I would share them for sure. Not a chance I would share photos of them at the moment.

My lady/soon to be fiance is awesome and loves l and c but as you can probably guess isn't keen to have it videod(yet :D but she REALLY enjoys it). She is getting better and better though and we are away on a 3 day holiday from today so I'll let you know how it goes. ;)

I have said before that I don't care a bit whether anyone believes me in what I've said. The facts are that my pole dancer ex did do the overhead lift/hold but only for a few seconds-which was awesome.

My lady now is demonstrably stronger but is still getting used to l and c and loves it.

If anyone on here would like to tell me the easiest
/cheapest ways to blur faces/anything else :D and post the I would love to

---But I'd expect the same from you all in return. Only fair guys and gals. ;)

An overhead lift pic would be impressive to see cage, even in the vip section

forevernow January 2nd, 2020 10:11


Originally Posted by CageDemon (Post 235806)
If anyone on here would like to tell me the easiest
/cheapest ways to blur faces/anything else :D and post them then I would love to share.

I think using Facebook Messenger app cameras sticker feature is the most easy.

It would look like this:

takeitorleaveit January 2nd, 2020 12:16

1 Attachment(s)
I think I have a fairly muscular girlfriend.

Angeleye January 2nd, 2020 13:47


Originally Posted by takeitorleaveit (Post 235824)
I think I have a fairly muscular girlfriend.

Indeed. Did she finally manage to push press you? 8)

Liftboy996 January 3rd, 2020 12:21


Originally Posted by takeitorleaveit (Post 235824)
I think I have a fairly muscular girlfriend.

Wow she looks amazing! Does she have more muscle than you?

theSittingTroll January 4th, 2020 23:31


Originally Posted by Liftboy996 (Post 235855)
Wow she looks amazing! Does she have more muscle than you?

Haha I would love to know the answer to this question as well! 😄

takeitorleaveit January 6th, 2020 06:48

Her muscles are way more defined than mine from crossfit and proper dieting. Shes 5'5"145 lbs. I'm 6' 180 lbs. At a point when I was slimmer I was 155 to her 145-150 lbs. Even still though I was much stronger than her naturally as most men who are somewhat active are in comparison to women. I would say I'm bigger. But shes way more defined with muscle tone than I am.

JaseB January 6th, 2020 11:37


Originally Posted by CageDemon (Post 235697)
Well good luck to you my friend. Your lady looks gorgeous and very capable. If ever you feel like sharing pics/vids of her flexing/lifting I don't think too many here would complain. ;). Lol

Liftboy996 January 6th, 2020 13:39


Originally Posted by takeitorleaveit (Post 235977)
Her muscles are way more defined than mine from crossfit and proper dieting. Shes 5'5"145 lbs. I'm 6' 180 lbs. At a point when I was slimmer I was 155 to her 145-150 lbs. Even still though I was much stronger than her naturally as most men who are somewhat active are in comparison to women. I would say I'm bigger. But shes way more defined with muscle tone than I am.

This is still really amazing. I love the thought of having a strong girlfriend (maybe even stronger than I am), but most girls want a guy that is bigger and stronger then themselves.

takeitorleaveit January 6th, 2020 17:33

2 Attachment(s)
Well she does crossfit, so Olympic lifting wise she can lift more than me. It takes years to develop the technique to do those Olympic lifts. Her push press max is 175, but shes been dealing with a shoulder injury all year and hasn't progressed much. Like I said, she has clearly defined muscles as you can see. She measured her biceps at 13.5 inches one time, but I think they may be bigger now.

tjw1971 January 16th, 2020 00:15

Ran across a really cool woman online....
I found this girl who lives in Canada who is really into fitness and working out. But the interesting thing about her is, she's also into playing the role of the "dominant" one with boyfriends - and that includes picking guys up and carrying them around.

We talked a little bit online, and although she looked really skinny in some of her photos, it turns out she's got some impressive muscles too and she actually weighs a little more than I would have guessed. (She's very tall though too, which partially explains it -- but yeah, 6'3" and about 200lbs.)

She said she's done stuff several times like oral sex on a guy while holding him upside-down, off the ground and likes the element of surprise; just coming up behind a guy and scooping him up into her arms unexpectedly. And to reach something up high, she's squatted between guy's legs and boosted them up onto her shoulders to reach it before, rather than just getting it herself or using a step stool.)

(I told her that I weigh between 210-220lbs. and asked if that was too heavy for her. She said no - that the guys she's carried around like this often weighed at least that much. And in any case, she's tall and heavy enough so she just expects to do the "role reversal" lifts anyway.)

pefemti January 16th, 2020 09:29

This is a former girlfriend. She was crazy strong.
The picture has been posted previously in another thread, but is hopefully new to some.

jfiochetti2001 January 16th, 2020 11:30

Where in Canada, in which city?

Liftboy996 January 16th, 2020 15:27


Originally Posted by pefemti (Post 236355)
This is a former girlfriend. She was crazy strong.
The picture has been posted previously in another thread, but is hopefully new to some.

This biceps looks impressive! I wonder if she was more muscular than you?

davelifted January 17th, 2020 11:21


Originally Posted by tjw1971 (Post 236345)
I found this girl who lives in Canada who is really into fitness and working out. But the interesting thing about her is, she's also into playing the role of the "dominant" one with boyfriends - and that includes picking guys up and carrying them around.

We talked a little bit online, and although she looked really skinny in some of her photos, it turns out she's got some impressive muscles too and she actually weighs a little more than I would have guessed. (She's very tall though too, which partially explains it -- but yeah, 6'3" and about 200lbs.)

She said she's done stuff several times like oral sex on a guy while holding him upside-down, off the ground and likes the element of surprise; just coming up behind a guy and scooping him up into her arms unexpectedly. And to reach something up high, she's squatted between guy's legs and boosted them up onto her shoulders to reach it before, rather than just getting it herself or using a step stool.)

(I told her that I weigh between 210-220lbs. and asked if that was too heavy for her. She said no - that the guys she's carried around like this often weighed at least that much. And in any case, she's tall and heavy enough so she just expects to do the "role reversal" lifts anyway.)

She's on Fetlife as Alpha1female

CageDemon January 17th, 2020 20:52


Originally Posted by davelifted (Post 236394)
She's on Fetlife as Alpha1female

Also as much as I'd like to believe this, if she's 200lbs then she must be around 8 foot tall not 6 ft.:hmm:

The woman in the photos is very athletic but not bulky as in no big muscle mass. She's gorgeous for sure so thanks for the post but 6ft 3" and 200lbs?

Consider light heavyweight UFC fighters are 205lbs and absolutely massive.

We have a stories section for stuff like this. I hoped this thread would be for serious conversation about true girlfriend and ex-gf stories/photos.:(

JaseB January 18th, 2020 07:48


Originally Posted by CageDemon (Post 235697)
Well good luck to you my friend. Your lady looks gorgeous and very capable. If ever you feel like sharing pics/vids of her flexing/lifting I don't think too many here would complain. ;). Lol

Still no luck with being lifted although I have taken your previous advice and suggestions on board so still hoping!
Couple of pics though showing progress of her exercise and weights - her legs and arms particularly are very toned now and she's happy for me to touch and feel the gains for which I'm obviously happy to oblige!

Arnon January 18th, 2020 17:47


Originally Posted by tjw1971 (Post 236345)
I found this girl who lives in Canada who is really into fitness and working out. But the interesting thing about her is, she's also into playing the role of the "dominant" one with boyfriends - and that includes picking guys up and carrying them around.

We talked a little bit online, and although she looked really skinny in some of her photos, it turns out she's got some impressive muscles too and she actually weighs a little more than I would have guessed. (She's very tall though too, which partially explains it -- but yeah, 6'3" and about 200lbs.)

She said she's done stuff several times like oral sex on a guy while holding him upside-down, off the ground and likes the element of surprise; just coming up behind a guy and scooping him up into her arms unexpectedly. And to reach something up high, she's squatted between guy's legs and boosted them up onto her shoulders to reach it before, rather than just getting it herself or using a step stool.)

(I told her that I weigh between 210-220lbs. and asked if that was too heavy for her. She said no - that the guys she's carried around like this often weighed at least that much. And in any case, she's tall and heavy enough so she just expects to do the "role reversal" lifts anyway.)

Are you guys gonna go out? She looks like a keeper. :wub:

JaseB February 8th, 2020 22:47


Originally Posted by JaseB (Post 236415)
Still no luck with being lifted although I have taken your previous advice and suggestions on board so still hoping!
Couple of pics though showing progress of her exercise and weights - her legs and arms particularly are very toned now and she's happy for me to touch and feel the gains for which I'm obviously happy to oblige!

Not the best pics but was able to feel her thigh muscles after a workout the other day :)

tjw1971 February 10th, 2020 21:25

Hey, I'm just going by what she said....
Your response is one reason I sometimes decide NOT to share things on boards like this one. Always someone who thinks they know better who is lying and who isn't.

First of all, there's really no telling when she took some of those photos. Maybe she bulked up a bit since they were taken and 200lbs. is her current weight?

And yes, she has a profile over on FetLife -- which is where I found out about her. We chatted in private on there a few times because I was intrigued by her interest in doing lifts and carries as the dominant one.

I didn't ever attempt to meet up with her in person, and likely will never do so -- because among other things, I don't live in Canada. I didn't share my own photos with her either, so she might not find me physically attractive either. Who knows?

But 6'3" and 200lbs. isn't really impossible either. Some people just have a heavier, denser build than others. My ex-wife's best friend who helped her do a housecleaning business for a while was about 6' or 6'1" and had an overall slender to average build, and weighed 200.


Originally Posted by CageDemon (Post 236406)
Also as much as I'd like to believe this, if she's 200lbs then she must be around 8 foot tall not 6 ft.:hmm:

The woman in the photos is very athletic but not bulky as in no big muscle mass. She's gorgeous for sure so thanks for the post but 6ft 3" and 200lbs?

Consider light heavyweight UFC fighters are 205lbs and absolutely massive.

We have a stories section for stuff like this. I hoped this thread would be for serious conversation about true girlfriend and ex-gf stories/photos.:(

greybeezer February 10th, 2020 22:31


Originally Posted by tjw1971 (Post 237213)
Your response is one reason I sometimes decide NOT to share things on boards like this one. Always someone who thinks they know better who is lying and who isn't.

First of all, there's really no telling when she took some of those photos. Maybe she bulked up a bit since they were taken and 200lbs. is her current weight?

And yes, she has a profile over on FetLife -- which is where I found out about her. We chatted in private on there a few times because I was intrigued by her interest in doing lifts and carries as the dominant one.

I didn't ever attempt to meet up with her in person, and likely will never do so -- because among other things, I don't live in Canada. I didn't share my own photos with her either, so she might not find me physically attractive either. Who knows?

But 6'3" and 200lbs. isn't really impossible either. Some people just have a heavier, denser build than others. My ex-wife's best friend who helped her do a housecleaning business for a while was about 6' or 6'1" and had an overall slender to average build, and weighed 200.

It's definitely possible for someone who is 6'3 and muscular to have a walk around weight of around 200lbs, I know plenty of fbb's who are around 5'4-5-6 who walk around at 170-200lbs. Most fighters who compete at 205 walk around well over that cut drastically for fight time.

Liftboy996 February 11th, 2020 13:40


Originally Posted by JaseB (Post 237134)
Not the best pics but was able to feel her thigh muscles after a workout the other day :)

You are a really lucky guy. Does she know you are enjoying her gains?
I've had a girlfriend who grew up on a farm and had a solid amount of muscle, I also told her about my love for muscles but I think she never really got it. She even refused to flex for me so I had to watch for opportunities where she flexed by accident (doing her hair e.g.). I told her about the idea to lift me, cause she was confident of her strength, she didn't seem to be against it, but it never came to that.
So if she is also enjoying to show off, feel lucky guys.

JaseB February 12th, 2020 21:34


Originally Posted by Liftboy996 (Post 237233)
You are a really lucky guy. Does she know you are enjoying her gains?
I've had a girlfriend who grew up on a farm and had a solid amount of muscle, I also told her about my love for muscles but I think she never really got it. She even refused to flex for me so I had to watch for opportunities where she flexed by accident (doing her hair e.g.). I told her about the idea to lift me, cause she was confident of her strength, she didn't seem to be against it, but it never came to that.
So if she is also enjoying to show off, feel lucky guys.

Thank you - yeah I've told her a few times now and she is definitely proud of the gains on her arms and thighs. An ex used to enjoy lifting me which was amazing but I've not had the opportunity yet with my current girlfriend.

phantom23 March 6th, 2020 05:17


Originally Posted by CageDemon (Post 235806)
Hey phantom. If it wasn't for the fact that any lunatic could and probably would share images or videos I would share them for sure. Not a chance I would share photos of them at the moment.

My lady/soon to be fiance is awesome and loves l and c but as you can probably guess isn't keen to have it videod(yet :D but she REALLY enjoys it). She is getting better and better though and we are away on a 3 day holiday from today so I'll let you know how it goes. ;)

I have said before that I don't care a bit whether anyone believes me in what I've said. The facts are that my pole dancer ex did do the overhead lift/hold but only for a few seconds-which was awesome.

My lady now is demonstrably stronger but is still getting used to l and c and loves it.

If anyone on here would like to tell me the easiest
/cheapest ways to blur faces/anything else :D and post them then I would love to share.

---But I'd expect the same from you all in return. Only fair guys and gals. ;)

Any luck with the blurred faces yet?? You could also just zoom in and screen shot it so the faces are not shown. But yes, those iPhone stickers seem easy to cover up a face as well.

jfiochetti2001 March 19th, 2020 04:40

which city she is?

phantom23 March 21st, 2020 20:58

1 Attachment(s)
My girls' calves

Liftboy996 March 23rd, 2020 21:17


Originally Posted by phantom23 (Post 238425)
My girls' calves

Your girlfriend's calves are in great shape. Did you do some lifting experiments?

phantom23 March 26th, 2020 14:28

All the time!

sportsfan007 March 30th, 2020 07:04

tall canadian girl
Hello tjw1971

The tall Canadian girl u found online what site was she on. I like being lifted by a tall and strong women.

The stories on here are great, Pls let me know where I might find her. I'm from Canada as well.

thank you


JaseB April 11th, 2020 21:59

Update - getting stronger :)

CageDemon April 12th, 2020 09:57


Originally Posted by JaseB (Post 239304)

She's looking great. Obviously putting the hard work in.:thumbup1:

CageDemon April 12th, 2020 10:01


Originally Posted by phantom23 (Post 237956)
Any luck with the blurred faces yet?? You could also just zoom in and screen shot it so the faces are not shown. But yes, those iPhone stickers seem easy to cover up a face as well.

Sorry I only just saw this comment from you phantom.

I had a chat with my now fianc?e about how she would feel doing l and c and me sharing photos with blurred faces etc.

I felt that was absolutely the right thing to do in asking her. Unfortunately her answer was a definite NO as although she really enjoys l and c she wants it to just be 'our' thing, which I have to respect.

I'm very lucky to have her and I'm not going to jeopardize that.

theSittingTroll April 12th, 2020 19:19

Has anyone had experiences of your muscular gf/wife being stronger than you?

I remember that in the beginning of my relatioship with my ex, her lower body being obviously more muscular and stronger than mine. I wasnt into the gym at that time, did mostly cardio.

Specifications from 5 years ago when we started dating:

20 years old

19 years old

She had a history of playing hockey and dancing, so her legs were clearly a lot stronger. We both started going to the gym, and right from the beginning she could do at least 50kg more than me in squats and legpress. Squatting 70 was easy for her after 2 months, while I still struggled with squatting 50.
We would also compete in squatting each OTHER :wub::tt1:
I was still weak and could do like 6 squats her her weight, while she easily did 17 with me on HER BACK :tt1::tt1:
Of course as time went by, I caught her leg strength from training at the gym, simply because of testostreno that men have.

But I really do miss those times when her legs were clearly stronger and bigger than mine! While kissing while sitting on her lap I would always just touch her squads and calves that she would flex... I easily got hard from that and she noticed it every time! And she even enjoyed making me hard and started flexing here and there almost daily!

JaseB April 12th, 2020 20:29


Originally Posted by CageDemon (Post 239313)
She's looking great. Obviously putting the hard work in.:thumbup1:

Thank you, yeah she is and I can really see (and feel!) the difference :)

luff(arungen) April 18th, 2020 15:59


Originally Posted by Liftboy996 (Post 232533)
Have you ever had or do you actually have girlfriends with a solid amount of muscle, maybe more muscles than you have?

Back in the middle of the 2000s, when I was in my early 20s, I dated an amateur bodybuilder who had a great body, but had a rather average face. She was muscular - but not as muscular as pro bodybuilders. She was trying to become a pro bodybuilder but was maybe 2-3 years away from that level muscle iirc.

She was easily more muscular than me though and had absolutely no trouble lifting and carrying me. In fact, the only reason I even started to date her was because I wanted to get lifts from her and I knew that it would be easy to goad her into it if we were dating (I know, it was kinda immoral of me to use her like that.... but I was young back then lol).

davelifted April 18th, 2020 23:38

1 Attachment(s)
I've known/know a number of women who are stronger than me, and not noticeably muscular either. The most surprising is this one, who pinned me quite easily and then picked me up, saying "you're not very heavy" - and I'm at least 40lbs heavier than she is !

aaltra April 19th, 2020 04:59

Wow ! What was your height and weight ? hers ? In what ways did she lift you ? Sensual ones ?

Thanks !


Originally Posted by luff(arungen) (Post 239591)
Back in the middle of the 2000s, when I was in my early 20s, I dated an amateur bodybuilder who had a great body, but had a rather average face. She was muscular - but not as muscular as pro bodybuilders. She was trying to become a pro bodybuilder but was maybe 2-3 years away from that level muscle iirc.

She was easily more muscular than me though and had absolutely no trouble lifting and carrying me. In fact, the only reason I even started to date her was because I wanted to get lifts from her and I knew that it would be easy to goad her into it if we were dating (I know, it was kinda immoral of me to use her like that.... but I was young back then lol).

luff(arungen) April 20th, 2020 16:19


Originally Posted by aaltra (Post 239611)
Wow ! What was your height and weight ? hers ? In what ways did she lift you ? Sensual ones ?

Thanks !

I am 5'8 and was weighing probably 130 lbs at that time. Maybe a bit less even
She was slightly shorter than me, so perhaps 5'5-5'6? She weighed more than me since she had a bunch of muscles, maybe 150-160 lbs.

The lifts were the standard ones: front straddle, fireman's carries, OTS. It was pretty easy to get lifts from her, because she had low self-esteem and I kinda made her think that I'd probably leave her if the sex wasn't good enough (which I did after like 1-2 months coz I got bored of her). I don't think I've ever treated a girl worse than I did her, and I'm always sorry about it. Not my proudest moment :wub:

Liftboy996 April 21st, 2020 15:01


Originally Posted by luff(arungen) (Post 239669)
I am 5'8 and was weighing probably 130 lbs at that time. Maybe a bit less even
She was slightly shorter than me, so perhaps 5'5-5'6? She weighed more than me since she had a bunch of muscles, maybe 150-160 lbs.

The lifts were the standard ones: front straddle, fireman's carries, OTS. It was pretty easy to get lifts from her, because she had low self-esteem and I kinda made her think that I'd probably leave her if the sex wasn't good enough (which I did after like 1-2 months coz I got bored of her). I don't think I've ever treated a girl worse than I did her, and I'm always sorry about it. Not my proudest moment :wub:

Didn't carrying you help to increase her self-esteem? Or didn't she really enjoy that lifting stuff?

luff(arungen) April 26th, 2020 17:04


Originally Posted by luff(arungen) (Post 239669)
I am 5'8 and was weighing probably 130 lbs at that time. Maybe a bit less even
She was slightly shorter than me, so perhaps 5'5-5'6? She weighed more than me since she had a bunch of muscles, maybe 150-160 lbs.

The lifts were the standard ones: front straddle, fireman's carries, OTS. It was pretty easy to get lifts from her, because she had low self-esteem and I kinda made her think that I'd probably leave her if the sex wasn't good enough (which I did after like 1-2 months coz I got bored of her). I don't think I've ever treated a girl worse than I did her, and I'm always sorry about it. Not my proudest moment :wub:

this is gonna sound harsh, but i think me dating her helped raise her self-esteem. She was self-conscious of her body, thinking guys wouldn't like her because she was muscular. And then I came, a guy that looks really good (humblebrag!) who wanted to date her because of her muscles.

Liftboy996 April 27th, 2020 11:43


Originally Posted by luff(arungen) (Post 239890)
this is gonna sound harsh, but i think me dating her helped raise her self-esteem. She was self-conscious of her body, thinking guys wouldn't like her because she was muscular. And then I came, a guy that looks really good (humblebrag!) who wanted to date her because of her muscles.

Seems like a dream of a woman. Would you break up with her if you had the chance to date her again?

luff(arungen) April 28th, 2020 16:37


Originally Posted by Liftboy996 (Post 239919)
Seems like a dream of a woman. Would you break up with her if you had the chance to date her again?

if i had the chance to date her again, i wouldn't do it. I only dated her because of the L&C aspect, and wasn't really into her for real (she, however, was).

She - or anyone else for that matter - deserves better than that :)

JaseB May 20th, 2020 21:27

its been just over 12 months between the pic on the left through to the other two and it's been through home workouts only - she loves the difference (as do I!)

gremlin_95 May 22nd, 2020 11:46


Originally Posted by JaseB (Post 241034)
its been just over 12 months between the pic on the left through to the other two and it's been through home workouts only - she loves the difference (as do I!)

How tall is she? It looks like she has a sturdy frame!

JaseB May 22nd, 2020 14:03


Originally Posted by gremlin_95 (Post 241079)
How tall is she? It looks like she has a sturdy frame!

5ft 8 unless wearing her heels then she towers over me at almost 6ft!

phantom23 May 25th, 2020 18:09

JaseB, I can tell by her shapely calves that she's strong.

Has she lifted you yet??? She definitely could---easy to assume just by looking at her!

JaseB May 27th, 2020 08:40


Originally Posted by phantom23 (Post 241214)
JaseB, I can tell by her shapely calves that she's strong.

Has she lifted you yet??? She definitely could---easy to assume just by looking at her!

She has put me over her shoulder once but that's it so far - you're right her legs have a lot of strength/power in them.

pefemti July 11th, 2020 03:56

Surprise strength
I handed my wife a 20 lb dumbell the other day, and asked her if she was able to curl it. She did 22 repetitions.

CageDemon July 11th, 2020 18:04

Amazing update

Originally Posted by pefemti (Post 242934)
I handed my wife a 20 lb dumbell the other day, and asked her if she was able to curl it. She did 22 repetitions.

Wow that's impressive! Did she use 2 hands or 1 because that is some serious strength if it was just the one. With 2 it's still very good.

As an update from me, I'm really lucky with my fianc? as she is now really into l & c. She said she really loves the feeling of being in control.

She loves trying harder and harder lifts with me now. She's 5'8" and an athletic 8st 9 ish and I'm 5'9" and 152lbs.

Because she's so open to l & c we've been trying lots of things lately and she can easily do shoulder lifts, leg press etc but I challenged her to try the hardest lift of all a couple of weeks ago and to my amazement she was really up for it.

She had 4 attempts at an overhead lift with me. The 1st time our balance was all over but she managed to rest my bodyweight on her head for a couple of seconds before having to put me down. The 2nd time she genuinely had my whole weight above her head with her hands on my chest and leg. It was only for a second or 2 and some of my weight still resting on her head but my god I was amazed she was able to do it.

The 3rd and 4th times she got really frustrated because we couldn't get our balance and we called it a day.

To have a fantasy fulfilled like that I can't even describe what it felt like. Don't get me wrong it wasn't like she could press me up and down or anything like that yet but just the feeling was amazing.

We're getting married next year and she is adamant that she will be able to do the overhead lift properly by then. Considering she can lift my weight the way she does I would love to see her do it to 1 of her smaller friends. That would be unreal. :tt1:

Like I said, I'm very lucky to be someone who genuinely seems to enjoy it like I do. It's early days so I can wait to see what she's capable of.

I've had bits of l & c experiences with previous partners I've had but they either weren't into it at all or weren't anywhere near as strong as she is.

Trust me guys if you make the idea fun to them and they see it like my partner does then it's worth it 100000000%

Angeleye July 11th, 2020 20:06


Originally Posted by CageDemon (Post 242963)
Wow that's impressive! Did she use 2 hands or 1 because that is some serious strength if it was just the one. With 2 it's still very good.

As an update from me, I'm really lucky with my fianc? as she is now really into l & c. She said she really loves the feeling of being in control.

She loves trying harder and harder lifts with me now. She's 5'8" and an athletic 8st 9 ish and I'm 5'9" and 152lbs.

Because she's so open to l & c we've been trying lots of things lately and she can easily do shoulder lifts, leg press etc but I challenged her to try the hardest lift of all a couple of weeks ago and to my amazement she was really up for it.

She had 4 attempts at an overhead lift with me. The 1st time our balance was all over but she managed to rest my bodyweight on her head for a couple of seconds before having to put me down. The 2nd time she genuinely had my whole weight above her head with her hands on my chest and leg. It was only for a second or 2 and some of my weight still resting on her head but my god I was amazed she was able to do it.

The 3rd and 4th times she got really frustrated because we couldn't get our balance and we called it a day.

To have a fantasy fulfilled like that I can't even describe what it felt like. Don't get me wrong it wasn't like she could press me up and down or anything like that yet but just the feeling was amazing.

We're getting married next year and she is adamant that she will be able to do the overhead lift properly by then. Considering she can lift my weight the way she does I would love to see her do it to 1 of her smaller friends. That would be unreal. :tt1:

Like I said, I'm very lucky to be someone who genuinely seems to enjoy it like I do. It's early days so I can wait to see what she's capable of.

I've had bits of l & c experiences with previous partners I've had but they either weren't into it at all or weren't anywhere near as strong as she is.

Trust me guys if you make the idea fun to them and they see it like my partner does then it's worth it 100000000%

Congrats cage, thatd be awesome to see even with blurred out faces :)

CageDemon July 12th, 2020 13:00

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Angeleye (Post 242969)
Congrats cage, thatd be awesome to see even with blurred out faces :)

OK so this is a 1 time only thing. I won't ever release others images without blurred faces etc so please don't even ask.

The attached image is my amazing lady getting pretty damn close to an overhead lift. :tt1:

If any other members would like to try and emulate this with their partners and post similar photos to this forum that was would awesome. Be brave and do it.;)

Angeleye July 12th, 2020 14:33


Originally Posted by CageDemon (Post 242989)
OK so this is a 1 time only thing. I won't ever release others images without blurred faces etc so please don't even ask.

The attached image is my amazing lady getting pretty damn close to an overhead lift. :tt1:

If any other members would like to try and emulate this with their partners and post similar photos to this forum that was would awesome. Be brave and do it.;)

Ok thats just ridiculously impressive. Fingers crossed she pulls off the full extension in a pic one day!

CageDemon July 12th, 2020 16:13


Originally Posted by Angeleye (Post 242993)
Ok thats just ridiculously impressive. Fingers crossed she pulls off the full extension in a pic one day!

One day hopefully my friend. She's awesome and trust me it felt incredible.

Angeleye July 12th, 2020 21:09


Originally Posted by CageDemon (Post 242998)
One day hopefully my friend. She's awesome and trust me it felt incredible.

Looks incredible! Good look capturing it Cage

pefemti July 13th, 2020 19:47


Originally Posted by pefemti (Post 242934)
I handed my wife a 20 lb dumbell the other day, and asked her if she was able to curl it. She did 22 repetitions.

She curled it with her right arm, claiming it is her stronger.
I always knew my wife is quite strong, but she makes it a non-topic. Trying to lift me is out of the question. However, our 17-year old son was messing with her, "attacking" her from behind. She then scooped him up in a cradle, saying "don't even go there, I'm still your mom".
My wife is sweet, pretty and of average height, weighing about 60 kg. She doesn't have defined muscles, but her bicep makes a noticeable bulge. I've seen her curl a 50lb barbell for 12 repetitions.
Occasionally, she will display her strength. That can happen when she's a bit tipsy and/or she's in a playful mood. One time, when we spent the night at her parents', this happened. We were foolig around in bed in the morning. She suddenly asked me if I think her arms are too big. I said they look very nice. She then flexed a bicep and said "kiss it!".
After getting out of bed, when talking to her family, she was still in that mood, saying something about being strong. Her dad said "Oh, yeah. Let's arm wrestle." Well, I assume he regretted asking, because he was humiliated. He even tucked his arm in, making her stretch across the table.
I managed to snap a picture of the "battle".

tjw1971 July 17th, 2020 20:10

Yep! Awesome stuff!
That's the thing I found the absolute most fun about L&C! It's incredible when you can find a female partner who is really into it like this and enjoys challenging herself to do new/harder lifts.

My wife went through a phase where I got her interested in it, and it helped she'd decided she wanted to do weightlifting in the gym again too. (She did it back in her college days, and we found there was some of that "muscle memory" effect where lifting heavy again made the muscles grow pretty quickly back to the size they used to be from working out years before.)

I never really got her to do more than some leg presses, piggybacks and calf raises with me on her back, but she was clearly strong enough to do more lifting with me than she did. I think she was conflicted, because she's always been a bigger girl (5'10" and 235lbs. or so currently) and wanted to lose some weight vs building any bigger muscles and bulking up further. But I'd actually gained some weight myself and hadn't weighed myself in years. So when she asked me how much i weighed, I told her "around 190-192" and was actually more like 220. She picked me up in a piggyback from sitting on the edge of the bed with my legs over the edge, using just her arm strength to boost me up, and bounced me on her back a few times, catching me in her hands under my thighs - saying, "Hmm.. ok. You feel like you weigh a little more than 190."

But the only time I really saw a better display of what she could really lift was when she was goofing around with our oldest son. He just turned 18 and he's a big kid ... 6' tall and built like a football quarterback. Weighs about 295-300. She scooped him up into a cradle carry like a giant baby and rocked him back and forth, teasing him that she could still do it like when he was little.


As an update from me, I'm really lucky with my fianc? as she is now really into l & c. She said she really loves the feeling of being in control.

She loves trying harder and harder lifts with me now. She's 5'8" and an athletic 8st 9 ish and I'm 5'9" and 152lbs.

Because she's so open to l & c we've been trying lots of things lately and she can easily do shoulder lifts, leg press etc but I challenged her to try the hardest lift of all a couple of weeks ago and to my amazement she was really up for it.

She had 4 attempts at an overhead lift with me. The 1st time our balance was all over but she managed to rest my bodyweight on her head for a couple of seconds before having to put me down. The 2nd time she genuinely had my whole weight above her head with her hands on my chest and leg. It was only for a second or 2 and some of my weight still resting on her head but my god I was amazed she was able to do it.

The 3rd and 4th times she got really frustrated because we couldn't get our balance and we called it a day.

To have a fantasy fulfilled like that I can't even describe what it felt like. Don't get me wrong it wasn't like she could press me up and down or anything like that yet but just the feeling was amazing.

We're getting married next year and she is adamant that she will be able to do the overhead lift properly by then. Considering she can lift my weight the way she does I would love to see her do it to 1 of her smaller friends. That would be unreal. :tt1:

Like I said, I'm very lucky to be someone who genuinely seems to enjoy it like I do. It's early days so I can wait to see what she's capable of.

I've had bits of l & c experiences with previous partners I've had but they either weren't into it at all or weren't anywhere near as strong as she is.

Trust me guys if you make the idea fun to them and they see it like my partner does then it's worth it 100000000%

phantom23 July 19th, 2020 15:30

That's a huge quarterback! Any pics of that lift??

tjw1971 July 19th, 2020 19:35

No, unfortunately I don't. She probably would have found that kind of weird if I did try to photograph it since it was more of a spontaneous thing with them goofing around. (She'd know I would have wanted a photo like that with ulterior motives.)

He eats us out of house and home though! When she went to scoop him up for the cradle, I really expected she wasn't going to quite get him off the ground and would wind up dropping him or something. She struggled a little until she got her arms horizontal but she was determined to do it, and looked a little bit proud of herself at that point, when she rocked him back and forth.


Originally Posted by phantom23 (Post 243209)
That's a huge quarterback! Any pics of that lift??

sportsfan007 August 25th, 2020 16:17

strong women

Originally Posted by davelifted (Post 239602)
I've known/know a number of women who are stronger than me, and not noticeably muscular either. The most surprising is this one, who pinned me quite easily and then picked me up, saying "you're not very heavy" - and I'm at least 40lbs heavier than she is !

Davelifted This women is someone I want lifting me up, strong body nice looking. Do you know how to reach her, I like a strong women.

sportsfan007 September 8th, 2020 03:39

strong wife
To TJW1971

Wow your ex wife is a powerhouse strong women. Are you in contact with her still. She is an awesome women does she workout as hard today.

I wish she would lift me up and give me a ride down the street, i'm impressed with a powerful women.

AssMaster197 September 23rd, 2020 22:55

My gf is 5?9.5? - 5?10? and 185lbs, and she had naturally strong legs where when she started leg pressing she was doing 450-500lbs (380lbs of plates) for up to 8 reps. Her calves are like marble upside down coke bottles, she has actually sitter me on her lap on just one leg for up to 10 minutes at a time, has cradled me, front straddled me etc. She even piggybacked me up the stairs a couple weeks ago.

tjw1971 September 24th, 2020 02:45

re: ex-wife
No.... unfortunately, we parted on pretty bad terms. There was a lot that didn't go well with that marriage. (Probably was where I learned that life lesson that trying to have a long-term relationship or marriage with someone based primarily on the physical attraction isn't really a good idea.)

We had a few phases where we were on speaking terms again and talked a while on the phone -- but I think that's come to an end at this point too. The last time I talked to her, she was going to a local gym regularly but I think mostly doing stuff like the elliptical machine. So unfortunately, probably caught up in trying to lose weight more than gain or keep muscle.

The very last cool "display of strength" thing I remember her telling me was maybe a year or two after we were divorced. She had some people over at her place and said these two women she was friends with were both really big (around 300lbs. each). And at some point, on a dare, she got on her hands and knees and gave both of them a pony ride across the room at the same time.


Originally Posted by sportsfan007 (Post 245072)
To TJW1971

Wow your ex wife is a powerhouse strong women. Are you in contact with her still. She is an awesome women does she workout as hard today.

I wish she would lift me up and give me a ride down the street, i'm impressed with a powerful women.

tjw1971 September 24th, 2020 03:29

re: g/f
Is she actively lifting weights now or anything, or was that just a one time thing to see what she could leg press?

I've known a few women like that, who were naturally strong enough to just start right out leg pressing 450lbs. or so. And all of them were able to double those lifts in under a year of at least somewhat regular workouts. I know most people seriously into weightlifting want to use the sleds you put free weights on for leg presses. But to encourage a woman to feel strong and like she's making real progress, those Universal machines where you stick a key in the weight stack are great too. Depending on the machine, some of them only have a total of 750lbs. or so of plates on them, so someone as strong as your girlfriend could pretty quickly hit a goal of pressing the whole stack.

(And depending on the machine and the situation, you might be able to stand on the weight stack and take a ride too. A long time ago, I used to use the weight room in a local YMCA on Saturdays and a few of the female swim instructors would come in there to lift weights and use the exercise bike and so forth. One of them was a black gal with really thick, strong legs, and I saw her leg pressing about half of the weight stack like it was nothing. So one time, I just jokingly climbed up on it and told her to give me a ride, and she pressed me for about 10 reps. She laughed about it, saying "That's easier than getting up to move the key!" But it depends on the design of the machine because some have the weight stack all enclosed in kind of a frame, where you'd have no way to stand up on the top plate. This was an older one with just a pole in the center so you could just stand with one foot on each side of the plate and hold onto the pole if you wanted to make sure you didn't fall off!)

Making the piggyback ride up the stairs a regular thing would be a great idea too. I know when my ex used to give them to me, it was pretty cool watching her progress from struggling a bit on the last few steps to getting strong enough to just go right to the top like it was no big deal!


Originally Posted by AssMaster197 (Post 245484)
My gf is 5?9.5? - 5?10? and 185lbs, and she had naturally strong legs where when she started leg pressing she was doing 450-500lbs (380lbs of plates) for up to 8 reps. Her calves are like marble upside down coke bottles, she has actually sitter me on her lap on just one leg for up to 10 minutes at a time, has cradled me, front straddled me etc. She even piggybacked me up the stairs a couple weeks ago.

AssMaster197 September 24th, 2020 05:29


Originally Posted by tjw1971 (Post 245488)
Is she actively lifting weights now or anything, or was that just a one time thing to see what she could leg press?

I've known a few women like that, who were naturally strong enough to just start right out leg pressing 450lbs. or so. And all of them were able to double those lifts in under a year of at least somewhat regular workouts. I know most people seriously into weightlifting want to use the sleds you put free weights on for leg presses. But to encourage a woman to feel strong and like she's making real progress, those Universal machines where you stick a key in the weight stack are great too. Depending on the machine, some of them only have a total of 750lbs. or so of plates on them, so someone as strong as your girlfriend could pretty quickly hit a goal of pressing the whole stack.

(And depending on the machine and the situation, you might be able to stand on the weight stack and take a ride too. A long time ago, I used to use the weight room in a local YMCA on Saturdays and a few of the female swim instructors would come in there to lift weights and use the exercise bike and so forth. One of them was a black gal with really thick, strong legs, and I saw her leg pressing about half of the weight stack like it was nothing. So one time, I just jokingly climbed up on it and told her to give me a ride, and she pressed me for about 10 reps. She laughed about it, saying "That's easier than getting up to move the key!" But it depends on the design of the machine because some have the weight stack all enclosed in kind of a frame, where you'd have no way to stand up on the top plate. This was an older one with just a pole in the center so you could just stand with one foot on each side of the plate and hold onto the pole if you wanted to make sure you didn't fall off!)

Making the piggyback ride up the stairs a regular thing would be a great idea too. I know when my ex used to give them to me, it was pretty cool watching her progress from struggling a bit on the last few steps to getting strong enough to just go right to the top like it was no big deal!

Shame it didn’t work out for you to, don’t worry you’ll find someone even better and by that I mean stronger ��. Also, she got her calves from tip toeing up the stairs all the time as a kid, she has also cracked me as well and I’m not a small guy, not that big but tall. Also that strong black girl at the gym sounds awesome. Physically and affectionately we’re pretty role reversed I’m just about always the little spoon and curl into her when we cuddle.

Here’s what she looks like btw

And here are some pictures of her lifting

JaseB October 4th, 2020 13:41

namadosoohay October 14th, 2020 04:24

My first girlfriend was pretty muscular, thick legs in particular which I suppose makes sense as she grew up playing soccer. The first time she ever lifted me was kinda as a joke as her tomboy nature made her want to show off her strength and I think she realized I was into it and we'd lift each other for fun.

She was bout 5'5", 130ish I'd guess. I was probably around 5'9", 160. Not a huge size difference between us or anything but still impressive given I'd never been lifted before her and I'm fairly sure she could've still lifted me if I was heavier. Sitting on her shoulders and feeling super tall was cool.

phantom23 October 17th, 2020 17:10


Originally Posted by namadosoohay (Post 246220)
My first girlfriend was pretty muscular, thick legs in particular which I suppose makes sense as she grew up playing soccer. The first time she ever lifted me was kinda as a joke as her tomboy nature made her want to show off her strength and I think she realized I was into it and we'd lift each other for fun.

She was bout 5'5", 130ish I'd guess. I was probably around 5'9", 160. Not a huge size difference between us or anything but still impressive given I'd never been lifted before her and I'm fairly sure she could've still lifted me if I was heavier. Sitting on her shoulders and feeling super tall was cool.

Any pics of her you could share??

namadosoohay October 19th, 2020 03:22

Unfortunately no, as she was my first girlfriend any pics of us were from when we were teens and not yet of age. She has no social media presence now that I can see. Curious how she looks all this time later.

Slevin October 21st, 2020 21:26

It’s damn near impossible now, because all the muscle girls have thousands upon thousands of Instagram followers

AssMaster197 November 8th, 2020 18:45

1 Attachment(s)
Here?s another cradle carry picture from her

AssMaster197 November 11th, 2020 02:08

Sorry I realized I already posted that image two posts earlier

pefemti January 29th, 2021 09:37

As I've mentioned previously in this thread, my wife is fairly strong. She's about 60 kg and does not have defined muscles, but her bicep makes a noticeable bulge.
She went shopping with a friend the other day. When she came home, she appeared annoyed and elated at the same time, saying she had tried on some really nice shirts or blouses, but they were too tight on her arms. She was afraid they would burst if she bent her arm.
Here is a picture of reading a book, not flexing.

aaltra January 30th, 2021 13:58

Wow, it looks really big ! Have you ever try to armwrestle with her ? Measure it ?

Thanks !!


Originally Posted by pefemti (Post 249969)
As I've mentioned previously in this thread, my wife is fairly strong. She's about 60 kg and does not have defined muscles, but her bicep makes a noticeable bulge.
She went shopping with a friend the other day. When she came home, she appeared annoyed and elated at the same time, saying she had tried on some really nice shirts or blouses, but they were too tight on her arms. She was afraid they would burst if she bent her arm.
Here is a picture of reading a book, not flexing.

pefemti February 28th, 2021 15:56

I challenged my wife to a strength test yesterday. She's not competitive at all, but reluctantly agreed.
We did bicep curls with a barbell and used an online calculator to figure out the score relative to our bodyweight and age.
Her result was "stronger than 89% of women in your age group".
She was curling 20kg (45 lbs). When she reached 20 repetitions, she said "that will have to do. I'm bored". I'm sure she could have done a few more.

Angeleye February 28th, 2021 16:17


Originally Posted by CageDemon (Post 242998)
One day hopefully my friend. She's awesome and trust me it felt incredible.

Cage did you manage to get your overhead lift? :)

CageDemon February 28th, 2021 21:41


Originally Posted by Angeleye (Post 251106)
Cage did you manage to get your overhead lift? :)

Not yet brother but she starts training again on Tuesday as she's determined to get super-fit for our wedding day later this year.

She's awesome though. She even talks me through role-plays of what she would do to me and how she will lift me overhead.

She also talks about being able to lift a girl she works with overhead. The girl is about the same height as her but probably only weighs around 100lbs. She says she thinks she could do it easily to her and would love to do something like that in front of me to show how dominant she would be.

She's really into it now. :wub:

Angeleye February 28th, 2021 22:35


Originally Posted by CageDemon (Post 251114)
Not yet brother but she starts training again on Tuesday as she's determined to get super-fit for our wedding day later this year.

She's awesome though. She even talks me through role-plays of what she would do to me and how she will lift me overhead.

She also talks about being able to lift a girl she works with overhead. The girl is about the same height as her but probably only weighs around 100lbs. She says she thinks she could do it easily to her and would love to do something like that in front of me to show how dominant she would be.

She's really into it now. :wub:

Maybe she'll do it on the wedding haha :thumbup1:
Fingers crossed for anything else you show blurred out

Lucky Luke December 11th, 2023 11:13

A good few years ago, I met a girl on a dating site. This was before I realised I was into strong girls. She was just doing odd jobs, one of which was working as a builder's labourer. So she and I got roped into helping a friend of mine replace his patio. He was replacing old UK council slabs (20" x 20", 2" thick concrete) with nice stone slabs.

These council slabs are heavy. I reckon about 40kg each. The job is to lift them and take them from the back of the house to the front.

My friend and I were lifting them and putting them to one side. Intend to use a wheelbarrow to cart 2 or 3 of them at a time round to the front. Then along comes my new girlfriend, picks up one- easily- and takes it round the front. Next time she comes back she picked up 2. This, she struggled with, but she did pick up, in very much a Husafell Stone type lift. When I saw her doing this, I said "f*** me, you're strong", she just giggled and said "yes". That night, in bed, I couldn't stop thinking about it and I said that it turned me on.... and that was it, I was hooked on strong women from that point.

Not a great photo of her, but this was from the days when cameras on phones were a new thing:

I then basically actively sought out bigger girls, and met this lovely lady:

Only went on a few dates, but she was incredibly strong too (and this time, didn't really know it- which is very sexy in its own way).

lcand223 December 16th, 2023 23:06

Ever seen her lift and carry another woman?

CageDemon December 17th, 2023 00:39

No photos?

Originally Posted by Lucky Luke (Post 287891)
A good few years ago, I met a girl on a dating site. This was before I realised I was into strong girls. She was just doing odd jobs, one of which was working as a builder's labourer. So she and I got roped into helping a friend of mine replace his patio. He was replacing old UK council slabs (20" x 20", 2" thick concrete) with nice stone slabs.

These council slabs are heavy. I reckon about 40kg each. The job is to lift them and take them from the back of the house to the front.

My friend and I were lifting them and putting them to one side. Intend to use a wheelbarrow to cart 2 or 3 of them at a time round to the front. Then along comes my new girlfriend, picks up one- easily- and takes it round the front. Next time she comes back she picked up 2. This, she struggled with, but she did pick up, in very much a Husafell Stone type lift. When I saw her doing this, I said "f*** me, you're strong", she just giggled and said "yes". That night, in bed, I couldn't stop thinking about it and I said that it turned me on.... and that was it, I was hooked on strong women from that point.

Not a great photo of her, but this was from the days when cameras on phones were a new thing:

I then basically actively sought out bigger girls, and met this lovely lady:

Only went on a few dates, but she was incredibly strong too (and this time, didn't really know it- which is very sexy in its own way).

Seems like there should have been photos in your post of the 2 women you're talking about but nothing is there? I'd really like to see them to see what their body types are like after your description.

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