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uplifting_trance August 29th, 2013 14:42

Have you ever wished that you didn't have this fetish?
Personally sometimes i feel that L&C fetish is one of the most difficult fetishes,especially F/M,and particularly if you like bigger lifting smaller F/M...because chances are very low to enjoy it. It depends more on luck instead on your own achievements.

- First of all if you are over 5'9" you'll face many difficulties. At 5'5"-5'9" you'll still have your the ideal is 5'5" and under.
- So if you are short,then you have to keep your weight down,so you will enjoy your "giantess vs ant" fetish.
- Still...even if you are ant-size,you must have plenty of money in order to pay for proffesionals to enjoy your fantasy constantly,because finding a gf at this rate is tough. Not only because the majority of girls prefer the guy to be taller,but even if some of them don't care about height,then they might not accept your fetish!!!

So as you can see...chances are so low for this "sub-category" of L&C. :(

The only thing you can do is to use your fantasy,by viewing pics of large women and fantasize yourself being ant-size and getting carried around by them.

Yet,i know that there are many women who can lift over 200 lbs,but still it's not the giantess lifting ant,i'm reffering to!;)

liftergio August 29th, 2013 14:59


i totally can relate to that.
Im into MF mostly, and some wrestling F/F , but most of all . Crotch lifts. on women.

Thats so emberrasing, sometimes when i see for example a movie with a girl being hoisted up by her crotch like in riddick where Vin Diesel literally lifts a girl up and grabs a bar, so shes kinda hanging up on his arm between her legs....
i was with girls when i watched that, and i totally had to hide my arousal.... thing.
That was embarassing because girls are kinda sneaky and they immediately know when something turns you on they can tell.

or when one of my close friends lifted the bargirl over a counter and benchpressed her.
thats another time when i KNEW i was blushing and suddenly had to sit down.

uplifting_trance August 30th, 2013 18:46

If you are into M/F then you are luckier i guess,because you have many many more chances to enjoy it,since most women are much smaller than men,and it's the most acceptable lift and carry.

mikerojo September 5th, 2013 06:48


allffcradles September 6th, 2013 00:14

When I was growing up (As I keep reminding you all I've been turned on by women carried since I was an infant, long before I knew what fetishes were!)
I did wish I didn't have this fetish as it can be frustrating, a big distraction etc. Watching a video over and over again to see a carry scene.... I made peace thanks to finding ffcarries website cos I realised I wasn't alone! So I did make peace! Back then I didn't favour ff as such, just liked seeing women carried and of course is more common to see mf than ff, ff is rather specialised... Easy option would be to choose a common fetish as it can be difficult for us at times, being part of a rarer interest....

Well there is that comic story of mine where I was looking at a Tekken 3 chinese comic, yet I don't like the game series and by chance one issue had an ff cradle, I was hooked on those pages for a long time to the point I was told to leave and yep I did soil my pants in public whilst standing! (I was 14 then, don't think anyone knew that happened at least)

A few years after finding carrying communities online I finally told people I knew about it and nowadays I am quite open about it with strangers (not in person usually of course, only one family member knows and they're a cousin I hardly see)

So I thank the lift and carry communities past present and future for giving me some sort of peace with my fetish! Even so time does fly by when I intend for a quick browse.... Anyhow I haven't regretted developing this fetish for a long time now, it really is beautiful!

Snowstormbanana September 6th, 2013 23:59

Yes and no, i've found it difficult to live with a few times but i've never wished i didn't have it. Well never in a way i meant it anyways

pikey September 7th, 2013 09:23

Yes I've always thought it to be wrong to be turned on by this. But in reality I had no choice in the matter. I've only fairly recently started to embrace the fetish since it's an easy way to get turned on.

I do keep it firmly in the closet in life still. But I'm happy to embrace it online.

allffcradles September 7th, 2013 09:59

It's as innocent as fetishes go and clean so it's not bad! I know someone that has a thing for blood, doesn't sound healthy at all!

wm1122 September 7th, 2013 15:31

The reality is everyone has that secret fetish. "Psychologists and medical practitioners regard fetishism as normal variations of human sexuality"

I don't have any regret to having this fetish/hobby. While it is a fetish that requires significant time to enjoy, searching for photos videos, (which yeah might be good to not spend as much time), but look at everyone else. How much time do they spend on video games and Facebook stalking of high school and college friends? I don't think its any more unhealthy and a waste of time then those other hobbies a lot of people do and admit too.

The reality is all fetishes are creepy to those you approach if they don't know you or aren't familiar with you or your taste. Is asking a random girl to pick you up, or a girl to pick up her friends because you like to see it creepy? Yes very much so lol. But is asking a random girl to let you look at her feet, or try on a particular item of clothing creepy too? Yes it is lol. Anytime you ask someone to do something for your sexual enjoyment IE your fetish that would not be into you sexually is creepy.

However, if it is someone you trust and love and they are into you sexually there should be no ashame. Its a fetish. Its normal. Granted I like f/f so its pretty much impossible unless I convince my wife to turn bi for me to ever really experience that first hand, as again how would we approach another female to let my wife pic her up without it being super creepy? Not really possible lol. So other then the very fortunate random observations of f/f I have, The last one was about 10 years ago lol, I can't enjoy this one in person.

I did screw up though. I had an ex gf who knew of my like in this, but we never went there. Two years ago after I got married to someone else, we randomly started texting one night. And it came out that she had been with a women sexually after we broke up. And I asked if she carried her to bed, she said no, that would be something that she would only do if I was there, since that was my thing. DAMN IT!!!!!! FUCK!!!! LOL. I never cheated on my wife, but oh the urge was there.
We even went into a great deal in out texting on should my ex carry the girl, or the girl carry my ex. My ex even said she would carry me.

Anyway, live and learn. The wife, is very much not into girls. Trust me I have tried to see if I could go there lol.

Slevin September 7th, 2013 15:53

Instead of wishing not to have it, I'd rather have the ability to wish it on other people.

allffcradles September 10th, 2013 02:01


Originally Posted by wm1122 (Post 118970)
The reality is everyone has that secret fetish. "Psychologists and medical practitioners regard fetishism as normal variations of human sexuality"

I don't have any regret to having this fetish/hobby. While it is a fetish that requires significant time to enjoy, searching for photos videos, (which yeah might be good to not spend as much time), but look at everyone else. How much time do they spend on video games and Facebook stalking of high school and college friends? I don't think its any more unhealthy and a waste of time then those other hobbies a lot of people do and admit too.

The reality is all fetishes are creepy to those you approach if they don't know you or aren't familiar with you or your taste. Is asking a random girl to pick you up, or a girl to pick up her friends because you like to see it creepy? Yes very much so lol. But is asking a random girl to let you look at her feet, or try on a particular item of clothing creepy too? Yes it is lol. Anytime you ask someone to do something for your sexual enjoyment IE your fetish that would not be into you sexually is creepy.

However, if it is someone you trust and love and they are into you sexually there should be no ashame. Its a fetish. Its normal. Granted I like f/f so its pretty much impossible unless I convince my wife to turn bi for me to ever really experience that first hand, as again how would we approach another female to let my wife pic her up without it being super creepy? Not really possible lol. So other then the very fortunate random observations of f/f I have, The last one was about 10 years ago lol, I can't enjoy this one in person.

I did screw up though. I had an ex gf who knew of my like in this, but we never went there. Two years ago after I got married to someone else, we randomly started texting one night. And it came out that she had been with a women sexually after we broke up. And I asked if she carried her to bed, she said no, that would be something that she would only do if I was there, since that was my thing. DAMN IT!!!!!! FUCK!!!! LOL. I never cheated on my wife, but oh the urge was there.
We even went into a great deal in out texting on should my ex carry the girl, or the girl carry my ex. My ex even said she would carry me.

Anyway, live and learn. The wife, is very much not into girls. Trust me I have tried to see if I could go there lol.

Well some people even if strangers are very tolerable, I'll tell them about the fetish, they'll find it strange alright but not creepy at all, it's not if you look into it and understand fetishes to some level.... Is true usually about fear is from lack of understanding...

Well it always pains me when I talk to women that have never been carried in their adult life, there was a story that I never saved though I wanted to called 'No harm no foul' on that web tv website, carried away or something, from years back. Think the owner was called Adam, if you're here please put that story up! The story had some guy that had a device of creating a temporary instance of reality where he can carry whoever he wanted and when he was done, cos it was done in a copy of the universe he hadn't done anything bad in the real world! :), he also was able to look up the carry history of each woman, the last story is the one I want to save, where he carries this woman with an ego, think she was a weather reporter if I remember right, he had his friend threaten to shoot them if he doesn't carry the woman over his shoulder! :) After he puts her down she tries to run but gets swept off her feet into the main guy's arms.... Would like to read it all again!

I fully agree Slevin, the amount of women who tell me they don't like being carried.... I need to change that! ;)

uplifting_trance September 10th, 2013 14:03

A question....would anyone go that far to increase/decrease his height according to his preferences just for his fetish? :hmm:

allffcradles September 11th, 2013 13:04

I can understand people having surgery to lose weight but to do it to change height is a step too far and certainly for the sake of a fetish that is very unhealthy and stupid, generally people should learn to accept themselves as themselves but society has lost that with all the things people do now, some even have bones in their toes removed to fit into smaller shoes?!

uplifting_trance September 11th, 2013 20:00


Originally Posted by allffcradles (Post 119249)
I can understand people having surgery to lose weight but to do it to change height is a step too far and certainly for the sake of a fetish that is very unhealthy and stupid, generally people should learn to accept themselves as themselves but society has lost that with all the things people do now, some even have bones in their toes removed to fit into smaller shoes?!

For me sometimes i think i would like to have a surgery to be shorter,but there are times when i think "oh come on,it's a waste of money". It depends on the mood actually

Bmiles90 September 11th, 2013 23:29

Its funny because I didnt even know how the fetish came about. Ive had it since I say about 14 or 15. Im 23 now. I love F/F lifts (includes wrestling) and F/M lifts. I downplay my love for lift and carry in public because ppl may find me weird lol. Thats why Im glad i joined this forum. To talk with ppl who have the same love for the fetish as I do. Ive always wondered if my fetish for LC will ever die down overtime. But to be honest I hope it never does because at the end of the day everybody probably has a secret fetish that theyre scared to reveal to the general public.

uplifting_trance September 11th, 2013 23:46

Personaly i'd be shy to be caried by a woman in public,because people would stare at us. I think most of us feel that way:)

Bmiles90 September 12th, 2013 00:27

Yes! It would definitely have to be in a private setting.

allffcradles September 13th, 2013 23:52


Originally Posted by uplifting_trance (Post 119274)
For me sometimes i think i would like to have a surgery to be shorter,but there are times when i think "oh come on,it's a waste of money". It depends on the mood actually

Any drastic change for the sake of a fetish is stupid

hugo42 November 9th, 2013 02:25

Just wanted to say that I know this forum is primarily catered to f/m and f/f carries, but I still want to give my perspective on my m/f and f/f fetish.

I'm kind of embarrassed about it to an extent. My g/f knows about my fetish, and one of my good friends "kind of" knows I love lift and carry. She allows me to videotape her being carried, but I have to walk a fine line to keep from coming off as creepy. For instance, I've always fantasized about carrying a limp woman with her arms swaying on video. When I pick her up, I tell her to go limp, and that's as far as I can take it.

I had thousands of pics of f/f on my phone, and my friend accidentally looked through my phone and discovered my cache (oops!). Luckily, she didn't really say anything negative about it. I haven't told anyone else about my fetish. I remember at one point I calculated how much I had spent on videos related to lift and carry mainly from sleeperkid and velvets. I think I spent close to $200 at the time. I just couldn't get enough of watching f/f carrying especially when there were multiple carries or ots carries involving limp limbs.

wetten1984 January 28th, 2015 19:53

many times, but never got rid of it...

dodge77 January 30th, 2015 02:11

I get embarrassed when I'm around bigger women and my wife. I don't think my wife knows how I love bigger/taller/stronger girls. When I'm around my 2 coworker women that are very good size I find myself slouching a little on purpose bc I like them to be even taller.

Piggy November 7th, 2021 18:21

Sometimes I think this fetish is weird, mostly because I've never heard anyone close to me with something similar, plus it's hard to find new content on the net.

2010xsf November 7th, 2021 22:06


Originally Posted by dodge77 (Post 150641)
I get embarrassed when I'm around bigger women and my wife. I don't think my wife knows how I love bigger/taller/stronger girls. When I'm around my 2 coworker women that are very good size I find myself slouching a little on purpose bc I like them to be even taller.

I understand you ... what is your height and weight and that of your coworkers?

montebrown November 7th, 2021 23:03

Sometimes I feel like it is a curse for me. I have always been large which makes it very difficult to find a willing participant.

I have also been overweight most of my life. I am currently 6’1 and about 280 lbs. Even if I slim down, I will still be around 220. Most session girls won’t even be willing.

To make mattters worse, I prefer more petite girls or fitness types which makes it nearly impossible. My first love was Marika from SI many years ago. At that time I was just over 200lbs. I could not find anyone that would consider a session other than a few larger woman that were not that appealing to me at that time.

furrypants November 20th, 2021 12:34

I wish something else did it for me, which would not mark me as a freak or pervert. If I only just liked tits and ass it would be far better.

Bbwbearhug November 20th, 2021 19:36

The only time I wished I didn’t have it, was when it kept getting in the way of my previous relationship. It started becoming a burden because I didn’t know how to control it. After many attempts to remove it from my life, now I’ve embraced it as a unique part of myself. It’s a pain in the ass to find the right content, but I enjoy searching as much as consuming.

For those that wish to get rid of it, you can, but it really never goes away, you can quiet it down. I did nofap for close to 200 days, and I managed to quiet it down.

It’s nice to be a part of this community because we all share the same unique fetish.

ohno November 26th, 2021 18:22

I guess I've just sort of accepted that I have it and in my opinion there are much worse fetishes to have the only difficult thing is finding good content.

liftandcarryff April 28th, 2022 18:24

well, sometimes I wish I woudn't have it, because its hard to find porn for it (most porn features men and woman, or if you get lesbians they never lift), its even harder to do it in person (people would think you are wierd when watching 2 girls lift in the distance)

at least I got this comunity now, before it was realy hard, if you found some videos, they were staged, they were eather lift and carry challenge but I prefered more natural lifts combined with kissing and having sex, which were rare (you eather find people lifting, people kissing or people having sex, this things just don't cross well :( )

phoneman May 1st, 2022 18:30


Originally Posted by liftandcarryff (Post 266706)
well, sometimes I wish I woudn't have it, because its hard to find porn for it (most porn features men and woman, or if you get lesbians they never lift), its even harder to do it in person (people would think you are wierd when watching 2 girls lift in the distance)

at least I got this comunity now, before it was realy hard, if you found some videos, they were staged, they were eather lift and carry challenge but I prefered more natural lifts combined with kissing and having sex, which were rare (you eather find people lifting, people kissing or people having sex, this things just don't cross well :( )


Communisttaseen August 11th, 2022 13:40

Sometimes, I wished I was asexual. I feel this way because I think of this fetish that I have as a weakness. But then again there are weirder stuff out there so theres no point in kink shaming. I only wish if my kink was into something productive like studying (a bit too idealistic I know but hey).

yumimat1985 August 22nd, 2022 00:44

Sometimes I do. I've always loved lifting people up, especially overhead, OTS and cradle. But now my back hurts, so I'll watch other people do it. :)

tinkuthewimp1981 August 29th, 2022 09:44

I sometimes do wish that i didnt have the lift and carry fetish because deep from the bottom of my heart i know that i will never get lifted in real life, just can only dream about it

unknown989 September 8th, 2022 13:37

Honestly, Yes
I takes time to find good content. and you also feel suspicious, but it is what it is

sammysandhoro86 September 14th, 2022 09:33

Yes sometimes. Its because lift and carry in my country is still taboo. But I still jealous if I watch a girl lift her boyfriend or lift her husband, especially at tiktok.

Lao October 9th, 2022 02:21

Sometimes I feel guilty but after watching few videos my mind completely changes 😂

nauczyciel October 20th, 2022 13:07

Even if it msot of the time doesnt come to real life experiences it will remain a guilty pleasure, watchin a vid or two from time to time.
So i dont really regret it.

Jaredpersi October 24th, 2022 07:59

Sometimes because I consider is very difficult to convince a woman to lift you and only the fact to questioning her seems very strange and it usually ends in a frustrating scene.

PNW Shyguy October 28th, 2022 12:40

Yes I do sometimes wish I didn’t have it. I think people would make fun of me if they knew. My psychiatrist says there’s nothing morally wrong with it fortunately.

jonsky October 30th, 2022 13:36

Its nothing wrong moraly with that fetish, but its so rare and unnussual, for ordinary people comical and weird, that its hard to practise. And if you sugest LC to wrong person, you could experience laughing and disgrace. So must be very tactical. So its nice, but not easy live with that fetish.

benchwarmer25 November 6th, 2022 04:44

There have been several times where I wished I didn't have this fetish. I have felt embarrassed and not like a real man. I've tried multiple times to stop thinking about L&C or watching L&C videos and sometimes have been able to go a few months without it, but usually what happens is I'll see a clip in a movie/show or I'll have a dream related to L&C and the next thing I know I am binging L&C content. Lately I've been trying to just accept the fact that this fetish is an integral part of who I am as a person, and all in all I think it is better than being addicted to drugs or alcohol.

zebra November 6th, 2022 05:34

I almost never do. F/F stuff is one of the very few "quirks" that I have, and I'm very boring other than that. I'm not a fan of hard core porn or most weird fetishes. It's like a token thing.

I don't need or want it on more than an occasional basis, and I'm ambivalent about lifting sessions (especially in this economy). I don't need it to function (what a REAL fetish is). I'm also more than fine if my SO isn't into it, and that's always been the case. It's pretty harmless, and I don't think about it much outside of forums like this.

liftca December 27th, 2022 07:06

Yes. I think about it everyday. Why I have this kind of fetish..

shanks001 January 28th, 2023 02:39


Originally Posted by liftca (Post 276091)
Yes. I think about it everyday. Why I have this kind of fetish..

I agree fully. Outside looking in it seems so abstract, but i guess it’s something we all have to live with

shanks001 January 28th, 2023 02:42


Originally Posted by zebra (Post 274092)
I almost never do. F/F stuff is one of the very few "quirks" that I have, and I'm very boring other than that. I'm not a fan of hard core porn or most weird fetishes. It's like a token thing.

I don't need or want it on more than an occasional basis, and I'm ambivalent about lifting sessions (especially in this economy). I don't need it to function (what a REAL fetish is). I'm also more than fine if my SO isn't into it, and that's always been the case. It's pretty harmless, and I don't think about it much outside of forums like this.

I agree, I’m glad that it hasn’t interfered too much with everyday life (for me personally) and that it is ultimately harmless. Kind of fun!

Curt_connor January 30th, 2023 12:52

I think about it every day... Its tough to find fm lifting partners and at the risk of being laughed at.
Seems like a unfinished something in my brain constantly

justini April 18th, 2023 19:38

the thing is that this fetish i very rare and not so many people understand it. It may seem weird to outsider. But i have accepted it cuz it is impossible to undo my desire

Carrtes April 22nd, 2023 07:23


my fantasy is really hard to be accomplished in both real life or in pics/clips, because I am into L&C where a guy is lifted by a girl who is much smaller/petite, like half of his weight. There are very few clips out there that fulfills my fantasy and I just can't imagine a girl half my weight L&Cing me in real life...(i mean I can't even lift something twice my weight)

I wish I could find a more practical fetish but I guess this is the way I am haha

christinabdnr May 3rd, 2023 23:19

I dreamed not just of not having a fetish, but of not knowing what sex and masturbation were. I had a difficult period in my life and everything made me unacceptable and disgusted.

lcarry371 May 4th, 2023 06:09

yup, definitely. such a hard fetish to even explain to others. Also, finding pics/videos is so much harder. yet to find the perfect one :D

mk3000 May 13th, 2023 09:02

Definitely, it'd be easier if things were more vanilla.

xl May 17th, 2023 10:23

when i was 11 years boy i saw a lift scene on tv where the man lift cardle a girl and carry around the garden. I don't know why but i was fascinated and i want to lift a real mature woman and not a girl the same age as me. to be sure that i had the strength to lift a woman i trained hard for about six months. together with my parents, like every summer, we went to visit my aunt who lived in the mountains and it was the only time of the year that we met. as soon as we arrived my aunt greeted us, she looked at me and said that i had grown (she said this every time), but this time she immediately added with amazement that i had very muscular arms. for me that sentence was like an invitation and i lifted my aunt on a cardle a 40 year old woman. As it was my first lift, I was strangely not worried but confident that I could do it, extremely happy. my aunt cried out in amazement. I was also amazed that I still had enough strength left to carry her around the garden. I looked at her face while I was still supporting her and I could clearly see that she was extremely amazed and happy. after a while I put her back down and she commented that I was very strong and that she would never again think that her little nephew was capable of lifting a woman.

from that time on, i have continued to lift several women older than me on all possible occasions. now as an adult, i continue to lift as many women as possible.


Originally Posted by liftergio (Post 118260)

i totally can relate to that.
Im into MF mostly, and some wrestling F/F , but most of all . Crotch lifts. on women.

Thats so emberrasing, sometimes when i see for example a movie with a girl being hoisted up by her crotch like in riddick where Vin Diesel literally lifts a girl up and grabs a bar, so shes kinda hanging up on his arm between her legs....
i was with girls when i watched that, and i totally had to hide my arousal.... thing.
That was embarassing because girls are kinda sneaky and they immediately know when something turns you on they can tell.

or when one of my close friends lifted the bargirl over a counter and benchpressed her.
thats another time when i KNEW i was blushing and suddenly had to sit down.

Jackydidi July 26th, 2023 02:10

Having this fetish was a real problem for me since I was a kid, I thought I was the only one with this weird fetish. I’m so honestly so happy to have found this forum and to see that I’m not alone

nullvoid000 July 26th, 2023 07:49

Not anymore
Sure at first I thought it was the wierdest thing to have fetish about, but with time, I realized that everyone has a really wierd fetishes. So it doesn't bother me anymore

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