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Old December 28th, 2012, 09:04   #10
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Originally Posted by TheWolfe View Post
What seems to make women think L&C is creepy (outside of gender role stereotype issues) is that we sexualize a non-sexual act. The vast majority of material posted here is innocent photos of people behaving in a way they don't intend to be sexual. Then we go and find those photos they've posted to share with their friends and appropriate them for our own purposes here without their knowledge. We're driven to do this by an insatiable desire to see more and more images of L&C. For such an innocent, harmless act to rule us with such a strong craving could be viewed as creepy, couldn't it? When we come clean and ask our women to perform L&C for us, they feel like their security is violated because a simple, innocent act that they may have participated in now and then is now revealed to be a sexual act in your eyes. If you could sexualize that, what other innocent act might you sexualize? And if you, the person she's close to can do that, then how about that guy at work who she catches looking at her or some random guy at the supermarket? There are a lot of strange fetishes out there, much stranger than L&C, because guys can sexualize anything. Most women already know this but they suppress it until the guy they let into their life - the one they felt safe with - brought the creepy side of male sexuality in with him.

Of course there are women who are more open-minded, understanding and accepting than that but they're certainly the minority.
Well so far the few women I have told have been more open minded, albeit some were confused that such a thing can be a fetish. Some even think it's sweet, some brush it off if they're more knowledgeable of fantasies and what not (I myself don't get easily shocked as I've been online long enough to come across much weirder things, certainly less innocent) Well some yes aren't so keen to be lifted as you say once they know there's a hidden motive behind it but certainly creepy a very wrong way to view the thing (Unless it implies one using force, harrassment or threats to get their desires, as with the case of that mot23

Overall I will conclude fetishes are very misunderstood, heck I don't really understand why I have them myself (Part of the fun though) I can accept someone thinking lift and carry is strange but as for creepy I can never support that in its pure form, as in not tied with kidnap, chloroform, domination and the other darker extensions to it
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