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Old June 25th, 2013, 00:38   #84
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Haha, I have a friend, we are still very close & this was not too long ago. She is a wrestler, very strong & a bit of a tomboy... I don't know if she is stronger than me, but I sure know she believes she is. I've been wanting to test it out, but figured I'd be emberassed if she beat me in armwrestling and I'm not very strong. I did beat her in mercy but she said it's because my hands bigger than hers lol. She is extremely strong, I've seen pics where she beat 3 girls at once armwrestling and then a guy. She is about 5:5, she told me a few times that she could carry me, and that it was mostly technique. She's front lifted me a bunch of times, and cracked my back.
Anyways she is a university friend of mine & we lived in the same building, so one day, for some reason I started lifting her and her friend (firemans carry) and she was lifting her as well. We were just messing around. She then wanted to fireman's carry me, but I didn't think she could do it, so I let her try. To my surprised she lifted me up easily and then ran around for a few seconds even spinning me a few times. I felt pretty emberassed luckily nobody came & saw it 'cause I figured it would be extremely embarassing. She could easily have held me for longer. Later she wanted to take a picture of her lifting me to post on facebook, but I felt embarassed, so I declined...
I think about that regretfully now because I would like to have that pic ! I weighed about 180 at the time and she's about 140+ and built kind of muscular. Then my friend who's around 6ft 2 inches and 220 pounds came and was chilling with us, we were joking around and she wanted to try lift him. He did not want to be lifted & kept refusing though she kept asking. She really wanted to try. I was very disappointed she didnt get too lol.
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gsr3032000 (June 25th, 2013)