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Old September 9th, 2014, 19:48   #28
Join Date: Sep 2010
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Hi Daphne. Thank you, thank you, thank you so much for these latest videos, they are outstanding! Compliments to everyone involved.

If anyone is considering buying these videos, I thoroughly recommend that you do - the overhead lifts are outstanding, with a fine technique. You get to see the entire lift, with the liftees starting in a standing position. Even better, the liftees don't do the usual jump at the start of the lift to help out so the lifter has to do all the work - impressive! My only concern was that the crotch-lifting aspect seemed to be painful to the liftees, which is something I don't like seeing. It might be worth repositioning the lifter's hand slightly to where the inside top of the leg meets the groin. This may make it more manageable for the liftees.

It's unfortunate that Jenny won't be involved any more, she is an excellent liftee.
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overheadlift (September 10th, 2014)