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Old August 26th, 2015, 11:55   #77
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Originally Posted by ffcarry3746 View Post
i m big fan of Dunehands. i live in iran and i m well known vipos member in as ffcarry3746. is blocked in iran and we cant use visa card or master card. we must use vpn to change ip adress to acess to and bought visa card from third party to buy clips. and i payed 2 more vaule money for visa card !!! (100 $ payed to buy 50$ visa card!)....
Wow, that's tough. I'm not sure where you bought your Visa number from but here's something that goes on in the U.S.:

Criminals steal credit card and debit card numbers from people and sell them. There are several ways that they get the numbers and the people who the accounts belong to don't know this is happening until purchases show up on their account statement that they didn't make.

The credit card companies and banks have many systems in place to spot these fraudulent transactions and as they happen more and more, the security is getting tighter and tighter, with all kinds of details you wouldn't expect being checked to help them spot anything unusual in all transactions. For example, I've had my debit card (It's a Visa that draws directly from my checking account) shut off because I went on vacation and the bank saw transactions that were legitimate purchases I made show up from Florida instead of New York, where I live. They took that precaution in case my number was stolen and sold to someone in Florida who started using it there. I then had to call my bank and provide them with my personal info to let them know it was really me making those purchases in Florida before they'd turn my card back on.

On the other side of that, twice in the past ten years I've had fraudulent charges show up on my debit card so I know personally that it really does happen. Because of that I'm glad that banks are vigilant for unusual charges.

I'm not saying you were trying to do anything criminal in that way but it does sound like you got your Visa number from someone who isn't exactly a law-abiding citizen so the number you have may have been obtained illegally. Even if it wasn't, something about the information you used may not have matched up with what the bank expected to see when they processed the transaction, triggering a fraud alert from the bank to clips4sale.

I'm curious about how you receive your credit card number to use. Do they just email you the numbers or do they send you the plastic card in the mail? If they email the numbers they may be emailing stolen numbers or sending the same credit card number to more than one person.

It sucks that the state of the world is what it is, providing opportunities for criminals to profit off good but desperate people in unfortunate situations!
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