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Old September 19th, 2015, 21:37   #63
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Originally Posted by WWE4Life View Post
Everyone's a critic

Seriously, I know I'd like that too to be the norm. Now here are the facts...I have tried that with every model (over 20 shoots) in the past year. 2 were able to do a cradle carry this way...Stacey, from Strength Games, and most recently, a 140lb. Blonde fitness competitor named Shannon, that has yet to be released. They both did it once on the shoot, and both complained that they didn't want to keep doing it that way as it took a ton of energy. Compared to other producers, I have models physically engaged in lifting for way more time per hour of shoot. They're not wasting a ton of time on lower strain activities like scissors, head locks, sitting on couches and chatting, they're lifting. If I released a 2-5 minute video of just cradles from the ground, how much money would I be able to generate vs paying out to an exhausted model that won't be able to do anything else afterward. Remember, I work with non-fitness professionals most of the time, literally your 120-130 lb girl next door. There's only so much that can be expected of them, and if you compare what they do to the models from other sites, I think my girls are showing way more strength and endurance over the course of a 20 minute video.

Just my two cents. I promise when I can work with someone capable of that, I'll get it done.


OK, I was a little buzzed when I surfed the site and posted that. That should have been made for a private post.

You make great points. It does take a ton of energy. I suppose one brief scene would suffice. Nice to know there are girls out there that are capable of pulling it off. Keep up the great work. I'll be buying another soon here.
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