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Old October 8th, 2015, 21:48   #66
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Originally Posted by WWE4Life View Post
Possible, but not likely for several reasons:

1) knowing my past sales numbers, very few of my f/f vids ever sold as much as my f/m vids.
2) with f/f, I have to pay two models instead of one, which when you consider point 1 above, makes no sense.
3) this one is a more recent phenomenon, probably because of the faster paced lifestyle we're all living, but when ie invited models to bring along a female friend, they almost always say they don't know who to bring or that they're too self conscious to bring a friend along to watch them model, or any number of other reasons.
4) I try to get as much done in as little time as possible, because time is money. When you have two newbies together, it takes a lot more time training each in their role than it does just training the lifter.
5) The f/f fans on this forum have always been more vocal on their disdain for f/m than the other way around, and they also have more options out there, so I've chosen to provide what I feel is lacking from other producers, namely beautiful girls next door lifting a heavier guy in a wide variety of lifts for extended periods of time
1) Very unfortunate and something I don't have the numbers to argue. All I can say is that I buy videos regularly but I know that's not enough.
2) Also inarguable.
3) Why not shoot FM videos with different girls back to back on the same day so you can later have them lift each other? That way you don't have to have girls invite friends to lift them/lift.
4) see 3)
5) Are there really less FM videos out there than FF? When I'm surfing clips4sale, I feel like it's about equal. But that might be perception bias on my part.

Anyway, your points are all well taken. But the ladies you use are beautiful and I really would love to see them be lifted by other women so I hope you make an exception or two now and again. Won't expect any kind of systemic change. Thank you for your comprehensive response.
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