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Old December 28th, 2016, 15:32   #7
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Default Yeah....

I guess I have mixed feelings.

There was definitely some of the older video material that was more interesting to watch than what most people are trying to make today. Like the original poster said though? I think that's just the nature of things - because it was easier to turn a profit if you had to buy the stuff on VHS tape to see it, as opposed to digital media today where everyone can easily share it around for free. Plus, there's more expectation of getting content for less money on subscription-based web sites.

On the other hand, all of the workout routines like p90x and crossfit, plus competitions like "Tough Mudder" have really made it more mainstream acceptable for women to carry men around or squat them as part of a workout. So stuff you wouldn't ever get a woman to even TRY to do without paying her as a "fetish" thing, 10-15 years ago, they'll happily do (and capture on video) to show everyone, today.

More and more? I'm finding what interests me the most is some of the hardest content to find anywhere .... women showing off their strength by doing "non traditional" lifts in settings outside a gym. Like there's a sample video going around that one producer made with a girl leg pressing a pool table off the ground while several of her friends are sitting on it. Or once in a while, you find videos of women lifting the back end or one side or corner of a car off the ground. Or even something like my ex-wife used to do, where she'd use her big leg muscles to scoot our king size waterbed across the floor in our bedroom. Even the stuff where women crush watermelons between their legs, or the one soccer player gal who deflates a soccer ball the same way.... all of that is the really cool stuff to see, IMO.
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