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Old February 3rd, 2017, 22:34   #2
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Originally Posted by uplifting42 View Post
It's here...!

I've been sitting on this content for quite some time, not really knowing if it was good enough, and trying to find the right content provider.

I'm still not sure how well you guys will rate the content, but I'm here, giving it a go. Please be kind, gentle and constructive with your comments.

There are 4 more shoots in the archives which I hope to release over the coming weeks.

Should it prove successful, I hope to invest and produce more.
It's looking good so far! I didn't buy anything yet but I watched the samples and I will buy as soon as I can buy a Visa gift card (the easiest way to hide payment and keep anonymous). Keep up the good work!

One little disappointment was seeing the fun and creatively shot photos on the front page of the site that look unlike typical L&C material, then the video samples didn't look so different. The actual clips look like the typical, somewhat dry style of L&C clips that have flooded the market for the last 10-15 years but from what I saw, the quality of your product so far does meet or in some cases exceed that of the competition.

Looking at your samples I'm not clear about whether they're all different clips or if the highest-priced clip contains all the other clips put together. Also the piggyback sample clip would not play for me but the other three played fine.

I look forward to seeing more clips posted and making some purchases!
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