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Old January 2nd, 2019, 14:41   #25
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Organize a L&C oriented shootings.

Use a decent camera to give a real value for the female model.

First shooting :
Do a first shooting without L&C.
At the end of the first shooting, try a small exercise of L&C but without taking photos.

Second shooting :
Explain to the female model that the photograph is also a male partner in taking the photos.
Explain that I take photos in automatic way so I can be busy with her.
Mix 50% female alone - 50% female + photograph.
Generaly outside, places where one can sit on benches.

Third shooting and after :
Same as the second shooting but possibly more relaxed.
For instance I may sit on the lap of my female partner even if we are just discussing.

After that it is just life.


Learn the qualities of different girls.

If she is weak go with her in a pool.
Propose her to carry you in the water.
She will find that you are lighter than expected.

If she is strong, don't bother her around in a flat place.
Better your ask her directly to carry you in stairs.

If she has a small size tell her that she is easier to ride.
Which is often true.

If she has high heels tell her that she can carry you anyway.
Just give your shoes to her so she can carry you decently.
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