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Old January 5th, 2019, 14:47   #12
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Now about L&C

A L&C action occurs whenever a person A carries a person B in a way where B does not touch the soil.
By extension there could be more persons in A and in B.

An elephant cannot carry another elephant because it is too heavy.
On the opposite an ant can carry a lot of ants for instance staying on a twig.
However God decided that an human can carry decently another human.

Note that performances of ants, humans and elephants are different because :
> energy increases as a square.
> weight increases like a cube.

Here God makes a joke to us humans because
if a girl 1m60 carries a boy 1m75 she will carry
13,06% more than her weight, not 10,93% since it is a cube.

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Surprisingly the fetish for L&C is not an object, it is a position in the air.
No device like a shoe.
Also no intention to harm, unlike sadism ou masochism.

I think that a guy who wants domination plus riding on the girl has two fetishes, not one.
I can perform L&C without explicit domination.
However if I a am taller than the girl, I will not "regret" that I am a little bit heavy for her.

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jads (January 5th, 2019)