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Old January 26th, 2019, 16:07   #24
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Default Yeah....

I find I like either, but for different reasons.

It can be fun getting carried around by a petite gal who is really putting in a lot of effort to do it when you weigh at least twice as much as her. That's where the dominance thing comes into play, I suppose. It can be a blast feeling them start sweating and struggling under you as you order them to "keep going".

But it's also great when you see how easily a big, thick, muscular woman can pick you up and carry you around. I had a lady friend like that who weighed close to 300lbs. and was crazy strong. She could squat down, let me sit up on her big butt, and lift me off the ground into a piggyback as she stood back up -- like it was nothing. She used to encourage me to piggyback her when we went out to parties or what-not. I even played a whole game of billiards once, riding on her back pretty much the whole time.

Originally Posted by 2010xsf View Post
I prefer shorter but thicker , stronger and heavier than me .
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