Thread: Dez Desire
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Old February 4th, 2020, 19:38   #23
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Originally Posted by Dez Desire View Post
I have asked you guys both here and on my web site, and have gotten very limited feedback. I you want something I would ask you guys to speak up and not be a sissy. I am looking for input. Get off your butts and speak up or else I will have to lift and throw you around


For starters, I really enjoyed the video. I normally don?t say that for videos without a shoulder ride, but you make every scene fun to watch with the banter and effortless lifting. So great job there. Banter can be the difference between a video with great lifts being a bad overall video or a good video. You?ve got that part down.

Recommendations would be to include a full listing of the lifts. This is important because most here tend to favor only a few lifts. For me, it?s shoulder rides. I typically won?t buy a video if it doesn?t have one. For this reason, I also think shorter videos are better. Paying $20 for a 20 minute video where I?m really interested in 2-3 minutes of it isn?t an ideal situation (aka I won?t buy that). 6-8 minute videos are the sweet spot for me.

Only other suggestion would be camera-related. I prefer to be able to see the entirety of the lifter and liftee. Just a personal preference. The exception of course is uniquely filmed ones like Ruedel and She Carries, where they do point of view lifts (like looking directly down while sitting on shoulders). Those two studios also do lifts out in nature trails where you can actually get an idea that the woman is carrying the guy X distance. Much more interesting to me than the videos where the girl stands still or walks back and forth in a tiny room. I don?t know if that?s possible for you to do, but if it is, I suspect it would be a well-sold video.

You can still lift and throw me around. Shit, Id even volunteer to be in one of them if I was ever nearby lol.
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