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Old July 17th, 2020, 20:10   #75
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Join Date: Apr 2009
Posts: 254
Default Yep! Awesome stuff!

That's the thing I found the absolute most fun about L&C! It's incredible when you can find a female partner who is really into it like this and enjoys challenging herself to do new/harder lifts.

My wife went through a phase where I got her interested in it, and it helped she'd decided she wanted to do weightlifting in the gym again too. (She did it back in her college days, and we found there was some of that "muscle memory" effect where lifting heavy again made the muscles grow pretty quickly back to the size they used to be from working out years before.)

I never really got her to do more than some leg presses, piggybacks and calf raises with me on her back, but she was clearly strong enough to do more lifting with me than she did. I think she was conflicted, because she's always been a bigger girl (5'10" and 235lbs. or so currently) and wanted to lose some weight vs building any bigger muscles and bulking up further. But I'd actually gained some weight myself and hadn't weighed myself in years. So when she asked me how much i weighed, I told her "around 190-192" and was actually more like 220. She picked me up in a piggyback from sitting on the edge of the bed with my legs over the edge, using just her arm strength to boost me up, and bounced me on her back a few times, catching me in her hands under my thighs - saying, "Hmm.. ok. You feel like you weigh a little more than 190."

But the only time I really saw a better display of what she could really lift was when she was goofing around with our oldest son. He just turned 18 and he's a big kid ... 6' tall and built like a football quarterback. Weighs about 295-300. She scooped him up into a cradle carry like a giant baby and rocked him back and forth, teasing him that she could still do it like when he was little.

As an update from me, I'm really lucky with my fianc? as she is now really into l & c. She said she really loves the feeling of being in control.

She loves trying harder and harder lifts with me now. She's 5'8" and an athletic 8st 9 ish and I'm 5'9" and 152lbs.

Because she's so open to l & c we've been trying lots of things lately and she can easily do shoulder lifts, leg press etc but I challenged her to try the hardest lift of all a couple of weeks ago and to my amazement she was really up for it.

She had 4 attempts at an overhead lift with me. The 1st time our balance was all over but she managed to rest my bodyweight on her head for a couple of seconds before having to put me down. The 2nd time she genuinely had my whole weight above her head with her hands on my chest and leg. It was only for a second or 2 and some of my weight still resting on her head but my god I was amazed she was able to do it.

The 3rd and 4th times she got really frustrated because we couldn't get our balance and we called it a day.

To have a fantasy fulfilled like that I can't even describe what it felt like. Don't get me wrong it wasn't like she could press me up and down or anything like that yet but just the feeling was amazing.

We're getting married next year and she is adamant that she will be able to do the overhead lift properly by then. Considering she can lift my weight the way she does I would love to see her do it to 1 of her smaller friends. That would be unreal.

Like I said, I'm very lucky to be someone who genuinely seems to enjoy it like I do. It's early days so I can wait to see what she's capable of.

I've had bits of l & c experiences with previous partners I've had but they either weren't into it at all or weren't anywhere near as strong as she is.

Trust me guys if you make the idea fun to them and they see it like my partner does then it's worth it 100000000%
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