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Old September 3rd, 2020, 17:10   #280
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I think I may have answered this thread a while back but since it's been bumped...

I'm just a few weeks short of 55 and I've been into L&C for over 50 years. It started as a desire to lift women after seeing things like Dick Van Dyke carrying Sally Ann Howe in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang in the late '60s. That grew into an appreciation of F/F in high school in the early '80s. Been in the online community since 1998, which was when I got my first PC.

I don't know if this was THE thing but I know it made a big impression on me at about 3 or 4 years old. Carrying is a theme in the movie. Here's when they first meet and it's not particularly pleasant.

Then at the end of the movie...

She looks so light and he carries her effortlessly. I think that was the hook. I couldn't wait to try it. I remember trying to lift girls I knew. It was playful kid stuff but there was a bit more to it for me. Even though I had no clue about sexuality at that age, there was some instinctual level that it connected for me. I've been obsessed with it ever since. F/F is just an extension of my desire to lift girls. If someone is going to lift her, why not another girl instead of a guy who isn't me? Plus the fact that a girl can lift her shows that it doesn't take a big, strong guy to do it. The more feminine the lifter, the better. It's like the lifter's femininity multiplies that of the liftee, which is probably why F/M is such a turn off for me.

And I've always HATED being lifted by anyone. I remember being 3 or 4 - about the same time I saw that movie - and my mom and I met up with my dad at a work party. He was being a proud dad and he carried me around the room to introduce me to his coworkers and I got really pissed off. He was embarrassing me, making me feel like I seemed weak or inferior. I wanted to stand on my own two feet!

Last edited by TheWolfe; September 3rd, 2020 at 17:12.
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