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Old December 23rd, 2020, 18:16   #25
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Originally Posted by phantom23 View Post
I understand your point, Greybreezer....and I sympathize with some of the morons that I'm sure you guys have had to put up with. But do you know of any discussion boards on the planet that doesnt allow members to trade contact info?

Phoneman, I get you love the power that comes with being a L&C board mod, and while I appreciate the work that you administrators put in, let's not sit here and act like this is a Utopian society that has absolutely no room for improvement. Maybe be open to a couple suggestions now and then instead of trying to throw around how easily you can ban active members.

I appreciate greybreezer's explanation at least.

And you can say what you want, phoneman, but I provide plenty of content for this forum, so dont act like I just come in here and use everyone for their work and leave.

I get it....if sharing contact info is strictly about prohibiting copyright sharing, so be it. I just find it odd that no other forum that I know of has this rule.
I do not like the "power" and really resent your comment. If I really were concerned with the power, you would no longer be a member. Perhaps the board would collapse without you. I do not know.

Remember you started this when you asked who I was to disagree with you. You still do not get it. You asked, I answered. Have you ever belonged to a forum before?

You have no clue how many thousands of hours the admins have each spent over the past eleven years. Nor do you seem to care.

Those are the rules here. You do not like the rule, just leave. We are not changing the rule because you disagree. Interesting, this rule has not been a problem for 3000 people for eleven years, but since you do not like it, the rule must be removed.

Conversation over. Period. Is that hard to understand?
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