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Old January 6th, 2010, 02:20   #8
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Regarding Niches. I think the best L&C stuff is by people who shoot what they like and have an understanding of. I recall someone wanted me to shoot a "balloon fetish" video for them having no understanding of the genre I said I could shoot it but not direct as I just din;t get it one iota so I requested the person who what interested to direct. They couldn't make it and insisted if I looked at samples I would get it. Well I didn't get it any more than I understand pedal pushing or why someone would be interested in showing a woman failing and strugling to shoulder lift a male.

Most people like liftnet had a personal interest in L&C and that is why most producers get started. kayak does what interests his personal taste as did I within what I could get talent to do within their limitations., Again the original issue by Filmguy had to do with piracy and we are off on red herrings.
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