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Old June 20th, 2010, 02:06   #79
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I can recall when I was 6, I was pretty thin and a big girl of my class use to give me piggyback rides. I remember that I really enjoyed those.
Also, at the same age, I was struggling to get some water from some fountain because it was too high for me and suddenly a pretty girl from my class picked me and lifted me a bit to help me reach the water. I felt aroused, somehow.

I moved when I was 8 and all this remained "asleep". The "awakening" was at high school. I was 16 and I had a crush on a girl one year younger. She was really pretty and hot. Although she was petite, she was a sportive girl and very active, so she didn't seem weak (nor strong, of course). She looked a bit like Jessica Alba, not THAT hot but just to see the kind of body she had. We use to hang out with some friends in a mixed group with people from both promos.
One day, we were seeing some school sport competitions and far from where I was I saw a friend of mine standing on the shoulders of someone. When I got there and I saw this girl, I was shocked, aroused and a lot of strange feelings came to me.

Finally I could put some order to that inside my head. A few weeks later, we were at a crowded concert in the street, and she gave another shoulder sit to a skinny and little friend of mine (like 50 kg, or 110 lbs). I thought it was my chance and asked her if he could try that with me. I was already 6.1 feet tall, but thin at that time. She preferred to rest some time before trying... Some minutes after I reminded her and then, it happened. She totally crouched and easily lifted me off the ground, so easily she was really surprised. She danced and bounced with me on her shoulders during almost one entire song, 2 or 3 minutes, before putting me down.
At that time, she was 163 cm tall and (she told me) 49 kg (about 108 lbs). I was 6'1" feet tall and 67 kg (about 147 lbs).

She told me she could handle me for so long (longer than my little friend) because I was more 'comfortable' to carry... I was completely excited, but I wasn't physically aroused at that time.

So everything begun with that girl (who during 2 years after that gave me some other lifts, mainly piggybacks, not very often though, I can recall every one of them...) In the begining, I was only excited about the idea of being lifted by this girl, so I lost many good chances of being carried by other girls at the time (silly me :P)

Now I'm 30, I weight 80 kg (176 lbs), and lifts are becoming rarer and rarer in my life... Last one, late 2008 :S.

- vk
Often the same scenario :
(1) When child
Memorises but does not undestand.
Notices that it is somehow strange.
Does not share with other children.
(2) When teenager
Inderstands and connexes to standard sex.

Last edited by ramonra; June 20th, 2010 at 02:10.
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