Thread: A sad day
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Old December 31st, 2011, 04:22   #10
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Originally Posted by WWE4Life View Post
I have mixed feelings about the end of I've never revealed the details of my relationship with the owner of that site, but enough years have passed that I feel it might be somewhat cathartic for me to divulge some insight into our interesting history.

The owner (I'll withhold his name) and I were actually both based in the same suburb of Toronto. I had broken into the business through my friend at Builtmore in California. After I had been established for many years, the liftnandcarrying owner actually got in touch with the Builtmore USA guy and did a video for him with a couple of local Toronto strippers. I discovered he was local through the Builtmore USA guy. We met and exchanged some personal lift and carry stuff and our friendship evolved from there.

He was interested in starting a lift and carry site of his own with a more "adult" theme than what I was currently producing. After hearing him out, we ended up partnering on some shoots which were released on our joint site, Things went well for a while, with him finding adult entertainers and me producing/directing the shoots and giving him some insight into how to be successful within this unique entertainment genre.

Our friendship developed and we hung out a lot...heck, we even were in a car accident together one evening (no one injured) after editing our website. After a while, unbeknownst to me, he was conspiring with other friends to leave the liftlovers site and start his own site. I would have had no problem with that, had he been open and honest with me. However, he actually took to trashing my own site ( on my message boards posting as an anonymous individual. Eventually I discovered that my "friend" and business partner was responsible for those messages, which effectively ended our business and friendship all at once.

He did reach out to me after a time, but being a stubborn, hard-headed Italian, I would have none of it. He started liftnandcarrying and to his credit was very successful with it. My biggest regret to this date is that I didn't get a chance to be a part of all those fantastic shoots. One girl in particular, KJ, absolutely caught my attention and I would give my right arm to meet and shoot with her.

From a production standpoint, I always wished he would have done more with the talent he had. His clips were repetitive, uninspired, and low resolution, all of which undermined the potential. On a number of occasions though, such as with KJ, and several other girls, he really got some seductive lift content that was great.

I supported his site for years, despite my personal feelings for him. Truth be told, he was a good guy prior to the choice he made to break away. The site for him was always something of a touchy subject with his family, due to religious beliefs. I'm not sure if they ever found out about his business, but it could very well be that the site ended for this reason. Otherwise, it is likely that he moved on (his background in school was in business and/or accounting if my memory serves me correct).

It is the end of an era...many of the early sites are gone or hardly an industry player today: Builtmore USA, my own site, liftnet, thevalkyrie, liftnandcarrying, etc. Thankfully, there are some newer sites that continue the tradition.


I disagree with your take of it being repetitive. After all he tried to accommodate everyone's wishes. I was always asking for cradles and OTS, for example.
Now, all of what you're telling us is your side of the story. We'd have to hear his, wouldn't we?
On to business. The clips4 sale store you've included in your post, does it feature FF L&C or you still mix em in the clips?
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