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Old February 23rd, 2012, 18:54   #8
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Default Totally agree!

Personally, I wish this look was more the "norm" for cheerleaders.
I mean, why not? Basically, they're doing a bunch of lifting, supporting other people and even throwing other people into the air. You'd think they'd want as much muscle as possible.

The fact people would actually look down on a female cheerleader with muscles just shows how backwards society, on the whole, still is. By and large, we're still expecting them to serve as "eye candy", representative of what the stereotypical male member of the audience prefers. Never-mind all the time and effort they put into practicing their routines, or the skill required to pull them off successfully. I mean, I happen to find female muscle really attractive -- but that's beside the point. This should be an area where females having muscles serves a functional purpose, improving their abilities at what they're doing.

Originally Posted by spooter View Post
It is sad...people who make judgments are insecure and have a problem with themselves for whatever reason, so they talk down others to make themselves feel better. You know the old saying, misery loves company!
I think she is gorgeous!!
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