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Old February 24th, 2012, 19:02   #1
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Default Thank everyone and good bye:)))

Hi. Everyone
GOING LEAVE FORUm. I'm sorry. I'd like to thank everyone artwork and share my fantasies of l&c. i had really good time with You))
I've made this decision because I started feeling not so good spending so much time drawing and watching fetish pics. Everyone who share my fetishes, please, don't feel offended I'm sure there's nothing wrong to have fantasies But everyone do diiferent things with it in their life. In my particular situation i was single for too long time and drawing these pics was some kind of "escaping" to me , and I noticed that it becomes more and more fetish -like. In last times I've changed some things in my life, I started many new activities and I've meet Wonderful Woman. I know it's neurotic, but i feel I need "clean my ways" to open myself for real woman and I feel that drawing and watching pics feeding my fetishes couldn't help me with it.
Once again thank You all my Friends for having good time with You and have good journey through Your lifes)))
Yours sincerely
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