Thread: L&C, Why?
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Old March 17th, 2012, 18:20   #8
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The only single line in the entire post which was a problem was the one that invited a f/f view as opposed to f/m view.

That is a problem that goes back to the start of L/C on the internet 15 years ago. It has destroyed entire forums. In fact, as far as I know, this is the only forum that has worked and survived.

Other than that one comment your message was fine as far as I am concerned.

Any member is allowed to bring up any subject within the scope of this forum, as long as the rules are followed. One giant rule is that there is no f/f v. f/m "discussion", since these inevitably lead to fights, some of which have been very nasty and personal.

Another giant rule is that no one can criticize the tastes of another person, within the female lifting scope of this board.

Following these basic rules allows every member to come here and feel safe that they will not be attacked and no one will make fun of them.

Tolerance is our basic belief and avoiding conflict is how that is done. So, I am intolerant to try and make sure that the board is tolerant. Does that make sense? Maybe not, but you get the point.

Anyway, you post was fine, and if you are interested in this topic, go for it.

I apologize if I seemed overly harsh, but it was nothing personal. Just very strict enforcement of rules to avoid problems before they can happen.
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