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Old March 20th, 2012, 15:17   #12
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Originally Posted by themasterkavar View Post
That would depend on what the meaning of the word "is" is.

But in all seriousness, it depends on how you want to define domination. A wife gives her husband a piggyback ride for fun. It was fun for her because she enjoyed either displaying her strength, surprising her husband with her strength, or to provide him/her with some level of entertainment. I would argue that there is some underlying level of desire behind this lift, but I would not necessarily call it domination.

Don't some people enjoy submitting? If someone thinks it's fun to have someone else control their body, they're giving up control and submitting, right? Isn't the other party therefore dominating? Like I said, it's not like that "I'm gonna teach you a lesson!" domination but, like in your example, it's a good-natured and fun "I'm strong enough to control the position of your body" and, if the liftee doesn't fight it, then the liftee is submitting to that demonstration.

That's basically how many of the "pro-domination theory" people have described it to me for years and I can see their point, even if the word "domination" makes me bristle slightly.

What I think is more interesting is when the liftee causes the lifter to lift. Isn't that an equivalent form of domination? Like a cowboy riding a horse, the horse is lifting him but he's not submitting to the horse. If a liftee presses someone into service as a lifter, then isn't that lifter submitting to the liftee's will and making the liftee the dominant one?

Originally Posted by Mark G View Post
It depends. If she'd have demonstrated how light I was for her,it would be her playfully displaying her power again,just as you say.
Gets kinda tricky, doesn't it?
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