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Old June 10th, 2012, 13:58   #361
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perhaps it's just me and I've misunderstood (my sincerest apologies if that is the case), but for me personally I don't feel the need to go visit your site to see the new videos since I have not seen any previews of the videos in your posts.

what i mean is, when a potential customer sees a preview of a clip it entices them to check it out. Either that, or they can instantly know if the clip is worth buying or not. Just seeing a forum post talking about a clip and then telling one to go to a site to find the preview to then find out if one will enjoy the clip that follows with it; it's too much of a hassle for someone who's not using a fast internet connection (or someone who's a bit on the lazy side).

Perhaps it would benefit your business if you posted a preview pic or two to show what kind of a clip you have just produced? Because I noticed that your clips4sale site has the preview pics so it's not a question about an unwillingness to post previews to get potential buyers interested.
In stores, they say that getting the customer to hold the merchandise if half the sale.... for online sales, showing a preview to the customer instead of asking them to go to a site to see the preview is half the sale

I hope you don't take this post the wrong way. It's just a suggestion that I think would help your business
Luffarungen, the one and only
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