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Old September 26th, 2021, 12:03   #1
Join Date: Mar 2019
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Originally Posted by tjw1971 View Post
I know this is kind of an old thread, but seemed like a good place to put this.

I started talking to some women via Facebook dating, recently. (Apparently, it doesn't even work from a computer and regular web browser. It's only an option if you use their program on your phone, which I think sucks... but it is what it is.)

Just like out in "daily life", you aren't going to find many muscular women on there. But I noticed that at least around where I live? They exist on there, but not so much if you're just looking for your typical athletic-looking girl. When I run across those types? They're usually skinny/slender and say they're into yoga or working out, but they're just on a weight-loss kick vs any interest in building muscle.

I've been more likely to find them based on their job, followed by their stated interests outside work. For example, there's one lady I found who works at a massage therapy chain. (You know they're going to have above-average arm and hand strength from having to give massages all day long.) Then she mentions in her interests, "Going to the gym" -- but she's no skinny little thing. Pretty face and nice curves but a big, thick, tall gal who I'm sure weighs about 230-250lbs. Pretty obvious she's not at the gym just to lose weight.

Another possibility are the ladies working in nursing or home health-care roles, or possibly aides/assistants at places like psychiatric wards. These are women who have to deal with helping pick people up and move them around or restrain struggling people while someone tries to medicate them.

Obviously, there's SO much more to dating than just focusing on an interest in if she's strong or not. But this is just something I've observed. And at least when it comes to women in the nursing field? They're usually pretty open to talking about the subject, since they consider strength a part of "good health", which they're all about in the first place.
Well, I've made quite similar experiences, most fit and skinny girls are more into weight loss then strenght training or building muscle and they have a more traditional mindset most of the time. So they are not into strenght comparisons or strenght games. Sometimes, they are not even proud of muscles or power, they tend to be more ashamed of it.
I also agree with your second point, most of the time, the powerful women work in professions, where power is needed and they are more confident about it than gym girls. If they also have a more open mindset, you will have your powerful woman that can give you some nice and exciting strenght experiences.
Did you ever have some kind of experience with those kind of women?
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Old September 28th, 2021, 01:36   #2
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Default re: experiences

Well, I can't say I have lately - because recently, the dating scene online has been kind of a waste of time. (I seem to have a number of women I find interesting so I "like" them and they respond with a "like" creating a "match". But then the actual conversation either never even gets started or we talk a bit and it just dies off.)

But yeah, I've had these experiences before. One example was a long time ago when I was living with this girl, sharing an apartment. She was just a friend. We had kind of a brother and sister type relationship, really. (One of my good friends was dating her for a while and I was seeing another girl.) But her best friend, Erica, was a tall, slender black girl who could flex her arms and show a nice bicep peak, and had some muscular looking thighs and calves too. My roommate knew I liked strong women and told me to come into her bedroom one time when Erica was over and hanging out with her in there. She wanted Erica to pick me up to show me how strong she was. She scooped me up into a quick cradle carry and kind of bounced me in her arms a few times before putting me down again. She was just laughing and grinning and I said, "Wow! You really are pretty strong!" She just nodded and said I was pretty easy to pick up. She went on to explain that she worked night shifts at a retirement facility and often had to pick up patients and move them. They're supposed to be using various pieces of equipment for that and putting them in wheelchairs to take them down the hall and back, etc. But she had a few of them who knew how strong she was and when nobody else was around to get her in trouble, would just ask her to just lift them out of bed and cradle carry them down the hall instead! "Cheaper than a gym membership!", she said.

Another time, I was out drinking with a buddy and he started talking to this girl at the next table. Turned out she was a nurse and was into weightlifting. (Said she used to be fat and then started going to the gym to build muscle instead.) We wound up going back to her place, but my buddy and her hooked up that night. I know it involved a little bit of her "princess carrying" him around in the bedroom in front lifts, and a little bit of play-wrestling. Lucky guy. I had to sleep on her couch that night ... but hey ... at least it was free beer and we all went out to breakfast afterwards.

Originally Posted by Liftboy996 View Post
Well, I've made quite similar experiences, most fit and skinny girls are more into weight loss then strenght training or building muscle and they have a more traditional mindset most of the time. So they are not into strenght comparisons or strenght games. Sometimes, they are not even proud of muscles or power, they tend to be more ashamed of it.
I also agree with your second point, most of the time, the powerful women work in professions, where power is needed and they are more confident about it than gym girls. If they also have a more open mindset, you will have your powerful woman that can give you some nice and exciting strenght experiences.
Did you ever have some kind of experience with those kind of women?
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