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Old November 29th, 2018, 23:32   #31
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I haven't. But I did once tell a girl who was 101 lbs that she was too small to lift me.... and she ended up bear-hugging me around my waist and picking me up a good 4 or 5 inches. Made me feel super wimpy.
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Old November 30th, 2018, 05:50   #32
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Thanks for sharing this experience

Could please give more details of the circumstances (how this happened, your/her heights/weights/ages, did you keep up with her after this incident,etc.)
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Old December 1st, 2018, 10:58   #33
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In my early twenties I used to wrestle this cute blonde nineteen year old. She looked just like an average girl. She was faster than me and the first time we wrestled I was getting slapped silly, so I just thought I'd grab her shoulders and pin her. I grabbed her and a split second later she had me pinned. I was so surprised. I put my loss down to underestimating her.

The next time we wrestled I was ready, but when I grabbed her, she only took a couple of seconds at most to pin me. We wrestled more times, but I never beat her. She started letting me get the upper hand and think I was going to win, but she always pinned me in the end. Sometimes she would do victory poses to tease me.

Fact is, while on average men are stronger than women, you will occasionally find non-bodybuilder girls who are freakishly strong.
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Old December 1st, 2018, 22:13   #34
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Originally Posted by nostrength View Post
In my early twenties I used to wrestle this cute blonde nineteen year old. She looked just like an average girl. She was faster than me and the first time we wrestled I was getting slapped silly, so I just thought I'd grab her shoulders and pin her. I grabbed her and a split second later she had me pinned. I was so surprised. I put my loss down to underestimating her.

The next time we wrestled I was ready, but when I grabbed her, she only took a couple of seconds at most to pin me. We wrestled more times, but I never beat her. She started letting me get the upper hand and think I was going to win, but she always pinned me in the end. Sometimes she would do victory poses to tease me.

Fact is, while on average men are stronger than women, you will occasionally find non-bodybuilder girls who are freakishly strong.
Many women in the L/C videos and photos have no visible muscle but can carry twice their body weight - or more.
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Old December 15th, 2018, 12:51   #35
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I was beaten in an arm wrestling by my aunt. She is athletic and strong
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Old November 9th, 2019, 11:46   #36
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I was overpowered and dominated by 3 women before, 2 times in sessions and the 3rd was organic and so real in a way that made it sound like one of these amazon stories!

I have to say before anything that I am a really thin skinny guy (I guess in that case it's a bless lol) who never had any sport experience, I am 178 cm "5'10" and I weight 50 kg "110lbs", sometimes I even drop to 48 "105lbs" and the maximum I've ever reached was 56kg "123lbs" when I was 20.

My 1st time, I met Anna-Konda in Berlin few years ago, and it was my 1st session ever tbh, 1st I contacted her via email, she replied after few hours, she was very responsive, very open, ready to answer whatever the question you ask and she doesn't ask a lot of questions herself, we set the date and time of the session and we agreed that we should do it in her own place (she has her own wrestling studio as you all know).

The day has came, I gave her a call and we agreed she will meet me outside the nearest S-bahn station to her studio, it took me about 15 stations to get there, I finally arrived, I went down the train, was walking outside the train station, it was super cold and their was thick snow, and I saw her from far, my heart started beating specially cause it was my 1st time, I approached her... I smiled... She smiled back, she was wearing a black tight leather jacket and pants, with small black boots and black shades, she seemed a bit cold, solid, but in a hot way, neverless, she seemed more like an everyday short-chubby female till that moment, we shaked hands, her fingers were thick and short and her grip was super firm.

She took her car and we went to her studio, We stopped in front of a big hanger, I asked her for a bathroom so I can change my clothes, she described the way while she went up with me to water her plants, she was super decent, I stayed with my T-shirt and boxers waiting for her, she came back, took off her clothes, and she was wearing a melon-red bikini, and oh, now I changed my idea completely... Her traps where massive, she almost has no neck, her shoulders where HUGE, really big arms and super thick thighs, big natural boobs and a solid belly.

We started exchanging jokes while she was warming up, then she walked slowly towards me, suddenly became very serious and pointed out to our height difference and she said: "you think this will give you any advantage?"... I laughed and I said yes... Then she wrapped her huge arms around mybody at this time as if I was a little stick, squeezed me and pulled off the ground and throw me down, I felt pain in my ribs and once I tried to stand up she didn't give me a chance, she wiped the studio ground with me honestly, I asked her to start over, this time I never touched the ground, carrying on her shoulder throwing me under her arm pit then putting me across her back then carrying me upside down, she did all that while she was laughing, she pinned me down on the ground after, she whispered in my ears: "I can do anything I want with you، anything!! you know why? Cause you are so slim!".

I honestly felt so intemidated after half an hour, I asked her to stop, she offered me a beer she has in a small fridge inside the studio, we continued chatting for a bit, she gave me an overhead lift before I leave, then drove me back to my station.

2nd Time was Misshench, I contacted her as she was near my area, contacted easily by mail and met her somewhere near a house that she was renting, she met me with a black tight shirt, hot jeans shorts and oh gosh! She was huge! So much shredded than Anna-konda despite her off-season shape! Huge veiny defines arms, incredibly thing muscular legs! We she was an inch taller than Anna-Konda and she weighted 85 kgs "187lbs" at the time, she Took off her clothes and she was wearing a light blue bikini, every muscle was popping out! Even her abs! She had a big mirror and we stood infront of it comparing our bodies, her torso was almost twice mine and my legs looked like a spaghetti compared to her's, we started wrestling, she held me from my shoulder and gently kicked my skinny legs and I fell on my back, she dominated me completely, at a point she flipped my over somehow and my whole body landed on her back and my limbs were dangling, she laughed and started to do stretches and told me "you are very light!".

She was so nice and made me very comfortable! Her sense of humor was unbeatable! She lifted me from the armpits with ease! I can say she is not as strong as Anna-konda but I still was so far from being a competition to her haha!

The 3rd time was really special because it was very organic and real! The whole thing was tempting and intriguing!

I found this page on the internet that was made by a girl that sells vases online, I liked one of the products so I contacted the girl showing my interest to buy it, she answered back and she was very friendly and asked me where can we meet so she can deliver the vase and get paid, after too many fail attempts to meet her through texting, w started to get dragged into side conversation and we broke the ice, she was really sweet, and then finally we agreed on an appointment.

I got stuck at work that day, while she was waiting for me in her car at the spot we agreed to meet, I texted her apologizing that I might be a little late, she nicely answered that It's ok and she told me she will go have coffee in this coffee shop around, I finished some of my work, took a cab to meet her, I went to the coffee shop and it was packed with people, I took the stairs to the second floor and I saw her sitting on a table (I saw a picture of her on her page), she had short black hair, she was very thick! (I noticed that she from the picture but in reality she looks much much thicker) I also noticed her head was bigger than an average person, I smiled and I said hi, I sat with her and ordered coffee, we had a chat about her work, my work and lot of things in life, we kept talking for more than 30 minutes actually, she seemed like a really nice and sweet person, I asked her for the vase cause I had to go back to work so she told me she kept it in the car across the street, I asked for the bill, we paid and then we stood up to go to the car and it was the shock...

The girl was really really tall!! Like not slightly tall! No! Extremely tall! (She told me later she is 192cm "6'4"), and she weighted at least! at least! 150kgs "330lbs"!
I couldn't hold me reaction and I said "wow! And I thought I am tall???", she laughed and answered that nobody thinks they're tall after they meet her, she actually had to bend her head to walk down the stairs because the ceiling was so short for her! With her massive thighs and Godzilla heavy steps, we walked outside the coffee shop, the girl was really huge! That kind of huge that everybody in the street was looking at her with a shock! And it was even more obvious due to the fact she was walking next to my skinny self! Which made me even look smaller haha, we went to the car, she gave me the vase and had a short chat standing next to the car, I was looking really up! It was amazing! I took her number and made sure we meet again! (I was 25 and she was 23 when we first met).

After a couple of months she texted me asking for an advice on something related to a task related to my job and I helped her, she was very happy, we started to talk every now and then, we used to meet for coffee once every 6 or 8 months and we became friends, until one day we were sitting on this coffee shop and I said something related to food, then she made fun of me saying that I am a very very thin guy, and I really liked that, I stood up and approached her playfully as if I want to bully her and saying that I am strong and not thin, she laughed and wrapped her big hand and extremely long fingers around my forearm (192cm tall lol) and her middle finger touched her thumb, she laughed so I told her "no I am talking" about my biceps", she let my forearm and wrapped her fingers around my upper arm and also her middle finger and thumb touched! She laughed even harder saying "this is even thinner than your forearm!", I laughed too and I went back to my seat and I had nothing to say, we left and she was driving me back home, everytime I used to speak and defend myself in the car she used to make a circle with her hand between her thumb and middle finger to annoy me and show me how small my arm is, she said "I could do that to a toddler, never thought I would do it to an adult man".

6 months after I got a new house, at a point we were texting and she told me that has to buy something from an area close to my new house so I invited her over for coffee, she came over, we started talking and then we recalled that day, I started defending myself again and I said that I am definitely stronger than her, she kept on making fun of my skinniness so I challenged her to an armwrestling match, she won by a big margin!! She was freaking strong!!

After almost a year, we talked, she was having a workshop for 3 weeks in a place that is a walking distance from my house, so I asked her that whenever she is coming she should pass by before or after and I told her that I would like to take my revenge, she laughed at me and asked about the reason of my confidence and that if I gained any weight or muscles, I said I don't think so, then she starting to say that I should eat more cause she thinks she can carry me, I was so happy she said that! and I challenged her to do so when she comes and she accepted.

She came, gave me a hug with only one arm (her long arm wrapped around my whole torso lol), we had a chat, then I insisted that we armwrestle again for my revenge, and she won again! She laughed and said if there is anybody who is weaker than me, I took her that she is not that strong, and she said that she can carry me and I bet she won't be able, she said she definitely can, then she stood in front of me, gave a bearhug, squeezed my torso and pulled me off the ground, then put me down again, I was astonished, I told her it doesn't count as she just picked me up and put me down and that if she is strong enough she can carry me for a good amount of time, we set the alarm on 40 seconds and redo the lift, I was up in the air, squeezed, I felt like I stick between her arms honestly, until the alarm rang, she laughed, as she won again and again, we sat on the couch and she was making fun of how light I am (the comparison between our thighs next to each other was unbelievable!) Then I got my legs crossed so my ankle was coming off my pants, she wrapped her fingers around it and closed her hand, she made fun of it showing me her massive ankle and how a human ankle should look like, she had an anklett wrapped around it, I asked her to take it off, I took it and tried to wrap it around my right thigh, and I actually managed to tie it! She didn't believe that and started to say how ridiculously thin I am and that I seriously need to gain weight! I defended myself back and told her I am not that weak and I can fight (playfully of course), I stood up and asked her to stand I will show her what I can do to her, she stood up, I started to push her and she was barely moving, she held me from my waist and kept on moving me around like a ragged doll while she was laughing and saying about how easy it is to move me, anyway she had to leave for her workshop.

Few days later we agreed that she was going to pass by again, she came with a lot of supermarket bags, I asked her about it she said that It's food for me to fatten me up, I told her that she didn't have to do that and that I think I gained weight (I was playing her though I actually dropped to 48 lol), she closed her hand around my upper arm again and shaked it like a stick saying that it doesn't look like it at all! I challenged her again saying that she won't be able to lift me this time! She agreed, we set the alarm to 90 seconds this time, she pulled me up with ease, kept me in the air for a minute and a half, the alarm rang, she laughed, I got us wine and I started to smoke (I am a heavy smoker and she hates it), she kept on telling me to calm down on smoking and that smoking is the main reason that I don't have appetite for food, any way I started smoking even more to tease her lol, she said"you need to listen to me, I am taller, bigger and wiser", I laught and I said she is not wiser and not that much taller, we started to debate that then we went to compare in the big mirror next my apartment door, my head barely reached the end of her ear, her forearm was twice as big as my upper arm, one thigh is wider than my hips, she stood infront of me and said "what I stand infront of you you completely disappear!" She laughed, I said that doesn't mean she can stop me from smoking, she Took the pack of cigarettes and told me that she won't let me, I tried to take it from her, she had the cigarettes in her right hand, she held it behind her back and she caught my right upper arm with her left hand with her strong grip while I tried to get closer and kept moving me from right to left like a toy while she was laughing, she let me go, raised her long right arm up, I struggled to jump to reach it with no hope, I tried to pull her but she pushed me away to the couch with her left arm, she laughed so hard and then gave me back the pack of cigarettes, she sat on the couch next to me, I lit a cigarette and told her that she didn't need to give it back and that I was going to take it myself, and that she will never touch the cigarettes again, she tried to take it and I jumped off the couch and told her "noway you will take it", she stood up moving towards me, I tried to push her with my right hand while I was holding the cigarettes on my left, she grabbed me from my right wrist, caught my left forearm, bended it behind my back and easily took the cigarettes! She put it back on the table, few minutes later she had to leave for the workshop also.

Too bad she is living in another city now haven't seen her in more than 2 years.

Last edited by blackworrior; November 9th, 2019 at 12:21.
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Old January 28th, 2020, 23:07   #37
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Wonderful story. Thanks for sharing!
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Old January 29th, 2020, 08:25   #38
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1m92 and 150kg ! 3 times heavier than you, it was like a dream come true !

Why did you not try to date her ? She was not reluctant to lift you and manhandle your tiny body. You could have unreal sexe experience with such a giantess ?

Originally Posted by blackworrior View Post
I was overpowered and dominated by 3 women before, 2 times in sessions and the 3rd was organic and so real in a way that made it sound like one of these amazon stories!

I have to say before anything that I am a really thin skinny guy (I guess in that case it's a bless lol) who never had any sport experience, I am 178 cm "5'10" and I weight 50 kg "110lbs", sometimes I even drop to 48 "105lbs" and the maximum I've ever reached was 56kg "123lbs" when I was 20.

My 1st time, I met Anna-Konda in Berlin few years ago, and it was my 1st session ever tbh, 1st I contacted her via email, she replied after few hours, she was very responsive, very open, ready to answer whatever the question you ask and she doesn't ask a lot of questions herself, we set the date and time of the session and we agreed that we should do it in her own place (she has her own wrestling studio as you all know).

The day has came, I gave her a call and we agreed she will meet me outside the nearest S-bahn station to her studio, it took me about 15 stations to get there, I finally arrived, I went down the train, was walking outside the train station, it was super cold and their was thick snow, and I saw her from far, my heart started beating specially cause it was my 1st time, I approached her... I smiled... She smiled back, she was wearing a black tight leather jacket and pants, with small black boots and black shades, she seemed a bit cold, solid, but in a hot way, neverless, she seemed more like an everyday short-chubby female till that moment, we shaked hands, her fingers were thick and short and her grip was super firm.

She took her car and we went to her studio, We stopped in front of a big hanger, I asked her for a bathroom so I can change my clothes, she described the way while she went up with me to water her plants, she was super decent, I stayed with my T-shirt and boxers waiting for her, she came back, took off her clothes, and she was wearing a melon-red bikini, and oh, now I changed my idea completely... Her traps where massive, she almost has no neck, her shoulders where HUGE, really big arms and super thick thighs, big natural boobs and a solid belly.

We started exchanging jokes while she was warming up, then she walked slowly towards me, suddenly became very serious and pointed out to our height difference and she said: "you think this will give you any advantage?"... I laughed and I said yes... Then she wrapped her huge arms around mybody at this time as if I was a little stick, squeezed me and pulled off the ground and throw me down, I felt pain in my ribs and once I tried to stand up she didn't give me a chance, she wiped the studio ground with me honestly, I asked her to start over, this time I never touched the ground, carrying on her shoulder throwing me under her arm pit then putting me across her back then carrying me upside down, she did all that while she was laughing, she pinned me down on the ground after, she whispered in my ears: "I can do anything I want with you، anything!! you know why? Cause you are so slim!".

I honestly felt so intemidated after half an hour, I asked her to stop, she offered me a beer she has in a small fridge inside the studio, we continued chatting for a bit, she gave me an overhead lift before I leave, then drove me back to my station.

2nd Time was Misshench, I contacted her as she was near my area, contacted easily by mail and met her somewhere near a house that she was renting, she met me with a black tight shirt, hot jeans shorts and oh gosh! She was huge! So much shredded than Anna-konda despite her off-season shape! Huge veiny defines arms, incredibly thing muscular legs! We she was an inch taller than Anna-Konda and she weighted 85 kgs "187lbs" at the time, she Took off her clothes and she was wearing a light blue bikini, every muscle was popping out! Even her abs! She had a big mirror and we stood infront of it comparing our bodies, her torso was almost twice mine and my legs looked like a spaghetti compared to her's, we started wrestling, she held me from my shoulder and gently kicked my skinny legs and I fell on my back, she dominated me completely, at a point she flipped my over somehow and my whole body landed on her back and my limbs were dangling, she laughed and started to do stretches and told me "you are very light!".

She was so nice and made me very comfortable! Her sense of humor was unbeatable! She lifted me from the armpits with ease! I can say she is not as strong as Anna-konda but I still was so far from being a competition to her haha!

The 3rd time was really special because it was very organic and real! The whole thing was tempting and intriguing!

I found this page on the internet that was made by a girl that sells vases online, I liked one of the products so I contacted the girl showing my interest to buy it, she answered back and she was very friendly and asked me where can we meet so she can deliver the vase and get paid, after too many fail attempts to meet her through texting, w started to get dragged into side conversation and we broke the ice, she was really sweet, and then finally we agreed on an appointment.

I got stuck at work that day, while she was waiting for me in her car at the spot we agreed to meet, I texted her apologizing that I might be a little late, she nicely answered that It's ok and she told me she will go have coffee in this coffee shop around, I finished some of my work, took a cab to meet her, I went to the coffee shop and it was packed with people, I took the stairs to the second floor and I saw her sitting on a table (I saw a picture of her on her page), she had short black hair, she was very thick! (I noticed that she from the picture but in reality she looks much much thicker) I also noticed her head was bigger than an average person, I smiled and I said hi, I sat with her and ordered coffee, we had a chat about her work, my work and lot of things in life, we kept talking for more than 30 minutes actually, she seemed like a really nice and sweet person, I asked her for the vase cause I had to go back to work so she told me she kept it in the car across the street, I asked for the bill, we paid and then we stood up to go to the car and it was the shock...

The girl was really really tall!! Like not slightly tall! No! Extremely tall! (She told me later she is 192cm "6'4"), and she weighted at least! at least! 150kgs "330lbs"!
I couldn't hold me reaction and I said "wow! And I thought I am tall???", she laughed and answered that nobody thinks they're tall after they meet her, she actually had to bend her head to walk down the stairs because the ceiling was so short for her! With her massive thighs and Godzilla heavy steps, we walked outside the coffee shop, the girl was really huge! That kind of huge that everybody in the street was looking at her with a shock! And it was even more obvious due to the fact she was walking next to my skinny self! Which made me even look smaller haha, we went to the car, she gave me the vase and had a short chat standing next to the car, I was looking really up! It was amazing! I took her number and made sure we meet again! (I was 25 and she was 23 when we first met).

After a couple of months she texted me asking for an advice on something related to a task related to my job and I helped her, she was very happy, we started to talk every now and then, we used to meet for coffee once every 6 or 8 months and we became friends, until one day we were sitting on this coffee shop and I said something related to food, then she made fun of me saying that I am a very very thin guy, and I really liked that, I stood up and approached her playfully as if I want to bully her and saying that I am strong and not thin, she laughed and wrapped her big hand and extremely long fingers around my forearm (192cm tall lol) and her middle finger touched her thumb, she laughed so I told her "no I am talking" about my biceps", she let my forearm and wrapped her fingers around my upper arm and also her middle finger and thumb touched! She laughed even harder saying "this is even thinner than your forearm!", I laughed too and I went back to my seat and I had nothing to say, we left and she was driving me back home, everytime I used to speak and defend myself in the car she used to make a circle with her hand between her thumb and middle finger to annoy me and show me how small my arm is, she said "I could do that to a toddler, never thought I would do it to an adult man".

6 months after I got a new house, at a point we were texting and she told me that has to buy something from an area close to my new house so I invited her over for coffee, she came over, we started talking and then we recalled that day, I started defending myself again and I said that I am definitely stronger than her, she kept on making fun of my skinniness so I challenged her to an armwrestling match, she won by a big margin!! She was freaking strong!!

After almost a year, we talked, she was having a workshop for 3 weeks in a place that is a walking distance from my house, so I asked her that whenever she is coming she should pass by before or after and I told her that I would like to take my revenge, she laughed at me and asked about the reason of my confidence and that if I gained any weight or muscles, I said I don't think so, then she starting to say that I should eat more cause she thinks she can carry me, I was so happy she said that! and I challenged her to do so when she comes and she accepted.

She came, gave me a hug with only one arm (her long arm wrapped around my whole torso lol), we had a chat, then I insisted that we armwrestle again for my revenge, and she won again! She laughed and said if there is anybody who is weaker than me, I took her that she is not that strong, and she said that she can carry me and I bet she won't be able, she said she definitely can, then she stood in front of me, gave a bearhug, squeezed my torso and pulled me off the ground, then put me down again, I was astonished, I told her it doesn't count as she just picked me up and put me down and that if she is strong enough she can carry me for a good amount of time, we set the alarm on 40 seconds and redo the lift, I was up in the air, squeezed, I felt like I stick between her arms honestly, until the alarm rang, she laughed, as she won again and again, we sat on the couch and she was making fun of how light I am (the comparison between our thighs next to each other was unbelievable!) Then I got my legs crossed so my ankle was coming off my pants, she wrapped her fingers around it and closed her hand, she made fun of it showing me her massive ankle and how a human ankle should look like, she had an anklett wrapped around it, I asked her to take it off, I took it and tried to wrap it around my right thigh, and I actually managed to tie it! She didn't believe that and started to say how ridiculously thin I am and that I seriously need to gain weight! I defended myself back and told her I am not that weak and I can fight (playfully of course), I stood up and asked her to stand I will show her what I can do to her, she stood up, I started to push her and she was barely moving, she held me from my waist and kept on moving me around like a ragged doll while she was laughing and saying about how easy it is to move me, anyway she had to leave for her workshop.

Few days later we agreed that she was going to pass by again, she came with a lot of supermarket bags, I asked her about it she said that It's food for me to fatten me up, I told her that she didn't have to do that and that I think I gained weight (I was playing her though I actually dropped to 48 lol), she closed her hand around my upper arm again and shaked it like a stick saying that it doesn't look like it at all! I challenged her again saying that she won't be able to lift me this time! She agreed, we set the alarm to 90 seconds this time, she pulled me up with ease, kept me in the air for a minute and a half, the alarm rang, she laughed, I got us wine and I started to smoke (I am a heavy smoker and she hates it), she kept on telling me to calm down on smoking and that smoking is the main reason that I don't have appetite for food, any way I started smoking even more to tease her lol, she said"you need to listen to me, I am taller, bigger and wiser", I laught and I said she is not wiser and not that much taller, we started to debate that then we went to compare in the big mirror next my apartment door, my head barely reached the end of her ear, her forearm was twice as big as my upper arm, one thigh is wider than my hips, she stood infront of me and said "what I stand infront of you you completely disappear!" She laughed, I said that doesn't mean she can stop me from smoking, she Took the pack of cigarettes and told me that she won't let me, I tried to take it from her, she had the cigarettes in her right hand, she held it behind her back and she caught my right upper arm with her left hand with her strong grip while I tried to get closer and kept moving me from right to left like a toy while she was laughing, she let me go, raised her long right arm up, I struggled to jump to reach it with no hope, I tried to pull her but she pushed me away to the couch with her left arm, she laughed so hard and then gave me back the pack of cigarettes, she sat on the couch next to me, I lit a cigarette and told her that she didn't need to give it back and that I was going to take it myself, and that she will never touch the cigarettes again, she tried to take it and I jumped off the couch and told her "noway you will take it", she stood up moving towards me, I tried to push her with my right hand while I was holding the cigarettes on my left, she grabbed me from my right wrist, caught my left forearm, bended it behind my back and easily took the cigarettes! She put it back on the table, few minutes later she had to leave for the workshop also.

Too bad she is living in another city now haven't seen her in more than 2 years.
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Old January 29th, 2020, 10:23   #39
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A very hot giantess, by the sounds of it.
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Old January 30th, 2020, 00:46   #40
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Originally Posted by CutterPeter View Post
A very hot giantess, by the sounds of it.
One more time. It is really annoying to click into a thread to find one of your one sentence posts.
phoneman is offline  
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