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nostrength January 8th, 2015 18:54


Originally Posted by Muscle_Chick_Fan (Post 147755)
I like women who are stronger than me, but I would not tell the Whole Wide World about it though. :D

I agree. It's initially great the way a girl changes towards you when she finds out she's stronger. I've loved finding out girls I knew were stronger than me in the past, but when they say stuff in front of other people it's a little embarrassing, especially if they think they're making a joke that no one else understands, and they so do.

zebra January 9th, 2015 12:09


Originally Posted by TheWolfe (Post 108432)
But bodybuilder type women are generally unattractive to me even though they're the most likely to L&C as a way to display their strength.

The lack of female bodybuilders, in F/F lifting material, is disappointing. It seems like they would be naturals for that kind of L&C, and it seems like they could easily do most kinds of lifts. I would buy that kind of material, but I find endless hours of flexing and posing to be about as interesting as watching paint dry (to each their own). BTW, you often see the best lifts performed by normal-sized women.

DWayne January 12th, 2015 16:07

When I was younger maybe about 10 or 11 when playing with some of my cousins. I had one cousin that was a couple of years older than I that I would wrestle with sometimes. I would grab her from behind and she would bend over and lift me on her back and give me a piggyback ride. That was just her natural reaction when I would put my arms around her from behind.
One time we were wrestling and I got her in a front headlock which I would often try to do when wrestling with a girl with the hopes of her raising up and picking me up over her shoulder. She then did pick me up over her shoulder and spun me around and carried me a short distance while I was trying to get myself back down. I really didn't want her to put me down but it was embarrassing me for her to do that to me.

buddyochoa2 January 13th, 2015 02:04

I would have no complaint at all about a stronger girl. I think being on the receiving end of a bearhug I couldn't get out of would be fun :P

KAR January 17th, 2015 05:36

I remember lifting weights in junior high and several girls were stronger than me. That was true for enough other guys that it didn't bother me too much. When I reached high school, all of the guys who kept lifting weights had major gains in strength and surpassed basically all the girls. By then, any embarrassment I might of had vanished.

webppl January 17th, 2015 09:05

When I was younger (around 19), I went to a trek with 3 of my male cousins. All of us had huge suitcases with wheels and we were glad that there were wheels. I had a hard time carrying my bag but my older cousin's bag was even heavier and I could barely lift it with both hands, let alone carry it.

When we came back home from the trek, we were greeted by 2 of my younger cousin sisters at the gate of apartment complex. One is 6 years younger (lets call her Sheela) and other is 7 years younger (lets call her Rati) than me. They were visiting my family. As a joke, we asked them to carry our bags to our apartment which is on 3rd floor (by US standards since ground floor is called first floor). Sheela decided to carry my older cousin's bag (the one I could barely lift) and Rati decided to carry my bag. I thought they wouldn't be able lift the bags let alone carry to 3rd floor. To my utter surprise, Sheela easily lifted the heavier bag and started carrying it upstairs with just one hand! She used both hands sometimes but most of the time she used only one hand to carry it. Rati also lifted my bag almost as easily as me! Sheela carried the bag all the way upstairs without stopping or putting down the bag and Rati stopped only once or twice. I was in shock by the time we got to the apartment! Even my older cousin was shocked that Sheela could carry the bag and said the same to her mother when we got in. This was embarrassing since my older cousin knew that I could barely lift his bag. I didn't pay as much attention to Rati at the time but now I think she was almost as strong as me even if she was 7 years younger.

I wasn't really strong for my age but I wasn't a total wimp. I did go on a month long trek after all. I always knew Sheela was strong but I had not realized just how strong she was. This incident clearly showed me that she was much stronger than me. I shouldn't have been surprised considering both Sheela and Rati were regular dancers and I didn't work out at all except for the practice I did for trek. I had lifted Sheela before and found her surprisingly heavy compared to Rati who I could lift very easily. I should have realized that she had a lot of muscle on her!

After this embarrassing incident, I tried to figure out some way to find out how strong Sheela was but never got a good chance. There was only one incident where all of us cousins were messing around trying to hold each other down and Rati asked Sheela to hold and stop me from moving since "she is so strong". Sheela grabbed both my arms with just hand and held me in place. I could feel the strength of her vice like grip on my arms and she actually almost had me helpless. I was able to escape after some struggle since I was twisting both my arms to get loose and she couldn't maintain the grip with one hand. If she had used both hands, I would have surely lost. I think she didn't use both hands since she knew she could hold me with both hands and didn't want to embarrass me too much. Or maybe she just wanted to see if she was strong enough to hold me with one hand. I still have a hard time believing how strong she was and probably still is since she is still into dancing. How I wish I had arm wrestled her! It would have been both good and bad (embarrassing) since everyone would have known that she beat me in a direct test of strength.

dodge77 January 21st, 2015 04:41

A friend lifted me up while hugging goodbye once. She is 6'0 195-200. BIG girl...not overweight but very thick. She is divorced, 45, and has big fake boobs. Anyway, my wife was right there when she did this and I was embarrassed but totally loving every second of it. That was about 6 years ago and I've been stuck on this ever since. I'm addicted to anything L&C and really want more.

helomelo May 16th, 2015 06:15

I visited an escort for L&c who was extremely strong for such a small girl. She has amazing biceps, gained from tending to horses. We did armwrestle and she could beat me left handed. Although slightly embarrassing I did find it amazing. She was only 5'2 96lb I am 5'11 170lb. The lifts were amazing. She has since moved up north so cannot revisit.

pyro December 22nd, 2018 15:31

One of my aunt is really ripped and strong. She always been strong and has lifted me many times. I love her :)

tallbigirlover June 1st, 2019 00:46

vice grip cousin

Originally Posted by webppl (Post 149764)
When I was younger (around 19), I went to a trek with 3 of my male cousins. All of us had huge suitcases with wheels and we were glad that there were wheels. I had a hard time carrying my bag but my older cousin's bag was even heavier and I could barely lift it with both hands, let alone carry it.

When we came back home from the trek, we were greeted by 2 of my younger cousin sisters at the gate of apartment complex. One is 6 years younger (lets call her Sheela) and other is 7 years younger (lets call her Rati) than me. They were visiting my family. As a joke, we asked them to carry our bags to our apartment which is on 3rd floor (by US standards since ground floor is called first floor). Sheela decided to carry my older cousin's bag (the one I could barely lift) and Rati decided to carry my bag. I thought they wouldn't be able lift the bags let alone carry to 3rd floor. To my utter surprise, Sheela easily lifted the heavier bag and started carrying it upstairs with just one hand! She used both hands sometimes but most of the time she used only one hand to carry it. Rati also lifted my bag almost as easily as me! Sheela carried the bag all the way upstairs without stopping or putting down the bag and Rati stopped only once or twice. I was in shock by the time we got to the apartment! Even my older cousin was shocked that Sheela could carry the bag and said the same to her mother when we got in. This was embarrassing since my older cousin knew that I could barely lift his bag. I didn't pay as much attention to Rati at the time but now I think she was almost as strong as me even if she was 7 years younger.

I wasn't really strong for my age but I wasn't a total wimp. I did go on a month long trek after all. I always knew Sheela was strong but I had not realized just how strong she was. This incident clearly showed me that she was much stronger than me. I shouldn't have been surprised considering both Sheela and Rati were regular dancers and I didn't work out at all except for the practice I did for trek. I had lifted Sheela before and found her surprisingly heavy compared to Rati who I could lift very easily. I should have realized that she had a lot of muscle on her!

After this embarrassing incident, I tried to figure out some way to find out how strong Sheela was but never got a good chance. There was only one incident where all of us cousins were messing around trying to hold each other down and Rati asked Sheela to hold and stop me from moving since "she is so strong". Sheela grabbed both my arms with just hand and held me in place. I could feel the strength of her vice like grip on my arms and she actually almost had me helpless. I was able to escape after some struggle since I was twisting both my arms to get loose and she couldn't maintain the grip with one hand. If she had used both hands, I would have surely lost. I think she didn't use both hands since she knew she could hold me with both hands and didn't want to embarrass me too much. Or maybe she just wanted to see if she was strong enough to hold me with one hand. I still have a hard time believing how strong she was and probably still is since she is still into dancing. How I wish I had arm wrestled her! It would have been both good and bad (embarrassing) since everyone would have known that she beat me in a direct test of strength.

Hi did you ever have your cousin hold you with both hands or lift and carry to test her strength. She can lift me, how long ago was this story.

Thanks AJ

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