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themasterkavar February 9th, 2012 05:44

Good question.
I think the first time I knew was when I saw a brief F/M lift in a movie on tv.
I was probably around 12 or so at the time.

ljakse February 9th, 2012 13:52

When I was 6, I got lifted by a little girl at same age in kindergarten. She was one of the biggest kids in our "class" and she lifted me once by surprise from behind (her front to my back). I felt aroused and got an erection, but I was't aware back then what was that, and it wasn't something I was concerned about. That was not a first time for me to get en erection.
I don't know that woman today, but I saw her father two years ago and he told me she is a scientist now.

When I was 8-11 I was often playing around with my neighbors at similar age. We used to climb on trees and lifting each other to reach high branches from a ground level. It was no matter who was boy or girl and then I never get hard when being lifted by a female friend in such a conditions. It was not sexual thing for me back then, and I haven't even heard about sex before i turned 12.

In high school I was one of the smallest and skinniest people in my class (I was a little late with body growth at my teenage, I looked like a 12 yo when I was 17). Once, when I was sitting in a frame of opened window during a break, my big breasted female classmate(who looked like a real woman) offered me to lift me in a cradle, but I refused because it was a taboo for me back then. I was thinking she can't do that. :laugh: :lol: I was about 5' 8'' / 143 and she was an inch or two shorter and about 150 lbs.

A few years later I start digging the internet in a search for some kinky sexual pictures or videos and so I found one picture of a girl in sexy white lingerie holding in a cradle another girl about same size in a matched dark blue lingerie. I liked the picture much.

After I got married, I got lifted once in an everyday situation barely off the ground by my wife and I get very excited. I think this is my real start with a l&c fetish. My wife like to lift and carry me and also to be lifted and carried by me. We do it from time to time. I must say I am still in a small frame, but not so small as I was in my late teenage. I am only 6' tall / 185 lbs for a male and my wife is in very small frame at 5' 2'' / 120 lbs, for a female.

So, I really started to be interested for l&c stuff in my early 20-s and start practicing it in real life in my late 20-s.

Muscle_Chick_Fan February 13th, 2012 16:43

At What Age Did U Get Into Lift and Carry?
It's kind of hard to say exactly which age, but I know that ever since I was in ELEMENTARY school, I had a thing for strong females performing various feats of strength.

RCDGREYSTONE80 February 17th, 2012 19:03

Looking back, I think it started to become a turn on in high school. In elementary/middle I hated it. Didn't really become comfortable until the middle of college though.

TheWolfe March 8th, 2012 23:13

My "orientation" is as a lifter and viewer of FF. My desire to lift dates back as far as my memory goes, way down in the single-digit ages. My appreciation for FF dates to about high school, probably around the same time I discovered the joys of FF porn. It just seems a natural extension to me.

josch06 December 25th, 2013 20:16

a girl in my class lifted me under the armpits when i was 12. she was very strong and loved it.

lirpaloof01 December 28th, 2013 07:44

I think I realised that I wanted to be lifted and carried by strong powerful women when I first saw The Avengers (tv series 60's) with Honor Blackman and Diana Rigg throwing men around.......

Baasda January 4th, 2014 04:59

at 10 years i feel already a strange actraction in woman lifting, but i'had the proof when i get lifted by a girl.

when i was 13 i was very small for my size and at the party for closing year in my school, one girl, more tall and big than me, wanted pick me up on her shoulders. my reply was no for the first and the second time, because i was afraid to hurt myself or being laughed from other mate, but when i watched her i felt positive sensations in being lifted, so i climbed on (from a chair) and i become sure about my fetish about 2 seconds after i was up on her shoulders :w00t: she balanced me very well and walked around for about 1 minutes, near at others girls, then i request her to put me down.
my big terror was she could discovered my fetish because my pressure was straight on her neck. Luckly she dont feel nothing.

amazite January 26th, 2014 06:09

It was a taboo during most of my childhood. I rarely got lifted and carried back then. A few older or bigger female cousins broke the taboo when they lifted me by surprise. I felt more liberated than embarrassed. It wasn't a sexual thing with them. It was like a freeing thing that broke the psychological barriers for me. I discovered that I really wouldn't mind it all that much if I got lifted by girls.

I've been into FEMALE/FEMALE l&c since I saw a movie with a l&c scene in it when I was five. I've been into it ever since then.

TheWolfe January 27th, 2014 04:38


Originally Posted by amazite (Post 129122)
It was a taboo during most of my childhood. I rarely got lifted and carried back then. A few older or bigger female cousins broke the taboo when they lifted me by surprise. I felt more liberated than embarrassed. It wasn't a sexual thing with them. It was like a freeing thing that broke the psychological barriers for me. I discovered that I really wouldn't mind it all that much if I got lifted by girls.

I've been into FEMALE/FEMALE l&c since I saw a movie with a l&c scene in it when I was five. I've been into it ever since then.

Do you remember what movie it was?

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